JQuery :: Prevent Ampersand From Splitting Up Data String During Ajax
May 12, 2009
I'm using ajax to store values from a form into MySQL. The form contains a text field named "title" and the method I'm using to fetch and pass on the data to the backend is shown below:
_data = "title=" + $( '#title' ).val();
async: true,
type: "POST",
url: "backend.php",
dataType: "json",
data: _data,
success: function( json ) { .... }
The method works fine for normal text, say "This is a sample text". However, if an ampersand is used in the title text (example: "This & That"), the post value is being truncated at the ampersand. In effect, the & in it is causing the string to be split up into two segments and the
part after the & is being treated as a variable,
i.e. instead of passing
title = This & That
What is being passed is,
title = This
That =
* as shown by Firebug
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Aug 24, 2009
Is there any was to prevent ampersand from splitting up the passed data? For example if my data looks like: "This is some text&blah blah" If I pass it as data it will get split up at "&": This is some text blah blah
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Feb 16, 2011
I know this is probably super easy....but how does one extract var_1 & var_2 out of this?
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox[var_1][var_2]" />
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Dec 25, 2010
I want to know if there is a way to return ajax call as html value and not plain text, ie all html formatting will be displayed.
My code:
<script src="jquery.js">
String returned from webform4.aspx is html formatted but jquery displayed it as plain text. Is that anyway to display it as html string ?
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Sep 10, 2010
i can't figure this out, it was working fine before, and i did a few updates and now it only works when the button is pressed but not if i type into the form and press 'enter'. i don't want he page to reload at all. (also the entire wrapper for my page is hidden using css, a loading image is displayed until the onload event fires, then the wrapper uses jQuery's .slideDown(2000), so if javascript is off they won't even see the form, i'm not concerned about browsers with javascript disabled, i *only* want them to be able to type in the field and hit enter or click the send button to post the data via ajax with no page reload. i'll make it more accessible later)
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Aug 3, 2009
I have a form that has a text area to send data to a mysql database. the problem is when you type contents into the textarea and the contents happens to have an ampersand, everything after and including the ampersand gets truncated. I'm using ajax to store values from the form into MySQL
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Jun 27, 2011
I am using .ajax() to access cross-domain data using JSONP. Because I need to be able to cache the data I want to use a static name for thejsonpCallback function, so I have set the jsonpCallback option in the .ajax() request. However that appears to requires a global function whereas the auto generated function didn't (well maybe it did but that was all hidden from me).
I definitely need to be able to cache the results. Ideally I wouldn't have a global function handling the data. Is there another way to do this? If not what is the best practice way to go about using a global function these days and how do I provide it with the context of the object/module it was called from - which is where the data is needed?
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Sep 28, 2010
I am working on a project that relies heavily on AJAX calls, they are done in dozens of places. There are a number of places where I would want to prevent the user from submitting information multiple times (form submissions etc ). I am trying to think of the best way to accomplish this.
I could simply disable the element that starts the AJAX call upon the first click and re-enable it upon completion of the call. I have also seen examples of developers using a class to handle ajax calls that store an identifier for the call and if it is in progress any new calls with the same identifier will be ignored.
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Mar 31, 2011
My problem is that users have the ability to manipulate querystrings to the point of being able to access data to which they should not have access to. The user logs in with their details and is redirected to their own data. The URL in the status bar is displayed without the &id=xxxx but in the source the &id=xxxx is present as a HREF. If the user adds &id=xxxx (Where x is any integer) they can access the data of other users. how to prevent this? To my mind, the best course of action would be to include id=xxxx in the session data and not to have it as a querystring but I would not know how to approach this.
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Aug 17, 2011
Ihave a list named'Geography', the list has a dropdown field called CountryDropDown, ID of this field is ID_CountryDropDown. This field is looking up to another list called LookUpCountry, which contains all the country names in the 'Title' Column.
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Jul 13, 2009
I am still new to jQuery and I am trying to figure something out. I have this code:
This is working fine on itself. What is does is when I click a link it loads data into the following div. When done loading it slides out. But I want to change the appearance of the slide. I have tried to do that like this: $(this).show("slide", { direction: "down" }, 1000); But this doesn't work. When I check firebug it says the following: o.easing[this.options.easing || (o.easing.swing ? "swing" : "linear")] is not a function
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Apr 12, 2011
I have a simple PHP form and to prevent double data submission, once the user has clicked 'submit', I want to disable the submit button using JavaScript. It was recommended in another thread that one could accomplish this using jQuery and the following code:
Code JavaScript:
$('input[type="submit"]').click( function() { $(this).attr('disabled','disabled'); } );
However, I also read that some browsers don't like having the submit button disabled, and that a more "elegant" way to do things would be:
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May 31, 2010
i have a series of <select> fields. The first one, via ajax(), generates a 2nd one, based on the first ones' data with the .change() method. there is then a 3rd <select> - who's data will depend on choice of the second one although step 1 works, and i can generate the 2nd one, i still can't generate the 3rd one.
when i test the script on its own, both the 2nd and 3rd <select> fields are fine - but not via the ajax, which leads me to believe that the .change() from the 2nd one, isnt triggering the ajax call - its not being picked up (even the 'hello' alert isnt working).
