JQuery :: Use To Implement Dual Select List Using DIV?
May 3, 2011
I have an unique requirement that needs to be able to click and move between two lists.Each list is compose of an outer <div> and several inner <div>s. When user click on one of the inner div item, it will move from one list to another. To make more sense:
<div id="LeftSelect">
<div>Item 1<div>
<div>Item 2<div>
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Jun 9, 2009
I have a page that displays a list of people playing in a tournament. I need to be able to generate a Leaderboard based on which players are manually selected by the admin. Next to each person there is a drop-down list. An admin can go in and select a "slot" that a player should be in on the leader board from 1 to 8, or leave it blank if none. What I need to figure out how to do is the following, when a change event happens on a drop-down list, and say the value 5 is selected, I need to check to make sure that 5 is not already selected in one of the other players drop-down lists, in other words, that the 5th leaderboard slot is not already full. if it is, display an error message and make them change that one first. how to do that with jQuery? I'm thinking it will have something to do with the each() function, but not sure exactly how the logic should work.
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Aug 14, 2009
I have a MySQL table with 90 columns and I want the users to be able to select any columns they concern and output the result accordingly. In the front-end, I can use a group of checkbox which looks very ugly and I can not setup the orders for selected columns. Is there a plug-in or some examples in jQuery, that I can make 2 parallel boxes (i.e. an original-box and a selected-box). the original- box lists all of the column names at the beginning and there is a way to move items between two boxes. And the order of items in the selected-box can be adjusted. the items in the selected-box will be used to build into an array in my backend code.
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Jun 23, 2009
is there a way to select all values of a multiple select list by default?
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Jun 27, 2010
I know that normally you can get the selected value of a select list by using :selected. But in my scenerio I have a number of rows in my table that are added dynamically and the inputs all have prefixes through which I select them. But once I select them I'm not quite sure how to get to the values of the select list. Here's what I have already and I get undefined for the list value.[code]...
If I instead do this I get the correct value but it's not specifying the list to get the value from so I'm afraid that if I have more than 1 select list it might get the value from the wrong list.[code]...
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Jun 30, 2009
I've been beating my head against a wall for a few days trying to get this working. I'm trying to create a dynamic menu where a user selects one item and another select list is shown, then another and another (and so on). Here is my JS, it *should* be taking the ID of the div, comparing it to the selected value and then showing another div by settings it's class property to visible:
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Jan 4, 2011
When a user changes the select list called "reason_code_master" I need the uodatecodes() function to update all the other select list with the id of "reason_codes" with the same . How can I do this.
<select size='1' onchange="updatecodes()" name='reason_code_master'>
<option value='' > - SET REASON - </option>
<option value='BROKEN' >BROKEN</option>
<option value='ENTERED' >ENTERED</option>
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Aug 26, 2010
Is there a jQuery plugin that will create a list box where each item in the list box is a DIV container with other elements?
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May 10, 2010
I'm a newbie. I have just working with jQuery for 2 hours. For example I have a drop down list like this:
If I select Fruit, another drop down list appers and give me some selections:
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Mar 17, 2011
I have got a basic Unordered list of Options and I want to be able to click on one of the options and have that option added as a value to a Form Value Input on my submit form.Users will have a choice of around 200 options and I need them to just add one of them with a click to the submit form.I do not want to use a 'select' box to list the options,it has to be a visiable unordered list.
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Aug 3, 2009
I have a multiple select list
<select id=mylist name=mylist[]>
<option id=1>first</option>
<option id=2>second</option>
<option id=3>third</option>
<option id=4>fourth</option>
<option id=5>fifth</option>
Then I have a string of id's that I want to set to selected like so.
var selectedIds = '1,3,5';
Is it possible to use jquery (preferably in a one liner) to set first, third and fifth to selected.?
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Aug 28, 2009
I need to be able to trigger (open) a select list when I click on adiv.I would love something like this to be possible:
<div onclick="$('select[name="menu"]').open">Click me</div>
<select name="menu" style="display:none">
<option value="option1">Option 1</option>
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Feb 3, 2011
How I populate fields of a form with the data that relates to an item from a list box that user selects
List box contains item1, item2, item3
User selects item2 so want data connected to item2 displayed so it can be edited and updated.
