JQuery :: Waiting Until One Animation Finishes Before Launcing Another Script?

Apr 22, 2010

I have an animation set up where if the user clicks a certain anchor the animation plays forward and if they click any other link it plays the animation in reverse.All other links that play the animation in reverse also call a "colorbox" script which opens a colorbox window. What is currently happening is that the colorbox window is opening before the reverse animation completes. I would like the reverse animation to complete first BEFORE the colorbox script runs.s there a way to tell my reverse animation to "wait" before calling any other scripts? The animation and colorbox scripts are completely separate from each other.

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JQuery :: Waiting For Content To Be Loaded Before Displaying Animation?

May 4, 2010

i have managed to make things work how i wanted quite quickly but to be honest jQuery is so easy that i'm not sure i completely understood what i was doing .. but it's working anyways ... well almost ...I have an empty div into which i load HTML content from another page. When i click a link on the page, the content from the other page should load and then the div should change background color and then be displayed with a fade animation. When i click on another link, the displayed content should fade out and the new content fade in.Everything works more or less only that when i switch from one loaded content to another, i can briefly see the old content before the new one is displayed, so the DIV fades out, then fades in again with the old content loaded and then only the new content switches in.I think probably i have my code wrong, could someone have a look ?

$(document).ready(function() {
var href = $('.bodytext a').each(function(){
var href = $(this).attr('href');


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JQuery :: Holding Up Control Until A FadeOut Finishes?

Apr 13, 2010

I have routine that rolls through the images in an array every iInternalCount seconds, shown below. It first fades out the current image, does the calculation for the next image, assigns the next image to the src attribute of the image slot and then fades in the new image. But after starting the fadeOut of the current image the code continues immediately to the image switch line, so we see a switch to the new image and then the new image fade out. I need a way, probably using the callback function of the fadeOut() method, to keep control from continuing to the image switch line until the current image had finished fading out.


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JQuery :: Slider On The Front Page Seems To Be Hung And Never Finishes Loading

Sep 29, 2010

I paid a student from the local university to do a basic Wordpress template install [url] for me but the jQuery slider on the front page seems to be hung and never finishes loading. Naturally I can no longer get a hold of the kid and the developer of the template requires a subscription fee for installation support.

It seems like an easy fix but I'm no code sleuth; if I knew what was wrong I'd be comfortable editing the appropriate file(s). Is there an easy way to bring this up in Firebug or something and determine what the problem is?

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JQuery :: Waiting For A DOM Element To Become Available?

May 4, 2011

I am pretty new to jQuery so this can an obvious question. Suppose that I am creating a new element ,something like this:


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JQuery :: Lightbox Animation Conflicts With Rollover Animation?

Jan 10, 2012

I have a button which is animated with a rollover effect, obtained through jQuery of course. I wish to open a lightbox clicking that button and I tried with a simple, self-made lightbox and with FancyBox but in either case the lightbox is displayed without animation.I post the code for my buttons and the lightboxHTML for buttons:

<ul> <li><div id="fader0"> <div class="from"><a class="products" href="#inline"><img src="images/tabproducts.png" alt="Our products" /></a></div> <div class="to"><a class="products" href="#inline"><img src="images/tabproductsHover.png" alt="Our products"


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JQuery :: Waiting For Images Loaded To Be Run?

Nov 22, 2010

I embedded a s3slider jquery plugin which has a sequence of more than 80 pictures.That causes a problem when loading the page,since when the slider starts the page completion get stuck.To overcome this I thought I could make it run after $(window).load and somehow it starts running after the page content is fully loaded but ... it has to wait for the whole set of 80 pictures which is not very practical. first it has to fully load the page content and graphics,except for the imgs under the slider, once that's done, instead of waiting for all the 80 pictures, it has to start running after the first 3 pictures of the banner are loaded...but this doesn't work...

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$(window:not('li.bannerImage img')).load(function () { [code].....

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Firefox Never Finishes Loading File / Fix It?

May 1, 2009

I'm building a home page with an update checker. A function, called 500 millisecs after the page loads, appends an external .js file and compares a variable on it to a different internal variable. If the internal variable is lower than the external variable, then the update prompt is displayed.

This all works fine, but the status bar says "Read www.primedesigning.com" (the site with the external js), or sometimes "Transferring from www.primedesigning.com". But, if I hover over any link, the status bar goes back to "Done". Also, if I leave my mouse still, wait for the update prompt to appear, and then move the mouse, the status bar says "Done".

I have the Fasterfox extension installed, and it confirms what the status bar is saying. It never stops loading unless I do 1 of the 2 solutions mentioned above.code...

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Way To Listen For When An Image Finishes Loading?

Jun 22, 2010

I would like to set a listener for when a specific image object is done loading the new src. Is there a way to do this?

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JQuery :: Display Waiting Message On Ajax Load?

