JQuery :: Looping Animate() Function And Stopping When Mouse Over?
Sep 6, 2011
take a look at following link and let me know how I can add a loop to my script in order to repeat the animate() function for example for every 30 seconds?[URL].. as you can see the animate function just runs for one time but I would like to repeat it for every 30 seconds. I also would like to add a function to stop the animation when user mouse over on the Logo div.
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Sep 6, 2011
take a look at following link and let me know how I can add a loop to my script in order to repeat the animate() function for example for every 30 seconds?
as you can see the animate function just runs for one time but I would like to repeat it for every 30 seconds. I also would like to add a function to stop the animation when user mouse over on the Logo div.
Here is the code
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Moving Div</title>
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Mar 31, 2010
I am working with a template I purchased that will loop a series of header images. I like to stop the image series from going back to the beginning once the series of images cycles through.
For instance, if there were 3 images in the sequence; currently the script cycles through all 3 images and then starts from the beginning. I would like the script to stop on the last image (so that image stays displayed) and not start the sequence again from the beginning. I couldn't get any support for hacking this script from the developers.
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Jun 2, 2010
I have a toggle animation which puts the area I want to show to the user in view, ones that animation has played I want to animate several other objects on the page. I have the code to animate one object by using the callback function in animate. But is it possible to animate several objects in the callback function?. this is the code I have so far
$(".mover").animate({left: '0px' }, 'slow',"", function() { $(".blok").animate( { fontSize:"160px" } , 1000 )});
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Oct 21, 2010
I've been trying to find a jQuery that will have buttons float from left to right onto a page, then grow a little / shrink back to normal size on mouseover.
I've found lots of things that are predominantly for drop down menus - that's not really it.
Using my (limited) javascript skills I've modified a script that moves buttons or divs onto a page but it looks very dull. Powerpoint-like even.
Here's a link: [URL]
All the buttons need to do is jump to another page - the background image does not need to change at all / slide out or anything like that.
So basically what I'm looking for is a pointer to a jQuery thingy [!] that will do the above while looking a lot snazzier
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Dec 26, 2010
I have a problem with a function i created. I want an image to move from a to b and then start from a again. Without parameters this works really fine, but now that I have got more images I use parameters but I have no clue how to call the funtion again.
I tried to replace show(100,flo) with show(100,flo(zahl,r_g)) but then the divs only move from a to b but even will not come back to a again. I think the solution should be pretty simple but i cant figure it out.
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Apr 1, 2010
I'm using jQuery 1.4 to hide a div (#cartPop) when the "close" link inside of it (#cartPop a) is clicked. Since I'm using animate() to fade the div out (opacity), I also have to use hide() to get rid of the div once it has faded out (otherwise the invisible div, which is on a higher z-index, blocks the elements on a lower z-index).
The problem is that the hide() function calls immediately without waiting for the animate() function to run. Even if I append a delay() function before hide() like so:
...it still doesn't wait.
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May 12, 2006
I have a function that is activated by a mouseover. The function
triggers an image rotation. I need to stop the rotation on the
mouseout but I don't know how to do this. the mouseover triggers the
rotate() function below. currently the mouseout produces the default
image but then it keeps cycling the other images.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
if(document.images) {
bubbles = new Image
off = new Image
bubbles.src = "images/bubbles.jpg"
off.src = "default.jpg"
else {
bubbles = ""
off = ""
adImages = new Array("images/whitemarble.jpg", "images/bubbles.jpg",
thisAd = 0
imgCt = adImages.length
function rotate() {
if (document.images) {
if(thisAd == imgCt) {
thisAd = 0
setTimeout("rotate()", 3 * 1000)
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Nov 19, 2011
I have a switch function with four cases: each case executes a sequence of six css changes.How to stop it, if the viewer wants to abort, by choose another menu option?I've done a trawl, and the closest I've come to finding something which could be adapted is from this site,by MattEvans, a while back, buit it had to do with a loop in the function to be stopped:create a public/global variable called "stopped", set it to false when you start the loop.inside the loop put:
then when you press "cancel" set the stopped variable to true .So, maybe something like
function wrapSwitch() {
if(stopped){ break; }
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Dec 10, 2010
I have this function:
function startAnimation() {
lastVertex = 0;
i = 0;
but if you click the button again, the original function continues working while the second one executes.Is there some way that that button click can say "stop the first one and start the next one"?
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Oct 11, 2011
I've got an array of names, and one ID. I need to run an ajax call using the ID and each lastname, until I get a successful hit on the ajax call. I can't quite figure out how to determine if the function that runs the ajax call has succeeded or not, it always returns false for me... Here's the code for the loop:
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Mar 9, 2007
<script language="javascript">
function copy_tag1()
{ document.form_tag1.tag.select();
document.form_tag1.tag.value); }
function copy_tag2()
{ document.form_tag2.tag.select();
document.form_tag2.tag.value); }
function copy_tag3()
{ document.form_tag3.tag.select();
document.form_tag3.tag.value); }
function copy_tag4()
{ document.form_tag4.tag.select();
document.form_tag4.tag.value); }
<form name="form_tag1">
<input type='text' name="tag" value=��'>
<input type=button value="copy" onclick="copy_tag1()">
<form name="form_tag2">
<input type='text' name="tag" value=��'>
<input type=button value="copy" onclick="copy_tag2()">
<form name="form_tag3">
<input type='text' name="tag" value=��'>
<input type=button value="copy" onclick="copy_tag3()">
<form name="form_tag4">
<input type='text' name="tag" value=��'>
<input type=button value="copy" onclick="copy_tag4()">
The code above make it copy each tag value by clicking each copy button.
