JQuery :: Scrollto Duration - Add Scrolling Buttons That Scroll The Page Onmousover
Oct 12, 2009
I'm trying to add scrolling buttons that scroll the page onmousover. They work great, however, since the duration is a fixed value, and the distance changes based on how far the user scrolls, it sometimes scrolls fine (when the distance and duration are proportioned), and very slow (when the duration is way higher than the distance)...
Is there any way to change the duration based on the distance?
To make some sort of "speed" setting, instead of a constant duration?
Here is the code
It just scrolls a div that has overflown content.
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Oct 24, 2009
I have a div with an image in it that when clicked steps the page to the right by 600px
this is it:
$.scrollTo( {top:'-=0px', left:'+=600px'}, 800 );
What i want to do is remove the button when the page cant scroll any further to the right. then re add it when i go left again. if this makes any sense!
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May 15, 2011
I currently have a webpage that scrolls between content divs with a little 'next' 'prev' next to each div them, it works fine but when you view on a larger res screen you see more than just one set of 'next' 'prev' which leads to confusion, I would like to have two fixed nav's that navigate between the parts of the page
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May 25, 2010
I'm trying to implement scrollTo functionality on document ready, but running into a problem (it's not scrolling... to).
However, currently i'm having an even simpler problem...
Given the following html, i expect an alert box to display the offset position, but i get 'null'.
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Jul 30, 2010
I am at a complete loss with this plugin, so I'm hoping someone here can help me. And if after reading my post, someone can come up with a better, less frustrating plugin, I would really appreciate it. The plug-in author's site is: [URL]... The gist of it is that I am making a website for a restaurant. They want the menu to horizontally scroll between the sections of food, and within each section, have a vertically scrollable (via scroll bar) text menu in two columns. When you click on the section in the nav menu, it's supposed to take you to that food section via horizontal animated scroll. The link below is the sample page I'm testing on, and an image is attached to show you the idea of what it's supposed to look like:[URL].. That is the sample page with the JQuery.ScrollTo plugin installed.When I shrink the page, it looks like the animation *is* working (by the window scroll bars moving), just not correctly, since it's not moving the divs.
Image of what each food section should look like: Maybe this is a case of me not having the divs set up correctly with CSS? I'm not sure, I've dug myself into a messy hole.
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Nov 7, 2010
I use the jQuery scrollTo plugin to scroll my page on navigation link click. The problem is that if the user starts trying to scroll the page while the plugin is scrolling the page, they start to fight with each other.I'm looking for a way to either stop automatic page scrolling by scrollTo when the user starts scrolling the page or to disable user scrolling until the page finishes scrolling itself. I've found code that lets me detect scrolling and stop scrolling, but it includes scrolling by the plugin in a scroll() event. You can see that code here:
HTML Code:
$(".navigation a").click(function(){
var slow = 4500;
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Jun 9, 2010
I've got a project that slides vertically in conjunction with the nav menu. I've also got a scroll bar setup, in case the user has javascript is disabled. Both them work correctly, independent of each other; page slides or scrolls. But, I noticed that when I use the nav menu to navigate, the scroll bar gets bigger and fills the entire side instead of moving with the page.
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Feb 17, 2011
jQuery - Scrolling browser Window. I have two demos of scrolling page content with jQuery.
This one - [url] is scrolling the contents inside a container and it works as I wanted on Mac/PC
I need the same effect as above but I need to scroll the whole browser window.
I have a demo here - [url]
Problem here is on the Mac the transition are jumpy and it seems to flash the first yellow div before sliding up or down. Testing on a PC it will slide down but won't slide up. How can I get the whole browser window to slide up and down with a smooth transition.
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Jan 6, 2010
I am using jScrollPane on this Wordpress-powered site [URL]... rporation/ at the right for the logo thumbnails. Now I want to use the [URL]..... ollTo.html functionality to vertically align the thumbnail of the current project so that people don't get lost in navigation. In other words: on page load, the jScrollPane should auto scroll to the thumbnail which belongs to that project. I've managed to give the current thumbnail a class called 'currentthunb'.
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Jul 1, 2010
I have a site that made extensive use of javascript event handlers embedded in the html. I am trying to port the code to jquery and I notice that after the conversion, pages don't scroll as fast or smoothly as they did before. I actually notice this on many sites that make use of jquery or some other jscript library. What causes this behavior, and is there anything that can be done to minimize the sluggishness of the site?
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Mar 29, 2010
I am creating a website that uses columns (example) and I would like to be able to click left and right buttons to scroll horizontally one column at a time without the header and footer scrolling with the content.
I have tried using Scrollable and JCarousel but both require you to scroll through a set of list items. I need to be able to scroll 320px at a time. Is this possible?
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Jun 28, 2003
Now i know this is possible as ive seen it on a number of sites before. But as usual when i want something i cant find it.
