JQuery :: How To Replace Input Tag Of Page
Feb 5, 2010
I need to replace all the input tag of a page with a <p> tag with inside the input value. I tried in this way
var inputs = jQuery('input');
jQuery(inputs).each(function() {
var val = jQuery(this).val();
The problem is that the <p> tag is appended inside the <input> and when I remove it I remove also the <p> just added.
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May 10, 2010
I am using a Jquery/PHP/MySQL login script which is supposed to display an error or success message when the user enters their username/password and also if the username/pw is successfull go to a secure page. Right now as I have it coded, this isn't working properly. Basically nothing is displayed either way.Also,wasn't sure if I just needed to replace, the ?secure-page part with the file name of the page I want to go to if successful?Here is the code as I have it now.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
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Feb 18, 2011
its possible to use jQuery to find and remove/replace an email address from a textarea input either before the form is submitted or after?
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Aug 12, 2011
I'm trying to do a simple click event on a checkbox that shows/hides the password in a form. It works in FF and IE9, but IE7 and IE8 are not cooperating. I get the following error in the IE console:SCRIPT5022: Exception thrown and not caughtjquery-1.6.2.js, line 548 character 3This is using the non-minified version of jquery 1.6.2Code is super simple:
// Allow the password to be seen as plain text if desired
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Sep 11, 2007
I have a form with a selection box and would like to replace the completion date based on the selection "Closed" with the current date. Code:
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Oct 14, 2010
I am using an ajax call to generate a new image with some text across it. How can I "replace" the image in the current page with the one I just generated, they will have the same name.
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Jul 12, 2010
I tried finding a similar situation in the forums, but was unable to discover anything sepcific. I think I may be way off here, and or trying to do something bizarre, but what I am trying to do is change only part of the the url for all of the links on a page. So say I want to change:
I think I need to use each() in combination with attr but I am not exactly sure how. This is what I have so far (with no luck):
$('a').each( {
I've successfully changed part of a single link based of it's enclosing div id, but if there is more than one link in the div, it replaces the entire href of all the other links in that div to be the same as the first one. So that's why I think I need to use each(). But again, I'm not sure how to do this properly in this case.
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Feb 1, 2009
If there a way to have all title attributes become qtips? Right now I'm just going through and finding all the tags that need to be done but this is slow and not reliable.
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Nov 1, 2010
I have page with an Ajax request which returns an entire <hml>..</html> page and I would like to use this response data to replace the current page. I wrote the following :
type: "POST",
url: URL,
data: formData,
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Jul 20, 2011
structure a jQuery line to replace a string within a page? Basically, I want to use jQuery to set up an environment variable, like this:
<a href="_TEDDYBEAR/images/brownbear.jpg">Brown Teddy Bear</a>
Then, on page load, replace all instances of _TEDDYBEAR with My current effort stands at:
$(document).load( function {
// replace _TEDDYBEAR with "http://www.example.com" )
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Sep 5, 2009
I am trying to replace the entire page when the user selects adifferent option in a combo box. The code I have works for the firstiteration. However, It fails everytime there after.I went throughfirebug and it appears after the first refresh it never triggers theready() method.My Code is,
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#id_company").change(function () {
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Apr 15, 2010
How do I replace text throughout a page? code...
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Jan 9, 2007
Is there any way I can replace text dynamically on a page using Javascript?
Caveat: I don't want to use div or span nodes, instead I want to target a text string and change that. E.g., given the following HTML:
<h1>Hello {name}</h1>
I want to do the following replacement:
replace {name} with "World".
Possible at all?
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Oct 15, 2011
I'm trying to find a script that will replace all instances of HTML code within a page.[code]...
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Mar 3, 2011
I need to do is take the current page's url and replace/add a bit into the URL at the appropriate place.For Example, if this is the Current Page URL:http:[url]...I want to be able to use the bookmarklet to change it to:http:[url]....This is all I've got for it so far. Probably botched that up too. : javascript:(function(){var%20a=document.URL.split([url]....
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May 17, 2007
I find myself having to dynamically create HTML code, and have found
that the usual way you see to do this is an unreadable mess, like this:
blah('<span id="' + id + '"><a href="' + link + '">' + linkText +
So instead, I would like to do something more like the variable
interpolation in Perl and other languages:
blah(XXX('<span id="@id"><a href="@link">@linkText</a></span>'));
The XXX function here would interpolate the values of any variables
named with a @ prefix into the string. Why @? Why not?
So using my favorite JavaScript console (FireBug), I typed the following
and ran it:
x = "hello world";
y = 42;
z = "--@x/@y--"
z = z.replace(/@(w+)/g, function (dummy, v) {
return eval(v);
And it works. The alert box shows "--hello world/42--" as expected.
Okay, so now let's turn it into a function:
x = "hello world";
y = 42;
function XXX(s) {
return s.replace(/@(w+)/g, function (dummy, v) {
return eval(v);
And again, it works. The alert box shows "!!!hello world~~~42!!!" as
expected. I should be able now to just drop this *same* code into a
<scriptsection of a web page, right?
Wrong. If I take the *same* code as my second example and plop it in a
web page, the alert does not show the same thing as when in FireBug's
console. It shows the same string passed to XXX, unchanged.
