JQuery :: Referencing An Object In An Onclick?

Jan 8, 2011

I have created an object called list. the object has a method called load and a method called setSelected (it has more, but they arn't impotant here).

The load method prints out table rows like this:


and in the end, inserting str as the body of a table.

what I want to do now, is have an onclick event for each of these table rows, that calls the setSelected method of the current object. so for example, if I'd write this on my page:

mylist = new list(args...);
<div id='associated-div'></div>

that if someone clicks a row in the table that is created in the div, the setSelected method of my list oject will be called.

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Referencing A <tr> Object

Jul 23, 2005

if i have this code: <form><input type=text name="id1"></form> then with
javascript i can reference this with this.form.id1, how can i reference
something like this:

<tr name="id2">


this.id2 doesn't work

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Referencing An Object's Fieldnames

Apr 12, 2006

A have an array of objects defined like this:

var collegas =
[{smtp:'alberic.verhelst@king.dom',voornaam:'Alberi c',famnaam:'Verhelst'},
{smtp:'anita.dierens@king.dom',voornaam:'Anita',fa mnaam:'Dierens'}, etc

I iterate over this array with this code :

for (var i = 0, stop=collegas.length ; i < stop ; i++) {
for (var veld in collegas[i]) {

I would like to check whether a particular veld instance's name is smtp. In
code what I want is this :
if (veld.fieldName=="smtp") { do something ...

But this syntax doesn't work.....

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Referencing The Correct Object?

Dec 9, 2010

I have a table which I would like to be highlighted with the click of a button, but I can't seem to reference it correctly. I can make the <td> clickable and function, but when I try to apply it to the button I can't make it reference the td cell, rather than change the background color of the button.The function is:

function roll(obj){
obj.style.backgroundColor == "pink" ? obj.style.backgroundColor = "#e5e5e5" :
obj.style.backgroundColor = "pink";


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Referencing Object Array Dynamically

Dec 3, 2009

What I'm trying to do here is even possible.

I've tried numerous variations of the alert line with evals, brackets and jQuery syntax but always seem to get the error:

XML filter is applied to non-XML value ({one:["1", "2", "3"], two:["a", "b", "c"]})

Which makes me think I'm either attempting something stupid or only missing my target slightly.

The code will be running within a jQuery project up if that helps in any way.

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[RESOLVED] Referencing Flash Object In IE?

Apr 22, 2010

I am having trouble changing the value of a flash object using JS in IE. The flash code is below

<object id="FlashID" classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="721" height="423">
<param name="movie" id="movie" value="../../flash/world.swf">
<param name="quality" value="high">


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Avoiding Eval, Properly Referencing Object?

Aug 24, 2011

I'm trying to build a simple "where's the meeting room" page for my work. This consists of a background image of the map, and (right now), a red block absolutely positioned on the map to show where the room is.I'm using an object to keep track of x/y positions for the rooms, i.e.

var rooms = {
a123: {
x: 100,[code]....

This works, but uses eval() a lot, which doesn't seem like best practice. What's the appropriate way to get the info?Here's the whole page code:



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Referencing A Specific Form Object With A Common "name"

Apr 2, 2009

This has really got me stuck. Below is a distillation of my problem:

This is my function:

function Clear(form) {
???.checked = false;
<form name="myform">


How do I execute the function to clear the checkbox the moment it is clicked? How do I reference that specific checkbox, when there are multiple checkboxes with the same "name"?

The rules (the above is a simplified version of my actual problem. There is much more to my script, which means other possible solutions cannot be considered):

1. I am aware of onclick="this.checked=false", but I cannot use it.

2. The ID for the checkbox is dynamically generated, whereas the entire onclick command must be the same for all checkboxes.

3. All checkboxes must have the same name, and the name must have square brackets.

4. "this.form" must be in the onClick, as it is used by the rest of the function.

