My post in firebug looks completely right: [URL] The json is formatted properly and passes the lint test. However, I get the entire json back and not the filtered by my parameter. I have over a thousand funds, but it should only pull back about 9 bassed upon that category. Here is my working url: [URL]
I want to do something like below with jQuery <a id="nextId" href="javascript:doSomething('[URL]')>NextPage</a> <script> function doSomething(link){ //process the response } </script>
Right now my code block with jQuery looks like this : <a id="nextId" href="javascript:doSomething('[URL]')>NextPage</a> <script> function doSomething(link){ $("#nextId").click(function() { $('div.galleryDiv').html("loading....").load(link); }) } </script>
The problem with the above code is that I have to click twice to invoke the link - obviously, one for Javascript and the other jQuery 'click' function. I am new to jQuery, - invoking jQuery 'click', from HTML code, by passing dynamically generated 'link' as param.
I have several form inputs with a submit link in a modal page, and when I click the submit link I call this function to download a personalized pdf with the GET params.
I'm working this script below that successfully selects and removes certain anchors that contain this text "d2". There are actually numerous anchors in this TD (not div) container with different (labels for the site) text strings, each anchor is followed by a comma with a space.
So I'm removing the anchors no problem (thx to jQ) - but I still need help to remove the trailing comma and associated space after each anchor I remove. My attempts at this solution are so horribly naive I won't bother posting one.
i have a file with email adresses. but not only with them, there also the forename and lastname in it. so i need to get rid of everything except the emails. i thought it could made with a regex expression, i already got one for searching all the emails. it looks like, [w.]+@[w.]+
I've got a variable that holds a jQuery object. I would like to filter out all of the visible elements in that jQuery object. The problem is once I'm using a variable and not the jQuery object itself I don't know the semantics for filtering it. I have something like this:
var Foo = $("#Bar"); FilterFunction(Foo); function FilterFunction(Foo) { var Test = $(Foo + ":visible"); } What is the correct syntax?
I use CMSMS alot and there is a drop down menu in the admin area to choose a parent item, it shows all parent items and I wanted it to be dynamic to just show top level siblings and children
I spent all day creating a jquery script to filter the list which works just fine in fire fox but IE does not support display:none on html option tags
My options are coloured white at the moment but it would be good if I could get them to disappear all together.
I have tried duplicating the object and using that as a reference and tried a global object but i could not get either to work
code below no jquery i am sure you have that already.
My code is probably a little sketchy my mind was blown after lunch.
Is there anyway I can link a piece of text through a URL, while passing parameters to it, but through POST (so that the clients can't see what params im passing)? I want to do this without using forms, like:
I'm trying to work a way out on how to send multiple params via post using ajax. but the amount of params can change everytime, i know how to create the param string but how would the post page handle the different amount of them, is there a way to loop and recieve each of the params that get sent?
I am trying to pass a video id value from one javascript page to another, extract the video id, append it to a utube url and then pass it to a html page for immediate display. I have managed to extract the video id value and append it to the url but cannot get it into the html section of the code. My code is posted below
I'm popping a window with media player playing a video inside. Trouble is, even though I've told the window statusbar=no in it's defined size, within mediaplayers code is a param showstatusbar=1 so the popped window thinks it's now supposed to show the status bar when only the mediaplayer is.
I've got a PHP page that delivers MySql data into an HTML table for a To Do list. Works peachy. Now, I wanted to add a filtering tool to the table, which I've also done, and it works fine.
However, I'm dissatisfied with some of the methods I've used becuase they involve a bit of hard coding, and will make it difficult to expand on later down the road. I think you will see what I mean. There's a decent amount of code, but I want to include it all so that you may just copy>paste it and see the page as I do. Code:
I have one page with <select> list in it, which opens a popup with another <select> list. Those two list are linked... When I select something in the list that is in popup window and confirm the selection (by pressing button), I call a function that fills the "parent" window and forces popup to close. All this is accomplished by directly accessing another list:
for(var i = 0; i <= selLength; i++){ name = parent.window.opener.listValues.options[i].text; value = parent.window.opener.listValues.options[i].value;
self.document.form1.itemList.options[i] = new Option(name, value); }
And this doesn't seem to work with IE. With Firefox is OK.
I have a large e-commerce site that runs on a database. There are many products on the site which have 'variables' attached to them, e.g. colour, width, height etc. I have a script in place to sort the products depending on these variables Apologies for the length of the code.
(function(i) {var u =navigator.userAgent;var e=/*@cc_on!@*/false; var st = setTimeout;if(/webkit/i.test(u)){st(function(){var dr=document.readyState; if(dr=="loaded"||dr=="complete"){i()}else{st(arguments.callee,10);}},10);} else if((/mozilla/i.test(u)&&!/(compati)/.test(u)) || (/opera/i.test(u))){ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",i,false); } else if(e){ (
I didn't write this script and I'm not a JavaScript expert, so i don't know how to edit it properly. I want to change it's function from sorting to filtering, i.e. something along the lines of a slice function.
integrating PHP-HTML-JS I'd need some help for doing the following:I have a index.php including:
<script type="text/javascript"> function filter (phrase, _id){ var words = phrase.value.toLowerCase().split(" ");
and a child.php including a table object with the id LIST.I'd need to change the parent.php in order to filter on real-time the table LIST via the FILT input on the parent form. I have tried different values instead of 'this' on the js function calling but nothing succesfully.
I have a data store having a Note field (a textarea) and want to display all Notes satisfying a user input (even metacharacters).'ve written the following function to handle this:
[CODE] function notefilter() { var newfilter = Ext.getCmp('searchnote');
Trying to upgrade from JQuery 1.4.3 to 1.6.1. My getJSON queries no longer populate my SELECTs. The below code works perfectly in 1.4.3 but unsure what changes I need to make for 1.6.1.
function populateCause() { $.getJSON(urlQueries, {sql:'list_causes'}, function(data) { var select = $('#opencause'); var options = select.attr('options');
The ONLY change I made is sourcing JQuery 1.6.1 instead of 1.4.3. Evidently I need to change the method of parsing the JSON data also.
I am using the getJSON command and using firebug for debugging, if I go to this server i setup with this url: [URL] It returns json data warped with getdata({data}). I have validated the json part using jsonlint, so from firebug's net tab I get a param (callback getdata), header and response, etc. as expected. But if I use jquery's getjson, I get param, and header but the response is empty and function callback doesn't trigger (no alert). (I know that getjson uses OPTIONS instead of GETS and I can see that the request is made on the server and the json should be sent as normal). Here is my code for this section:
<script type="application/javascript"> function getdata(data){ alert(;
The problem I'm facing is as follows. I'm using a JSON call to checksome data before doing a JS redirect to a different page. The redirectworks but it's impossible to get back to the initial page using thebrowser's back button. The initial location is not being stored in thebrowser's history.This is the script simplified. If placed on[URL]browser's back button.
After upgrading to jQuery 1.4.1 from jQuery 1.3.2, my getJSON requests fail.The error given to the ajax error handler, is "Invalid JSON: ..." where "..." is the text of the response.Firebug parses the JSON fine, and can display the JSON data as such in its console, and jQuery didn't have an issue with the same data with version 1.3.2.
The NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI seems to be about cross domain issues but I'm working locally on the actual server so should I be able to access the data? Also why is there an XML parse error when I can see the exact data I want in httpfox's "Content" tab?
I have setup a little example here: [URL] It is JSONP because of cross site policy. The returned JSON is valid, you can check the response in firebug. The callback function is not fired.
Tested with jquery 1.3.2, 1.4.2 and 1.4.4. Same result.