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Feb 7, 2011
Can anyone please tell me how to select only top level list items?[code]...
The answer I'm looking for is 3, since that is how many main listitems there are. How can I target only these main items?[code]...
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Feb 26, 2009
I use CMSMS alot and there is a drop down menu in the admin area to choose a parent item, it shows all parent items and I wanted it to be dynamic to just show top level siblings and children
I spent all day creating a jquery script to filter the list which works just fine in fire fox but IE does not support display:none on html option tags
My options are coloured white at the moment but it would be good if I could get them to disappear all together.
I have tried duplicating the object and using that as a reference and tried a global object but i could not get either to work
code below no jquery i am sure you have that already.
My code is probably a little sketchy my mind was blown after lunch.
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May 7, 2010
I have a simple select list and all I need to do is to feed whatever option is selected into a textfield above it.This works fine in FF but IE doesn't even recognise the click.If you vist http:[url]....and go to the bottom of the page, you'll see the silver color background select list.The "type of event" text field above is supposed to recieve the text of the option set in the select list.I have experimented with 2 bits of code, as follows:
$('#custom-taxonomy-list option').each(
//alert('option: '+$(this).text());[code]....
Both work great in FF but not IE - it just won't respond to the 'click' event.
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Jun 10, 2010
I was wondering if there was a jquery plugin that will allow me to show images in a select menu item kind of like the way myspace has there mood icons
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Sep 10, 2009
Im using a plugin called select chain and modified it a bit. Right now im trying to pass only selected values of a multi select list through ajax. The following function does a bit more but im concerned with the part that says cust_val: customer.val().join(",") This should return only selected values. This is what happens if i put it in an alert(). however when i check firebug to see what was posted it shows the entire list. I've tried alternatives like option:selected.... they all work for aler() .. the info passed through ajax shows the entire list.
target: market,
url: callback_url,
type: "POST",
data: { ajax: true, multsel: market_selects, cust_val:
customer.val().join(",") }
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Jul 6, 2009
When using a select combo box that has multiple selections enabled, my server was not seeing it as an array. It was only seeing it as a single variable value. All I did to correct this was add [] and the end of the name attribute.
[code]<select name="categories[]" id="categories" multiple="multiple"
Now my LAMP server sees this variable as an array in the $_REQUEST
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Jul 30, 2009
I have a select list that is populated from a mysql DB with 3 names in it. I've created buttons to allow my users to move the names up or down inside the select list.
I'd like to put a save button at the bottom of the form that when clicked, runs a jquery function to read each value of the list and put them into a hidden tag or something that gets submitted to my next form.
I've been trying different combo's of items I've found on the internet, but nothing seems to work for my application.
I have considered updating the table everytime an item is moved, but I just dont have the jquery/javascript experience to pull it off.
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Sep 29, 2010
I have a select list #technology. Due to some back end processing it's default value is "0" (Please Select) I am trying to write a validation rule to make it required. The problem I'm having is that if you hit submit when it shows "Please Select" which has the value="0" then make a different selection it's not removing the error msg. Also if you hit submit multiple times when it is showing Please Select it just keeps adding the error msg
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Jul 20, 2005
Is there a way of controlling (i.e., using windows.open ) which screen
new windows are to appear in, when I have multiple screens ?
Is that a programming issue, or does it have to do with the OS?
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Apr 14, 2009
I have this code that I use to display and grab data from 2 tables in mysql into 2 dropdown menus.
When I select in dropdown menu 1 an item (with ID in database, the first table has fields: ProgrammaID, Programma).
Then in de second dropdown menu the particulair item with this same ID as the selected one in menu 1 need to be shown. The second table has fields: ProjectID, ProgrammaID, Project.
The ProgrammaID from table1 is also in table2 (designed by our previous designer).
Now I can select an item from dropdown menu 1 but the second dropdown menu isn't shown the items as should be.
