Jquery :: How To Implement Slideshow On Website
Jul 1, 2010
I can write the most basic codes but even then it really doesn't make sense. On my website I am trying to implement a JavaScript slideshow from this website: [URL]. I do everything as it says, but the images don't even show up. Here is a link to my website where the problem is, you can view the source to see my xhtml code (please note my site isn't even close to being done.): [URL]. The slideshow should be showing up in a right next to where it says "Design is our Passion."
Here is the code for the slideshow which the site I got the script said to do:
<div id="slider">
<img src="Assets/slideshow_assets/stereosound.jpg" alt="" title="Business Card design for StereoSound." />
<img src="Assets/slideshow_assets/triflex.jpg" alt="" title="Logo design for TriFlex Labs." />
Here are both of the CSS files that the slideshow uses:
* jQuery Nivo Slider v2.0
* [URL]
* Copyright 2010, Gilbert Pellegrom
* Free to use and abuse under the MIT license.
* [URL]
* March 2010
/* The Nivo Slider styles */
.nivoSlider {
.nivoSlider img {
} .....
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Nov 25, 2009
I am using a simple prototype slideshow and a more comprehensive jquery slideshow on my website.When these are used on the same webpage on my website there appears to be a collision: (For example)Code:element.attachEvent is not a function[Break on this error] element.attachEvent("on" + actualEventName, responder); How can I avoid the conflict without reverting to a new slideshow?
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Jul 25, 2011
I have written a javascript slideshow with pause-play-next-previous buttons, but the images are too many and users have to wait too long especially with slower connections - i wonder if anybody can suggest a way to implement the script with fast preloading of the first few images, increment preloading or a similar trick. I will copy my code below but i also copy first this link:
which is an example of increment loading slideshow working fine! javascript and i wouldnt know how to customize it in order to take away the link function, that i dont need, and add captions and buttons etc.
I do know some jquery plugin could do but i am trying to go more into the code, even though i still need a lot of advices and tutorials, the goal is solving this specific problem but also learning! Thx a lot in advance.
Here my code (just 2 images here in the list to make it shorter for you, the complete list is more than 50 pics!):
<script language="JavaScript">
var interval = 8000;
var random_display = 0;
var imageDir = "portraits/";
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Oct 14, 2011
Anyone has an easy way to implement a back button on a ajax website. I nice easy step by step tutorial would be nice.
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Dec 28, 2010
I am trying to do implementation of the Nivo Slideshow on my website. I've been at it for a couple of days now and I'm just about ready to give up:
Here's my markup:
<div id="slider">
<img src="/images/Slide1.png" alt="" title="Dead Kool"/>
<a href="[URL]"><img src="/images/Slide2.png" alt="" title="Alex Kidd" /></a>
<img src="/images/Slide3.png" alt="" title="Asteroids" />
#slider {
background-position:-10px 30px;
} .....
Slider CSS:
* jQuery Nivo Slider v2.3
* [URL]
* Copyright 2010, Gilbert Pellegrom
* Free to use and abuse under the MIT license.
* [URL]
* March 2010
*/ .....
The test site is here [URL]. For some reason I just can't get it to work.
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Aug 5, 2009
Does anyone know of a good webscript slideshow on a loop that I can use in a website ? code...
Change the image every few seconds.
Slip into any element of the webpage.
All images will be the same size. Some landscape, some portrait.
Looking for this to work all in client’s scripting. or maybe AJAX
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Jul 19, 2011
Been looking around for 3 days now, I found exactly the style that I want, have images on my web site, all I need is for someone to show, explain to me how exactly this pagination or whatever it is works, how do i select which actual images from my site or where to be shown in the main window and also the thumbnails below?
as I said, I already know what kind of slide show I want, it's in this link the lower right version of slideshow with the pics of two horses and stuff: [URL] I already have the script on my site but but can't figure out how to place my images: [URL] and I want THUMBNAILS on the bottom like in the first link.... not the text
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Aug 18, 2010
So Im trying to create a slideshow with thumbnails the user can scroll through and use to navigate the slideshow. I'm a big fan of cycle so I wanted to use that as my main slideshow component and was planning on using jcarousel for the pager. So far it works great in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari, yet in IE the thumbnails are not loading. I'm guessing it has something to do with how the images in the pager are generated and then jcarousel just isnt proccessing that in IE but I 'm not sure. I feel like I'm very close to getting this slideshow to work, yet I need to figure out why it is failing in IE.
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Jun 1, 2011
i have a small image slideshow i want add a text slideshow to image slideshow. how is it?
my code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"/>
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Nov 30, 2010
I have a ajax program on a page on website A. And I need to let it talk to a program on website B. I tried to put website B into the url of the parameter but it doesn't work.It gives me a "[objet XMLHttpRequest]" error.here is the code on website A:
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Mar 18, 2010
I want to implement the jQuery GUID Helper plugin into my web app but I don't know what's the "best practice" method of incorporating it into my code.I'm basically creating a cart system from scratch (figured it was asufficientlycomplicated system to use when learning jQuery). When the visitor first adds an item to their cart is when I wanted to create the GUID for the visitor. I have a cart-handler.js script that I link to from the item view page:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/cart-handler.js"></script>
That script's first line is my$(document).ready(function(){ and the script handles AJAX calls to loading the data into cart record in my MySQL database, updates the cart total on the items page, and changes the button from "Add Item" to "Update Quantity".So would I need to link to the jquery.Guid.js script right from the view items file for my item view page? Or can I reference the plugin from the cart-handler.js file?