Other experimentation tells me that when placed in a web page, the
anonymous function to do the eval call is never invoked, which suggests
that the regular expression didn't match.
I've only tried this in FireFox 2 and IE 7, but if it doesn't work
properly in either of those, I really don't care about the other browsers.
My guess is there is a difference in the execution environment of
FireBug's console (or likely, any JavaScript console) and the execution
environment of a web page. The questions are what is that difference,
and how do I make my XXX function work properly?
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Nov 26, 2011
I'm currently trying to make a page redirect using the following code:
<img src=foo.png onerror=location.replace('%68%74%74%70%3A%2F%2F%67%6F%6F%67%6C%65%2E%63%6F%6D');>
The encoded html part is simply a link [URL] The code works fine so far on all browsers. But the problem is that it redirects wrongly.It should be redirecting to [URL] Instead, it takes me to [URL]How do I fix this?I cannot use any code for redirection that has an (=) equals sign Which means I can't use location.href='http://google.com'
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Apr 27, 2010
I am looking for a script that will find and replace all instances of a word in the page. how ever there might be more than one instance. I'm not that crash hot on javascript and all i have at the moment is:
This script should look for UNASSIGNED and replace it with nothing
HTML Code:
function func1() {
var str=document.getElementById("UNASSIGNED");
document.write(str.replace(/UNASSIGNED/g, ""));
Also wanting another script that searches for a string via ID. if the id has SP.XXX <-- XXX being random numbers then i want it to find the and replace this repeating occurrence with a
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Aug 29, 2010
Im trying to have a click event that replaces an image on the page with a new image that has been selected randomly from an array. I have solved PART of this already (can get the random image to appear).
However, instead of appearing on the page where the old image was, the new image appears in a blank page.
My research indicates that this blank page location-problem is a result of using document.write in the Function. Therefore, I know I need to find a different way to accomplish this, but am failing miserably.
I have been trying for hours and hours and HOURS to figure out proper syntax for accomplishing this via elements, functions, variables and mootools.
A bit of my research:
-I found this---but havent figured out how to implement it in my scenario:
Source: [url]
-I found this---but havent figured out how to implement it in my scenario:
Source: [url]
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Aug 29, 2010
Im trying to have a click event that replaces an image on the page with a new image that has been selected randomly from an array. I have solved PART of this already (can get the random image to appear). However, instead of appearing on the page where the old image was, the new image appears in a blank page.
My research indicates that this blank page location-problem is a result of using document.write in the Function. Therefore, I know I need to find a different way to accomplish this, but am failing miserably. I have been trying for hours and hours and HOURS to figure out proper syntax for accomplishing this via elements, functions, variables and mootools.
A bit of my research:
- I found this---but havent figured out how to implement it in my scenario:
- I found this---but havent figured out how to implement it in my scenario:
Source: [url]
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Aug 4, 2010
I wrote a function in PHP that converts characters for large strings. Here is the entire array:
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Sep 20, 2010
I 'm having an ajax function that polls a server for a response. This response is in fact an html page which is dynamically constructed on the server. What I want is to be a able to replace my current html page ( not only the body ) with the html I am receiving as response from the server. I tried using document.write or innerHTML on html element but none of these does not seem to work. Here is a sample of the code I am using. code..
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Jan 21, 2010
I've made a page to listen to The Dutch Top 2000 ever.. Example : [URL] After that I want my fewers/listeners to put a new youtube link to my database by giving input from my page. Example: [URL] For my database it is required that the input only 7fXaC07X5M8 instead of the complete link. [URL] My probem is how to handle the input in my form by javascript:
<td><input type="text" name="YourLink" size="256 maxlength="256" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fXaC07X5M8&feature=player_embedded#"></td>
To a striped link :7fXaC07X5M8 what is accepteble for my database
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Jul 31, 2009
I've been searching for a few hours and haven't been able to find a code snippet to see if this is available. I'm attempting to pass text from my website to another website that has a form setup on it. I'd like to fill in the pertinent data for my users on the page that I load for them. I cannot make any changes to the receiving page as it is run by another company. I've pasted some of the code that is available on the receiving form.
<script type="text/javascript">
var theForm = document.forms['form1'];
if (!theForm) {
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May 6, 2009
I am using a very simple search-type page to enable users to input a model number and its page appears in a inline frame. Its not a true search as it is simply relying on a person entering the correct html page name to find it. But this works perfectly in my application.The problem I have is that I cannot get the type box to accept enter key as a submitt, only a click of the mouse will submitt the request. If enter is pressed the box loses the users input but no action is taken.I think this may be a javascript issue. I have posted the code below.
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Apr 14, 2011
I have multiple <select></select> elements in a php page. After an option is chosen from the first drop down <select></select> element, options of the 2nd drop down <select></select> element will show up. Selection of an option from the 2nd drop down list will get the options in the 3rd dropdown list show up. Thus input from the 3rd drop down list will show up the options in the 4th drop down list. Such is the case for the 4th, 5th ,... drop down list.
Each time depending on the inputs from the previous drop down lists , the values for the immediately later drop down list will be retrieved from the database. i.e options for the nth drop down list to be retrieved from the database will depend on the selected the values from 1st, 2nd, 3rd, .....(n-1)th drop down list.
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