Here is the code I use:
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Oct 21, 2010
I'm after a drop down script that basically you press categories and down it drops with say one side products by category the left side and say product by price the right side.[url]... do it when you click on one of the top links I'm just not sure of the name and the most easiest to implement?
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Sep 13, 2002
I have seen this quesion asked in various forms but the general idea of the question is "How do I make a rollover image clickable". Usually the asker wants to have the image stay on when clicked. Here is a little script that will do that and more..
This is the main code that goes in the HEAD section of your document.
<script type="text/javascript">
* Dual/Tri/Quad state rollovers from www.javascript-fx.com
* posted at and available from www.codingforums.com
* You may use this code on any website but please
* leave this comment intact.
var img= new Array();
var di= document.images;
var currOn= null;
function Rollover(imgName, imgOut, imgOver, imgClick, imgClickOut)
if(imgClick == null)imgClick = imgOver;
if(imgClickOut == null)imgClickOut= imgClick;
var roll = new Object;
roll.out= imgOut;
roll.over= new Image();
roll.over.src= imgOver;
roll.click= new Image();
roll.click.src= imgClick;
roll.click_out= new Image();
roll.click_out.src = imgClickOut;
img[imgName] = roll;
function mOver(imgName)
di[imgName].src = (imgName != currOn) ? img[imgName].over.src : img[imgName].click.src;
function mOut(imgName)
di[imgName].src = (imgName != currOn) ? img[imgName].out : img[imgName].click_out.src;
function mClick(imgName)
if(currOn != null) di[currOn].src = img[currOn].out;
currOn = imgName;
di[currOn].src = img[currOn].click.src;
function mSelect(imgName)
/*** End the rollover code ***/
This is the code to define rollovers and is also placed in the HEAD of your document
<script type="text/javascript">
Rollover("home", "images/home_off.gif", "images/home_on.gif");
Rollover("email", "images/email_off.gif", "images/email_on.gif");
Rollover("script", "images/script_off.gif", "images/script_on.gif");
Rollover("links", "images/links_off.gif", "images/links_on.gif");
Where the syntax is
Rollover(Name, offImage, onImage);
Then to use the code in a rollover image the HTML in the BODY of your page should look like this
<A HREF="#"
onMouseOut="mOut('home');"><img name="home"
src="images/home_off.gif" border=0></A><br>
NOTE: The name if the image must match the Rollover name
--- <img name="home"
--- Rollover("home", "images/home_off.gif", "images/home_on.gif");
If you use the script in this form you will get something like this demo
Dual State Rollovers (http://www.javascript-fx.com/post/codeforums/quadroll/QuadState2img.html)
If you want the clicked image to be a third image you define the rollovers as follows :-
<script type="text/javascript">
Rollover("home", "images/home_off.gif", "images/home_on.gif", "images/home_clk.gif");
Rollover("email", "images/email_off.gif", "images/email_on.gif", "images/email_clk.gif");
Rollover("script", "images/script_off.gif", "images/script_on.gif", "images/script_clk.gif");
Rollover("links", "images/links_off.gif", "images/links_on.gif", "images/links_clk.gif");
Where the syntax is
Rollover(Name, offImage, onImage, clickedImage)
Which results in this demo
Tri State Rollovers (http://www.javascript-fx.com/post/codeforums/quadroll/QuadState3img.html)
If you want to have a clicked image and have that clicked image also have a (different) rollover effect you define the rollovers as follows :-
<script type="text/javascript">
Rollover("home", "images/home_off.gif", "images/home_on.gif", "images/home_clk.gif", "images/home_clk_off.gif");
Rollover("email", "images/email_off.gif", "images/email_on.gif", "images/email_clk.gif", "images/email_clk_off.gif");
Rollover("script", "images/script_off.gif", "images/script_on.gif", "images/script_clk.gif", "images/script_clk_off.gif");
Rollover("links", "images/links_off.gif", "images/links_on.gif", "images/links_clk.gif", "images/links_clk_off.gif");
Where the syntax is:
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Sep 8, 2009
I am needing a dual thirty minute countdown timer. They would appear side-by-side and there would be a start button. Once the first one is finished it would automatically initiate the second.
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