Change Image And Multiple Links
Nov 22, 2011
I have 3 smaller thumbnail images and when I click on any of them, the resulting image displays in the larger image space.
The tricky part is that I want the larger image to become a link that changes, depending on which image is displaying. (I don't want the little images to be links.)
Click here [url] for a visual to explain what I am wanting to do.
Here is what I have for script...but I can't figure out the links...This script works fine, but I can't figure out how to make the larger image have 3 separate links, depending on which image is displaying in it.
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Jan 27, 2010
What I have is a site with about 10 pictures, each of these pictures needs to be randomly pulled from folders, each picture slot will have its own folder, due to it being categorized. When the picture is clicked i need it to open a new page with the document associated to the picture. Is there a way to do this without having to rewrite the code every time? Because as there are new documents added at the end of each week.Unfortunately the server I use doesn't support PHP, but if it has to be done in PHP I can switch.Like I said though I haven't messed around with web design in a long time
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Sep 25, 2011
Im trying to make a navagation menu with images that need to be changed when someone hovers over the child category.
So lets say I have a menu that looks like this:
<img src="notactiveimagemenu1.jpg" alt="">
<ul id="menu1">
I know I could add onmouseover events to each li item and changing the src of the category. But Im trying to find a better solution. And I think I should be able to use document.getElementById(id).onmouseover = function() for that.
note I know I could use jquery to do all of this very easy but I consider this practice because I don't know that much javascript.
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Dec 19, 2010
I'm relatively new to jQuery, and I'm trying to figure out how to create a restaurant menu, that when you click on an item on this menu, an image and description will show on the page. [URL]I've looked through several plugins but cannot find this exact solution. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?
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Nov 28, 2010
I have an image wrapped inside a link tag.<a href="somepage.html"><img id="content" src="img/some.gif" /></a>
I want this .click target to be the link: $('a').click(function(e){
Instead, the target returned is the image [HTMLImageElement].
I have tried using closest()and currentTarget:
But they all still return the image, not the link.
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Dec 22, 2006
I have an idea but don't know if it's possible, from a technical point
of view.
Imagine to have some text.
"John and Mary go to the cinema."
I'd like to have this kind of links.
By selecting "John" I can go to:
Link 1 (eg. page 1)
Link 2 (eg. page 2)
Link ...
By selecting "John and Mery" I can go to:
Link 4 (eg. page 4)
Link 5 (eg. page 5)
Link ...
So, the word John can be included in two links.
The links are multidirected.
Do you know if there is a package useful for this purpose?
On the contrary, do you have some suggestion useful to achieve this goal?
I really don't know how to start.
It could be nice to have this possibility.
"John and Mary go to the cinema."
I could choose:
"[John] and Mary go to the cinema."
and then go to select among the possible "John" links.
"[John and Mary] go to the cinema."
and then go to select among the possible "John and Mary" links.
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Nov 6, 2007
i am trying to display 3 random links from a link list
<script type="text/javascript">
function ranlink(){
var links=new Array()
links[0]='<a href="" target="new">Link 0</a>'
links[1]='<a href="" target="new">Link 1</a>'
links[2]='<a href="" target="new">Link 2</a>'
links[3]='<a href="" target="new">Link 3</a>'
links[4]='<a href="" target="new">Link 4</a>'
links[5]='<a href="" target="new">Link 5</a>'
links[6]='<a href="" target="new">Link 6</a>'
links[7]='<a href="" target="new">Link 7</a>'
links[8]='<a href="" target="new">Link 8</a>'
links[9]='<a href="" target="new">Link 9</a>'
var pick=Math.floor(Math.random()*links.length)
found this code on here, but instead of only showing 1 at a time, to display 3 links
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Jan 11, 2011
Is it possible to submit multiple links all at the same time using Javascript? I check all over the web and can't find any examples anywhere.
I would like to click on a button and submit to google, yahoo, msn, etc all at the same time. Like someone physically click on [url], [url],url], so on.
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Mar 5, 2011
I'm doing kind of a form that at the end you can pay thru paypal. I have like a table made of anchor tags <a> and each one is styled as a table cell. What I need to do is to have the ability of multiple select this links. It would be: the user select one or more links and then a variable would carry these links name so he could pay with paypal.
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Jun 4, 2009
I have coded my navigation bar so when you mouseover a button (about us- for example), it displays a sub menu using images below using a simple multiple image swap. When I mouseover another main button, the first ones are replaced with the new sub menu items-images.
All works fine, however, I cannot figure out a way to code into the existing script to assign and make hyperlinks associated with the sub menu buttons change as well. Here's my web page: [URL]
I have just the main nav button links contractor and freelancer activated right now. Here's the code below (using MM_swapImage):
<script language="JavaScript">
function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0
var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for(i=0;a&&i<a.length&&(x=a[i])&&x.oSrc;i++)
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Jan 11, 2011
Is it possible to submit multiple links all at the same time using Javascript? I check all over the web and can't find any examples anywhere.
I would like to click on a button and submit to google, yahoo, msn, etc all at the same time. Like someone physically click on [url], [url], [url], so on.
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Nov 18, 2007
Highlighting a single Link on MouseOver with CSS or JS is simple. But now I have several Links spread over a table. If I have MouseOver on one of those links I also want to have a few of the other links also highlighted because they are related. How would I go about and do that?
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Sep 24, 2009
I have a table that looks something like this:
<tr id="1">
With multiple rows. Each row has a unique ID (numerical). I need to be able to click on an a.accept, find WHICH one was clicked (which row it is in), and get the ID of that row. I've been looking around and I found parent(), but I'm not sure how I can specifically get which accept link was clicked.
