JQuery :: News Slider - Auto Adjusting Height?

Mar 21, 2010

I try to make a news slider with cycle plugin here's the structure
<div id="myNewsDisplay">
<ul id="aContent">
<li>short text</li>
<li>moderate text</li>
<li>long text</li>
<div id="aFooter"></div>
I want to make the #myNewsDisplay to animate height based on #aContent height the problem is that, everytime the news showing up at the beginning the height is automatically set by the last long text height. How to make the #myNewsDisplay height auto adjust the height of every news height?

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JQuery :: Adjusting The Preview Slider In Wordpress?

Jan 31, 2011

I'm using a preview slider on my Wordpress site, but it doesn't work the way I want it to. As soon as the preview is changing it shows the next preview on the rightand the previous on the leftside of the center preview.


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JQuery :: Detecting SWF Height And Adjusting Padding

May 31, 2010

So, I'm new to jQuery, but have a pretty good understanding. Still, I've come across an issue that I'm not quite sure how to resolve. I'm using wordpress, and have a .swf inside of a div, "player." The player class has no height spec, as the height of the .swf is different depending on the page. What I need to do is detect the height of the .swf on each page, and then apply that number as padding-top to another class?

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JQuery :: Change Flexible Height In News Ticker?

Oct 13, 2011

how to change basic settings etc.But I have a problem changing the height of the following "news-ticker"


You can see that I have different length of text in the testimonials and they appear now with fixed height. Where can I change the height so it's flexible to the amount of text. I've tried to changed it in the <li> and the <ul> but that didn't worked for me.

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Make A News Slider For A Website In Js?

Jan 11, 2011

I'm trying to make a news slider for a website in js. This is what I currently have:

<script type="text/javascript">
var refresh = setInterval("refresh()", 5000);
function refresh()[code]....

The id #top_news is an empty div, in which the news are shown, and the file top_ten.php gets top 10 news from the database, and outputs a random one. The script is working fine, but what I want is, for news to slide in and when a new article slides in, the old one slides out. It would be even better, if there is an excistant script, for news or divs (a small image and text).ALSO, when I refresh/load the site, it takes the time from setInterval, to load the news.

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Adjusting The Width And Height Of A Popup Window

Jul 20, 2005

Im working on a site for a friend, and we've setup a popup window for a couple pages, but with the code we have, the variables for the width and height are in the <script> portion of the code, and not on each individual popup code segment. Is there a way I can add "width=400" or something to each popup to change its width? Code:

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Adjusting IFrame Height Relative To Its Content

Aug 16, 2010

<title>< /title>

<iframe name="j" id="j" src="ANOUNCEMENT.html" onload="this.style.height = j.document.body.scrollHeight + 12"></iframe>

Am I doing it right? I am trying it now but the j.document.body.scrollHeight seems doesn't work for me.

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Auto-Adjusting Menu Image Based On Browser Size Possible With JS?

Oct 8, 2010

I have a background image that auto-resizes based on browser window / screen resolution. I want my top header menu, which requires links, to act in the same way and be in roughly the same position/size based on browser window. Is this possible? In the sample below, the image is just part of the background image to give you an idea of the look I am trying to duplicate.Is there a Javascript out there that will help me or will I be stuck having to rework my design?

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JQuery :: Use A News Ticker Where The Lines Of News Fade In And Out?

Dec 1, 2010

I want to use a news ticker where the lines of news fade in and out. This is a piece of the script:

$('.Rotator ul li').hide();
$('.Rotator ul li:first').show(); Rotate();


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JQuery :: Slider - Match DIV Height Values

Mar 23, 2010

I have a 2 div JQuery slider and the height of one div id is relative and changes height values. Is there a way in jquery I can say "the height value of this div is equal to what the height value of the other div is?"

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JQuery :: Auto Play Is Not Working In Slider?

Feb 25, 2011

This slider is working fine when actively using/clicking/hovering but will not autoplay.

Code Below:
/*image slider*/


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JQuery :: Auto Slider Speeds Up With Upgrade

Jul 25, 2011

After upgrading from 1.5.1 to 1.6.1 the auto-play feature of this slider speeds up. I'm using this code: [URL]. 4000 milliseconds is specified in the script if you view source, however, if you let the slider run for a few minutes(I haven't determined a consistent time frame for this) then the slider begins to change one after the next almost immediately without waiting 4 seconds.
.attr() is used once in the script, but after reading the core teams suggestions regarding .attr() after upgrading to 1.6.1 it doesn't seem like I'm supposed to change anything.

