that a simple question, I hope. I have an input (<input type="text" />) on my page, and I want it to only accept numbers, so if the user types anything that's not a number, it will be removed instantly. A simplified example just to illustrate:
<input type="text" name="numbers" /> <!-- I want this input to accept
only numbers -->
I have searched the internet and couldn't find a problem regarding this issue. The thing I want to do is simply validate a text input so when you enter a number in it, it won't validate and give you an error message. This is the code:
I am not new to jQuery but I just want to ask the best way to approach this. Basically I have a textfield in which the user is going to type in a number (for example 20) and after this textfield lose focus jQuery will be triggered to create whatever number of textfields the user put before (in this case 20).
So, to illustrate: How many users do you have: [ 2 ](and after the field above lose focus, the below will be generated)
And my question is how to make it display error if I have entered letters in the age box or numbers in a name box? Currently I have only if it is different from 1, so what should I write instead of 1 ?
I'm creating a page that calculates a number depending on what value is inputted into a text field. I need to create some javascript that updates this new calculated value and outputs it next to the input field. Anytime the user changes the number, it recalculates the value. My calculation is currently being produced by PHP, however if I need to, I can create javascript as well to recalculate these numbers.
I'm trying to create a 4 x 4 array filled with numbers input by the user. I then need to rotate the grid clockwise like I've shown below.
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
13 09 05 01 14 10 06 02 15 11 07 03 16 12 08 04
I made all numbers double digit just for show in the example so the table is easier to read. So far the code I have is just trying to create the array and fill with numbers from the user. This asks for a number once then doesn't display anything at all.
I thought this would be fairly easy, but I've searched and searched and came up with nothing that works. I just need to add row numbers to my table. I already have the first column blank, I just need the row numbers stuck in there. I've found examples using .index() and .rowindex, but I can't find anything that works right.
how to add a zero in front of the first 9 numbers on Jquery Cycle pager? I'd like it to read "01, 02, 03..." (and then no "0" in front of "10" on up) instead of "1, 2, 3..."
I have pagination enabled in my site using jquery. here is the pager code i am using to display my page numbers, next and previous buttons etc. Everything works except that when I click on a product to view the product details and hit a back button i have in that page to come back where one came from, it always takes back me to the first page.
What i mean is if i view a product from page 2 instead of taking back to page 2 it always takes back to page 1.
I am wondering if in passing the current page number to my back button, so it remembers the page where it came.
click on any image and hit the back button, it always goes back to page 1.
i want to use the jQuery UI Slider plugin in my website, however rather than using numbers i want to use 4 different options (easy, medium, hard, very hard), for the user to choose on the slider, how would i do this.
This is the slider i want to use jQuery UI Slider Snap to Increments
I'm using zclip to copy text in an element to the clipboard. At the moment I have multiple instances of a text area and copy button like so <textarea class="adCode">
I can't for the life of me figure out how to fill 12 text boxes with a repeating number of numbers (this is for a 1 year forecast).If a user enter 3 different numbers in the first 3 text boxes and leaves all others empty I want that series of numbers repeated in the rest until the end when I click a button.
Currently I'm trying to create a menu with a mouseover effect on a link, which causes an image to display. All images are positioned on the same place, so the optical effect is that one image changes all the time. To achieve this I created an unordered list with the links / items in it, and I created a div with the (corresponding) images. On a mouseover event over a link, the index number of the current li element is stored in a variable, and I want to use that variable to select the corresponding image.
(So <li> index:2 corresponds to <img> index:2) So in 'human language': on mouseover of li { var indexNumber = li.indexnumber change class of img[indexNumber] }
But I can't get it to work. I managed to store the 'current' indexnumber successfully in a variable: var indexNumber = $("li").index(this);
But I can't use the variable to select the corresponding <img> I tried: $('.slidemenuImgbox img:eq(indexNumber)').addClass('slidemenu_show'); But nothing happens
However when I do: $('.slidemenuImgbox img:eq(1)').addClass('slidemenu_show'); The image with index:1 is changed. How to use a variable in :eq() To see a 'live' example (With no images changing): [URL]
I made a form with text inputs but notice you can use special symbols. I want to only allo charaters like letters and numbers that is it.Is there any jquery function that cna do such a thing... if not how do you implement something that will filter it.
have a form with three fields for home phone, work phone & mobile phone.I've got jquery to validate that the numbers entered are the right format, i.e. using the following with custom methods for the phoneUK etc.The thing is I only need one of these numbers. I have been trying *all day* to try and get this to work but no joy. I know I need to group them somehow but can't figure it out.I want it so I get a single message if all fields are left empty and then if a field does have an entry then it's validated to ensure its a number.
I have a pretty basic set of things I want to do: Capture key press, compare against an allowed list, block keys that are not in that list, replace a space by a dash if entered. As this is happening, I have a span I wanted to be updated with the live values. The username field at [URL] is exactly what I am trying to do, though I have trouble dissecting how they did it. Here is my attempt, which is off by one keypress for some reason.
I am having a form with two input fields. I want to enter some text in the first input field and then the second field should get the same text. Is there a simple way (maybe a plugin) to do this with jQuery? It would be perfect if I even could output all these input fields values as normal text in <p> or <li> tags.
I want to have graphics instead of page numbers in JQuery Cycle Plugin. In the picture below (bottom-right), there are four numbers which should be circle graphics.
I'm using Tablesorter since few months and it was working very well.I did a small change yesterday in my php code: numbers over 1000 are nowformatted like this: 1 000, 1 000 000 instead of 1000 or 1000000.Since I did this change Tablesorter seems to have problems sorting this kindof formatted numbers with spaces. It just doesn't sort the way it should