JQuery :: Remove And Add DOM Elements Which Hold Flash Movies?
Mar 30, 2009
I've run into a problem on a particular project, and it seems to be browser specific. [code]...
Now, this works all fine and dandy in Firefox and Safari, but in the IE's, it will switch properly, but if you switch while in the middle of a movie playing and then switch back to it, the video is paused at the spot where the switch happened and will not play again. That does not happen in Firefox or Safari. Your thoughts? Is this just a cache thing with IE that can't be worked around?
1) in the object tag add the following parameter <PARAM NAME=wmode VALUE=transparent>
2) in the embed tag add the following attribute <EMBED src="jet.swf" wmode=transparent ....
3) add the same name-value pair to the following script <script type="text/javascript"> AC_FL_RunContent 'codebase','http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0' ,'wmode','transparent',...rest of your name-value pairs go here ); //end AC code </script>
there is some kind of flash rotator on the home page. This is my code attempt to move between preloaded swf animations using javascript. I've tried giving id of the object or embed but this won't help. Of course this is not that simple and the code isn't working. My intent is to have animation change when clicking the next button.
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> var flashNumber = 0; var items = 3; [Code]....
I have a page I am working and I am having some trouble with: I need to show and hide areas based on a radio selection. I initally started using the show / hide feature in Jquery but the problem is the elements need to be removed but then put back if the user selects the radio buttonagain as it has form elements that have validaion on them. The validation is still trying to validate the form elements becuase they are still on the page but just not showing. This is the radio group the user makes the selection from:
What I'm trying to do is this: in the Home page, I want to add a big flash animation, that goes on top of the normal content (as in a higher layer). The animation will end after some point, after which I want to get rid of it, sort of like a welcome animation, that vanishes off after it ends. This way when someone accesses the website, they'll be greeted to a small non-annoying animation that overlaps the rest of the page, and then they'll be left with the Home.
But I can't find what I'm looking for. After a set amount of time, how do I get rid of the flash in the document? Can I eliminate it, make it invisible, unvalidate it or whatever?
I thought that instead of having the animation in another page that redirects to the Home, this would be a great opportunity to finally learn how to integrate flash with websites. After all, I've been meaning to learn javascript for some time now.
i am using the object flash embed instead of the swfobject or flashobject because I am embedding using js innerHTML. Is there a way to loose the dotted border in IE that swfobject fixes? The movie needs no interactivity its just a swf animation.
I'm trying to allow users to add the text from a text input into a list, and then have the option of removing this list item. So far I have the code below which allows me to add a styled list item with a link in it which I would like to close the box when clicked but at the moment when I click it nothing is happening. I'm not sure if I'm approaching it correctly or if there is an error in my code.
jQuery(function(){ $('#addTask').click(function() { var Task = $("#jobTasks").val(); if (Task == '') {
I appended elements inside this div. But I want it where if a check box is checked then that element which is an a tag html element that will be removed.
The problem... when lets say append 3 <a> tag elements. when I remove all 3. Then append like 4.. I see like gaps. like I want it where if I delete the element it will float upwards. what that means that if I got 3 elements and I delete all 3 and then append 1 new one... then that new one should be shown at the top of the div. Not displayed a little bit lower then where the 3rd element we removed was located at.
It seems like that html code that is appended still stays there for some reason.
But when there are multiple classes, it only deletes the first element in its query. As a successful test, I appended some CSS to ensure the query selected all classes and added a border to each element. So why does remove() not work? Is it a bug or is my query missing something?
I am trying to insert and remove form element dynamically. What I was doing was some sort of recipe program where a user can prefer to add for elements as he/she is done inputting a recipe. He/She can also remove the ingredient if he/she opts to. Here is the link: [URL]
I already solved the problem but I am not sure if what I did is an efficient one. The thing I did was clone the first child of the form. But I realized that if I would put text inside the first child of the for, the duplicate field will also contain the same text as the first child which I don't want to happen. This is why, I set the display of the first child of the form as none. I am not sure if this would cause some problem when I would submit the whole form so that the inputs will be saved in the database since the first child is empty. I was thinking that as the form will be submitted, I would just remove the first child.
