OnClick - Tracking Clicks - Faster Method?

Sep 12, 2010

I built up 2 codes, which do the same cause. but which one would be most efficient? or maybe which one would be best compatible for browsers?

CODE 1 :

- this code allows for me to use an #id


- using the REL

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Tracking Mouse Clicks In IFrame With External Site?

Oct 18, 2009

I'm kind of new to javascript. Is their anyway to track right mouse click within an iframe that is linked to an external site (i.e. [URL])? I'm trying to see if I can have a alert window say "This is an image" when I right click on an image within the iframe.

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JQuery :: .load - Faster Method - Two Snippets On One Page, Surrounded By Id's And Then Load Them?

Jul 14, 2010

Is it faster/more beneficial to have two snippets of code be generated by php at 2 different urls and then have a load function for each url? Or have the two snippets on one page, surrounded by id's and then load them that way?

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Onclick To Load A Tracking Html Code ?

Apr 15, 2009

In the following scenario how can i make the onclick function to load the tracking code when that link is clicked? Also if the tracking code is stored in the same html file how do i prevent it from loading by default with the page. I want that code to be loaded only when the link is clicked.

This is the link : <a href=[url]

And this is the tracking code which calls an html file on a different domain:

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Which Method Will Make The Page Load Faster - Calling Code From A .js File 50 Times Slow Down Page Load?

May 12, 2011

I have a single webpage that contains information on all 50 U.S. states. There are 50 links at the top to jump down to the state you want, and at the bottom of the information for each state a Back to Top link.

I'm making the Back to Top link into something more complex, and it will require three or four lines of code.

So that I don't have to repeat the code 50 times, and create a burden when I need to edit it, I want to place it in a .js file and call it x. Then below the information for each state I'll simply have:

Does calling code from a .js file 50 times slow down the page load? Which method would load faster?

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Onclick Method

Dec 6, 2006

When I click on the image link the relevant id should change. But it doesn't.

Why is this?? Tried adding form tags but no difference.

<a href="#" <img src="img.jpg" id="" height="80" width="80" /> </a>

<img src="img.jpg" id="lrg_img" class="showcase_main" />

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Function For Onclick Method ?

Nov 18, 2010

I am self-studying Javascript, and I have encountered a few problems with exercises from the book I am using. All problems seem to be related to the onclick() method and the function I am defining.

In the latest exercise, I am supposed to use a confirm button to see if a person really wants to leave a site. If they click the link, they should get the confirm pop-up box, and if they click cancel, they should get an alert box saying they'll stay here.

I am following the code exactly as it is in the book, but instead of the confirm box, the browser immediately follows the link. I have included the code below.

This problem also occurred in an earlier exercise covering the innerHTML property. There's a math problem, and when you click the link, the answer is supposed to supplant the problem. I have included the code in the first reply to this message.

Please note that on the second problem, I do think there was an error in the book. I think that in the line "answer_link.onclick = function() {", the variable should have been a_link, not answer_link. However, I have tried it both ways and neither works.

Give me any input on this. If it matters, I am using Firefox 3.


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Rewriting OnClick Method With DOM?

Jul 5, 2004

I know how to use the DOM to change the properties of page elements/tags, but I can't work out (and can't find any references anywhere) how to change the onclick event using the DOM.

I want to achieve something like this:


document.getElementById("myLink").onclick = "this.blur();"

but it doesn't work.

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Tab Gallery Onclick Event - Subsequent Tab Selections And Clicks Do Not Change The "bigImage" Correctly

Sep 3, 2011

The main problem that has got me stumped at the moment is that clicking on the images in the 1st tab work fine. However the subsequent tab selections and clicks do not change the "bigImage" correctly (not at all).
Perhaps some other more experienced forum members can identify what I doing wrong at this time. :confused: I believe it is in my set-up of the onclick events in the "onload=" section, but I not the best at this event stuff yet!


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JQuery :: Get The Onclick Method Of An Element?

Sep 14, 2009

Let's say you have a :<a href="#" onclick='DoSomething(this);'>asd</a>I want to get the onclick text in a variable - something likevar onclick = $('a').attr('onclick');The problem is that the onclick variable now is a function and if Itry to execute , this wil be the document instead of the link .How can I get only the text, so I can later reattach it to the link ?

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Onclick Refer To Parent Object Method ?

May 12, 2010

I am creating an application that uses as much Object Oriented code as I could (mostly to learn it).

I have an object called 'photo' that contains two Image() objects 'fullImage' and 'thumbnail'. All is fine and dandy, I can read the thumbnail and the full image, and their associated properties just fine.

But what I can't seem to do is make the thumbnail's onclick event refer to one of the object's methods.

Here is a greatly simplified version of the object's code.


So, the thumbnails div gets populated with the thumbnails fine. But for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to make the onclick call the photo object's "editPhoto" method.

Will the way that I am creating the objects using the same name for each one, result in only the last one created being accessible. If so, do I need to create an array of objects so I can uniquely identify each one?

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Array - Show / Hide Several Paragraphs When The User Clicks Next And Then The Reverse When The User Clicks Prev?

Feb 22, 2011

How to show/hide several paragraphs when the user clicks next and then the reverse when the user clicks prev.

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Eval And Mutireplace, Which Is Faster?

Dec 26, 2006

I want to implement the template for a object output. I have two methods as follow:

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JQuery :: Website Faster On Ie7 Than On Ie8?

May 4, 2010

I have a problem on my current project. Animations are very slow on IE8 but when I turn the compatibility mode on, it become very fast.