There are four copy_tag functions in the javascript.
If I have more forms to copy, I have to make more copy_tag functions.
Can I make the javascript to loop for many many copy forms with your help?
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Oct 11, 2010
I used this tut to make a horizontal accordion.. but are trying to extend it to hide and show content like this example..(click the black "knowledge" box and the sample will slide up)but eventho the setup should be the same for expanding and opasity there is a opasity "blink" when hover over the expanded element but no collapsing. So the espanding/collapsing setup works, but not the Opasity part? [code]
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Oct 21, 2010
Is there a way to use animate() with a map that has a function for the value, like you can with css()? I've tried {left: function(index) { return index * 50; }} and it doesn't do anything. I should note that I do get a "Warning: Error in parsing value for 'left'. Declaration dropped." message when it runs, so it's trying... just not creating an appropriate value.
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Aug 1, 2010
I have some basic functions to animate something, but they only seem to work in FF, Safari, Opera... but of course not in IE 6.0. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, yet. Tried adding the DTD doctype etc... nothing changes.
Demo right here
<html><head> <title>test</title>
> .....
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Oct 19, 2005
Below is a stripped down example of code I'm using to count links in a
list. My intent with the ShowLinkNumber() function was to display the
number of the current link. (e.g. click on link 2, and the message "2"
pops up; click on link 4, and you see a "4.")
For reasons I can't trace, my function always displays the last number
in the list. Why does it do this, and can anyone suggest a way to
achieve my goal without adding markup? Code:
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Mar 8, 2011
I am using Jquery 1.2.6 version with existing website. I want to animate something on mouse over and for it I used animate function for it but I not able to get expected result.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".small-packagebuilder").css({"background-position": "5px 0"});
$(".builder_top_magenta span a").hover(function() {
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Oct 17, 2011
First of all, this is the first time that I use JQuery in my life. I have no idea of what I am doing. I have been following the following guide to animate a menu: [URL]... But as some of the people commenting on the guide I wanted the menu to animate with mouse over and mouse out. So I found the hover-function and the following comments on the guide:
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Aug 17, 2010
I'm using the jQuery animate() function to expand a div to a certain size. first check this link to see the problem. [url]
You see 2 divs, the meaning of the divs, is when you click on them they will expand to another size.
The problem is, that the div on the right, expands to the right, and not to the left. The first div is correct.
I saw that you can use the CSS selectors (bottom, top, left, right) to set that direction, but when i use these, the div is placed on the right-edge of the screen, so i cant programm right, because there are different screen sizes, so the webpage isnt correct when another resolution comes in.
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Aug 1, 2011
I'm using the color animatepluginto animate some colors.I'm animating the width on hover and using .stop() before each animation.when i click my paragraph it animates the color of the div back and forth with a callback function to reset the background color in case .stop() freezes the color. But the callback function is not called.try it here:[URL]Now I want to always call the callback function.
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Dec 6, 2010
at the end of the animation, I'm trying to run a function that relates to 'i', but every time it represents the last possible number instead of a range
for (var i = 0; i < bubbleArray.length; i++) {
var _this = bubbleArray[i]
var mLeft = parseInt($(_this.div).css('margin-left').split('px')[0]);
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Sep 28, 2009
Is there a way to write a custom tweening function, preferably with easing, without the use of the build in animate() function?In Javascript, it's possible to do this with an interval, but I haven't been successful in finding something similar for jquery
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Jul 27, 2010
I have a slogan that is supposed be animated so that one part slides onto the screen, followed by the other part. My understanding of the 'callback function' parameter on the .animate() function is that it's not supposed to execute until the animation is finished. The trouble is, the two functions seem to be executing at the same time (that is, the two parts of the slogan appear on the screen at the same time.) Here is my code:
$(document).ready(function() {
// hide slogan text $('#slogan_1').css('left','270px');
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Jun 30, 2009
I'm having a bit of an issue with IE. For some reason on this page: [URL]. When the right panel #content slides in, the background of the parent div #bgfield also slides in with it. I can't find anything linking the two. The line of code for the slide looks like this:
$("#content").css({'margin-right' : '-651px' }).animate( { marginRight: "0px" }, 1200 );
The associated CSS looks like
/* Styles for Div holding the bg image */
#bgfield {
position: relative;
width: 900px;
height: 448px;
border: solid 10px #FFFFFF;
/* background-image: url(images/transparent.gif); -- set this in each page */
background-position: center top;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: scroll;
text-align: center;
padding-top: 112px;
overflow: hidden;
/* Styles for main Content */
#bgfield #content {
float: right;
position: relative;
background-attachment: scroll;
background-image: url(../images/rightbg87pc.png);
background-position: right top;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
overflow: hidden;
height: 275px;
width: 651px;
text-align: left;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: #000000;
margin-right: 0px;
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May 16, 2011
I cant get the scrollbar to animate to 500px, onload.
Here is a link to my page...[url]
<script type="text/javascript">
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Nov 19, 2011
I use the wonderful .animate() method to create a "parallax website". It's still in developpement, but you can see the result : www.ohnewgarden.fr My problem : When you are at the very right, the animate effect reset my left property before animating. Which is weird is that this "reset" is applied only to two layers, without any sense. I'm going crazy !
So if someone could help me, it will be very nice ! It's probably my code which is wrong, but I can't see the mistake.
I said for my defense, I have tried to remove .stop(), tried to change parameters of .stop(), tried to reset (like there) the left property with a .css() method, and I have also tried to animate with "+=" (like there), but nothing works. If you follow to the link I gave, you could see very easily by clicking on "Contact" and after animation by clicking on "Accueil".
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