Onclick Refer To Parent Object Method ?
May 12, 2010
I am creating an application that uses as much Object Oriented code as I could (mostly to learn it).
I have an object called 'photo' that contains two Image() objects 'fullImage' and 'thumbnail'. All is fine and dandy, I can read the thumbnail and the full image, and their associated properties just fine.
But what I can't seem to do is make the thumbnail's onclick event refer to one of the object's methods.
Here is a greatly simplified version of the object's code.
So, the thumbnails div gets populated with the thumbnails fine. But for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to make the onclick call the photo object's "editPhoto" method.
Will the way that I am creating the objects using the same name for each one, result in only the last one created being accessible. If so, do I need to create an array of objects so I can uniquely identify each one?
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Apr 9, 2009
I have a question about OOP Javascript...
How can you call a parent method from a child object?
for example...
Am i using the right way of making an object? prototypal vs classical?
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Oct 13, 2011
I have defined a method in an iframe named as refresh1().In the iframe we are showing records in a table.on clicking a record of table or you can say row a showmodal Dialog object will open which shows the info of clicked record.I want to call refresh1() method onclick of save button whic is defined in modal dialog.I have triedparent.window.dialogArguments.refresh1() but it is not workin.
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Nov 2, 2011
I am creating a job ticket object that will interact with a database. It has to update the database on the fly via AJAX. Within the job ticket object, I have instances of a Component Object. Within the Component Object, I have an instance of an Editor Object. One of the methods of the Editor object is a function to edit some text and when it's submitted, it will update the database. All of that is working fine. My problem is that I need to refresh the screen with the new contents of the database. I have a method in the Component Object that refreshes the screen, but how do I call it from within the Editor Object? I believe it has to be called there because the editor object has a handler for the form submission and the AJAX function. So I'll have to reference a callback function once the AJAX request is handled, but I don't know how to call it.
I know that sounds kind of convoluted, so hopefully, this very simplified code will paint a better picture of what I'm trying to do:
Now I want to call refreshScreen, but I don't know how:
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Nov 23, 2004
I have a regular html page called a.html
this page opens a modal dialog window called modal1.html
modal1.html contains a 'Next' button.
when the button is pressed the modal1.html is replaced with modal2.html
modal2.html contains another button.
when its button is pressed, the modal dialog window should close and the location of the original page a.html should change.
I am trying to do something like:
//window.parent.location.href = 'anotherPage.html'
window.opener.location.href = 'anotherPage.html'
I cannot use window.opener in modal2.html because its opener is actually modal1.html.
In fact anotherPage.html is opened in a whole new browser page
How can I refer to a.html in this chain?
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Jun 6, 2002
How do you refer to an object such as a drop down <select> box before the <select> box appears in the code....
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May 19, 2009
function JGallery(){
this.images=[{//some JSON here}]
I've tried to debug it in firebug, but I guess there is a problem with the scope of the 'this'. The 'this' in
//i want append div with id of the name property of jgallery class
seems to refer to the iterator in the $.each().
I've tried to do this.this.name but it still doesn't work. Is there any way to allow me access the property of the Jgallery class?
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Oct 5, 2010
13 line causes this exception. Function is called insied of ready() handler. function renderGridSystemRecursively(scheme, container){
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Mar 10, 2011
I am trying some simple things with javascript and trying to use it in a object oriented way. However I am now facing a problem in which I can't access an object variable from an object method. I am using jQuery.
My code is as follows;
My problem is that the variable msg1 does not work when accessed from function called from the jQuery get function. I get the message undefined. Therefore I am wondering, is there a way how I can access msg1 of my object instance from the get function of jQuery?
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Oct 9, 2010
I have the following code:
A = {
"value": "a",
B = A ;
B.value = "b";
alert (A.value); // => b
I expected A.value to be "a". how can I change values of a new object, without changing the parent-object?
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Nov 19, 2011
I just got this script for a countdown on a website and I got it to work locally but when I upload it to the server i get the error "index.html:22 Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'fancycountdown'".
I have checked to make sure all other javascript files are loading and they are and I can't figure out whats wrong. You can see it [URL]
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Aug 12, 2009
I have a Class name Merkzettel.
and addClickEvent sets the onclick attribute of above mentioned DIV. and in addClickEvent I am explicitely mentioning the name of class object. This means every time I create a Variable with another name I have to Change this function also.
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Feb 20, 2010
I'm trying to use the ajax load() method to load a file from a parent directory, e.g.
But that doesn't work. I can load a simple html file from the same directory as my html file or a descendant directory, but not an ancestor directory. Nor can I load from an external server.
I'm doing my testing on my PC and I'm not running a server (apache or otherwise). Just using it as a simple client. Is that possibly the problem? Or is there something else I'm missing? If that is the problem, is there a workaround?
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Dec 6, 2006
When I click on the image link the relevant id should change. But it doesn't.
Why is this?? Tried adding form tags but no difference.