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Jun 11, 2010
I am replacing a simple click function with the mousehold function using the mousehold plugin. For some reason it is not working.
//Do somethoing here each time the Timeout Occurs
//End Window Load Function
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Jul 15, 2009
I am trying to do something like this.if a button is clicked call one function
////call one function
else call another function. how to implement if else in a clicked event.
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May 21, 2010
I am trying to implement a version of the datepicker. However, I would like the calendar to open in a modal dialog box rather than sliding open next to the text box.This is the closest example I've been able to find, but there are a few issues - I would like the user to click on the text box to change the input, and obviously the small input box in the corner of the calendar is a problem...
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Apr 21, 2009
Having some problems trying to implement the frameReady plugin for jQuery, has anyone used it successfully? Support seems to have dried up a few years ago and I don't think the normal javascript way of targeting iFrames is going to be flexible enough to service my needs!
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Jan 28, 2010
The javascripts files in my website are constantly getting injected with malicious codes which redirects my website
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Jan 8, 2012
How I can implement JQuery UI Tabbs into my WordPress Blogs Side Bar. What would be the most appropriate place to ask this question as I have zero experience with any of this and I am using the Genesis Framework for my Blog which can be found here[url]
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Sep 23, 2011
The functionality I want is demostrated on: [url]
The first row of thumbnails does what I want. I have the couple function:
And the HTML source is:
But this means the A elements have to be a direct descendant of thumbnails. I would like all A descendants to be overridden, so I can do something like:
<div id="thumbnails2">
Is this possible?
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May 3, 2011
I have an unique requirement that needs to be able to click and move between two lists.Each list is compose of an outer <div> and several inner <div>s. When user click on one of the inner div item, it will move from one list to another. To make more sense:
<div id="LeftSelect">
<div>Item 1<div>
<div>Item 2<div>
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Jun 9, 2010
provide code or suggestions on how to implement single file upload using jQuery or AJAX.
It should submit to servlet.
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May 16, 2011
I am using jquery autocomplete to retrieve values from database I need to implement empty item validation the point is that if there is no value in database user can insert it with bottom which appears somewhere in form. I try to usesearch: function () but can't figure out how to catch item length.
,search: function(event, ui) {
//Your ajax parameters...
//success: function(data) { //No idea what format your data is in...
// if(data['status'] == false) { //there is no result
//if ( ui.item == '')
if (ui.length < 2) {
// handle no data case specially
alert('test no date');
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Aug 31, 2011
I'm trying to implement a simple menu with html + jquery. I have a standard html table as the main menu bar at the top of the page. Up until now the menu was only 1 level deep. However, now there have been multiple reports added so these new reports need to be added as Report submenu items.
I've created some additional table rows with cells that align under the Reports menu item. Then I've wired up the mouseover event of the Reports cell to display the report submenus underneath it.
What's the best way to hide the submenu items when that part of the menu loses focus? I've wired up the onmouseout of the main Reports menu item to hide the submenu items but this isn't right because the user should be allowed to move focus from the main menu item to the submenu item without the submenu items getting hidden.
Also, when I dynamically show the submenu item rows this pushes down the rest of the content on the page. How can make the submenu table rows *overlay* the page content below it?
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Dec 29, 2005
I'm trying to code a feature for my website using DHTML where the person viewing the website can rotate between viewing the positive/negative points of the website being reviewed. This example was in the publication called Using HTML 4 by Lee Anne Phillips. Code:
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Sep 3, 2009
I have autocomplete working for a list of colors(red, green, blue, etc). I created an array of $id's to match each color. For example if someone types and selects "red", I want it to go to a page like mypage.php?id=1. How can I (1) parse the ids in the array and (2) implement the result()
function so that it links to a page and posts the proper $id? I have a live example with source code here: [URL].. and if you would be kind enough to be as explicit as you can with examples on how to make an autocomplete result link to a page and pass an $id.[URL]..
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May 3, 2009
I try to implement a picture as a cluetip that should show up when the user touches the homepage logo. I tried different things but did not
make it properly. the logo had an awful border in the colors of the links and in Firefox 3 the cluetip did not show.
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Aug 21, 2009
I'm trying to implement the Growl option for the blockUI plugin, the "hard" way ( as seen here: http:[url].... second to last example). The reason why I'm going the "hard" way is because I'd like to have multiple Growl messages - one for an error,one for a success, etc, all of which have different background images / styles (ex: a red X for error, a green checkmark for a success).The "easy" growl method, while allowing for different text content,only allows for one style. Thus I'm trying to get around this limitation using the "hard" way:
message: $('div.growlUI'),
fadeIn: 700, [code]...
subsequently adding different styles in my stylesheet. Yet I get an error that says "data.parent = node.parentNode", when I try and run the above code. Has anyone had any luck getting *different* growl messages with different styles/images in them to run on the same page?
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