JQuery :: Onclick Event For Dynamic Buttons?

Nov 13, 2010

I have a page where I want to display buttons only when a particular list item is selected. The user can then click on one of five buttons. I am able to put the buttons in a <div> section using this

choice = $(this).attr('id');
Competition = $(this).attr('title');[code]..........

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Giving Buttons The Same Onclick Event

Oct 3, 2005

I'm mocking up an interface in javascript for an HCI assignment. I want
to be able to make the default onclick event for the buttons on my page
to display an alert since the buttons won't work yet. Is there an easy
way to do this? and it has to be as easy as giving each button their
own onclick attribute otherwise I'll just do that.

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JQuery :: Dynamically Created Buttons Click Event Fires Last Bound Event For All Buttons?

Aug 24, 2011

I create buttons from an array of objects that such as:

buttons = [{ text: "button 1", action: 1}, {text: "button 2", action: 2}];

I then loop thru the array to assign the text and bind the click event after having created the buttons with IDs of "button_<index>".

for( var index in buttons ) {
$("#button_"+index).html ( buttons[index].text )
.click( function() { clickButton( buttons[index].action ) } );

The text appears correctly in the button, but every button defined only fires the list bound click, in this example the action equal to'2'whether I push "Button 1" or "Button 2".My actual case has four buttons, all firing the event for the fourth button.I've tried not chaining the .click(), going thru the loop twice once for the .html and once for the .click, neither of which made a difference. If I hard code each button .click, it works fine.

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Onclick Event - Alert Pops Up When One Of The Buttons Is Clicked

May 10, 2011

I'm just learning javascript. I need to create an onclick event for a three-state rollover. I just can't figure out where to place the event. I know it needs to go in my setup rollover function, but can't figure out where to place it so an alert pops up when one of the buttons is clicked. Anyone have any guidance for me? HTML code is (JS is below and button 1 images attached):


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Dynamic Onclick Event W/ This

Apr 23, 2005

I'm trying to add 2 functions to an event handler dynamically using javascript. The element that I'm adding the event to is also being created dynamically.

Here's my code:

newspan = document.createElement("span");
newspan.onClick = expandCollapse('category' + numCategory + ); ChangeStyle(this);
I need onClick to run both the expandCollapse() and ChangeStyle(). ChangeStyle() needs to pass "this" to the function.

Nothing I've tried seems to work.

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Determining Onclick Event Of Dynamic Links

Feb 26, 2007

The code below displays a dynamic table with all its contents in the form of links.I wanna know as to how i can detect whether any of the links in the table has been clicked.As the table is dynamic i am not aware of the syntax of how to use the onClick evnt handler for these links. Code:

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Dynamic Table + Onclick Event Not Working?

Mar 26, 2011

I'm trying to create a dynamic table with onclick event like this but onclick event seems to do nothing:

var srcTable = this.iContext.getElementById("tbody");
var tmpRow = null;
var tmpCell = null;[code]...

I found a few examples like this: tmpRow.onclick = function() { alert(this.rowIndex);};

but I need use selected data, maybe call a defined function. I already tried lines bellow but nothing works, because doSomething is not function of tmpRow object.

tmpRow.onclick = function() { doSomething(this);}; or tmpRow.onclick = doSomething(this); or

tmpRow.onclick = "doSomething(this)";

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JQuery :: Data Table Creates Rows Dynamically - Buttons In Those Rows Do Not Fire The Onclick Event?

May 3, 2010

I have some JQuery that makes an Ajax call and then adds some rows to an existing table.

LoadDestinationTable() {
$("#destinationTable tr:gt(0)"[code]...

The problem is that the only place where the click event fires is on the rows that were added when the page was 1st rendered – the th, for example.I also tried adding an onclick event handler to the input button’s creation – that also does not fire.

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Radio Buttons: Preventing The OnClick Event If The Radio Button Is Already Checked

Mar 23, 2009

I have a set of radio buttons each with an onclick event that has a numeric value. When the button is clicked an input box called "Total" is updated with the new value. The problem I'm having is that if a radio button is checked and one clicks on it again then the onclick event is triggered.

