JQuery :: Change Day Links To Webpage?
Jul 6, 2011
I am trying to make the link on each day in the calendar go to a new page on the site instead of populating a form with the current day.
For example, if you click July 6, 2011 I need it to go to /events.php?page=calendar&event-date=2011-07-06 The link shows "/events.php?page=calendar&event-date=" when you hover over it, but it does not actually link to anything. I also need to dynamically pull the date clicked into the url.
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Oct 2, 2009
I am looking for a javascript code to display pdf files/links which are on a server onto a webpage. We are using an Oracle application and a javascript code can be embedded in it.
These pdf files will be generated everyday and going forward we will have almost 300+ files in a year. I tried using <a href="res/folderA/folderB/filename.pdf">Report for 10/01/2009</a> and it works fine. I could create 300+ links but most of the links would be dead since the pdf has not been generated for future dates and I don�t want to show dead links.
Can I show the pdf links/files dynamically? Like show only those files with links which are there on the server? The pdf files will be generated Mon-Fri and the naming convention for the PDF file would be MM-DD-YYYY-filename.pdf. Would it be possible to show the reports grouped by months? Getting the month from the file name and when someone clicks on that month then it shows only those files which have been generated in that month.
I tried using below code to get file names from a folder. It works fine on my local but doesn�t work on the server. But then it�s supposed to show only file names and not links :(
<script type="text/javascript">
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var f = fso.GetFolder("res\folderA\folderB");
var fc = new Enumerator(f.files);
Also one more trivial question, I looked at the source code of the application and then saw that images used in that application are being called using href and location is under /res folder, where in the code is this specified? Pointer to that folder? What if I want to show some files/images which are not under /Res folder, where do I specify the location?
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Nov 14, 2011
I need a script which click on random links on my webpage after page load?i have javascript code which open only link which i write in script but i want the code which click on any available link on my webpage the links change after every 10-15 seconds so i cant set a spacefic link in code...
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May 21, 2009
. I have a problem where I designed my web page project and eventually it must contain a background song that will continuously play even clicking the links/pages.
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May 8, 2011
I have been using jquery (which is fantastic) for over a year now, but only basic little bits of code. Now I want to try something a little bigger but I can't get it to work. The problem is, I have a fixed background with position to the left which when scrolling horizontally it sits flush against the left, I want it so when you get to the end of the document it smoothly carries on to the right and then sits flush against the right. And when you scroll back towards the start it bounces back to where it was before. The code I've tried so far which works, but whenever I try 'click' instead of 'hover' nothing works? Also it just jumps to the other side, I'm not sure how to make it scroll to the other side smoothly.
$('#wrapper').css('background-position', newValue);
}, function(){
$('#wrapper').css('background-position', 'right');
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Dec 19, 2010
I'm relatively new to jQuery, and I'm trying to figure out how to create a restaurant menu, that when you click on an item on this menu, an image and description will show on the page. [URL]I've looked through several plugins but cannot find this exact solution. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?
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Dec 27, 2009
Looks at each paragraph and converts youtube and yahoo video links to embedded players.Example
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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Sep 16, 2011
Question: Is there a possible way to create a js function that will change a web page template and have the duration change every 4 months? This means that all pages corresponding to the template being used will change with the template?
I have 4 page designs and would like to implement the different designs every 4 months but would like to create a script that will automatically do this instead of having to manually go in and change every page to match the template desired.
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Feb 5, 2011
I have the following code which *should* change the image I have on my webpage to images based on the time.
function timeDate() {
var t=new Date();
var h = d.getHours();[code]....
I don't know why this won't work. It should compare the hour variable (h) to the hour, and then change the image based on that. However it doesn't do this, and I'm not sure why. I've tried using both = and ==, but neither seem to work. Like I said I am a newbie to this sort of stuff.Also, would there be a way of making the el.src to: "images/timedate/"+[the hour]+".png" without the need of directly comparing the hours? It would be useful if it was possible, as I need to do a minutes one as well
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Mar 14, 2009
I can't figure out the code to perform this task. I need to change the menu's text color with a mouseover on a webpage. The menu consists of 7 text links. Each one is a different color. The mouseover is to change the text link to orange while the other 6 menu items change to purple.
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May 3, 2011
I'd like to use JavaScript to dynamically change the cursor style of the entire web page but I can't seem to get the phrasing correct. The following does not work:
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May 18, 2010
I'm try to set up a webpge that will play a live flash video on the left-hand side(got that part working) and display one slide of a presentation(jpg) to the right of the video. I would like to be able to control when the slide image changes by having some js check a text file on my server. The text file could contain something as simple as "Slide1.jpg". I will manipulate the text file with some code I've already written. Is there some simple js code I can put in my page that will cause it to check the text file every 5 seconds, and if the content of the file has changed, to refresh the image on the page with the new image? I'm try to get away from the "clicking" sound that is caused by doing a simple refresh of an Iframe.
