I embedded a s3slider jquery plugin which has a sequence of more than 80 pictures.That causes a problem when loading the page,since when the slider starts the page completion get stuck.To overcome this I thought I could make it run after $(window).load and somehow it starts running after the page content is fully loaded but ... it has to wait for the whole set of 80 pictures which is not very practical. first it has to fully load the page content and graphics,except for the imgs under the slider, once that's done, instead of waiting for all the 80 pictures, it has to start running after the first 3 pictures of the banner are loaded...but this doesn't work...
i have managed to make things work how i wanted quite quickly but to be honest jQuery is so easy that i'm not sure i completely understood what i was doing .. but it's working anyways ... well almost ...I have an empty div into which i load HTML content from another page. When i click a link on the page, the content from the other page should load and then the div should change background color and then be displayed with a fade animation. When i click on another link, the displayed content should fade out and the new content fade in.Everything works more or less only that when i switch from one loaded content to another, i can briefly see the old content before the new one is displayed, so the DIV fades out, then fades in again with the old content loaded and then only the new content switches in.I think probably i have my code wrong, could someone have a look ?
$(document).ready(function() { var href = $('.bodytext a').each(function(){ var href = $(this).attr('href');
Here is a snippet of code that I have. First off the recursion doesn't appear to be working as it only ever calls the addThumb function once and it should be called it more often as it never gets to the point of popping up the alert box "Loading". addThumbNails in this case is being called first which then calls addThumb. I have tried a preloading function for images with the same issues. The result of the current code can be seen here.
http:[url]....The thumbnails should load below a main image. The main image also isn't loading for the same reason at this point. Hit reload and the page reloads correctly.
Code: /*************************************** Adds the thumbnails to the scrollBar !!!Need to randomize the order.[code]......
$("#printme").queue("printQueue", function (next) { $(this).load("print.html", function () { $(this).ready(function () { passPrint(next);
I want the images on #printme to finish loading before the passPrint function runs, but everything I've tried does not work. The ready() in there does not work.
When to call a fadeIn function only after all of the elements (images) have been loaded perfectly. I set a function on document ready to fadeIn all divs of which class is "menu".
//animate on page load $(document).ready(function() { $(".menu").fadeIn(2300, function() { $("#welcome").fadeIn(1700);
But, before all of the menu are images, if it is my first time to open the site. The fadeIn effect could not be seen becaue of the loading time needed for images, instead I only see they are loaded "partially" and one by one like usual.
This is the link of the site When to call this fadeIn function only after all of the images have been loaded perfectly?
I have a page that contains images, and those images are displayed in a fancybox window when they are clicked. Some of these images are loaded dynamically after the page loads via AJAX.
All of the images exist inside of link tags with class="challenge_image_gallery". The code works the way it should on the images that are initially loaded on the page. However, when the new images are loaded onto the page using AJAX, the fancybox window loads two instances of the image that was clicked on rather than one as it should.
THis is very nice effect and more easy to use than the CSS method. I'll use this for some hover states.
Problem is that the opacity starts when the page is loaded. So you see the images 'flash' from normal to 'opacity: 25'.
Is there a method so the images have the opacity value immediatly, instead of when the page is loaded? Like a step before 'document.ready'. Or is the only way, the CSS way?
i just want to know if there is a way on how to determine if the images are fully loaded before resizing the images. I currently develop a slideshow that display images from the server. I just found out that if the images is not fully loaded it return wrong height and width. I just want to determine if the images are fully loaded before i resize it.Height and width is important to my application because i need it to adjust margin of the images.
The following code adjusts the opacity of an image which were dynamically loaded. It works on all browsers except for IE6. Is there a workaround?
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
Any way to wait until it is fully loaded <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#featured > ul").tabs({fx:{opacity: "toggle"}}).tabs("rotate", 4000, true); }); </script>
The pages which have these images are frames.... and even with my best attempts to preload them all still most do not. Some use more than one image and the flicker is obvious.
Below is how I am loading them, and it doesn't matter if I use URL referenced images or locally, (i.e. ./image1.gif)
<script> pic1= new Image; pic1.src="./image1.gif"; pic2= new Image; pic2.src="http://www...."; </script>
Is there a reliable way to pre-load all images in frames, or *should* this work and it's something else?
How do I detect if a couple of images on my page are loaded? I must somehow detect if those images are loaded and if possible, stop the visitor from doing anything until they are loaded.
I'm using a double background image for a site - basically two containers around everything, one with a gif with patches of different colour, and above it a semi-opaque png with a very faint texture. I'm doing it this way as it makes for much faster loading than one jpg with the image and texture combined.
The only problem is that you see the gif load first, then the texture goes over it. Is there any way, perhaps with JS, to hide these background images until they're both fully loaded, then display them together?
I have a couple of divs as part of my gallery page, I was wondering how I can make the image that is loaded into the div be a link, so it can be clicked on, but a different link for each image. I want to click the main div on the right when it has been loaded with an image so it opens up the original image source in a new window.