<a href="#" <img src="img.jpg" id="" height="80" width="80" /> </a>
<img src="img.jpg" id="lrg_img" class="showcase_main" />
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Nov 18, 2010
I am self-studying Javascript, and I have encountered a few problems with exercises from the book I am using. All problems seem to be related to the onclick() method and the function I am defining.
In the latest exercise, I am supposed to use a confirm button to see if a person really wants to leave a site. If they click the link, they should get the confirm pop-up box, and if they click cancel, they should get an alert box saying they'll stay here.
I am following the code exactly as it is in the book, but instead of the confirm box, the browser immediately follows the link. I have included the code below.
This problem also occurred in an earlier exercise covering the innerHTML property. There's a math problem, and when you click the link, the answer is supposed to supplant the problem. I have included the code in the first reply to this message.
Please note that on the second problem, I do think there was an error in the book. I think that in the line "answer_link.onclick = function() {", the variable should have been a_link, not answer_link. However, I have tried it both ways and neither works.
Give me any input on this. If it matters, I am using Firefox 3.
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Jul 5, 2004
I know how to use the DOM to change the properties of page elements/tags, but I can't work out (and can't find any references anywhere) how to change the onclick event using the DOM.
I want to achieve something like this:
document.getElementById("myLink").onclick = "this.blur();"
but it doesn't work.
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Sep 14, 2009
Let's say you have a :<a href="#" onclick='DoSomething(this);'>asd</a>I want to get the onclick text in a variable - something likevar onclick = $('a').attr('onclick');The problem is that the onclick variable now is a function and if Itry to execute , this wil be the document instead of the link .How can I get only the text, so I can later reattach it to the link ?
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Sep 12, 2010
I built up 2 codes, which do the same cause. but which one would be most efficient? or maybe which one would be best compatible for browsers?
CODE 1 :
- this code allows for me to use an #id
- using the REL
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Aug 1, 2009
I'm working on a drag and drop HTML editor, in which blocks can be positioned. I need to build a controller which listens to mouse events and takes appropriate action (a state machine). The system is built using prototypes and objects. The Controller class looks like this (I removed some methods for simplification):
Code JavaScript:
* Creates a controller for a document
function Controller() {[code]....
The method 'handleMove' is entitled to handle a mouse move on the overlay. Because the 'this' keyword would not point to the Controller object I've written a wrapper according to the W3C EventListener interface (http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Eve...-EventListener). This wrapper holds a reference to the object in which the method resides that's handling the event, so that the important 'document' attribute can be reached. This document holds the document that is being edited (it's of a custom type, and not to be confused with the document as in document.body)
The problem I now have is as follows. IE doesn't seem to be able to work with event handlers following the EventListener interface, but just functions. I need to get the object's reference there as well though, but this can't be done using an anonymous function, as at the moment it will be run it will be in a different scope, and not be able to reach the controller any more.Just using a global holding that reference variable, a method I used before, is not sufficient, as there may be multiple instances of the editor running on the same page.I have no problems in FFox, Opera, and Safari. Just IE because it uses an alternative event listener model.
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Aug 4, 2011
var testi_box = {
spread: function(num) {
var main_obj=document.getElementById('testis');
$(main_obj).stop().animate({height: 420}, 800);
var objs=main_obj.children;
So, I have this object that is set to fire its method the moment a user hovers their mouse over a particular div on my page. IT works just fine in all other browsers but IE7 or below. When i look at the error in IE it says that testi_box is undefined. But clearly it is defined. So, I'm lost. Is there something that I am missing?
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Jan 15, 2005
When A users clicks a link that connects to page1.htm I would like to have a pop-up spawn from that link(onclick) however still redirect to page1.htm. The result being the user is now on page1.htm and still viewing the pop-up that spawned from the link.
Is this possible? If so please provide examples and if its possible to so this without using javascript that would be great. If not javascript is fine.
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Sep 30, 2006
i'd like to know objects properties and/or methods.
saying i do have an object "o" being part of the dom (a div or an ul...)
how could i list (introspection) all the properties and methods attached
to this object ?
i know it is possible in javascript but don't remeber how to ...
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Oct 16, 2006
I want each instance of an object to be able to listen for input events.
When the event occurs, a method of the object should be called, such
that "this" is in scope and refers to the object instance.
Is this possible? Example:
function MyConstructor(element)
//element is some HTML element
this.foo = "Bar";
return this;
MyConstructor.prototype.addListeners = function(element)
element.addEventListener("keypress", this.doSomething, true);
MyConstructor.prototype.doSomething = function(e)
alert(this.foo.length); //Error: this.foo has no properties
//shows the HTML element that triggered the event
Is there any way to get "this" to refer to the object in the event listener?
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Jun 25, 2009
I found very difficult to call a method outside his scope.For example I have 2 files js
init.js (where I initialize all my page)
[init.js ][code]....
I tried many syntax in order to call the method outside its scope
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Oct 8, 2011
i m in trouble i made some piece of code , i've used setInterval() like this way
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Sep 22, 2009
I have this below code snippet
I have an object myscript and from within the method validate, i want to call the method init. so is there there anyway that I can call the method init without having to prefix like this: myscript.init();
I tried this.init(); but it's not working
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