I have a few input button classes all with the same class. When a user clicks on the input button, then I disable the input button so the user does not click on it again. I want to make it so when the user goes back, all of the buttons of the same class are active again(including the one that the user just clicked on).
When the user select an option in a dropdownlist, new dropdownlist elements are added dynamically using jquery. When a user clicks on a new option i the first dropdown, I want all the dynamically added events to be removed so that I can render new ones. But it seems the dynamically added events haven't been added to the DOM, so they cannot be removed. Is it possible to remove them? In that case, how? I've read a lot about .Live(), but my problem is not regarding an event - I just need to reach an element(?).
So I have a table with rows and basically I cloned it and then appended it underneath another table. The user can click on the plus button to clone the table (which on the UI looks just like a row of fields) over and over. Next to the plus button I have a minus button that I want to use to remove the cloned table. Here's my code for the add table button:
Basically what I need to do is write functionality for the remove button that when clicked removes the bottom most table. Is there functionality in jquery where you can say "find last occurrence of 'addrow' and remove it onclick"? [code]...
I am building a application where there is a main Menu of 5 items. If user select any specific item from menu then dynamic list is getting build usingJ QueryBasic List.If user select any specific line from list then application will be back to the main menu.Myrequirementis to hold the values all selected item of lists.There will be SHOW button in the application where I have to use all selected values of the list item.
I have a grid of items that when clicked lead to a new page. I would like to implement a function so that if a user clicks on an item and holds for at least 1000ms, a menu will be shown next to the item and they will not be taken to the next page.
However, all of my current attempts either lead to the menu not being shown, or it is shown and the user is redirected to the next page anyways.
Here's my current code:
jQuery(document).ready(function(){ var mousehold; jQuery('.item').mousedown(function(){
I want to implement a little JavaScript that allows the picture to be swapped for a virtual tour, a QuickTime mov file. Here is the syntax for the test.mov file that should replace the test.gif
Now you probably say .... listen dude, check out the 101 postings on swapping images..... Well, just to make it a little more complicated, I want to add the HOTSPOT functionality. When you make the QuickTime movie (virtual tour - aka 360 view), you can identify hot spots. These are basically areas that the user can click on to get the next virtual tour / movie. Now, in test.mov, there is a hotspot66, when you click on it,you are supposed to link through to NewMovie.html (which would contain NewMovie.mov), but I want the same file to remain on the screen and NewMovie.mov to be placed into the image area.
Seems that we have moved (prematurely of course) to JavaScript 102....
In the following script all works fine except the "Remove all items".It adds and removes individual elements fine, but when I call the dropElems() function it removes up to the last 2. If I click it again, it removes only one.Finally, pressing one more time does remove all.I'm calling the same function to remove one element multiple times to remove all the elements, but it seems to stop short of the actual desired action.[code]
I have a webpage with thumbnail images that I want to be able to click on to play associated Quicktime movie files in either IE or Netscape. I'm having difficulty finding any HTML or Javascript code for doing this, and was wondering if this is not an easy thing to do. Is there some special code needed for detecting Netscape Quicktime plugins, and what about IE?
I have an entry form where a length needs to me entered. It can either be entered in meters (one input field) or feet and inches (two input fields).
I'd like to have the user select which units he wants to specify (with a selection tool) and then the form would automatically either display one text box or two.
Exactly how would one go about removing all except one of the above LI elements? Also each page refresh the left over LI element must be a randomly left over element. The last part is the one I am getting stuck on... how to make sure the left over LI element is random each time.
I have a page with three identical listbox containing items in the same order. When an element is selected from any of the three lists, the script should search for the occurrence of the same element in other two lists and remove them on the fly from all the three lists.