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May 9, 2011
I have a web page wich has several list like this one:
So several ul's list wich are inside severals divs of class <div class="languages_cont" >
I need to make active the first <a> of each one this ul's and it need to be done in Js (when i say active i mean the <a> text will become bolded, so right now i've been trying using a each but no luck yet, it only selects the first it encounters.
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Jan 11, 2011
Is it possible to submit multiple links all at the same time using Javascript? I check all over the web and can't find any examples anywhere.
I would like to click on a button and submit to google, yahoo, msn, etc all at the same time. Like someone physically click on [url], [url], [url], so on.
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Feb 3, 2010
Presently, i can select ONE. these codes are assigned to images, if selected they change color. But i just want help on MULTIPLE SELECTION.
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Jan 11, 2011
Is it possible to submit multiple links all at the same time using Javascript? I check all over the web and can't find any examples anywhere.
I would like to click on a button and submit to google, yahoo, msn, etc all at the same time. Like someone physically click on [url], [url], [url], so on.
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May 27, 2005
I know how to submit via a text link, using document.frmname.submit(), but you can not attach a value to the A tag, so you can't have several submit links within one form.
I need to do this however! I want to have several text links within one form - submitting to the actionpage, and based on the value of the submit, it will do something different.
Ok, so I know I can do this without problems using the input tag and submit buttons, or I could use seperate form tags for each link, but that would mean a lot of repeating code, and I want to make this as compact as possible.
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Mar 22, 2011
I am getting to know jquery a little, and I am trying hide and show a div when a link is clicked.I have a page setup that has a flash video in a div on the main page. Then when a link is clicked, a lightbox window opens and plays another video. I am trying to get the video on the main page to hide while the lightbox video is playing. Then when a user closes the lightbox window, the div with the main video on the page is shown and starts playing again.So far I can get this to work with one link. But I cannot get the main video div to hide when a second link is clicked.
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Jan 15, 2010
I've got a scrolling text field that runs several pages deep, and I want to pop up multiple floating divs that will appear at the site of the text links (however deep in the scroll field). I can get multiple divs to pop by calling them layer1, layer2, etc. but they all pop relative to the position of layer1 (the only one specified in the javascript file). Is there a way to get each layer to appear next to the text link that fires it? code...
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Jun 27, 2007
I have a form with several rows and each has a text box labeled 'Status'. The user should be able to change the value of Status, then click Save and a GET query will be run in an iframe without interrupting the browser window. To do this I am using a onkeydown event so the Save button's (which is an a href link) href address is changed to what is in the box. But I can't get the box's value to change! Code:
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Jan 11, 2011
not entirely sure this is possible but I have a site people (owners) to use in the shop. I need to make a public accessible side using the same layout. I decided frames would work for this calling content in sub frame. The problem is 2 of the links in the content sub frame contain sensitive information. I cannot change the content or it will affect lots of other users. I cannot edit the content as it affects too many people. It does not reside on the same server.
So I need to change what happens when 2 of the links are clicked. I know the urls, can I force, maybe using code embedded in the top frame, to make 2 links go somewhere else. I.e page loads 2 frames, one is header, other is content.
If customer clicks "trade-prices.html" in the content frame they are taken somewhere else (of my choice) by code sitting in parent to prevent them seeing it. I need to prevent 2 links from opening, or force them to open another page/substitute if > then scenario would be ideal e.g if url trade-price.html link is clicked/loaded then redirect to
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Sep 27, 2010
I am using jquery with the cookie plugin and I have multiple image buttons that can hide/show multiple elements. My question is how can I add a cookie to this code to remember whether each separate element is opened or closed?
The code,
$(document).ready(function() {
// choose text for the show/hide link - can contain HTML (e.g. an image)
var showText='<div class="expanddown"></div>';
var hideText='<div class="expandup"></div>';
// initialise the visibility check
var is_visible = false;
// append show/hide links to the element directly preceding the element with a class of "toggle"
$('.toggle').prev().append('<a href="#" class="togglelink">'+hideText+'</a>');
// capture clicks on the toggle links
$('a.togglelink').click(function() {
// switch visibility
is_visible = !is_visible;
// change the link depending on whether the element is shown or hidden
$(this).html( (!is_visible) ? hideText : showText);
// toggle the display - uncomment the next line for a basic "accordion" style
// return false so any link destination is not followed
return false;
<a class="togglelink" href="#"></a>
<div class="toggle">
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Jul 6, 2011
I am trying to make the link on each day in the calendar go to a new page on the site instead of populating a form with the current day.
For example, if you click July 6, 2011 I need it to go to /events.php?page=calendar&event-date=2011-07-06 The link shows "/events.php?page=calendar&event-date=" when you hover over it, but it does not actually link to anything. I also need to dynamically pull the date clicked into the url.
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May 20, 2009
I was wondering if there was a javascript code out there that can change outgoing links. For example, lets say someone took/ripped my website. Could I have a javascript code in there that could change the outgoing links? Something that wouldn't be obvious in the code.
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May 10, 2006
Guys I am following the DHTML Utopia book and can not get the following code to work. Can anyone suggest where I am going wrong. All I want to do is change the direction of where the links pointing.
<script type="text/javascript">
var sitepoint_link = document.getElementById('splink');
sitepoint_link.href = "";
<li><a href="" id="splink">Sitepoint</a></li>
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