Set Images And Scroll Through Using Previous / Next Buttons
May 5, 2009
I have an iFrame that will eventually have a set of images that you can scroll through using a previous and next button below them. Right now there are only two images. I had the next/previous javascript working when I had four placeholders, but now the client only wants two images up and when you are on the second image and hit next, it goes to a blank screen. Here's the iFrame of the images: [URL]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]">
<script type="text/javascript" src="nextPrevious.js"></script>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
background-color: #000000; .....
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Jan 2, 2011
I'm still a beginner to javaScript, but I'm trying to write a script for a simple image change using next and previous buttons. The following script works, except that the images do not rotate in the desired order. The script works as long as you don't switch from next to previous, which is when the wrong images are shown.
<title>Button Click 12</title>
<style type="text/css">
button {
border:1px solid red;
padding:2px 20px;
margin:0 5px;
} .....
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May 25, 2007
I'm looking to make a list of products with 5 products per page. Therefore if there are, for example, 23 products, I want a page selector on the page that looks a bit like this:
Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next
I will place this in as an include.
I don't seem to be able to make the previous and next buttons work though. I've tried to make it work using the following code... I'm probably doing something stupidly wrong.
i have pages titled "england_1.htm", "england_2.htm" etc... Code:
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Dec 17, 2010
i got a video page, which has images in it, each image is a link to a different video, i want to make it so when 2 lines of images reached, there'll be a button named Next (or anything, doesn't matter) to lead to the Next page of images, note that i want only the part iwth the images to change while using those buttons, not the whole page,the images are built in this way :
<a title="header=[header] body=[<b>Video Author:</b> Author] delay=[100] fade=[off]" href="#" onclick="ytplayer.loadVideoById('Link', 0)"><img src="photos/1.jpg'" onmouseover="this.src='photos/2.jpg'" onmouseout="this.src='photos/1.jpg'"/></a>
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Oct 21, 2010
The images stop at image 3; if I press next it doesn't loop. How can I make it continuously go round and round when I press next/previous? I'm new to JavaScript and I found this script online ( might be old ) and I just need to use it for a simple gallery where images switch as I press the navigation. My problem is that when I preview the design in my browser ( Safari & Firefox ) is doesn't work. Nothing happens, they are marked as links, but I just can't click them.
<script type="text/javascript">
* DHTML slideshow script- Dynamic Drive DHTML code library
* This notice must stay intact for legal use
* Visit [URL] for full source code
var photos=new Array()
var photoslink=new Array()
var which=0
//define images. You can have as many as you want:
//Specify whether images should be linked or not (1=linked)
var linkornot=0 .....
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Aug 1, 2011
For instance I want to display some announcements from an external text file on a predefined box, like lets say 140 wide and height scalable according to text. The texts would be some announcements from me, a few words. I want the text justified and with previous / next link, if possible. And when they navigate to another page, they will get a random message in that box. There are news tickers on the net, but I just want something simple like this, no scrolling, fading, etc..
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Jul 27, 2011
I just implemented Cycle on a site and - call me dumb! - I just can't get next / previous buttons to work…
Here's my jQuery code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#maininfo').cycle({ fx: 'scrollLeft',
prev: '#prevBtn a',
I also tried fx: 'scrollHorz' but that didn't change anything.
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Jun 1, 2011
I've been working on a Javascript slideshow and have it working except for one problem that when the "next" or "previous" button is clicked for the first time, it skips the following slide. As a bit of a background, my client wants the slideshow to load a random slide when the window is opened, and also play the slideshow in a random order. However, when the "next" or "previous" button is clicked, it is meant to go to the correct sequential slide. For example, if it randomly loaded on slide 5 it should go to slide 6 if "next" is clicked and slide 4 if "previous" is clicked.
