JQuery :: Using Buttons For Touch Screen Data Entry
Oct 8, 2011
I've done a fair amount of PHP development, but am new to Jquery. What I'd like to do is develop a tablet web app that uses custom image buttons for numeric-only data entry to populate form text boxes. Basically, when an image button (0 - 9) is tapped by the user, then the text box having the focus gets that corresponding digit added. There will also be a "back" button to erase, and a "send" button to process the form. It looks like this should be possible to do using Jquery or Jquery UI, but again I'm a newbie with Jquery and am not sure how to proceed.
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Jul 22, 2011
I am writing a small data entry screen that will post the form data to a page and return a message. But i cannot get the Success or Error functions working properly.
Here's the code where strData is the posted querystring of:
I'm not sure whether it should be in a form and using the onsubmit or click of a button.
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Oct 20, 2011
I am looking for a snippet to use touch gestures in jquerymobile. The following snippets works fine but the page only slides to the left. How to swipe the page to left and right? (data-direction=reverse"?
<script type="text/javascript">
$('div.ui-page').live("swipeleft", function(){
var nextpage = $(this).next('div[data-role="page"]');
// swipe using id of next page if exists
if (nextpage.length > 0) {
$.mobile.changePage(nextpage, 'slide');
$('div.ui-page').live("swiperight", function(){
var prevpage = $(this).prev('div[data-role="page"]');
// swipe using id of next page if exists
if (prevpage.length > 0) {
$.mobile.changePage(prevpage, 'slide', true);
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Jul 27, 2010
I need a Thickbox or popup mechanism to Upload File and Registration Details .
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Apr 29, 2011
I am trying to setup a donation form for a friend, where someone can click radio buttons for set donation amounts, or click the "other" radio buttons and enter a different amount. The donation amount is then passed over to a secure credit card entry page, hosted by a 3rd party merchant.I can set up all the pre-defined radio buttons to correctly pass on the donation amount to the credit card page, but I cannot figure out how to work the "other" radio button amount.
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Apr 29, 2011
I am trying to setup a donation form for a friend, where someone can click radio buttons for set donation amounts, or click the "other" radio buttons and enter a different amount. The donation amount is then passed over to a secure credit card entry page, hosted by a 3rd party merchant.
I can set up all the pre-defined radio buttons to correctly pass on the donation amount to the credit card page, but I cannot figure out how to work the "other" radio button amount.
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Jun 12, 2011
Im trying to get the hang of it. I am trying a simple data entry page, where you can enter the name and type of an animal (eg Freddy the ferret) and it will be added to an HTML table.
The bottom of my table looks like this...
...and I have the following in the <head> tag of the page...
The way I thought this should work is that the first bit of the line would create a new DOM element, consisting of a <tr> with three <td>s in it, the first and second of which would contain the values the user entered. This new DOM element would then be inserted into the table right before the last row.
The problem is that the values from the two <input> tags are ignored, and a row with three empty cells is inserted...
I tried adding the following to the script...
And this showed fine, implying that I am getting the values correctly.
I even tried hard-coding the whole line, but that still added empty cells. Oddly enough (to me anyway), the space in the third cell was recognised, but the hard-coded text in the first two cells wasn't.
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Oct 21, 2010
I've been trying to find a jQuery that will have buttons float from left to right onto a page, then grow a little / shrink back to normal size on mouseover.
I've found lots of things that are predominantly for drop down menus - that's not really it.
Using my (limited) javascript skills I've modified a script that moves buttons or divs onto a page but it looks very dull. Powerpoint-like even.
Here's a link: [URL]
All the buttons need to do is jump to another page - the background image does not need to change at all / slide out or anything like that.
So basically what I'm looking for is a pointer to a jQuery thingy [!] that will do the above while looking a lot snazzier
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Apr 20, 2009
I'm about to embark on developing a class which, given a field name and server-side script, will "auto-complete" or "suggest" entries already entered in the database.
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Jul 20, 2005
i'm loading an external web page (i.e. google.com, espn.com) into
an IFRAME on top of a web application we have running in IE running on
a kiosk. the kiosk is only a touch screen and has no hardware
i'm looking to create a software keyboard that can be requested by a
click on our web application (a web page for all intents and
purposes). the windows accessibility keyboard would be ok, but when
opened from the browser you get the 'confirm opening an exe' dialog,
which ain't cool.
so next i was hoping make an html/flash keyboard
which would talk to the forms within the IFRAME via a javascript
layer. however i later found that javascript is not permitted to
access the contents of a document within an IFRAME loaded from an
external web site. so there is no way for javascript to directly
modify the text values of the form elements.
so now i'm stuck....i'm limited to solutions above the IFRAME
level...is there a way to programmatically mimic a keypress and send
it to the browser from within the browser? any other ideas?
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Jun 18, 2010
I have come in need of assistance in guiding me in the right direction. My intentions are to create a web-based page where one can select from a few drop down menu's, and enter a few select pieces of information. This information would then be logged for later purposes, when the user chooses to retrieve this information (during the initial usage, no long term storage) in the format of a report.
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Oct 5, 2010
I have designed a data entry form in HTML. In all I have upwards of 16 data entry elements (varying from edit boxes, '<input>', drop down controls, check-boxes, etc)
I know by setting the tabIndex of every data entry element user can navigate easily with the Tab key. But, even if it is non-standard, can the navigation be done with the 'Enter' key instead (it is the users, non functional requirement)
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May 5, 2009
I have an ASP page that displays, along with other data, a list of items that refer to a specific element in a database. Instead of adding an Add button, I would like to display a text box below the last item in the list to have the user input any new data. Once they enter the data and hit Enter, the data they enter should then be added to the list and another text box added beneath this item (just as forms and tables in Access do). However, I'm not sure how to implement this functionality.
