JQuery :: Load One Image At Time After HTML Loads
Dec 12, 2011
I would like to use jquery to load 3 images after the page has loaded. I would like to request and load one image at a time. I tried this, but the requests and loads are happening simultaneously.
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Mar 16, 2010
only first image in the all_images array loads and the rest stays hidden. it works first time i load the page, but any other time it loads only one image. i understand it might have to do with the cache. what could be possible cause for breaking the .each() loop after first iteration? i'm using jquery 1.3.2, png fix and php
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Jun 29, 2009
I have an ajax based page, which loads content from external page (html +js) So if i have a div "update_div" being updated with external content (html+js)
Let me be more specifig
Step1: Ajax content along with js loaded into update_div from a.html
Step2: Ajax content along with js loaded into update_div from b.html
What happens to the js loaded from a.html? Is it lurking in the memory or automatically/magically removed from the browser memory? I am afraid of memory leaks, if the js is still lurking in memory, the more ajax calls made, the more js is going to be held up in memory. Unless am totally wrong; i have no idea of the mechanism happening.
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Feb 21, 2011
I'm trying to get this image to pop up when the page loads. It's JQuery (it's already loaded on my server so I don't have to place it in the script
Anyway, I'm stuck. Do I need to add a div within the body? Or is there something else I need to do.
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Aug 9, 2010
Have a light box script I built and it works fine in IE, FF, Opera but in both Google Chrome and Safari the image doesn't load if you try to fire it again. In easier terms, if you click on the image that fires the event and shows the 'super sized' image in the light box it works fine the first time. If you then close the lightbox and click on the image again the lightbox shows up but there is no image. I even added some alerts to see what was happening and in IE, FF & Opera both the alerts fire all the time, in Safari and Chrome they both fire the first time but the second time only the 1st alert fires.
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Sep 15, 2010
How do you make an image begin to load after a certain amount of time? e.g 3 seconds.
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Jan 3, 2012
I am new to jQuery and have managed to create a tabbed interface with 4 sections. When the page loads, the tab content of section 1 shows up and the user can click on the others links to show other sections. In other words, tab 1 is always the first to be "active." However, I want to have a random "active" tab every time the page loads, so that other sections can be "active" as well randomly. Once the page loads with the random active tab, then the user can click to look at other sections.
<div id="tabs">
<li><a href="#1">Tab One</a></li>
<li><a href="#2">Tab Two</a></li>
<li><a href="#3">Tab Three</a></li>
<li><a href="#4">Tab Four</a></li>
</ul> .....
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Oct 24, 2009
I'm using some jQuery to work with the Last.FM API, and I'm stuck where I need to allow the user to run the JSON request a second time after the page loads (it loads once automatically when the page loads, the second time is when they push a button). What happens currently, is the JSON function is fed some default data when the page loads:
username: 'UserName',
from: 1254369600,
to: 1256184000,
apikey: 'myApiKeyHere',
onComplete: function(){
The JSON function:
$.fn.lastFM = function(options) {
var defaults = {
username: 'Verdani',
apikey: 'e4f3bb251d13179bf7ce80a089fb3d0c',
onComplete: function(){}
settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); .....
You might have noticed in the JSON, I write the URL the JSON is requesting to the console every time it runs. When I click this button, a new URL pops up in the console below the first one but only for a second, and then the page reloads and the original JSON request is called. It's this loop that I can't seem to break out of - why does re-calling the JSON refresh the page?
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Jan 13, 2012
JQUERY the script below works great when you click the button is shows a nice animated banner howeverIneed it to show up when the page loads.
<!DOCTYPE html>
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Feb 2, 2010
I want to have a big image and say 5 small thumbnails underneath. When the user clicks a thumbnail, the image loads where the previous big image was. Is there a standard way to do this?
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Jun 29, 2010
I have a site structured with a main html page that loadother pages that have some javascript code. Somejs have to be executed immediatly and some other js I need. I have a code like following
<!-- ********************** THIS SCRIPT SHOULD BE EXECUTED ON FORM SUBMIT -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function inviaRichiesta(){var msg="";
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Jan 16, 2011
I am developing a mobile app using html/css/js; this app needs to capture images using phone's camera and perform some actions on the images. Since I am using js, which by definition and design does not and can not have I/O functions, I keep the images in memory. However, when I try to display the pictures, using <IMG SRC='...'> it seems that the only way for HTML to load an image is from a physical, disk-based file. Since the trivial solution (to create a "RAM disk" and put these "files" there) is not accessible from html/css/js platform, I wonder if someone else have had this problem before.
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Sep 27, 2010
I wanted help for a JavaScript code. You might think I'm lazy for not writing it myself, but the truth is I am not a JavaScript coder. I just have a really simple website and I am trying to do something for which I know JS is required but I don't know how to do it. I've also searched around but couldn't find the appropriate code.
