JQuery :: Inline Added Data Don't Recognize Other Definitions

Mar 26, 2009

I've always had this limitation when adding inline content using JQuery. Such as adding one more text field inline let's say. Basically, if I had defined some code related to input fields outside the scope of the function that adds the inline code, this new input field will not recognize it.

Something like


However, Ive always solved it by adding the click event another time after the code in placed inline


But I'm trying now to avoid this repetition, how is it possible?

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Submit Button Doesn't Recognize Inline Added Html

Jun 28, 2009

I have a form, with a submit button. Inside this form i have one input text field, in addition to an add more button to add more of that input field using JQuery .html(val);. Now the issue appears when I submit the form, all inline added input fields are not recognized, they are not set and there is no data for them in the POST.

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JQuery :: Data Added To Element Available In One Place, But Not Another?

Aug 10, 2010

I have a jQuery plugin that creates a list of news items and appends the <ul> to the element(s) calling the plugin. Each <li> gets a document key added to its data.

A brief snippet of the code:



None of the <li>'s have the data attached to them. I've tested the selector shown above in line 3, and it does pick up the correct <li>'s. The data is not visible in Firebug as it is on the other page. Both functions are called after document.ready and insert the elements after page load.

The onlydiscernible differences between these two circumstances is that in the working case, the plugin is called against an ID, whereas in the nonworking instance, it is called against a CLASS. In addition, in the working case, only one DIV is affected, and in the nonworking case, there are two DIVs that receive the treatment.

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JQuery :: When Using .post(), Page Is Reloaded And Serialized Data Being Added To The URL?

Dec 24, 2010

I'm trying to make an ajax post to some php and whenever the user clicks the submit button, it reloads the page and is adding the serialized data to the URL thus breaking the page and giving me an error that I do not have a person selected. I've tried adding "return false;" everywhere I can and it still doesn't work. Here's my code:


$("editForm").submit(function() {

$.post("/ajax/edit-contact.php", $("editForm").serialize(),
function(data) {[code]...

// I've tried adding a "return false;" here and it doesn't work
// I've tried adding a "return false;" here and it doesn't work

// I've tried adding a "return false;" here and it doesn't work

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Data Grid/Table With Click To Edit Inline?

Apr 17, 2009

Something like this: [URL]

..but free. I just want the ability to have littles tables like sheets on the page and be able to add/edit/remove rows.

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Alerting User To Invalid Data In Form Field Through Inline Alerts

Oct 3, 2009

I'm a little curious with regards to alerting a user to invalid data in a form field through inline alerts, rather than alert boxes and without a page load.In otherwords, if someone types in invalid data into a form field, before they hit the submit button, I'd like to use javascript the insert some red text on the side saying "this is invalid".I'm concerned that people with visual disabilities wont notice it due to their screen readers.I.e. if the screen doesn't re-load, will the screen read read the nexly inserted text or will it not do anything until a new page loads?

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Need Small Popup For Definitions

Jan 23, 2007

What I am kooking for is not really a pop-up but more like a tool-tip. I was not sure what else to call it. What I need is a small little area with a different background color and perhaps a border to open next to a word when the symbol next to it is clicked on. This word or phrase would be in a sentence that would require some further explanation or definition.

I guess this would be similar to how someone like iStock Photo does with their thumbnails only it will require a click as opposed to a rollover and it will not be an image, just some text.

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Simplifying A Large Number Of Similar Object Definitions?

Mar 24, 2009

I am looking for a way to simplify a large series of �object definitions� in the form:

var Img0 ={init:function(){Img0.div = document.getElementById("img0"); Img1.init();}};
var Img1 ={init:function(){Img1.div = document.getElementById("img1"); Img2.init();}};


The program I have developed (for animated greeting cards) works fine but for a large number of images there are an equal number of these object definitions. I am aware of such techniques as using �+i+� in place of the numbers 0, 1, 2, ... and assigning an increasing value to i in a loop. However, I do not see a way to use such a loop here.