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Feb 23, 2011
I'm writing a program that would automate data entry (from an excel spreadsheet) into an online database. I've been doing them one by one for the past couple of weeks...only have about 10,000 left.
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Jul 23, 2005
I am trying to create a web page in which the contents of one selection list
depends upon which element in another selection list is chosen, but where
the information to populate the first selection list comves from an SQL
database on the web server.
There are a couple of these situations in my application but, for example,
the first list might be a list of counties, and the second list a list of
states/provinces. Obviously the names of counties depend upon which
state/province is chosen, but there are too many possibilities to be able to
embed them within the web page itself. So when the user selects a
state/province I need to go to the server to ask for the list of counties.
I have seen a number of posts that sort of address this issue. For example
it is suggested to use <script src="a URL"/> to ask the server side code to
send up data of type "text/javascript". However the examples do not seem to
address how the server side code would know which state/province the user
had selected.
If there is a web site that addresses this sort of thing, I would appreciate
any pointers.
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Aug 1, 2005
I have a textbox on one of my forms that is used to accept a time from the
user. I need to write this value to a database to trigger an event later on.
What I'd like to know is...
Are there any functions in javascript that can convert different time
formats to a known format (24 hour clock)... 5pm -> 17:00 or 5:00 to 05:00,
etc. ???
Assuming that I get the input into a 24 hour format, how can I create a full
time/date variable with todays date and the users entered time?
Finally, if the entered time is earlier than the current time, how can I
create the above date/time combination using tomorrows date?
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Jul 21, 2011
I would like to know whether anyone can tell me which plattforms are supported by jQ Touch. On the homepage of jQ Touch it is said, that is "for mobile web development on the iPhone, Android, iPod Touch, and other forward-thinking devices" SO what is meant by that. Which other browsers are supported?
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Sep 22, 2011
Do you know of any best practice here?Expanding on the question, if an end user is viewing content with touch-based device, such as an iX or Android X, then hover type events (such as hover/hoverIntent, mouseover, mouseout, mouseenter, mouseleave, and perhaps other events that I haven't listed) don't make sense.Forthwith, what's the best usability practice in lieu of these events?
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Mar 1, 2011
Is there a way to use jquery to detect any device with a touch screen?
Im using the jscrollpane but the handles drag in the wrong direction on touch screens like the ipad (in my opinion). As you can drag the main content (which works in the correct way), I want to hide the scroll bars if the device is a touch screen.
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Jul 23, 2005
We have a webpage that has a form available on the intranet.
A user will have a window open that runs a different application open.
When the user accesses the webpage and clicks a button we should
capture the data from the application window and populate the form.
Is it possible to access text inside another opened window on the client
pc, using javascript?
Any ideas on how to do this?
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Mar 18, 2009
I am having serious problems over a JavaScript function. I have 2 x 2 dimensional arrays of data to display on the screen, each array being 18 x 18. The arrays and displaying them is working fine, I have 2 lots of X and Y variable (LocX1, LocY1, LocX2 and LocY2) which I use to reference the cells of the arrays.
I have 2 similar (but not identical) functions to move around these arrays using links on the screen.
As you can see, I have tried multiplying the variable by 1, adding zero and using the Number command. All other directions work fine and all links are identical, just passing a different 'direction' through an onClick.
P.s. I miss placed this post before, and it was sugested I re-check the links that set the functions off. They are all identical (all 8), except for the 'north' 'south' etc. bit.
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Jun 9, 2010
we have product pages; example page: [URL]
there is a selection of menus on the screen that you can change select different options to show you a price.
issue is as follows; i want to be able to create url's for every product in the database for google adword purposes; for example if they click on the google ad they come direct to the page/selection from the table/drop downs that is what they want. currently we have got as far as creating the below link;
this link will take you to the product, but the drop downs from the menus haven't changed, just the price and the quantity.
i need to know of a way of selecting from the database and it be able to change the drop downs from a specific url.
our problem is we need to populate a select option in order of the one we send.
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Oct 27, 2010
Notice: This is a discussion thread for comments about the SitePoint article, Adapting an Interface for Touch Devices.
Interesting technique!
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Nov 19, 2010
<form action="mail.php" class="contactForm" name="cform" method="post">
<div class="left">
<h1>Insurance Details</h1>[code]....
thank you message loads in a new page. BUt if I delete this line: var gender = document.getElementsById('gender'); The form run properly, when submit button is click, it will hide the forms and replace by a thank you message but problem is the data send in the email is not the right value eg. in Gender: I select Female. BUt I receive Male as value. Why is that?for live demo: http:[url]....for full Script Code: http:[url].....
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Jan 17, 2010
There is a missing part on my program, it is when you input less than or equal to 65 and greater than 100, a prompt will appear and say "Invalid Entry" and ask you to Input again an entry until you enter a valid entry. For example on Prelim Grade, I input 50, a prompt must appear to say "Invalid Entry" and ask me to input again another entry. Another is how will I terminate the program? When I input an invalid or a valid entry, it is continuing to ask me to input again an entry.Here is my code
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May 23, 2011
Very new to JavaScript so I'm sorry if this is a daft question, I have searched for answers first and could not find anything that works for me ... so .. One html form with two submit buttons. On submit (save changes) posts back to the same page and updates a database. The other submit button (preview) should open a op-up showing what the data would look like if the user should press save.
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