What I want to do is to make an html page load a different background image every time it refreshes.I will have a list of background images and I want to be able to add in this list, without having to change anything else in the codes after I do this (I think this is made by making an array of images and by putting .length somewhere in the codes, but I don't know exactly how I should do this).I already know how to do an external file (.js) and link to it from my .html page.Now I want the code to put in the .js file, and the code to put in the <body> of my .html file.
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Nov 9, 2011
Here is the code, here is loading 11 times the same page, "artsaved.php" when fading out ".userbutton,.menulabel"
Here in other page, doing almost the same is working correctly loading ONE time "spaint.php"
Don't know why is working and why is not working at all...
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Jul 21, 2011
When I set some HTML within a container using .html(), it loads script tag twice. Follow is example [code]...
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Jun 14, 2011
I have done the hide/show divs using javascript.Its working fine but the problem is that at the time of page loading the hidden divs are showing first anf then disappearing.Is there any way not to show the hidden elements even if the page loads for first time
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Nov 20, 2001
When the page loads for the first time or after refresh the text within the scroller is black for a brief time and then it turns to white. I have tried changing the values but can't get it to start with white text?
The other thing is I would like to be able to have a hypertext link within the text but I tried using the normal <a href> tags but this doesn't work. Can you see a way of doing this? Code:
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Dec 23, 2010
I have a website with a floating cart and it loads fine and works almost flawlessly . However, when a person has a bunch of items in their cart, and they want to minimize it for the rest of their browsing experience, every time a new page loads, or a refresh happens, the floating cart un-minimizes and expands out fully again displaying all the items.
This can become very annoying during the shopping experience when you have a bunch of items loading and just taking up space in the browser. Therefore, I am wondering if their is some html or script that would save the minimizing in the floating cart, and carry it over to the next page, and the rest of the browsing on site?
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Jan 30, 2009
I have some javascript code that does some GET and POST requests that are required. Sometimes it doesn't fully execute for the user because they close or click onto another page before the javascript is completely done. Is there anyway I can let all of the javascript load first and slow down the actual page load of the website.
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Nov 17, 2010
In one of my web page I want to show an image preloader. ie When I clicked on the small thumbnail in my web page then the main large image will load. My code looks something like this
$("#images li").click(function(){
var image=this.href;
I want to show the Loading sign until the main image loads completely.
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May 20, 2009
Can I intercept the loading of an image BEFORE it loads? We're looking at using an img tag for inserting stats on our server. Here's what I'm considering.
1) Collect certain information server side, write an img to the document like so (note the URL vars): <img id="statsImg" src="stats.cfm?somevar=someval" width="1" height="1" />
2) Using JS, intercept the load of this image BEFORE it takes place, and add things to the URL vars. This way, if JS is not present, you get the default stuff, but if JS is present, you get extra stuff.
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Oct 3, 2011
However my website now has over 200 images on the website and now its taking way too long to load the images.
My question's are:
1. Is it possible to either load the site when its around 20% or even 50% loaded?
2. If its possible to give certain images a tag?? and when these images are loaded then the site loads? :confused:
Heres a link to the site - must warn you need broadband and a high speed connection takes way to long to load. code...
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Feb 13, 2010
The code is supposed to generate this: PS: This is generated by a PHP Function that the Ajax Load Method Calls.
I've been noticing a lot of problems when loading these stuff, Sometimes I have to remake the HTML Tags because its not showing anything. Is there any option? I want it to load EXACTLY how it is, I don't know if this is some kind of protection for bad code, but if it is I would like to disable. But also, this code is really clean. no problem, I don't know.
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Jul 12, 2010
The page loads with the image angled but wont do the hover which is to change the angle on hover and go back on out
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en"><head>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="[URL]"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jQueryRotate.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function myTest(){
}; function myTest2() {
<img src="test.jpg" width="300" height="320" border="0" id="image" onMouseOver="myTest()" onMouseOut="myTest2()">
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Jul 1, 2011
I have a slow loading external JavaScript that displays a calendar widget. When I put it in my sidebar, while the page loads, it cuts off where the calendar should be until the JavaScript for it finishes.
How can I make the script load after the page finishes loading? I tried creating a function at the end of the HTML and calling the function in the sidebar, but I think because the function was being called before the script was executed, it didn't work.
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Aug 10, 2011
i have a photo slideshow that loads in the header so when the page is loaded the slide show is there on the left.
it looks like this (page layout)
--------------------> slideshow
---------------------> image
where it says image i am adding an image, that colum is controlled by the header so i added a div in there for the image.
what is happening is that since the image is small and the slideshow is large, when the page loads the single image pops up for a second where the slide show is, then it moves down on the page where it should be. I know this is caused by the fact that the image loads faster than the slideshow so we see the image first in that space.
what i am trying to do is pause the single image load until the slideshow loads,
but i dont know how?
I cant move the image down and load it in the body because that left side column is controlled by the header slideshow it has to be part of it when it loads.
has to be a way to make the slide show load on the page and then the image.
here is the setup on the header..
<table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<tr><td height="10px">
<tr><td valign="top">
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