JQuery :: Including Data In Animate Callback Function?
Dec 6, 2010
at the end of the animation, I'm trying to run a function that relates to 'i', but every time it represents the last possible number instead of a range
for (var i = 0; i < bubbleArray.length; i++) {
var _this = bubbleArray[i]
var mLeft = parseInt($(_this.div).css('margin-left').split('px')[0]);
I have a toggle animation which puts the area I want to show to the user in view, ones that animation has played I want to animate several other objects on the page. I have the code to animate one object by using the callback function in animate. But is it possible to animate several objects in the callback function?. this is the code I have so far
I'm using the color animatepluginto animate some colors.I'm animating the width on hover and using .stop() before each animation.when i click my paragraph it animates the color of the div back and forth with a callback function to reset the background color in case .stop() freezes the color. But the callback function is not called.try it here:[URL]Now I want to always call the callback function.
I have a slogan that is supposed be animated so that one part slides onto the screen, followed by the other part. My understanding of the 'callback function' parameter on the .animate() function is that it's not supposed to execute until the animation is finished. The trouble is, the two functions seem to be executing at the same time (that is, the two parts of the slogan appear on the screen at the same time.) Here is my code:
$(document).ready(function() { // hide slogan text $('#slogan_1').css('left','270px'); $('#slogan_2').css('top','75px');});
I have Javascript code that looks like this: var data1; $.post('save_search.php', formData, function(data) { data1 = data; }); jsonData = eval('(' + data1 + ')'); if (jsonData.return_status.search("successful") > -1) $('#msg_div').html("<font color=red>Search was saved</font>"); else $('#msg_div').html("<font color=red>Search was not saved. Try saving again.</font>"); "data1" comes up as undefined in the statement jsonData = eval('(' + data1 + ')');
Even though "data" is a perfectly correct JSON string *inside* the callback function! I can put the eval statement inside the callback function and it will form a good JSON object, like this: jsonData = eval('(' + data + ')'); I'm simply trying to get my Ajax response data to the outside of my callback function so I can use it in other Javascript code. I've never seen an ordinary function behave this way.
I'm experiencing with the .animate() function.What I'm trying to do is implement a wicked window scrolling method that I found here:URL...Basically I'm wanting a nested animation, ie do A first then B, so in my example, after the window has scrolled down, I then animate a div to open.. however the callback function code within the // secondary animate comments is executed twice.[code]
I want to animate ALL classes called ".article" to opacity=.2 and then fire a callback,which animates ONLY the closest ".article" to ".button" back to opacity=1.Know, what i mean?Here's the script:
My callback is firing at the beginning of the animate execution instead of at its end, as is expected? It appears the callback is being fired before the animated tween even begins. [URL]. I am puzzled, but this occurs in FF and Chrome, both.
I'm trying to create an endless animation similar to a screen saver, here an image floats around the screen, fading in and out. I would like to stay out of the global namespace, so I'd like to use the callback to animate() rather than getTimeout(), which seems to operate only on functions in the global namespace. Please correct me if I'm wrong about that. But I'm having trouble maintaining the scope I want for the callback I want "this" to refer to my Animation object, not the HTML element. I understand many folks have solved this problem for events by using bind() or live(), but I am wondering how to do this for animate().
I wrote a form with a little DOM/AJAX to submit the form data. The page is being used in google ad campaign, so after a user fills in the form, a google script is run to count conversions.
I am having trouble getting the script to work properly. Since I am not reloading a page, I am including the file dynamically the DOM WAY. Below is a snippet of the code. The code is part of a function that runs when the readyState == 4. Code:
The answer to my question is probably very simple, but I'm having trouble making this work.
I want to access a local csv file, rearrange it into an array, and use the data later in my script. The logic of this in psuedocode is [code]...
Since the massaged data are in the callback, they're not available at ***. I've tried declaring the variables outside the callback as shown, but this doesn't seem to work either. I'm thinking there must be an easier way. Is there?
<span style="font-family: courier new,monospace;">Hello all,</span><br style="font-family: courier new,monospace;"><br style="font-family: courier new,monospace;"><span style="font-family: courier new,monospace;">I've recently started with jQuery because I wanted to use it for posting details from an login form to a PHP script which should return whether the user is authenticated ox not.</span><br style="font-family: courier new,monospace;"> <br style="font-family: courier new,monospace;"><span style="font-family: courier new,monospace;">For this I use $.ajax, because of it's flexibility and I prefer to use it in this implementation. Reading (jQuery docs and examples) and searching a lot did not solve me on one issue: fetching the data in the callback to the global scope.
I then delete testFile.txt and click on 'Submit' without refreshing, and this time, it does NOT create testFile.txt - and hence, my guess is that it is not calling on functions.php, and of course, alert is empty as usual.
What I want to do is this: I want to be able to click on the Submit button - without refreshing the page - and return data from functions.php and display it within a div tag on index.php What am I doing wrong to get an empty alert?
Is it possible to access the data arguments that are sent with the ajax function? Example:
$('#mycheckbox').click( function() { $.get( '/ajax.php', { nr: this.id }, function( data, textStatus ) { // Here I want to access the arguments I just sent with ajax.php
I could easily do $('#mycheckbox').attr('checked', 'checked'); but that is not what I want. Also I don't want to send the arguments with the response. Anyone knows a solution? I can't find it in the documentation of jQuery and not in the discussions here.
When i call alert(data), it says it is "undefined". i am new to jQuery, but this appears to mean that no data is being passed to the callback function even though i know the $.post() executed properly (the server side code is executing, and the other alert() tells me that it had a successful result and the callback is being made.
So I'm loading the div#my_events by prepend(data) where "data" is another well styled div. Is there anyway to animate this returned data. Unfortunately I can't just specify a unique ID on the incoming data. So I was wondering how else I might be able to address this data I'm returning.
It is basically a topic list, with a modal that sends jquery to add a topic to the database, and returns the topic from the database, hides the modal, and displays the last added topic at the top of the topic list. Now I'd like it to do something slightly fancy like animate the color of the background to bring the user's attention to it.
how can i write a function that accepts a callback function?[URL].. i want myFunction to load some data via(an unordored list actually) load method end then somehow to return the wrapped elements for the callback function, exactly like load() does.
I'm using jQuery 1.4 to hide a div (#cartPop) when the "close" link inside of it (#cartPop a) is clicked. Since I'm using animate() to fade the div out (opacity), I also have to use hide() to get rid of the div once it has faded out (otherwise the invisible div, which is on a higher z-index, blocks the elements on a lower z-index).
The problem is that the hide() function calls immediately without waiting for the animate() function to run. Even if I append a delay() function before hide() like so:
I'm trying to do some animation designs. Basically where I'm stuck is I have a bunch of things I want to do, but not until the duration of the switchClass method is complete. Looking at the UI documentation site, there doesn't appear to be a callback ability. how I can make a callback on the switchClass?