FF, Safari and Chrome run it fast too. I don't understand how my site can be slower on IE8 than on IE7 O_o

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Which Is Faster Javascript Or Actionscript

Dec 7, 2007

I'm trying to select client side language to learn. For some time i wanted to learn Javascript, but when i tried writing first script which was so simple, i saw that it has so much problems. I thought of flash, and read few tutorials online. It's pretty simple but powerful language.

I know that probably worst feature of flash is that it's not included by default in your browser, but since youtube and other video sharing services i think that flash players on browsers are drastically more installed then before, and that almost everybody has it.

Now, i'm planning to create chat for my personal website, and i saw Ajax chats, and Flash chats. Since i don't have experience with any of the scripts i'm wondering which code is faster Properly written Javascript, or Actionscript.

Also, which of these languages are better for me to learn. I'm learning web programming as hobby so don't use money as argument. But which of those two can be used for creating fun, dynamic, fast and safe programs easily

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Mozilla Faster Than Internet Explorer

Jul 23, 2005

I've developed a calendar program in javascript, and up until now I've
done most of my testing using Mozilla and Firefox. Everything works
fine, but when I try to use Internet Explorer my response time is
sometimes 50 times slower than using Mozilla.

I know I haven't given you much to go by, but I'm not looking for an
answer so much as an approach to debugging the problem. For example,
does anyone here know of a good web site which deals with
browser-specific javascript performance issues?

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Way To Make My Script Load Faster

Jun 3, 2010

How do I make my Script load faster?

Is there Code that will make my Script load faster,

(so that it won't take so long to view)

If so, can someone show me how to incorporate it into my Example Script

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Pre-Loading Images So That They Appear On-screen Faster?

Jun 27, 2011

I am currently doing a photography site.I would like to do a 'portfolio' page, but would like to pre-load the images so that they appear on-screen faster.Do I need to connect code to <body onload>?

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Statement Faster Than The Ternary Operator?

May 20, 2009

I'd like to know which is faster or have a better performance between :

Code JavaScript:
if (flag) {
var v = "something";
} else {
var v = "else";


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JQuery :: Fade In To Appear Faster And Alert To Appear After One Hour Elapses?

Aug 11, 2010

works ok, but my alert box comes in really slowly, then bounces. I want it to appear faster and to also appear after exactly one hour. I don't think that works right either. What do I need to change in order to do this?


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JQuery :: Use SlideToggle To Set A Faster Speed For Hiding Than For Showing?

Jan 18, 2010

Is it possible using slideToggle to set a faster speed for hiding than for showing?

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Load Embedded YouTube Videos Faster On Website?

Jan 10, 2011

I'm writing a blog post that uses multiple videos from YouTube and Yahoo Video, but I'm not happy with how long it takes the page to render. Apart from using an ajax-y method to load the videos, are there any tricks that would make the page load quicker with multiple videos from different sources?

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Faster Page Loading: Asynchronous Calls And Tricks Of Perception

Nov 24, 2010

Anyone loading a bunch of CSS or Javascript via <link> tags on a web page knows about "blocking": where the browser stops the loading of the page because it has to go fetch (and read/parse) an external file. If you have a lot of these, or even if you don't and the user has a slow connection, you have a slow page. Users hateses teh slow pages, hatses them.

At the 2010 Fronteers Conference, Stoyan Stefanov gave a talk on Progressive Downloads and Rendering, where he listed some tricks to get around blocking by Javascript or other external files to make page load speed up. One trick was adding a <script> tag in the body (near the bottom, so after the important stuff has loaded) which adds a <script> tag to the <head> dynamically and runs it. While that file is being fetched, the rest of the page can continue to load. This is a bit asynchronous, isn't it (similar to web pages still loading content while also fetching images)?

As a follow-up to his Higher Order Javascript article (see SitePoint thread about it), Piers Cawley has gone further with Asynchronous Streams, where he uses jQuery (as an example) to load external files asynchronously to avoid blocking of the HTML document loading. In my web development career I haven't worried about blocking, but plenty of folks around here are loading ginormous files, and lots of them, for large sites. As developers, what do you do to get around slow page loads? Have you done anything like this asynchronous calling of the external files?

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Tracking A User?

Feb 24, 2006

How would i make it so if a user visits


i would have a javascript set a cookie

then if the same user visits (within 30 days or so)


it'll write their ip address to ips.txt?

is this simple to do?

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Tracking Form Submit...

Aug 31, 2006

In Firefox, what's the best way of tracking the form submit?
The following are two ways I tried, but they won't work if the form is
submitted through JavaScript.

Method 1: using the window.onsubmit event handler

Code: window.onsubmit=handleEvent;

Method 2: I am attachin event listeners to all the forms for the event

for(var i=0;i<forms.length;i++)
var form=forms[i];

It seems submit event is not generated if the form doesn't have a
submit button. Why so?

What's the best way through which what ever way the form is submitted,
I should be able to track it.

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Tracking Cookie Problem

Jan 2, 2007

I'm currently integrating the shinystat stats system with a flex
application. Unfortunately like all flash player apps you don't have
pages. To solve the problem I made a very simple javascript function
that is called from flex and loads the traking image from the shinystat

The response from shinystat comes in two rounds. The first response (a
file moved 302 http code) make the browser calling a second server
where the image is stored. With the second response come the traking
cookies. Now if I test a dummy page on my local machine it works just
fine, cookies are set. But the problem come when I upload the page to a
www server. When the browser opens the page the image is fetched fine
but the cookies are not set.

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