Same problem with this slider which is from [URL] simple-jquery-image-slide-show-with-semi-transparent-caption:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
//Execute the slideShow

function slideShow() {
//Set the opacity of all images to 0
$('#gallery a').css({opacity: 0.0});
//Get the first image and display it (set it to full opacity)
$('#gallery a:first').css({opacity: 1.0});
//Set the caption background to semi-transparent
$('#gallery .caption').css({opacity: 0.7});
//Resize the width of the caption according to the image width
$('#gallery .caption').css({width: $('#gallery a').find('img').css('width')});
//Get the caption of the first image from REL attribute and display it
$('#gallery .content').html($('#gallery a:first').find('img').attr('rel'))
.animate({opacity: 0.7}, 400);
//Call the gallery function to run the slideshow, 6000 = change to next image after 6 seconds
} function gallery() {
//if no IMGs have the show class, grab the first image
var current = ($('#gallery a.show')? $('#gallery a.show') : $('#gallery a:first'));
//Get next image, if it reached the end of the slideshow, rotate it back to the first image
var next = ((current.next().length) ? ((current.next().hasClass('caption'))? $('#gallery a:first') :current.next()) : $('#gallery a:first'));
//Get next image caption
var caption = next.find('img').attr('rel');
//Set the fade in effect for the next image, show class has higher z-index
next.css({opacity: 0.0})
.animate({opacity: 1.0}, 1000);
//Hide the current image
current.animate({opacity: 0.0}, 1000)
//Set the opacity to 0 and height to 1px
$('#gallery .caption').animate({opacity: 0.0}, {
queue:false, duration:0 }).animate({height: '1px'}, { queue:true, duration:300 });
//Animate the caption, opacity to 0.7 and heigth to 100px, a slide up effect
$('#gallery .caption').animate({opacity: 0.7},0 ).animate({height: '100px'},500 );
//Display the content
$('#gallery .content').html(caption);}

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JQuery :: Using Content Slider With Auto-rotate, Need Pause Button?

Dec 30, 2009

I'm using jCarousel Lite to power a content slider on a site. It has been working great, but I now have the need for a pause button to pause the auto rotation of the slides. I'd like to attach the pause function to an anchor tag. This feature is not built into the plugin currently and my attempts to contact the author have failed.Here is the code on in my html...

<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/jcarousellite.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/jeasing.js"></script>


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JQuery :: Create A Slider That Auto Scrolls 3-4 Images From Right To Left With No Controls?

Mar 8, 2010

What I am trying to do is create a slider that auto scrolls 3-4 images from right to left with no controls. And if the user hovers over it, it stops so they can read the content that is featured. Everywhere I search there are bunch of plugins i.e. easyslider, s3slider, etc. that have tons of code that is greek to me. I tried using the easyslider code and changing things around for it to do what I want, but I was unsuccessful.

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JQuery :: Auto-Pagination Based On Max Height?

Nov 5, 2010

I have the standard Pagination plug-in working with manual page breaks however I would like to improve on this and have a set height for each page. So I think I would need to loop through each <p> element, add the heights together, then once it hits a set value for height like 500px it would insert the page break element. I'm not worried about splitting up a paragraph so if it goes over a little on each page it's ok.

I don't know how to do this however. Is there a plug in that can accomplish this or does somebody know how to do this?

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JQuery :: Auto-resize The Containment Height's?

May 3, 2010

I'm using the Sortable/Portlets UI Code. Is it possible to auto-resize the Containment Height's. Bascially I have a DIV that acts as a container with a black background, when I sort these elements I want the container DIV height to change to match. OR is it possible to stop the bottom sortables from having sortables placed underneath them?

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How To Create A BBC News Style News Ticker

Oct 27, 2005

Does anyone have guidance as to how BBC News (http://news.bbc.co.uk/) generates its news ticker "Latest" that appears at the top of the screen? I am interested in creating something like this for my site.

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JQuery :: Iframe Auto-height Adjust For Cross Domain Use?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm wondering if anyone out there has a solution to using an iframe that automatically adjusts it's height of the child and also works cross domain.

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Height And Overflow: Auto;

Jun 8, 2006

Copy the following code and run it in IE and Firefox. In IE, you can see it works pretty damn good, with the center column using a div with "overflow". That is what I want!

Now, in Firefox, it doesn't work like that probably because it's doing it the RIGHT way

So, with that said, can any of you javascript guru's think of anything that we can use some JS to force the middle div to use that scrollbar when the content gets past the initial browser height? Code:

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Auto Height IFrame For Expandable Content?