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Added Inputbox After Page Is Load With Data From Inputbox?

Jul 18, 2009

I am using jquery and i add the input boxes but when i try to get data from them i can't any ideas



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JQuery :: IE6 Don't Recognize With Themin-height And Min-width Attribute Of CSS

Mar 17, 2011

IE6 don't recognize with themin-height and min-width attribute of CSS?

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JQuery :: Cycle Plugin Doesn't Recognize Vertical Photos (they Are Displayed Horizontally)

Sep 19, 2011

Cycle plugin displays horizontally my vertical photos (photos taken with my camera in portrait position).The same photos are displayed vertically (the right way) by other imaging applications (e.g. Photoshop and Finder or Preview in OSX).The same photos are displayed horizontally (the wrong way) by Safari and Firefox (IE not tested). Cycle seems to rely upon browser poor orientation recognizion.how to make Cycle Plugin aware of the right photo orientation?

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IE Does Not Recognize Object?

Sep 8, 2010

i have this javascript code that IE wont recognize?

Message: Could not get the type property. This command is not supported.
Line: 263
Char: 4
Code: 0


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Recognize State Of A Div?

Sep 17, 2009

There is a random number of divs, each sharing the same class (.slecteable), each having its own id (a unique string extracted from the database).

A user clicks on a div. I get the id, and change the color of this div (in gets highlighted).

var id;
id = $(this).attr('id');


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IE7 Does Not Recognize External .js Scripts

Apr 6, 2009

I have a JSP page that calls a javascript function located in an external js file.

The js file is included to the page using the following code:

The script folder is located one level above the JSP page. I also used src="../scripts/javascript.js" for the source attribute and it did not work either.

When I moved the called function to the calling JSP page it worked fine.

So, the weird thing is: it only fails with IE7. In IE6 it works fine.

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CheckBox Won't Recognize False

Feb 17, 2010

This has stumped me for the last couple of hours and I was wondering if anyone else could shed some light... I have a page which loads some cookies, when taking the value from the cookie it defines whether a checkbox should be ticked or not. This works if the value of the cookie is true but not if the value is false and it ticks the box anyway. The code is....

var widgetVal = loadCookie(widgetName);
case 1:
document.getElementById('calender_widget').checked = widgetVal;

i is incremented each time in a for loop and a different cookie is loaded each time. As I said the code works if it set to true but not false however if I remove the variable and specify it as false it works.

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Won't Recognize Color Codes?

Jul 30, 2009

I'm making a simple color code chart that when the user clicks the button, it alerts the color code, but javascript wont recognize the color code. Could someone please help. Here's the code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">


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Getting A Autofilled Box To Be Recognize By Onchange

Jan 2, 2010

I have auto-suggest that brings down first and last name into a input box, it also brings into another input box the id of the selected item.

on that id i want to be able to auto fill a form from there.

right now i have it set up but and it auto-fills with lets say 55 but it does not execute the code to fill in the form.

however if i type something into that box it fills the form.

how is it possible to have the to see eachother.


<input type="text" id="testid" name="testid" value="" onchange="showUser(this.value)" /></p>

this is the input box that is being filled by auto-suggest and then i want onchange="showUser(this.value)" to execute to fill the form

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Recognize Number Inner A String's Array

Jun 12, 2007

if I have an array where the number are write in string format, how can I recognize when a string is in realty a number? example if I have this:


how can with a cicle to extract only:



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IE Does Not Recognize Document.Write Statements

Sep 22, 2009

I have a series of videos which must be loaded dynamically on their pages which then get loaded into an iframe. I need to be able to load these videos using variables for the width and height. It's imperative that I use variables as the sizes of the movies will be determined by the user's resolution.

