JQuery :: Html Prototyping Template Plugin - Building The Templates Or Filling Them With Content?
Jun 13, 2010
I am working on a rapid html prototyping framework. This would allow me (as an interaction designer) to create html prototypes fast.I have been looking in templating plugins to help with building the templates or filling them with content. For example {{ lorem_ipsum }} would be replaced with a few paragraphs of random text. This is easy to do with several plugins.
However it would be great to be able to add a bit more flexibility by using functions like {{ loremWords(100) }} which would add 100 random words which are different for each replaced item. Or something similar to add a menu or other snippets.It is probably not too difficult but so far I have not gotten it working yet. And the pluginsI have found are either too complex, requires script tags or can't handle functions.
Server-side code returns a JSON representation of a query like this:
{"recordcount":3,"columnlist":"messageid,messagetext,dateposted,firstname,lastname","data":{"messageid":[3,2,1],"messagetext":["hello? is this thing on???","what? why?","Hello, and welcome!"],"dateposted":["{ts '2010-12-05 11:32:51'}","{ts '2010-12-05 11:32:17'}","{ts '2010-12-05 09:44:30'}"],"firstname":["Mortimer","Tom","Waldo"],"lastname":["Who","Dickenharry","Emerson"]}}
Makes sense, and jQuery converts it to the equivalent javascript object when it comes back in an AJAX response, but I'm having trouble using that with the template plugin. It apparently expects an array of individual objects, each with a field for each query column.The server response is an object containing recordcount, columnlist, and data members, where 'data' is an object keyed by column name, whose values are arrays with the data for each record. It's equivalent, in a familiar format, and a much more concise representation than the javascript for an array of individual objects, since it doesn't repeat the column names for each row, but it's not the same.
I am ok with using objects creating classes if someone else defines, but when it comes to defining my own, I hit a nasty brick wall... I am using an XML/XSLT wrapper called Sarissa to help with programming a utility to transform XML into HTML in different views. For this to happen, I have created a Loader class which loads in XML required. I am aware of prototyping for binding methods to objects (as opposed to replicating the same method every time an instance is created)... The aim being I want to create a progress bar for the essential files that need to be loaded in. Presently I have them load in Synchronous mode just to get the utility working, which I know is poor, so would like to address it.
I've made this javascript portion to a site for a company that I am working for and I'd like to use it to fill in a form on another part of the website. Unfortunately we bought the rest of the website from basically like a web template company so they wont let us change the script on that actual page. Is there anyway that I can take my info from my javascript page, then use it to fill in the info on the other page without actually editing the html of that page?
I need to know how to create an web template in Javascript or may be what is the simple way to create an Web template.I don't want to use dreamWeaver or other tools.I have watched some of the webpage and they are using Javascript to create an template.
I have a html template and I want to insert a deeplink tag like this Code: <a href='{deeplink}'>nice name</a>
Because I want an output like this: Code: <a href='[URL]'>nice name</a>
When I do this the output is like this: Code: <a href='<strong>Deeplink</strong>: <a href="[URL]" onclick="window.open(this.href,'_blank','location=1,resizable=1,status=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=1,menubar=1');return false">[URL]</a><br />'>nice name</a> How can I trim this code to get the results I mentioned before.
I'm still working on same task New problem: When I place text in a rectangle, then wish to overwrite it,(that is replace it with new test,) I cannot remove the earlier text. The new overlays the old, an unreadable mess.
Moreover, what I have achieved works only in Opera. FF tells me I have too much recursion (None that I'm aware of). I cannot get any feedback from IE.
I built a site w/ a fairly simple jQuery tooltip that displays an image w/ a border around it on mouseover using a script from URL....I'm trying to use the 2nd script they provide. It worked great with regular html, but then I decided to build the html that produces the tooltip w/ the javascript.Now this code still works fine in IE, but not FF or Chrome (oddly enough). The images are built just fine in FF and chrome, but the tooltip simply doesn't show up at all. There are no javascript errors being reported.So there seems to be some problem in how I'm creating the html using javascript. The elements I'm creating aren't using the tooltip function somehow.I can include the CSS if needbe, but its pretty simple.
I have little bizarre problem. Working in Java web development we have project that we use plenty of templates from Velocity. Where one template can refresh section of it self and display one or more templates. My problems is that in parent template I have to pop up window with message if in child template and item from group A been moved to group B or vice-versa. How to change on child template can be propagated up to parent?
I have a slideshow plugin and there is a function in it called stopAutoplay(). This is called when I click on the pre-defined pause button in the slideshow, so it stops.
If I switch between the slideshows(Slideshow 1 2 3) the slideshow is getting messier and messier because it starts many slideshows at the same time and the plugin gets confused what to show.
I figured if I click on the pause button before I switch to another slideshow it works fine. Therefore what I would like to achieve now is to call stopAutoplay() somehow before I switch to the new slides.
How can I call stopAutoplay() from the html file when I click on one of the slideshow 1 2 3 buttons?
I've tried the codes in green below but they don't work.
If there is a better solution let's say to kill everything before the new slideshow appears it's even better. Although I've tried die(), empty(), detach(), remove(). I hoped remove() would help cause as I read it's suppsed to remove everything but for some reasons it doesn't...
I want to change the content of different div's using .html(). The change should be done by clicking on the inner element of the container. The content of the clicked container should be changed with the first container. My problem is, that the following code does the change, but only once. After every div has changed one time, no more reaction is shown.