If nothing is clicked it will just go to another random slide. Once a button is clicked the client wants the slideshow to stop. I have all of this working, except when the "next" or "previous" buttons are first clicked, one slide is skipped. After clicking the buttons for a second time, it works fine. For example, if it starts on 5 and the "next" button is clicked it goes to 7 instead of 6. However, if it is clicked again, it works fine. The same is true for the "previous" button, altough it does not go to the incorrect slide but takes two clicks to go to the previous, correct slide. You can see what I'm talking about here: [URL]
My code is below.
var SlideShowSpeed = 6000;
var CrossFadeDuration = 20;
var Picture = new Array();
var Description= new Array();
var Header= new Array(); .....
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Aug 18, 2011
I am trying to display testimonials on my website in an iframe. This way I can utilize the scrolling feature if needed and keep the page from changing sizes due to the length of the testimonial. I can also change the testimonials order and content easily. I am trying to make a "next" and "previous" button that will sit on the main page (not in the iframe) and cycle through the testimonials. However I am having trouble with this as I am trying to use an array. This is my current code for the Next button. The idea is to check to see if the testimonial is on the last document. If so display the first testimonial in the array. "Else" change to the next testimonial in the array.
var myTests=new Array();
var numTests = myTests.length;
var curTests = 0
function nextTests()
if (curTest <= numTests)
Then I am using a simple button to call the function "onclick"
<button type="button" onclick="nextTests()">next</button>
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Feb 5, 2006
I found a great slideshow script i'd like to use @ Dynamic Drive.
It does everything i want, except allowing the user to navigate to the Previous slide and Next slide. Basically, i'm trying to emulate what MSN already has on their home page.
Anyway, tried for a bit to get this thing working but unfortunately i'm a super-newb so no luck. Here's a sample page. Code:
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Jun 7, 2009
I have spent the last 6 hours working on this, and I am about to lose my sanity. I need your help very desparately. I want to create some radio buttons for building a computer for a class project. Basically, what I have now is the radio buttons in separate groups, and a function that calculates the total price of the items selected. But what I am finding impossible to get is this: I need to set it up such as that if you select a radio button in one group, it disables part of the second. What this means in my work, is that say I choose AM3 as the CPU socket, only AM3 motherboards and processors will be enabled, and the rest in these categories will be disabled.
I am trying to set it up in a way that when you first open the page, cpu, motherboard and ram groups all disabled, then based on your socket choice you get different options for motherboards and processors, and then based on your motherboard choice you get different choices for RAM.
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Jun 8, 2010
I want the next and previous buttons on my carousel to work when I hover over them.
The way it works now is that the function only fires once each time I hover over one of the buttons.
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Sep 20, 2010
i used setTimeout() function in my image gallery to scroll images , i used setTimeout("myfunction()",1) in my script. Now my image gallery is working properly but problem is that the speed of scrolling images if normal in firefox, but in internet explorer it is slow, and in google chrome it is very fast , Sir how to resolve this problem
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Nov 11, 2011
I have been using the JQuery Cycle plugin on my website and love it! It has so many options and seems customizable to do basically anything. My question is about the previous and next buttons. At the moment I am using next:'#next2, .pics img', prev:'#prev2', to make previous and next arrows underneath the image as well as use the image itself a "next" button. I would like to remove the arrows underneath the image and just use left and right halves of the image as a previous and next button. Previous being the left half and next being the right half of course. I've been searching for this being posted before and have not found any discussions on it. Also, the JQuery Slideviewer does what I'm trying to accomplish: JQuery Slideviewer Demo
if(zeroLeft >= pictWidth/2) { var uiprev = ui.parent().prev().find("a"); (jQuery(uiprev).length != 0)? uiprev.trigger("click") : ui.parent().parent().find("a:last").trigger("click"); } else { var uinext = ui.parent().next().find("a"); (jQuery(uinext).length != 0)? uinext.trigger("click") : ui.parent().parent().find("a:first").trigger("click"); }
Is there a way to incorporate this type of button in JQuery Cycle? It seems easy enough to make the image a next button I feel like dividing it between the two shouldn't be that much more difficult.