Here's the code I'm currently using <script type="text/javascript">
var dimW = screen.width;
var dimH = screen.height;
var w1 = dimW.toString();
var h1 = dimH.toString();

document.write('<OBJECT ID="Player" width="'+w1+'" height="'+h1+'" CLASSID="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" style=border:0px;">
'); .....

I'm developing in xhtml so naturally, IE doesn't recognize the document.write statements and the page comes up blank in IE. It works flawlessly in FireFox (as expected). So, I need to replace the document.write statements with something else while still being able to pass variables for the movie objects height & width.

I've tried this code: <script type="text/javascript">
//alert("The beginning");
var dimW = window.innerWidth;
var dimH = window.innerHeight;
var w1 = dimW.toString();
var h1 = dimH.toString(); .....
</script>. I then have a <td> with the id of "mediaPlayer" but nothing is showing up. Most likely because I'm still fairly new to javascript and am probably forgetting or overlooking something.

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Script Does Not Recognize Double Digits / Fix It?

Nov 30, 2009

I am working on my personal portfolio site, and am using a code that will make each portfolio piece appear in a new div when the name of the piece is clicked on. The problem is, JS does not seem to recognize double digits. I am not familiar with JS at all, I just got comfortable with CSS/HTML a few weeks ago! I am in over my head. It would really.how to change the code so that I could make about 15 to 20 divs instead of 9. Here is the code...

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Form Validation Doesn't Recognize A Value When Using IE?

Jan 13, 2010

I am making this drop down menu with several options depending on your choice. It works fine in FF but when I tried in IE simply won't recognize a Value. The window keep popping out even though you choose an option, this way won't let me go to the next step.

Here is my php code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


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How To Catch Whole Line Or Recognize Whitespace Sign In PDF

Dec 21, 2005

How to catch whole line in the PDF document using javascript?
or How to recognize/catch whitespace signs (e.g. "
" ) in PDF document

Which method I should use?
Or any other possibility are ?

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IE And Mozilla Recognize CDATA Nodetype Differently

Feb 4, 2006

I am trying to access an HTML code stored as CDATA section in the xml file listed bellow:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<results count="5">
<table><tr><td>Hello World</td></tr></table>

The xml tree is the responseXML part of an XmlHttpRequest and is stored
in a the javascript object xmldoc. While trying to test the node type
of the children of the "results"-Element I got different results with
IE and Mozilla: Code:

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XHTML Doesn't Recognize OnChange Event?

May 29, 2003

alright, im working on a page that has a drop-down menu in it...it uses the onChange event to trigger the different links (only one at the moment, but still)...and now XHTML doesnt validate it as a recognizable attribute...so is there some way to somehow target the drop-down menu's onChange event from a separate .js file? heres the basic code:

<select class="members" onChange="if(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value) window.location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
<option>» Members</option>


also, does this need to be put into a <form> in order to be targeted?

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Onmouseover Not Firing In Firefox - Doesn't Recognize Table Rows As Links

Jan 3, 2011

I've been working on a project for some time now, and just recently I installed Firefox.

Now, part of the site (which works perfectly in IE6/7) doesn't work in Firefox.

Here is part of the code:


(I didn't copy all of the code because it's basically the same all the way down)

The main problem is with the link (Firefox apparently doesn't recognize table rows as links). The second problem is with the onmouseover/onmouseout etc handlers (absolutely nothing happens).

just in case you need to know, the code is for a nav bar.

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JQuery :: UI Tabs - Add New Tab Inline?

Jul 15, 2011

I am having an issue with jQuery UI tabs. I'm using the append() function to add a new tab to the list inline (with a click of a button), plus the associated hidden div container. I make sure the new inline tab and div contain all the required jquery classes to funcion.

If I select the tabs and click to view source, all looks just perfect, if I copy the source code into a new html document and run it in the browser, it works well, however the new inline tab doesn't work when clicked in the original document. Is there something I am missing here, anyone familiar with jQuery around to tell why jQuery ignores the extra tab, please?

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