Aug 31, 2011

Is there any way to display any kind of ajax waiting message when making an ajax call?

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JQuery :: Waiting Until Effect Is Finished With Easing Plugin?

Aug 18, 2009

just want to set a css property when the easing is done:

$('#container').animate({height:576}, {duration: 1000, easing: 'easeOutBounce'});

When this is finished I want to change the background:

$('#container').css('background-image', 'url(images/thepic.jpg)');

Been trying some possibilities but syntax crashes...

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Can I Fire An Event When An IFrame Finishes Loading?

Jul 20, 2005

Can I fire an event in the host page when a contained IFrame finishes
loading? The page being loaded can come from anywhere (i.e. other sites),
and I need to know how long it takes to load.

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JQuery :: Confirmation Dialog Inside Ajax Form Not Waiting

Nov 8, 2010

I have a form on a page that allows users to enter/edit and delete calendar events. The form is handled with Alsup's .ajaxForm plug-in [URL]. I would like to add a delete confirmation to the functionality in the form of a "Are you sure?" dialog box. Regardless of whether I open the confirmation in the "beforeSubmit" callback or a separate button.click function, the problem is the same: the "beforeSubmit" callback isn't waiting for the confirmation dialog to close.

Here's what I have so far:
var fr_confirm = false;
var d_confirm = $( "#dialog-confirm" ).dialog({
autoOpen: false
,closeOnEscape: false
,resizable: false
,modal: true
,buttons: {
"Delete content": function() {
fr_confirm = true;
$( this ).dialog( "close" );},
Cancel: function() {
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
url: './includes/save_event.php'

,beforeSubmit: function(formData, jqForm, options) {
// grab the text of the button selected - the last item in the data array
var b = formData[formData.length-1].value;
if ("Delete" == b) {
if (fr_confirm) {
var rid = fr_edit_rev.val();
} else {
return false;
}} else if ("Reset" == b) {
return false;
} else { // submit
// form data validation
,success: function(json, statusText, xhr, $form) { // post-submit callback

The first-to-mind hackish idea of
while (d_confirm.dialog( "isOpen" )) {}
Only causes the browser to hang. And setTimeout would also fall thru without waiting for the response. And I ~really~ don't want to use the old alert() function, even tho that is precisely the functionality I want to mimic.

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IE Never Finishes Loading Page When Dynamically Removing Images

Mar 30, 2006

While testing my pages in IE and Firefox, I have noticed that when I
remove an image from the DOM before it has finished downloading in IE,
that the status bar gets stuck at Downloading Picture https://....
Which means the page never finishes loading, I have tested by just
making the images style.display = "none" and I no longer get the error,
but since this is an AJAX app, that would just leak memory as images
would never get deleted when people traverse the web app. Has anyone
else experienced this behavior or have a possible solution?

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Resolved Document.write And Page Never Finishes Loading / Sort It?

Nov 21, 2010

So I have an HTML page with javascript that takes input values, computes some results, and then puts these results in a table. Works great. Now I realize some users might want to print just the results table. So I add a button that allows the user to request the table in a separate window; clicking the button invokes a script to re-create the table in a separate window. Works fine except:

* In the status bar, the window appears to never finish loading
* If you go to File -> Print then nothing seems to happen; however,
if you close the generated window _then_ the print dialog appears;
the window you want to print, however, is gone.code...

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IE Events Expire (typeof = Unknown) After CallStack Finishes. (featuring: SetTimeout Scoping)

Feb 20, 2007

I wrote a pair of functions to enable scoped or referenced setTimeout
calls. I did this because I have an object factory that creates
multiple objects and those objects need to delay a few calls on
themselves at a certain point in time.

This code works fine for normal objects. However, my issue occurs if
at any point, an event object is passed across in IE.

It seems, that events methods and variables in IE are PRIVATE (!)
after the initial callstack has been finished.

The following is the code required to view this bug(?) in IE, and
success in FF. Code:

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Make A Fade In Animation With SetTimout - Why Animation Only Subtract

Aug 27, 2011

I've been messing with this code to make a fade in animation with setTimout. The only thing is addition isn't working on the fade in. A subtraction on a negative works though. This seems strange to me.

changeit.style.opacity -= -0.01; works but when it's changed to changeit.style.opacity += 0.01; there's no fade in. It's the only thing I change. My intuition says to me it should work with addition, but maybe there's something I'm not understanding.


changeit.style.opacity -= -0.01; if this is set to changeit.style.opacity += 0.01; it doesn't work. What?

Of course this is all just for Firefox for now. If I put this in something useful I'll change it so it'll work in other browsers later.

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Waiting For A Popup Window To Close

Jul 20, 2005

I am currently having problems with Popup windows in an application I
am writing. I have a page, which opens a Popup window to a Perl Script
on another server.