Normally an SVG document is loaded/parsed/interpreted inside an HTML document using an 'object' (or 'embed') element, although there are supposedly other ways too. The problem is, the SVG document must be static this way.
I want to use the DOM interface to build SVG dynamically inside an HTML document. I am guessing I can build it inside HTML within an 'object' (or maybe 'iframe'?) element.
My intentions/goals:
In Javascript, I construct an object 'embedSVG' which has properties and methods for creating valid SVG elements and setting their attributes and attribute values.
During construction, the SVG document is created with its root element. During debugging in FF 2.0 (I'll work on an MSIE-compatible format later), I am using the Mozilla DOM Inspector and comparing nodes when the 'object' element is loading a valid external SVG document, and when I am appending the child representing the SVG document created by the DOM functions.
However the child node (#document) does not specify 'svg' as the root element, but instead 'HTML'. Something is not working.
Here is the relevant code in 'ScriptTest.html' which is the HTML in which the SVG is supposed to be embedded. Below it is the relevant code for 'svglib.js' which is supposed to contain code for building the SVG dynamically.
What this code is supposed to do is load the HTML page and execute the anonymous script, and draw a navy blue-bordered yellow rectangle on a blank page. This is similar to the example in the SVG 1.1 W3C Recommendation on page 202 of the 719-page PDF.
I am getting an exception when embedSVG object placeInHTML() method is called: NS_ERROR_DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. I find in DOM Inspector in spite of or after the exception that a document is placed as a child of the object element, but it is HTML, with a default 'head', 'title', 'body' elements placed.
I run a social network based on the PHP Script called Social Engine. And it has the option of inserting of user-designed widgets into different parts of the pages. And I made a couple of jQuery slide-shows for the same. but I noticed something strange happening when I place a jQuery widget on a particular page... 4 links on the text box (tinymce) right below the jQuery plugin disappeared!! And they re-appear if I remove the plugin from the template. I tried with a couple of different slider plugins, but it happens always. Other HTML content boxes and a bulit-in jQuery slider does not create this problem.
Can anyone of you please tell me what it could be in my plugin code that could be creating this issue? Pls have a look at the snaps of the page without and with the jQuery slider placed.
I am using the cycle plugin here at my site, [URL].. The cycling of the image pages works as it should but I am a little lost on how to get some content on those pages.
I'm using a plugin (asmSelect) that dynamically generates list items as the user chooses options from a select. I want to add additional dynamic content to each of the list items as they are created. How is this best accomplished? I thought I could delegate a 'load' event for the list items, but it looks like load events don't fire for content that's generated by JavaScript. (Delegating a 'click' event works, so I know I've got the code correct.)
What I want to do is basically equivalent to: $('#testform').delegate('.asmListItem', 'load', function(){ custom_content = '<span>' + [calculated result] + '</span>'; $(this).append(custom_content); });
Modifying the plugin to take the dynamic content doesn't seem like an option. The additional content will be different every time, so I can't just pass it as an argument when I initialize the plugin.
I'm looking for a content slider, somewhat like Coda Slider, but with the ability to load dynamically extra content. E.g. it loads only 4 slides (1 visible at the time), and when the user navigates to slide 3, I want it to load the next 4 slided. And on slide 7 again, etc.
I have seen similar problems in the forum, but none that match this issue exactly.
I am using Giva Labs' jNotify plugin [URL].I have a main page that dynamically loads content in a container.
I load jquery, and jnotify in the main page. When I call jnotify from thedynamicallyloaded content, I get an error that jnotify is not a valid method. If I include the <script> call for jnotify in the dynamically called content, it works. This does not seem like the best practice.
Is there a way to re-initialize jnotify afterloadingdynamiccontent?
I have a few "panels" that I am looking to cycle. The panel has a width of 100% with a background image. It is supposed to span the whole width of the browser. the content is set at a specific width, centered in this panel. I am looking to cycle the background image and content but just can't get it to work (the panels have a set width and are pinned to the left, not centered.
When I use this function, one of the keys in the iteration will be the new function that I have created.
The following example would alert the following: "key1", "key2", "keyExists". The last one is my concern. Obviously their are other browser-defined functions available for Objects that don't show up when iterating through the object. I thought Object.prototype.functionname was the methodology for that but apparently not. Is there a way to achieve the effect I am looking for? Code:
I'm building a jQuery cycle slideshow into a Wordpress post. The slideshow will cycle through images attached to the post, and the final slide will always be a text box (generated by a meta box).
I'm trying to build a Pager that would display numbers (as per default), but for the last slide, the pager button would simply be "Text".
1 2 3 4 5 Text
I have explored PagerAnchorBuilder but am still struggling.
Im looking for something that would allow a user to click on a button / link that would then reveal hidden content by sliding the whole of the main site content / container down.
I found this which slides the page content to the left or right [URL]
But need something vertical, almost as if the whole site was a big vertical accordian.
Or like on twitter / facebook phone app when refreshing for new tweets etc.
I have a webpage where i load eachdifferentcontent through a function load and after i load that content a problem with jQueryoccurs...if i go directly to the page where i have the "datepick" without load the content it works, but if i load some content stops working...
If you want to try it live to understand what is happening here is the url: [url]
When you open the webpage if you click on the textbox it will show the calendar, but if you navigate on the right menu and then press the text box won't work...