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Jun 27, 2007
I have a form with several rows and each has a text box labeled 'Status'. The user should be able to change the value of Status, then click Save and a GET query will be run in an iframe without interrupting the browser window. To do this I am using a onkeydown event so the Save button's (which is an a href link) href address is changed to what is in the box. But I can't get the box's value to change! Code:
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Jan 11, 2011
not entirely sure this is possible but I have a site people (owners) to use in the shop. I need to make a public accessible side using the same layout. I decided frames would work for this calling content in sub frame. The problem is 2 of the links in the content sub frame contain sensitive information. I cannot change the content or it will affect lots of other users. I cannot edit the content as it affects too many people. It does not reside on the same server.
So I need to change what happens when 2 of the links are clicked. I know the urls, can I force, maybe using code embedded in the top frame, to make 2 links go somewhere else. I.e page loads 2 frames, one is header, other is content.
If customer clicks "trade-prices.html" in the content frame they are taken somewhere else (of my choice) by code sitting in parent to prevent them seeing it. I need to prevent 2 links from opening, or force them to open another page/substitute if > then scenario would be ideal e.g if url trade-price.html link is clicked/loaded then redirect to
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May 20, 2009
I was wondering if there was a javascript code out there that can change outgoing links. For example, lets say someone took/ripped my website. Could I have a javascript code in there that could change the outgoing links? Something that wouldn't be obvious in the code.
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Sep 25, 2011
Im trying to make a navagation menu with images that need to be changed when someone hovers over the child category.
So lets say I have a menu that looks like this:
<img src="notactiveimagemenu1.jpg" alt="">
<ul id="menu1">
I know I could add onmouseover events to each li item and changing the src of the category. But Im trying to find a better solution. And I think I should be able to use document.getElementById(id).onmouseover = function() for that.
note I know I could use jquery to do all of this very easy but I consider this practice because I don't know that much javascript.
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Nov 22, 2011
I have 3 smaller thumbnail images and when I click on any of them, the resulting image displays in the larger image space.
The tricky part is that I want the larger image to become a link that changes, depending on which image is displaying. (I don't want the little images to be links.)
Click here [url] for a visual to explain what I am wanting to do.
Here is what I have for script...but I can't figure out the links...This script works fine, but I can't figure out how to make the larger image have 3 separate links, depending on which image is displaying in it.
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May 10, 2006
Guys I am following the DHTML Utopia book and can not get the following code to work. Can anyone suggest where I am going wrong. All I want to do is change the direction of where the links pointing.
<script type="text/javascript">
var sitepoint_link = document.getElementById('splink');
sitepoint_link.href = "http://www.google.co.uk/";
<li><a href="http://www.sitepoint.com/" id="splink">Sitepoint</a></li>
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Jul 2, 2010
I've got an iframe on my page that displays my affiliate's webpages (located on their domain).
Two concerns: First, all links within the iframe reveal their domain name in the status bar and in the page source, i.e. <a href="affiliate.com/buy.htm">.
Second, the links in the iframe have target="_blank" which opens new tabs/windows, also exposing their domain to my customers.
Would it be possible to replace all instances of "affiliate.com" inside the iframe to "mysite.com"; whereas, "mysite.com" will be a proxy forwarding requests to "affiliate.com"? Keep in mind that these elements do not have ID or Class.
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Aug 27, 2010
How can I change the links for a given domain from http to https? For example: [url] would become [url]
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Mar 26, 2009
I have three links that call three functions that change a div. Now, I want to change links color when active. I made this so:
var act = "";
function doActive(obj){
if(act != undefined && obj != act){
act.className = 'off';
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Jul 22, 2011
Sounds simple right? Why the heck doesn't this code work?
links = document.links;
for(var i=0; i<links.length; i++)
links[i].onclick= "this.href = 'whatever.html'";
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Jan 13, 2011
I'm trying to add a very simple gallery where the photo is at the top and thumbnails are underneath. All I want to happen is that the photo changes when you click on one of the thumbnails. I've been trying to search for this but the galleries all seem to have stuff I don't want.I tried the following and it does change the image but it also opens up the thumbnail.
<img id="im" src="photos/039.jpg">
<a href="photos/t001.jpg" onclick="document.getElementById('im').src='photos/001.jpg'"><img src="photos/t001.jpg"></a>
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Apr 21, 2011
Below is a javascript function from my website that loops through nodes in an XML file retrieving certain information about those who joined in the current month/year. The part in red creates a link which when clicked runs a function called show() with the relevant i variable value e.g. show(2) for the second node if that is relevant. Anyway the red part works in Chrome but not Internet Explorer (surprise surprise). I did some research which says that .setattribute is not allowed in IE. How can I change the red code to create links for the relevant records which works in IE?
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Nov 26, 2004
I am in a bit of a rut in the self-teaching with JS. I am trying to get links to change the external js file currently on the main page without reloading, the external files are basically long document.write sections with a few interactive functions.
The closest I have found for help with this so far is a rotating script, but I want a manual change from a link (button, image, etc) instead of timeOut rotation. I am not sure what I need to do for the links to replace the timeout function to change the dynamic section.
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Apr 30, 2010
I am new to jquery, and love it so far, but I am more of a designer, not a developer. I am learning jquery to enhance my sites, and I am having a problem figuring out buttons.
I have them working in firefox and safari, but in IE links do not work.
Here is the script I have, and the button code.
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