Is there any way to prevent the onclick event from triggering if the radio button is already checked?

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JQuery :: Dynamic Radio Buttons Cannot Be Changed (IE)

Feb 22, 2010

I'm dynamically generating radio buttons, but in Internet Explorer (tested in versions 7 & 6), you cannot change the radio buttons after they've been added. In Firefox (testing in 3.6) it's fine. I've mocked up some code below which shows the issue. It generated up to 10 radio buttons (by random number) and checks that radio button programmatically. However you cannot manually select an already generated radio button.

<form action="list.htm">
<div id="list"></div>
<button id="btnChoose">Add radio button</button>


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JQuery :: OnClick Prompt With Buttons For 'Ok' Or 'Cancel' Without A Plugin?

Mar 19, 2010

I'm sure this is really simple, but I can't figure out how to prompt a user before they delete an entry in my database-driven website.

I have this:

alert("Are you sure you want to delete this entry?");

But the only option there is 'Ok'. I need to set this up with a 'Cancel' option as well, but don't want to use a plugin like Impromptu to do so as it's overkill.

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JQuery :: Submit Event: More Buttons?

Mar 8, 2011

if I have more submit buttons in the form, is it possible to choose defaut button for $(form).submit() event?

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JQuery :: Pass The Dynamic Div Id To The Onclick Function?

Sep 26, 2011

I am trying to pass the dynamic div id to the jquery onclick function.

Here is the html code

HTML Code:
<div id = "show1" class="test">Click 1</div>
<div id = "show2" class="test">Click 2</div>


So it works for the first div not for the second one.There is something called "closest" id selector in jquery but not sure.

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Make An Onclick Event Change The Document.onclick ?

Sep 4, 2010

I want to make it so that when I click on something, it changes what document.onclick does.

This is a simplified version of what I'm trying to do:

<div id="clickme" onclick="document.onclick = function(){ alert ('This should not be alerted on the first click'); }">Click here</div>

However, as you'll notice, the alert box shows up on the first click as well. The only way I have been able to get around this behaviour is to have the first onclick execute a timer that will then set the document.onclick after 1ms, however this seems very messy to me.

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Dynamic Buttons And Passing Variables?

Jun 29, 2010

I am developing a site that adds multiple dynamic buttons. I would be ideal if the event these buttons trigger could pass a 'variable' (the passed variable is constant with respect to each button).

My attempt...

myButton.setAttribute("onClick", "myFunction(" + myVar +")");

...doesn't seem to work.

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Dynamic Table And Radio Buttons?

May 3, 2011

I have an HTML table dynamically populated with data from a coldfusion query and having radio buttons - see code following below.I need javascript to see the radio buttons and the user's selection - "approved"; "denied"; or, "N/A". If the user selects "approved" for multiple rows and then Submit the information will update the database table and remove those rows.However, if the user selects "approved" and "denied" then I need to update the "approved" rows and stop the update at the "denied" row and show a dialog box which informs the user that the "Reason for Denial" text box must be entered. Then the Submit button can be engaged and the "denied" selection processed. Only one "denied" at a time will be updated - but all "approved" entries can be denied similtaneously - unless a "denied" intervenes.I do have javascript code for the "denied" selection with empty "Reason for Denial" text box - see below:

<script type="text/javascript">
function rationale() {
var denInfo = document.getElementById("denialReason");[code]....

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JQuery :: Event Binding To Buttons In FireFox Requires An Alert() Box?

Aug 20, 2010

I have a piece of javasacript code that searches through several iframes for buttons with specifi id's. When I find the button, I bind a click event to that button. This works perfectly fine in IE, but only works in Firefox if I alert something. After I click on the alert button ok, the click events are assigned correctly and the buttons work fine. See my code below for achieving this:

$.each(iframe, function(index, ifrm) {
// Add target="_blank" to text hyper links
var hyper = null, hyperCount = 0;


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Dynamic Scores While Selecting Radio Buttons

Jul 27, 2009

I would like to dynamically update a score as you select radio buttons on a form. I would like to update the actual score and the possible score every time a radio button is clicked.

If "yes" is selected, they get the points. If "no" is selected, they don't get the points. If "N/A" is selected, the points aren't counted (in either the actual score or the possible score).

