I have the following radio boxes. A total of five in all. I'm trying to get a scale from 5 to 1 where the user agrees or disagrees a question. However, the client is looking for a scale from Agrees to Disagrees. This is a drupal site and I am using a module for my survey that generates the survey. There isn't an option of leaving out the label. I was hoping to use JQuery to change the displayed text from a '4' to ''.
How can I make an image label that when I clicked will change from one label to another.
Let say I have index.html where my label is displayed. Then I have label01.jpg to label20.jpg stored on label sub folder.
What I want is to be able to change my label one at a time from label01.jpg to label20.jpg everytime i click the label. then go back to label01.jpg after label20.jpg
For illustration purpose, see image below. I want the label to change every click until I got the label right for the video screen. I have 20 video screen in one page and I need to change the labels depending on the video.
Actually a more preferred solution is for the script to cycle through all the pictures on my label folder so that if I have new labels I only need to dump it in the folder and it will become available.
I am using the code below to attempt to get the text or label value of the drop down box, however, what I am not liking is that it is returning a number of the selected item, as opposed to the text value. document.getElementById('status').value How can I get just the text value of the selected item in question?
I've been trying everything I can to get the label text of this checkbox and nothing is working. I can get the length of the selectManyCheckbox object and I can tell if a checkbox is checked, I can even get the value of the checkbox. But I can't get the label text. .innerText returns an empty string .innerHtml returns an undefined .textContent returns undefined
This is the function I'm using. I need the LABEL text NOT the value! I'm using IE8 function myfunction2(){ var x = document.getElementById('recipeForm:smc2').getElementsByTagName('input'); alert(x.length+"boxes. first box is "+(x[0].checked?'ticked':'unticked')); alert(x[0].innerText); alert(x[0].textHtml); alert(x[0].textContent); }
I have a form and inside the text fields I have a note that indicates: Type here your name...all this instead of having titles for each field. That text is set as initial value and the user has to highlight the text to delete it. What I am wondering is if there is a way to have the text but when the user clicks on the Field the text disappears and there is no need for deleting. I have seen this before but I can recall where.
I have a list of text-snippets which should be inserted into a textarea, separated by a comma. When I click the same text-snipped again, it should be removed from the textarea. I managed to to implement the "inserting" with the following code,
I have a dropdownbox with values. When the user selects a value and presses the button [add], this value is added to the textareabox. Now I like to create a function that will remove the selected value from the same dropdownbox from the textareabox when the user presses a button [remove]. Currently I check if the textareabox is empty and set the value from the dropdown to the textareabox. If it is not empty, it will add the value + a linebreak ( )
Example: <Select name="A"> <option value="" selected>select</option> <option value="123, xy; ">123, xy</option> (notice the space at the end after the [;] !)
I am looking to collect email addresses with my site. On my input elements, when the user clicks on it, I want to change the value attribute to blank (make the "your e-mail" disappear when the user clicks on the input element). Is JavaScript used for this?
I am simply trying to retreive the value of a label. Here is the label: <asp:Label ID="Label3" runat="server" Text="I love ASNA"></asp:Label>
Here is what I am trying to do with JQUERY: See LINE 1 and LINE 2 below. It comes back with UNDEFINED/ < asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="PageScriptPH" runat="server" > <script type="text/javascript"> var ATTDTA_CLICK_ACTION_CODE = 'X'; var ATTDTA_DOUBLE_CLICK_ACTION_CODE = 'X'; wingsHelpers.subfile.assignDoubleClickAction( "ATTDTA", ATTDTA_DOUBLE_CLICK_ACTION_CODE); var p = $("#Label3").val(); <======== LINE 1 alert(p);<======== LINE 2 </script> </asp:Content>
<label for="field_id">Field Name</label> <input type="..." id="field_id"/> <!-- or textarea/button/select -->
...I'm doing this...
$(':input').each(function(){ var $field = $(this).wrap('<div class="wrapper"/>'); var $wrapper = $field.parent(); var $fieldID = $field.attr('id'); [Code]...
It feels pretty clumsyIs there a more elegant way? Maybe even through chaining? Sometimes the <label/> will be before the field and sometimes after...
I'm using javascript (JQuery) to calculate the value of my textBox, "mMontantTextBox." I'm going to run into problems with this being a "read-only control" of my TextBox. In the first screen, I have a TextBox, mNombre50TextBox, the user fills in the number of tickets they want in the textBox.the sum is displayed (by calculating with jQuery) in another textBox, mTotal50TextBox, and the total bill is in 3th (another) textBox, ,mMontantTextBox... Then (when the user clicks a button), the information is backuped for the following screen on the second screen, I display the sum in a "Label", mPriceLabel, if my textBox, mNombre50TextBox, without "read-only control" :
I want to prepopulate the value of the two textfields with the field label e.g. Name, Email Address, until the fields are in focus.
I have this working for the Name field:
Obviously I can repeat this code on the email field as well, but wondered if there is a way to make it a function with the label value not hardcoded so I can use the same technique on forms with many fields.
I suppose I should somehow loop through all the labels, and for each find the next input. Then make a selection of this union and apply a wrapAll('<div class='field'>) But how exactly do I do this using jQuery manipulators?
I have this html: <label class="option" for="edit-override-publishing-status"><input type="checkbox" name="override_publishing_status" id="edit-override-publishing-status" value="1" checked="checked" class="form-checkbox" /> Published</label>
I need to change the label from Published to Active but leave the html for the checkbox form element intact. How in the world do I select only the label text? $('#edit-override-publishing-status-wrapper label').html("Active"); and $('#edit-override-publishing-status-wrapper label').text("Active"); both replace everything within the label element.
I have a huge java script function which creates a div with a label Loading... for all ajax request. The script creates a div and appends to body , so the loading.. div appears on the top and it does not float when I scroll my page down. I want to use jquery to make the div float and show along with scroll.
Here is the code I use to create loading...div if (!document.getElementById('busy-symbol')) { busySymbol = document.createElement('div'); busySymbol.id = 'busy-symbol'; var busyLabel = document.createElement('div'); busyLabel.innerHTML = 'Loading ...'; busySymbol.appendChild(busyLabel); document.body.appendChild(busySymbol); Is there any simple jquery function I can call and it takes care of my div to float.
I have my labels on top of the fields and when an invalid field is found, validate moves the focus to the first invalid field, but when it does that the user can't see the label. How can I make it scroll up just a tiny bit to include the label? Also, wondering if anyone has implemented scrolling in general so that the page scrolls smoothly up to the error location rather than the jump you get with a focus change to an off-screen element.
I need to remove the checkbox and label when a checkbox is selected. For example: I check the checkbox "flashlight". --> The checkbox and the text "flashlight" slowly fade away