I have a client that wants a new background image every time page is reloaded. I thought I have to script and thought I had it working but when I applied it to all my pages from a template I made in dreamweaver it doesn't work. It only works on the template.
See code below. <head> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function MM_goToURL() { //v3.0 var i, args=MM_goToURL.arguments; document.MM_returnValue = false; for (i=0; i<(args.length-1); i+=2) eval(args[i]+".location='"+args[i+1]+"'"); }
The following code adjusts the opacity of an image which were dynamically loaded. It works on all browsers except for IE6.However, jQuery did apply inline styles "FILTER: alpha (opacity=30); ZOOM: 1" on the image. It just doesn't work.
I have an animation set up where if the user clicks a certain anchor the animation plays forward and if they click any other link it plays the animation in reverse.All other links that play the animation in reverse also call a "colorbox" script which opens a colorbox window. What is currently happening is that the colorbox window is opening before the reverse animation completes. I would like the reverse animation to complete first BEFORE the colorbox script runs.s there a way to tell my reverse animation to "wait" before calling any other scripts? The animation and colorbox scripts are completely separate from each other.
I have a form on a page that allows users to enter/edit and delete calendar events. The form is handled with Alsup's .ajaxForm plug-in [URL]. I would like to add a delete confirmation to the functionality in the form of a "Are you sure?" dialog box. Regardless of whether I open the confirmation in the "beforeSubmit" callback or a separate button.click function, the problem is the same: the "beforeSubmit" callback isn't waiting for the confirmation dialog to close.
Here's what I have so far: var fr_confirm = false; var d_confirm = $( "#dialog-confirm" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false ,closeOnEscape: false ,resizable: false ,modal: true ,buttons: { "Delete content": function() { fr_confirm = true; $( this ).dialog( "close" );}, Cancel: function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); }}}); $('#form_review').ajaxForm({ url: './includes/save_event.php'
,beforeSubmit: function(formData, jqForm, options) { // grab the text of the button selected - the last item in the data array var b = formData[formData.length-1].value; if ("Delete" == b) { d_confirm.dialog('open'); if (fr_confirm) { fr_action.val('delete'); var rid = fr_edit_rev.val(); } else { return false; }} else if ("Reset" == b) { Form_Review_Reset(); return false; } else { // submit // form data validation ... }} ,success: function(json, statusText, xhr, $form) { // post-submit callback ... }});
The first-to-mind hackish idea of while (d_confirm.dialog( "isOpen" )) {} Only causes the browser to hang. And setTimeout would also fall thru without waiting for the response. And I ~really~ don't want to use the old alert() function, even tho that is precisely the functionality I want to mimic.
I am currently having problems with Popup windows in an application I am writing. I have a page, which opens a Popup window to a Perl Script on another server.
Because of this, I cant access the Parent's DOM to execute a function on the main page from the popup. I need to execute a script in the Main window once the popup window has finished its process.
I have tried setting a loop that checks if the popup is still open, which should work in principle.... however it hangs both Browser Windows.
I have a small application that tries to launch a slide show for a set of pictures (jpg). It is implemented by a timed ajax routine to get the next picture filename and updating the image src field to show the next picture. The problem is that the actual down load varies significantly in time, based mostly on a clients access speed and the resolution size of the picture. Since all this happens asynchronously, the delay time routine gets invoked and is exhausted before the download is completed in many cases. Is there any way to start the new src coming and then detecting/waiting when it is complete?
I'm trying to halt a function's execution while waiting for user interaction.
For example, I have a function called getUserValue() that pops up a hidden div containing several buttons. Each button sets a value. I want use a function to pop the box, wait for the users' button press, and then continue the function based on what the user presses.
Behold, simi-code:
function getUserValue() { ... lots of code ... var returnValue = doPopBox(); ... lots more code based on users selection in doPopBox(); }
I've written quite a bit of supporting code, but the getUserValue() continues to execute after the box is popped up, even before the user presses a button.
I used setTimeout() to check to see if the button has been pressed -- but when the timer starts, the interface is locked and a button cannot be pressed. I also tried using a recursive function, (check value=null, if it is, recheck), but Firefox and IE apparently don't like what may seem like an unending recursive loop.
We have an address that we are submitting to GMaps API for geocoding. When the form is submitted, the address is supposed to become geocoded via javascript, 2 hidden form values for lat and long are supposed to populate with the geocoded result, and then the form is submitted for a back-end script to write to an xml file. The problem that I'm having is that there seems to be a lag with the call to GClientGeocoder and the script continues to process without waiting for a "result." How can I make it so that the javascript "waits" for a proper GClientGeocoder response so that the hidden form fields receive values before the scripts finishes executing.
More generally, I always thought that javascript executed sequentially, as in: do something(variable, functionThis()) do somethingElse In this example, I thought that functionThis() would have to finish executing before the script would move onto "do somethingElse."
The location of the script: [URL] -OR- The wretched Javascript with issues: var map = null; var geocoder = null; var rtnValue = false; function initialize() { if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map")); map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(34.145553,-118.118563), 14); geocoder = new GClientGeocoder(); [Code] ......