I have a problem where I have to use jQuery.noconflict(), but I have no idea how to use it properly.I'm working with some richfaces elements which uses the richfaces jQuery version and the countdown plugin from keith-wood.name/countdown.html which need another jQuery plugin.If I include the files for the coundown, the countdown works but the modalPanels didn't and vice versa.
I integrated JQuery UI, and I have the JQuery tabs working. Since Joomla uses mootols, I had to include thejQuery.noConflict(); And the tabs script " $ " is replaced by JQuery.
However, when I add the Cycle widget, and I replace the $ sign for JQuery, the widget does not work. If I use the $ sign, the widget works. I want to keep my code tidy. Can somebodyenlightenme on this situation?
I'm having trouble using jquery with Rails. I know there are a few plug-in solutions but I am more designer than developer and the rest of my team isn't excited about changing to a new plug-in midstream.I want to be able to write my jquery and be able to have the least impact on existing code. This means that I have to use the noconflict method. Originally I was trying to use Rails to write all my jQuery into one document ready statement but I recently found out you can have more than oneNow my problem is that my jQuery variable isn't always ready byt the time my document ready function runs. For example:
var $j = {}; $j = jQuery.noConflict(true); $j(document).ready(function(){
I've never been here before and probably shouldn't be let loose with this level of codey stuff but here goes. On my site at [URL].. I'm having problems with getting the Page title to show: It sort of flashes up but is quickly replaced by the browser name. I've discovered that if I remove the few lines containing the NoConflict commands (below) <script type='text/javascript'> var $jq = jQuery.noConflict(); </script> ...then the Page Title is fine. But: Of course I lose my second JQuery effect (in this case it's the tooltip). Frustrating. This seems to be a conflict with the NoConflict... right?
When creating a new element by using HTML string, we can define a function inline so that we don't have to write another line of javscript code to bind the function to the element. It is very convenient.
I'm trying to get a lightbox working on my website alongside a jQuery tooltip, however when the tooltip is running the lightbox no long works and just links to a new page of one image. If I remove the attached tool.js (the file that controls the tool tip) the lightbox works again but the tool tip obviously doesn't.
I presume this is a jQuery conflict and have been looking up how to resolve it, finding a variety of different solutions, but no proper explanation how to implement them.
I just have no idea what to do with that. I've tried putting div ids in place of the "div" and "someid" reference points and all that did was hide the content completely.
This an example of the page I want to implement it on: [url]
The tool tip resides in a php.include on the right hand side, the code of which is this:
I'm pretty new to jquery and I've been working on a little project to see what I can do. The issue is when I first visit the page and click the first link that appears in the main section it displays the popup box as wanted. Now when I click another day, for instance sunday and try to click the first link it doesn't do anything. And if I click back to Saturday the first link also doesn't do anything.
It seems something is not properly activating or maybe a command is overwriting and not allowing it to work like it does when you first hit the landing page.
I am not new to jqueyr or to programming. I currently keep having problems when using ajax jquery for forms.
here is what I am doing. I have jquery fade in a div and in that div I use ajax to inject html code mainly a form inside this div. When I click the submit button. The form acts like it got processeed but dosen't So it like submits nothing that is only if I use jquery to submit the form. If I use the html old way it works fine but gives me a white blank page when it get processed and I would have to type in the page in the web browser url box to get back to the main page again where I was.
So my question is about ajax and jquery. How do you guys use ajax forms properly without getting errors? I like to make one php file and cram many stuff like the form code and also the processing of the form. I just make sure I got conditions so variables passed to the file will run the right code whennecessary.
So what I would like to know how do you guys setup your ajax forms so there is no errors or problems.
Mine dosen't spit out any errors. Yet I do know the data isn't being submitted yet it acts like it did.
I'm using the lastest version of jquery and I themed a list of checkbox with it. Im IE7 every time a user clicks on the buttonset span(which is pretty much the whole button as far as the users are concerned) the page gets scrolled up about 600pixels up.
This is really not a good thing, especially since those radios are located pretty far down a page with a scrolling bar, can you image the users who want to select 60 options? Having to scroll back down every time? How do I stop this infernal Jquery behavior? I literally use nothing else but this to these my radios:
I am trying to run a click event where and if statement is run to check for a certain image being clicked before running code. I set up this if in two ways:
Here is the link to my jquery game. Click on the black square to start, then a click on a grey square to see what I am talking about. The second function I mentioned is the current in the code.[URL]..
I'm somewhat new to JQuery, working on my first mobile app and using JQuery mobile. I'm having a problem with my page. I had it "working" in JQTouch but JQuery Mobile looks a lot better, so I wanted to try it.1. I have a form with a list of flavors on it that you can mark as a favorite (checkbox).
<!-- Set My Favorites --> <div data-role=
B - The style is somewhat a little off. Because all these DIVs are next to each other (I've tested a few manually) they should all be in one GROUP of checkboxes, but with my current code - its like each one is an individual button. So the CSS isn't getting applied completely correctly.
I have a lot of images on a page and the have to be a little bit larger, so i dont want to change all of the css.I have made a couple of lines of code which doesn't give the right values back.The images have all diffrent sizes.
$('.imgbox').each(function(){ var getX = $(this).width(); var getY = $(this).height();[code]....
there's probably some thing wrong because it gives me very big values back.
I have a slight problem in FF3.5 that unbind('keydown'); is not working properly.. $("#q").unbind('keydown'); $("#q").keydown(function(e){ var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which); if(code==40 || code==38) { var totalResults=$("#quick-search-results li"); var selectedResults=$("#quick-search-results li.qs-selected"); if(code==40) { var nodeIndex=($("#quick-search-results li.qs-selected").length<=0) ? 0 : $("#quick-search-results").index('li.qs-selected'); alert(nodeIndex); }}}); // end keydown
The above code alerts once on first keydown (with the down arrow key [code==40]), twice on the second, three times on the third and so on.. it worked fine in FF3 but a recent upgrade to FF3.5 seems to have broken the functionality..
i m using jslider on my page working properly on my localhost server but after uploading files through ftp it is not working, only the left and right arrows have been shown.
I'm getting some XML back from an ajax call ... it's working as expected.My problem/question is that I don't know how to traverse the XML properly using Jquery.This is what I'm getting back:
My code currently uses $(this).find("photos").each(function() to get each of the photos, and that works fine.However, the list of photos can be quite large, and I really don't need them all -I'd like to just "grab" the one or two photos I know I need based on the id and size attributes. Is this possible without going thru the entire list?
In the past few days I've been trying to make this script work but why the following script works on IE but not on other browsers? It seems that IE waits for the <img> tags to load in the #slideshow and then starts the slideshow. The other browsers seem to load the slideshow while the XML parser is trying to load img tags. It only shows the first image and doesn't do anything else. What could cause this? I tried delay(), load(), ready().
When I click Existing members, it dissapears and Close Login appears. When I click Clos Login panel it dissapears but Existing Members does not re-appear.
I have tried using toggleClass() as well as using :hidden & :visible selectors. I am at wits end.
I have a div (#disclaimer) that has the css property of "display:none." The following jquery script is supposed to show it when the #test select option is clicked. The #quest,#comp,and #other divs are supposed to hide it again. It works fine in FF but does not work in IE. I have narrowed the reason down to the .click event on the select menu because it works fine on regular text.