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Apr 18, 2010
[URL] I just need jquery to slide when you click the next and previous buttons in the gallery under the logo on my site.
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Nov 18, 2011
I'm in the process of creating a portfolio site for my artwork and I'm requesting help. The website has a scalable JQuery background which changes depending on which thumbnail you click.
I've uploaded the progress here:[url]
I'm using this code at the moment to scroll through the background:
Unfortunately, the bottom code overwrites the top. Is it possible for each different background image to have their own "set" of images that could be scrolled through onclick?
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Oct 31, 2010
Im new to javascript and I need to make a website for my computer science class that includes a photo gallery within a table and there has to be two buttons on top so you can scroll through the pictures.. a next and a back button. here is a link to the assignment [url]..
Here is our teachers example[url].. I tried to make my website but i am stuck!
Heres the code:
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Mar 29, 2010
I am creating a website that uses columns (example) and I would like to be able to click left and right buttons to scroll horizontally one column at a time without the header and footer scrolling with the content.
I have tried using Scrollable and JCarousel but both require you to scroll through a set of list items. I need to be able to scroll 320px at a time. Is this possible?
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Oct 12, 2009
I'm trying to add scrolling buttons that scroll the page onmousover. They work great, however, since the duration is a fixed value, and the distance changes based on how far the user scrolls, it sometimes scrolls fine (when the distance and duration are proportioned), and very slow (when the duration is way higher than the distance)...
Is there any way to change the duration based on the distance?
To make some sort of "speed" setting, instead of a constant duration?
Here is the code
It just scrolls a div that has overflown content.
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Jan 10, 2010
What im looking for is to have a database hold a list of images ( or numbers that corrospond to images)... that should be easy enough. The part im having trouble with is having these images aligned in a grid which is inside a window /frame/ box on the web page. The user can click and drag and it will move around this collection of images.....
like so (numbers represent images):
5 4 3
6 1 2
7 8 9
so if the user clicked and dragged to the right the images would then look like:
4 3 12
1 2 11
8 9 10
the new images are taken from the database and the user can drag in any direction.
even if its just what this is called that i should search for, ive tried draggable images, scrolling images etc etc
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Jun 15, 2011
I have a ordered list:
<ul class="lista">
<li> <a href="#"><img src="marcas/lacor.jpg" alt="imagem1" class="latest_img" /></a>
i have the fade effect working but i'm not able to use the slideDown effect instead. and i'd like also to have the effect to appear 1 by 1 and not all at the same time..
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May 19, 2010
I'm trying to make my sidebar show 3 images then scroll to the next 3 automatically every 3 seconds or so. (vertically)
how to do it or show a snippet of code?
I've looked up various scripts for scrolling the pictures I have on the right vertically, but I can't seem to implement any of the ones I've found. I'm not trying to ask for you to code it all for me (unless you really want to)
Here's the site: [URL]
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Mar 8, 2007
I want visitors to be able to drag large images (maps) using a mouse on various pages of my site instead of them using scroll bars. I am using Dreamweaver 8.
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May 20, 2010
I'm trying to make my sidebar show 3 images then scroll to the next 3 automatically every 3 seconds or so. (vertically)Can anyone help me out with a reference I could look at how to do it or show a snippet of code?I've looked up various scripts for scrolling the pictures I have on the right vertically, but I can't seem to implement any of the ones I've found.
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Aug 28, 2010
I've seen many website with images that load after I scroll to them. How can this be done?
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Jan 11, 2010
Is jquery the right language to do this in? If it is, can someone point me to a relevant tutorial or example to get me started? Iwantthe text of my site to flow around a fixed background image while scrolling. Doesn't sound too hard but I can't find anything that will do that. I'm starting to think it may need tobe a flash solution. I'ts easy to float the text and some sandbag divs to make the text wrap around the image, but there is no CSS solution to make that text flow around those sandbags while scrolling. Here's a cap with the sandbags outlined to give you a visual of what I'm trying to do:
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