I'm using the lastest version of jquery and I themed a list of checkbox with it. Im IE7 every time a user clicks on the buttonset span(which is pretty much the whole button as far as the users are concerned) the page gets scrolled up about 600pixels up.
This is really not a good thing, especially since those radios are located pretty far down a page with a scrolling bar, can you image the users who want to select 60 options? Having to scroll back down every time? How do I stop this infernal Jquery behavior? I literally use nothing else but this to these my radios:
I have a lot of images on a page and the have to be a little bit larger, so i dont want to change all of the css.I have made a couple of lines of code which doesn't give the right values back.The images have all diffrent sizes.
$('.imgbox').each(function(){ var getX = $(this).width(); var getY = $(this).height();[code]....
there's probably some thing wrong because it gives me very big values back.
I have a slight problem in FF3.5 that unbind('keydown'); is not working properly.. $("#q").unbind('keydown'); $("#q").keydown(function(e){ var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which); if(code==40 || code==38) { var totalResults=$("#quick-search-results li"); var selectedResults=$("#quick-search-results li.qs-selected"); if(code==40) { var nodeIndex=($("#quick-search-results li.qs-selected").length<=0) ? 0 : $("#quick-search-results").index('li.qs-selected'); alert(nodeIndex); }}}); // end keydown
The above code alerts once on first keydown (with the down arrow key [code==40]), twice on the second, three times on the third and so on.. it worked fine in FF3 but a recent upgrade to FF3.5 seems to have broken the functionality..
i m using jslider on my page working properly on my localhost server but after uploading files through ftp it is not working, only the left and right arrows have been shown.
When I click Existing members, it dissapears and Close Login appears. When I click Clos Login panel it dissapears but Existing Members does not re-appear.
I have tried using toggleClass() as well as using :hidden & :visible selectors. I am at wits end.
I have a div (#disclaimer) that has the css property of "display:none." The following jquery script is supposed to show it when the #test select option is clicked. The #quest,#comp,and #other divs are supposed to hide it again. It works fine in FF but does not work in IE. I have narrowed the reason down to the .click event on the select menu because it works fine on regular text.
Looking at the sample code below, if you click the same link over and over, I get the desired result / animation of the revealed div. If however you click 'link 2' then any link except 'link 2' the animation is different. What do I need to change in my logic to always get the desired result despite which link was clicked?
I am having some issues with my lightbox. It won't work for a strange reason. Here is the site: [URL]. Here is the code for the site: [URL]. I get no errors in Firefox debug.
On this web site I'm developing for a client, he wants to have a simple search form on his main page, then, when the link for 'advanced' search is clicked, that form should be replaced by a more advanced search form. My solution works, but there's one problem. The advanced form can be seen before the simple form has been completely hidden, despite there being a delay function call before it. Any reason why delay doesn't seem to do its job here?
The jQuery 'cycleall' fade in effect does not work when I try it in IE. I've tried it in Chrome and Safari so far and it works fine. If I try another effect it seems to cut out half way through for some reason.
i am trying to create a very simple drop menu using jquery, bt when i am attaching the event to li's which have further ul inside it, it showing very strange behavior in firefox and in IE, it not showing propely the sub menu, zindex problem.
I am using a jQuery Slideshow on a website homepage that I am helping to develop.
The homepage can be seen here: [URL].. This site is currently in production and I am trying to make some improvements at the moment. But I cannot understand why the slideshow isn't behaving correctly in Chrome. I'll tell you what it is supposed to do.
1) Page loads... slideshow begins to loop through 4 slides, each linking to an article on the website.2) When you click on a thumbnail on the right of the slideshow, it should bring that slide into focus - You can then click on the "Read More" link in the description at the bottom of the main photo to go to that article.
Now here is what it is actually doing. 1) Page loads - slideshow begins to loop through the 4 slides, this is working.2) Click on a thumbnail and it does focus on that slide but it only brings up the image... the section containing the information/description and the link to the article is missing.3) The slideshow then continues to loop through the slides as usual but each time it comes to the slide you previously brought into focus, the information at the bottom is missing.
I have checked in other browsers and this does not appear to be happening. I have also checked in earlier versions of Chrome and this did not happen - It is only happening with the latest version of Chrome.
I've been working with a little script from URL... but it doesn't seem to loop through the entire list.It works properly if I leave an empty list item in the UL - but that is not ideal.If i leave the count at 0, it leaves the final list item blank.
Code: function BaseController(el) { var that = this; this.defaultAction = function() {
What is the proper method here so that el will be defined in the super "class".? I know I saw something on stack overflow a couple of days ago but can not seem to find it again.
admin: Something is up with the code tags, why the system is double posting the code. Does HIGHLIGHT=JS not exists anymore? – That seemed not be working.
I've now got my slideshow working with png captions flying in from the right. This was working perfectly but when I added the 20th slide the captions are no longer working properly, they seem to be disappearing behind the image. And when I add the 21st slide the captions stop working all together. Link below: [URL]
I am running into an effect issue with IE only. I have a <UL> with about 4 <LI> and I apply the fadeIn() on individual <LI> based on user actions. Inside of each <LI> I have a div that is styled with: -moz-opacity:.8; opacity:0.80; filter:alpha(opacity=80); The problem is that when I fadeIn() the <LI> all of its children elements' opacity is taken from 0 to 100%, AND THEN the div that is styled with the opacity is taken back to 80%. This causes sort of a flicker because it goes from 0% to 100% and then quickly back to 80%. Is there a way to get around this? Is that a known bug? I saw some people that had posted similar questions but without answers: [URL] I am pressed for time to deliver a page and this is virtually the only issue holding me back! additional info: using: jquery-1.3.2.min.js
I have a website that I'm trying to install a shopping cart on and I'm trying to make it so when a certain color is selected an option pops up as an additional feature people have the option of choosing, but I only want the option visible when certain colors are selected. I think I have the code figured out, but there are 2 colors I want the option visible for and currently the option is only showing up for one of the colors. I tried creating two id's for each color and two jQuery codes that were basically the same but one for #color1 and one for #color2 but that didn't work either.
My preview.php file which uses a watermark plugin is not loading correctly in IE 9, when I click the load button. It works well with other browsers. I have a posthttp2.php file
I am trying to update a progress percentage using jquery in my event handler. The first line works fine. The second line should be the jquery equivilent, but does not work.
I Use the regular expression to find the html tags present in the input box, It works properly in IE & FF but in chrome it works fine when use first time for an input box but not again, below my code...
Even tried $("#gallery").find("img").css() None of those methods will work in all versions of IE(even 8). Works just fine in FF, Safari, etc...Is there a work around or another method of selecting the children of a selector in IE? I would really like to not have to add extra classes to those images just to select them.