So, when either "yes" or "no" is selected the possible points need to be increased by the number of points that question is worth, and the actual points need to be added if they got "yes". I would like it to display their score (total percentage and running score) as you click the radio buttons, so I'm assuming you would need to call a function on each click which passes the point values along?

Here's my basic form so you know what I mean:

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Create Dynamic Pages And Buttons On The New Page?

Dec 8, 2009

i have a developed some static pages (around 140) of them which basically is used like a quesstionare or a workflow. If the user answers yes or no then another page opens up bases on the input given by the user.

Now my people want just a single page instead of all the 140 since it takes a lot of space on the server. presently this is still not hosted on the server. Is it possible to embed all of them into one page by writing different functions? i did try and it gives me the next questions by creating a dynamic page but when the yes and no button do not populate. is it possible?

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Change Value Of All Buttons After Onclick?

Dec 8, 2010

I have a row of buttons that are made by innerhtml using this code:

sidebar_html += '<div id="button"><input type="button" onclick="toggleRun('+poly_num+')" value="Start Bus" id="runBtn'+poly_num+'" style="width:120px; height:24px; text-align:center"></div><br />';

to fire this function:

function toggleRun(poly_num){
var btn = document.getElementById('runBtn'+poly_num);
if (document.getElementById('runBtn'+poly_num).onclick) {
if (run){


the function can only run once, so the idea is that the button either runs it the first time or reloads the page.

at the moment, the way it's working is that the button that's clicked changes its value to "Reload Page" but the others keep their original value, even though it reloads if you click them.

So I'd like a way to change the value of the rest of the buttons when one is clicked. Is that possible?

Here's the page [URL] if I didn't explain myself well enough.

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Onclick Event Expands DIV / Will Onmouseout Event Close?

Jan 9, 2009

currently on our site we have and expanding <div> that responds to both the onmouseover and onmouseout events. It works wonderfully.

The UX people now would like the expanding <div> to open with the onclick event and then as soon as the mouse leaves the expanded div, it would close. I have tried using the onmouseout event in conjunction the onclick event but it does not work (the div persists).

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Changing Onclick Events On Buttons?

Jun 10, 2010

I hope that someone can help me with this strange problem I have here. I have some script which changes a button and changes the onclick event. The strange thing is that although it is changing it. All the events have the same parameter even though my code is giving each button's onclick event it's own unique parameter.


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JQuery :: Some Dynamic Event Based Css Changing

May 31, 2011

So i'm just getting into writing jquery. it's my first scripting language and first time in the field of programing. I have a general idea of what i want to do, but not so much how to get it done. Objective: I would like to change the class of a div "ActiveSelection" to the same name as the id of a clicked link in the "catalog" ul. Here is an example of the HTML

<ul id="catalog">
<div id="stage">

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AJAX :: Submitting Multiple Radio Buttons With One OnClick?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a form that has multiple radio button groups to allow the customer to build a custom product. I just want to figure out how to send all the CHECKED radio buttons (name="flexikits[1]", name="flexikits[2]", ect.. ) when the customer changes just one of the radio buttons. The goal of this is so I can update the price for the KIT right then.

I am easily able to set the onClick for each radio and have it send that particular radio button, just no clue how to send more.

function showPrice(str)
if (xmlhttp==null)


My best guess is there is javascript that I can replace for "this.value" that will send all the checked items in the form called "cart_view".

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JQuery :: Event Handler Is Not Activated By Dynamic Add'ed Events?

Feb 5, 2011

In the below code snippet I'm trying to add an dynamic event in <div id="button3"> when you click at button1, which is added static in the html body. button3 has exactly the same behaviour as button1, but the eventhandler will not be activated.


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JQuery :: Taking Dynamic Close Event And Put It On A Graphic?

Sep 20, 2011

I am trying to dynamically close a div overlay. I have an x that dynamically appears, then closes when the user presses it. I want the overlay to also close when the user clicks the close button. So far I've tried to bind the click event to my button but its not working.

<a href="#" id="testbutton"><img id="testbutton" class="close" src="/images/common/button-close.gif"/></a>


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