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JQuery :: Reference Current Object In Onclick

Jan 8, 2011

For a site, I am making a listing object. What it does, is it fetches rows of data from a serve using JSON. The object has a method called loadlist.to print out the data it now does something like this:



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Object.onclick=function() - Function To Be Called That Tells The Browser Where That Image Is Located In An Object

Jul 11, 2011

I am making a small gallery script. When a user clicks an image, I would like for a function to be called that tells the browser where that image is located in an object. For example:


It works, I just don't like it because it is messy and it seems sensible that some workaround exists.

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Onclick Event For OBJECT Element In IE

May 3, 2006

I can't set onclick event properly for OBJECT (flash) element properly. onclick just don't bubble outside flash object. Could this be caused by AS getUrl() function?

I tried to attach thru .htc, tried transparent IFRAME on top of object, etc. Nothing seems to work.

Is there any reasonable way to attach onclick to OBJECT element or flash movie by using JS or plain HTML? Should I do something for event bubbling?

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Scope With Onclick Iteration Within An Object?

Dec 13, 2011

i'm having a slight problem understand how to use this.myVar in an object. And I use prototype.


Does anyone know how I can use this.myvar within the function. I have tried binding and bindAsEventListener.But nothing I've done has been able to get the right value!

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JQuery :: Referencing An Unnamed Form?

Apr 7, 2010

I am using the following system to create my forms : <% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %> Now I want to refer to the form in JQuery, but all the examples I can find refer to the form by it's name. How do I refer to my form if it doesn't have a name?

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Create A New Object Each Time There's A New Onclick Event?

Jul 26, 2009

Ok. How about if I create a new object?

how to create a new object each time there's a new onclick event?

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Onclick Refer To Parent Object Method ?

May 12, 2010

I am creating an application that uses as much Object Oriented code as I could (mostly to learn it).

I have an object called 'photo' that contains two Image() objects 'fullImage' and 'thumbnail'. All is fine and dandy, I can read the thumbnail and the full image, and their associated properties just fine.

But what I can't seem to do is make the thumbnail's onclick event refer to one of the object's methods.

Here is a greatly simplified version of the object's code.


So, the thumbnails div gets populated with the thumbnails fine. But for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to make the onclick call the photo object's "editPhoto" method.

Will the way that I am creating the objects using the same name for each one, result in only the last one created being accessible. If so, do I need to create an array of objects so I can uniquely identify each one?

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Onclick Not Working If Form Id Has Same Name As Js Object Variable?

Aug 6, 2010

Below is the code that is using the name FFF in various places. The effect of all this is that the onclick function is not executed. I would expect a pop up alert when clicking the submit button. This only happens if I rename either the form id or the js variable. Can anyone explain what is going on here ?


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IE Set Onclick Object Doesn't Support This Action / Fix It?

Sep 15, 2011

I have looked at the various posts about setting onclick in IE and I cannot see any that exactly describe the problem I am having.

Firstly I am not trying to set onclick by calling setAttribute, which most of the posts describe. I am simply assigning a value to the onclick attribute of the element, which those posts seem to imply.

Specifically I am getting "Object doesn't support this action" on the following line:
editButton.onclick= editCitation;
editCitation is already a function, so I do not see why I should have to wrap it in an anonymous function wrapper to get IE to permit the assignment.

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Capturing Onclick Event For Flash Object?

May 7, 2010

Probably covering well trodden ground here but so far I haven't found any reliable solution and "it can't be done" seems crazy. Here goes:I have some Flash and non-flash banners that are to be embedded into my page - all managed by a simple CMS. The Flash movies are not created by me as they are for 3rd Party advertisors, and I do not want to be doing any Flash programming myself as it's not my thing and I don't have the resource to do it. As with the JPEG/GIF files - I just want to be given the file and then embed it.