Basically, i want to make a small part of my page scrolling use 2 buttons labelled "up" and "down". I want it to have the same effect as a scrollbar. if this doesnt make sense. let me know and ill try and find an example.
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Jun 5, 2010
i have a long vertical page 9000px wide. each page "area" is 1500px wide. overflow is hidden.
1. when a link is clicked to scroll to the next page area i.e. click "next" and the page scrolls to x=1500px and the edge of the page aligns with the viewports 0,0 coordinates. as you would get in flash.
2. when you hover the mouse over an area to the right of the viewport the page scrolls to the right, when you hover to the left likewise.
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Jun 28, 2002
This is my second attempt at code to allow the user to view a table by navigating through a page using customised buttons. Although all buttons work on the 'MouseDown', event, the 'MouseUp' is not working. Any ideas? Code:
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Aug 13, 2009
I know that iframes can be set to have scroll bars automatically apear when needed or put them there permanantly. However, I would like to have a Javascript slider on the topmost page scroll the iframe. It was possible to make a link on the topmost page change the content of the iframe by putting the iframe name in the link's target. Is this possible with a slider? I ask this because some of the content inside the iframe is on external pages so obviously we can't add the scroll bar there.
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Aug 18, 2011
I am trying to display testimonials on my website in an iframe. This way I can utilize the scrolling feature if needed and keep the page from changing sizes due to the length of the testimonial. I can also change the testimonials order and content easily. I am trying to make a "next" and "previous" button that will sit on the main page (not in the iframe) and cycle through the testimonials. However I am having trouble with this as I am trying to use an array. This is my current code for the Next button. The idea is to check to see if the testimonial is on the last document. If so display the first testimonial in the array. "Else" change to the next testimonial in the array.
var myTests=new Array();
var numTests = myTests.length;
var curTests = 0
function nextTests()
if (curTest <= numTests)
Then I am using a simple button to call the function "onclick"
<button type="button" onclick="nextTests()">next</button>
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Jun 11, 2010
I'm trying to add a back and forward button to some scrolling images. The code that handels this runs on load and will cycle the images.
function rotater() {
if(document.layers) {
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May 5, 2009
I have an iFrame that will eventually have a set of images that you can scroll through using a previous and next button below them. Right now there are only two images. I had the next/previous javascript working when I had four placeholders, but now the client only wants two images up and when you are on the second image and hit next, it goes to a blank screen. Here's the iFrame of the images: [URL]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]">
<script type="text/javascript" src="nextPrevious.js"></script>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
background-color: #000000; .....
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Sep 25, 2009
how to make an image/text to scroll as the user scroll the page also? for example if the user scrolls down image/text also scrolls down and when the user scrolls up image/text also scrolls up..
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Jun 13, 2006
Does anyone know of a script that makes a div tag and its contents scroll down the page automatically when you scroll?
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Oct 31, 2010
Im new to javascript and I need to make a website for my computer science class that includes a photo gallery within a table and there has to be two buttons on top so you can scroll through the pictures.. a next and a back button. here is a link to the assignment [url]..
Here is our teachers example[url].. I tried to make my website but i am stuck!
Heres the code:
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Dec 28, 2009
I have 10 buttons on a page, and 10 more "onmouseover buttons" that correlate to the first set. Each button or onmouseover button is only 1-2KB! But I can still hold the mouse over a button for a couple seconds until it loads the onmouseover button. I'm using javascript to have the buttons change. The page does load a 2MB video. Could that be the cause? Can I tell it to load the buttons first somehow?
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May 17, 2011
I wish to have 3 frames left to right, an them to resize as i hover over each frame to specific percentage widths.[code]...
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Dec 20, 2009
I am trying to get an image to 'bounce' onmousover.
I have a menu with 3 images that onmouseover, I would like to move up and back down -- a bounce effect basically.
I have tried (adapting a script), the image moves up, then it goes down and down and down hahahhhaha ahah ha hahaa
If anybody could point me in the right direction to find a script or would like to share one, that would be fatastic.
Testing with one image:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
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Jun 15, 2011
I am having a problem using the Taconite plugin. It doesn't seem to be using the duration specified when using the effects. Link to my fiddle replicating the problem - [URL] I.e.
<fadeOut select='h1' value = '2000'/>
This should make the <h1> fade out over a duration of 2000ms. However it seems to fade out using its default duration. If I change to
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Aug 10, 2011
I'm using a JQuery function to slide a div into and out of visibility, but every time I toggle, the browser resets my view to the top of the web page..What I want to happen is when you click to reveal the div, the page scrolls down and the div content is in full view. When I click again to re-hide the div, I want the page to scroll back up smoothly instead of just reverting to the top of the whole page...The page url is: http:[url]....Here's my code:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
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