Because of this, I cant access the Parent's DOM to execute a function
on the main page from the popup. I need to execute a script in the
Main window once the popup window has finished its process.

I have tried setting a loop that checks if the popup is still open,
which should work in principle.... however it hangs both Browser

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Waiting For Image Src To Finish Loading?

Jul 27, 2010

I have a small application that tries to launch a slide show for a set of pictures (jpg). It is implemented by a timed ajax routine to get the next picture filename and updating the image src field to show the next picture. The problem is that the actual down load varies significantly in time, based mostly on a clients access speed and the resolution size of the picture. Since all this happens asynchronously, the delay time routine gets invoked and is exhausted before the download is completed in many cases. Is there any way to start the new src coming and then detecting/waiting when it is complete?

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Function Blocking Waiting For User Interaction

Oct 26, 2006

I'm trying to halt a function's execution while waiting for user

For example, I have a function called getUserValue() that pops up a hidden
div containing several buttons. Each button sets a value. I want use a
function to pop the box, wait for the users' button press, and then continue
the function based on what the user presses.

Behold, simi-code:

function getUserValue() {
... lots of code ...
var returnValue = doPopBox();
... lots more code based on users selection in doPopBox();

I've written quite a bit of supporting code, but the getUserValue()
continues to execute after the box is popped up, even before the user
presses a button.

I used setTimeout() to check to see if the button has been pressed -- but
when the timer starts, the interface is locked and a button cannot be
pressed. I also tried using a recursive function, (check value=null, if it
is, recheck), but Firefox and IE apparently don't like what may seem like an
unending recursive loop.

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Waiting For Images To Load Before Display Image?

Jan 11, 2011

Here is a snippet of code that I have. First off the recursion doesn't appear to be working as it only ever calls the addThumb function once and it should be called it more often as it never gets to the point of popping up the alert box "Loading". addThumbNails in this case is being called first which then calls addThumb. I have tried a preloading function for images with the same issues. The result of the current code can be seen here.

http:[url]....The thumbnails should load below a main image. The main image also isn't loading for the same reason at this point. Hit reload and the page reloads correctly.

Adds the thumbnails to the scrollBar
!!!Need to randomize the order.[code]......

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GMaps Geocoding - Script Not Waiting For Result

Mar 12, 2010

We have an address that we are submitting to GMaps API for geocoding. When the form is submitted, the address is supposed to become geocoded via javascript, 2 hidden form values for lat and long are supposed to populate with the geocoded result, and then the form is submitted for a back-end script to write to an xml file. The problem that I'm having is that there seems to be a lag with the call to GClientGeocoder and the script continues to process without waiting for a "result." How can I make it so that the javascript "waits" for a proper GClientGeocoder response so that the hidden form fields receive values before the scripts finishes executing.

More generally, I always thought that javascript executed sequentially, as in:
do something(variable, functionThis())
do somethingElse
In this example, I thought that functionThis() would have to finish executing before the script would move onto "do somethingElse."

The location of the script: [URL]
The wretched Javascript with issues:
var map = null;
var geocoder = null;
var rtnValue = false;
function initialize() {
if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map"));
map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(34.145553,-118.118563), 14);
geocoder = new GClientGeocoder();
[Code] ......

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JQuery :: Timing Not Quite Right - Hide() Function Calls Immediately Without Waiting For The Animate() Function To Run

Apr 1, 2010

I'm using jQuery 1.4 to hide a div (#cartPop) when the "close" link inside of it (#cartPop a) is clicked. Since I'm using animate() to fade the div out (opacity), I also have to use hide() to get rid of the div once it has faded out (otherwise the invisible div, which is on a higher z-index, blocks the elements on a lower z-index).


The problem is that the hide() function calls immediately without waiting for the animate() function to run. Even if I append a delay() function before hide() like so:


...it still doesn't wait.

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Lightbox's Greyed Out Background While Waiting For Page To Load?

Feb 17, 2009

I need to have a page wait till the entire thing is loaded before the user interacts with it. I would like for it to do a lightbox styled grey box over it or even something like plesk does where it fades out the background (same effect really) until the page has loaded

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JQuery :: Waiting For Images To Load After Using Load() In A Queue?

Sep 6, 2011

I have the following code:

$("#printme").queue("printQueue", function (next) {
$(this).load("print.html", function () {
$(this).ready(function () {


I want the images on #printme to finish loading before the passPrint function runs, but everything I've tried does not work. The ready() in there does not work.

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Ajax :: Jquery - Add An Animated "Loading" Gif To Display In The Div While It Is Waiting To Display The Content?

Apr 8, 2011

I have an onclick that triggers ajax which calls a php script to pull data from MySQL. This information is then displayed in a div. The problem I am having is that sometimes pulling the data from MySQL takes 2-3 seconds, so the div is empty for about 2-3 seconds. How would I go about adding an animated "Loading" gif to display in the div while it is waiting to display the content?


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