What I want to do is produce some MI based upon when the various banners are clicked - things like how many clicks and who clicked them (users are logged into the web site so I can track them). Simple enough for JPEG/GIF banners capturing the onclick event but for Flash it seems that the Flash movie prevents (or overrides) the onclick event from registering.This seems crazy! I want my application logic (in this case logging user activity) to be independant of the media content - especially as I am not in control of the media content.Googling and experimentation shows that for IE I can seemingly use "onfocus" but this is not very satisfactory and of course I need a cross browser solution.This seems like such a simple concept that at the time of specifying the requirements it didn't occur to me that this might not be possible.... but it seems that I may be wrong!

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JQuery :: Controlling Html5 Video Without Self Referencing?

Mar 8, 2011

This works:

$('#video').click(function() {


nor does assigning a var to #video or any other trick. Im trying to get the video to play when another element is clicked so i cant use 'this' selector.

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JQuery :: Referencing All Body Elements Inside A .get

May 23, 2011

[code]So data2 has a length, but data2.body is undefined, data2.find() tells me find is not a function, data2 prints out the html, and yet I can't find anything which gives me just the body.

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Onclick Accordion Works In IE7 But Not IE8 (variable Is Null Or Not An Object)

Apr 28, 2010

Hey all, I'm using a fairly simple accordion script. When I went to take a gander at the page in IE I found that the onclick function of the script doesn't respond. It works in FF, Safari, Chrome and Compatibility Mode in IE 8

the error message IE gives me is

Message: 'h' is null or not an object
Line: 13
Char: 77
Code: 0
URI: http://proposalfor.us/js/script.js

The problem line (as far as I can tell) is:

this.a[s]={}; this.a[s].h=h=T$$(e,v)[0]; this.a[s].c=c=T$$('div',v)[0]; h.onclick=new Function(this.n+'.pr(0,'+s+')');

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JQuery :: Referencing Drupal Form API Description Fields?

Aug 2, 2011

I'm trying to create tooltips for a Drupal form that was built with the Form API. I'm able to show and hide all of the description fields on the form using the following method

$('img#tip').mouseenter(tip_enter); {
$('img#tip').mouseleave(tip_leave); {


How do I reference the description for the v01_price $form item, specifically?

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Have Quotes Inside The OnClick, It Fails Completely With An Object Expected Error?

Aug 21, 2011

I have a JS HTML editor (not a WYSIWYG) that I downloaded and it works fine, except that any input with quotes causes it to break. I need the quotes for things like HTML and CSS classes etc.If I have quotes inside the onClick, it fails completely with an Object expected error. If the quotes are escaped with a , I get an "unterminated string constant" error, with this showing where a button should be



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Referencing Value

Oct 6, 2004

I'm trying to get a value from a link that a user click on in a pop up window and send it back to the parent window. It's working fine in mozilla and some IE but i'm having problem in IE 5 and some IE 6.

<a href="javascript:opener.document.getElementById('<?php echo $_REQUEST[partid];?>_partremoved').value = '<?php echo $partnum;?>'
opener.document.getElementById('<?php echo $_REQUEST[partid];?>_partinstalled').value = '<?php echo $partnum;?>'window.close();">
<?php echo $partnum;?></a>

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Referencing A DIV Within A Form?

Oct 29, 2009

whenever I run the below code I am unable to hide my <DIV>. I have posted a previous post regarding hiding DIVs however as this is slightly different I thought I would create a new topic here to allow for easier searching for other users.

The below code works if the DIV is outside of the form however if I enter it within the form nothing happens.

<form name="formcreate" method="post" action="">
<table width="80%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
<div id="div1">


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Referencing Other Page's Dom

Aug 28, 2007

Is there a way in the Javascript to reference the dom of another page that is online. An example would be if www.cnet.com has an element with an id = money can I reference that page with an object that and get a value from the money element and display it on my page. I know this sounds confusing but really i just want to be able to save a xhtml page that is not on my website. Create a input filestream from that page and use data from the filestream to make data on my own page.

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