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Dec 2, 2011
<a href="test.php?t=123" id="test">Table</a>
//// JavaScript Document
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#a').click(function() {
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Jan 30, 2011
I'm writing this web app.For each view, when required, I'll have one or more script files named after the view. Some functions are shared across the site. So I extracted and put them into separate .js files. Some views may have sub-views (such as the login box).
And I ended up with 10 <script> tags per page (includes 3 jquery must-haves). Although in some pages I can lower it to 6, I still think this is a pretty big number, as lots of extra HTTP transaction is required when loading the page.
I put the <script> tags at the end of the page, before closing <body>. Most scripts didn't use $(document).ready().
So is it bad to have 10 <script> tags on each page? Is there a magic number I should never surpass? Is it a good idea to put lots of (unrelated) functions into a single .js?
And is it bad to have scripts executing at the end of the page rather than $(document).ready ?
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Aug 24, 2011
I'm a complete newbie to JSON and I'm trying to make some sense out of itI think that what I want to achieve is fairly basic, but I have no clue where to begin. Here's my problem:I want to get the information from this JSON-string, fetch the value for realm_rank and display it within a header-tag in my html-code.
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Feb 7, 2009
The loaded file normally, an hrml file, they have no scripting code which can't prevent caching. So how can I do so with this kind of file ?
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Dec 29, 2010
Assume we have one button that fires ajax request, ajax call will talk 15 seconds to load the results. Assume the user clicked on that button first time and waited for 5 seconds, then he/she clicked again. In this case the page will be loaded two times. i.e. first time will be loaded and after finishing the first ajax request, the second one will start!
Is there any way to cancel the second ajax request(both first and second ajax calls come from first button) while having the first one in process? The problem, if the user clicks more than one time on the same button, then a queue of ajax calls will be executed and the user will wait for long to process all of them. So I need to cancel similar requests that come after first request.
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Sep 18, 2010
I need to open a new window(child) once the user clicks on the KPI(parent window) field on a Web page. I pass some parameters in the string. Problem is the KPI field can have the "&" ampersand character in it and the string thinks it is another parameter being sent. how I can get around this?
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Nov 22, 2007
Pretty simple, I am sure. I have a small JS script, which is
function OpenSomething(input)
win3=window.open("some_file.php?info=" +
return false;
The problem is that "input" comes from a text box, and can contain
All I need is to replace ampersand with %26, and do the same in PHP
(which I know how to do). But how do I do that in JS?
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Jun 1, 2009
I have email, password and some other fields, and I'm using $.post to send data for Ajax submission.
The problem is that I don't want to submit a particular field. The serializeArray() returns all the fields in the form. So, I tried something like this to prevent the password field being serialized.
This works great but the ajax submission doen't work.
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Mar 14, 2002
When using document.referrer to get the referring URL it only sees up to the ampersand
i.e. www.something.com/script?name=value&
Is there any way to get the rest of the URL?
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May 3, 2010
I have a function that takes the input from a text area, searches through the text, and should replace &, ", <, or > with &, <, etc. As the code is now, it will replace other characters, but runs into an infinite loop when dealing with ampersands.I'm thinking it's finding the ampersands from other things it has already replaced and trying to replace them over and over.how to improve this and break out of the loop?
<script language="javascript">
function replace(){[code].....
Here's a link to try it out, but the loop is infinite if you search for an & and may crash your browser.
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Feb 1, 2011
I have no experience with Javascript at all, and this is probably tricky without the full code, but I'll give it a try anyways:
I have a page with two dropdowns (date and month), which generates a (0,0) value, (date,month).
I need to input those two values separately in two different locations in a generated URL. How can I split up the keys-result, instead of it being (0,0)?
Can I maby add something to the "result.keys"-string to point to the "var days / var month"?
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Sep 8, 2011
I'm trying to figure out how to split a url variable... I tried these two ways, with an alert to see my result, but I'm not getting anything.
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Sep 26, 2011
I have PHP form application used to by Sales reps to Enter information about customers but I want to prevent Sales reps from entering same information because of web form behavior after they want to add new customer ? is their away in using Jquery to clear the form for new entry ??
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