Jan 29, 2009

I load my website in iframe I have put Javascript for auto height, but in my iframe expendable / Collapsible bar is there when page load into javascript my bar is Collapsible so it takes auto height correct but when I expand my Collapsible bar my content is overlapping please give me the solution and I don't want scroll bar for iframe when content expand here is my page: [URL].

And here JavaScript which is I am using:
<script type="text/javascript">
function doIframe(){
o = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
if (/"autoHeight"/.test(o[i].className)){
addEvent(o[i],'load', doIframe);
} .....

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How To Auto Height IFrame Content Script

Sep 27, 2010

I'm making a wordpress theme that will have a SMF forum incorporated into one of the pages. I've decided to use an iframe that calls in the forum (which is in the same domain), after trying several of the auto height scripts, including ones I used before with success, I got nothing. I'm not sure if it's a wordpress thing, but the scripts I'm so familiar with just don't want to work. Since forums change their height with all the different pages, this is an essential script for me. The only script (a new one) that somewhat works is the following:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function resizeIframe(obj) {
obj.style.height = obj.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + 'px';
obj.style.width = obj.contentWindow.document.body.scrollWidth + 'px';

Which eventually gets called with:
inside the iframe tag.

Now, this seemed to work just fine, but now the height of the page gets added the more I browse. If for example I go to a topic with a lot of replies (meaning, a long page height) and I browse back to the index page, that extra height isn't gone. You can see what I mean here: [URL]. I was wondering if there is something that can be done to this script to stop this and properly resize the iframe. The other script I've used was: [URL]. Which worked great as you can see here: [URL].

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Auto-height Iframe For Expandable Content?

Jan 30, 2009

I loading my website in iframe i have put Javascript for auto height, but in my iframe expendable / Collapsible bar is there when page load into javascript my bar is Collapsible so it takes auto height correct but when i expand my Collapsible bar my content is overlappingnd i don't want scroll bar for iframe whencontent expand here is my page:and here JavaScript which is i am using:

<script type="text/javascript">
function doIframe(){
o = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');


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Auto-resize An Iframe - Height Is Not Automatically Resizing?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a mysql database with a bunch of quotations in it. I created a blog at http:[url]....At the top of the blog is an iframe window that directs to http:[url]....On that page it uses php to pull out a random quote from the database. The iframe window displays that quote onto the blog.It works great except that the height is not automatically resizing.Is there a way I can use javascript to do this instead? Here is some pseudo-code of what I'd like to be able to do: (p.s. I do not know javascript or much of anything so I am looking for people to tell me how to ACTUALLY do this)

var stringvariable = http://aro2220.com/blog/index.html;

int stringlength = stringlength(stringvariable);

int autosize = 200 + stringlength * 5;

<iframe width="100%" frameborder="0" src="http://aro2220.com/blog" height=$autosize scrolling="no"></iframe>

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IFrame Auto Height Resizer Based On Its Content?

Apr 9, 2011

I'm looking for a good cross-domain iframe resizing script that adjusts its height based on its content. I have access to the html/css for the source of the iframe as well. Is there any out there?

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Dynamic Layer Height For Overflow: Auto Scroll?

Aug 1, 2011

In order to make my site scalable (down to 1024x768), I need four layers to vertically scroll so that their contents doesn't force the main page to scroll. However, on higher resolutions, there'll be more space below the layers which means I don't necessarily want the layers to scroll if there's enough space to fit the text in.

I've tried CSS - I had to specify a height of 250px (the most I can use before main-page-scrolling takes effect in 1024x768) and set overflow: auto. The problem with this is that this is static formatting - no matter what resolution I use, the layers are always going to scroll because the height has been set to 250px.

So I was wondering if there's a way, either a CSS property/function (or maybe this can only be done in java script) - to make the layers scroll only if there's a risk of the main page scrolling?Or do I need to attack this with a crowbar and have a separate style sheet for every single resolution where I specify the height of the layers for each one?

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JQuery :: Auto-resize All Div Height To Fit Text The The Largest Text?

Mar 26, 2010

I currently have multiple combos ofimage with a description text below it.I want to lay them out inrowsand inline. So if the width of page is not enough the next one should startbeginning of next row. Each image and text is currently house by a div with float left and a set width, but if you look at the attached screenshot (1.jpg), The Oracle - eBusiness Suite gets stuck because of the differentsheight due to text size and if I set a height too, then some of the text gets covered up (2.jpg). I was thinking if I can maybe use J Query to automatically adjust height to divs on the same rowto fit the biggest text size on that row?Evenjust changing all divs to that heightbe would be ok if it'seasier.


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