JQuery :: Get 2 Separate Sliders To Work On Webpage?
Jul 23, 2010
Really struggling trying to get 2 seperate sliders to work on my web page.
take a look at;
not a spam its test site so nothing to gain from my end.
the slider at the top works fine, but the 3 boxes with the arrows underneath should scroll/slide back and forward when clicked. If I remove the js links for the top slider the bottom then works;
I'm trying to access a web application that allows single sign-on when it is passed the following HTTP Request headers:
AUTHENTIC: YES AUTHORIZED: YES USER: (user ID from active directory) Here is the code I have so far: $.ajax({
This script is within a blank webpage on my IIS server. Essentially, all the elements of the web app's UI get thrown within a div, but it doesn't seem to be loading the other parts of the page such as the <head>. I read on another thread that it is not a good idea to try and put everything within a div cause of the other html and head tags that already exist. Basically, what I want to do is access the webpage that has the above script and have it re-direct me to the Web Application's URL and adding in the custom HTTP Request headers.
When it comes to JavaScript, I am implementing a couple of Coda sliders onto a site, and as far as I am aware, you can have two sliders on one page, but for me this isn't working.
The effect is using jQuery, and the page can be found here: [url]
The first slider works well, but the second doesn't load properly.
I wondered if two jQuery functions work at the same time on the web page. I did practice one with two jQuery functions, just one function work while other isn't. What is causing it? What should I do to prevent having one is working while others isn't ? Is there a code to put in there to prevent it? If so, where should it be at?
How would I seperate a text string such that it would appear on seperate lines ie. Initial Input: StrMsg = "This is an example of a string that will appear on seperate lines" "Hoping that this fully works, there will be no errors and all will be well" "This is the last line of text."
My webpage can work normally in IE but not in Safari(e.g. when I clicked on some buttons like 'Delete' button, the page opened in Safari stays the same while it should delete the object chosen).When I tried debugging on Safari, after clicking the 'update' button, this message error appeared: "TypeError: Result of expression 'this.form.fireEvent' [undefined] is not a function". I believe this code makes the incompatability between the 2 browser:
function DeleteClick() { var frmSWO = document.getElementById("form"); var answer = confirm("Do you really want to delete?")
I'm looking to implement 2 different sliders on a page. the test page is [code] the main picture besides the passion leadership is jquery and does not move on this page however on every other page where that is the only slider it works.Now on this index2.php page you can see i put a slider in for a scrolling banner underneath the main banner and it works fine.Is there a way that I can have the 2 work hand in hand.
I have created a dummy web page with three text boxes and three buttons, Enable Disable and Reset. The enable disable buttons work as expected but the Reset button does not.
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function clear(){ document.getElementById("myForm").reset(); } function disable() { document.getElementById('txt1').disabled=true; document.getElementById('txt2').disabled=true; document.getElementById('txt3').disabled=true; } function enable() { document.getElementById('txt1').disabled=false; document.getElementById('txt2').disabled=false; document.getElementById('txt3').disabled=false; } </script></head><body><table> <form id = "myForm"> First Name<input type = "text1" id = "txt1" size = "20"><br><br> Last Name<input type = "text2" id = "txt2" size = "20"> <br><br> Contact Number<input type = "number" id = "txt3" size = "15"><br><br> <input type="button" onclick="disable()" value="Disable" /> <input type="button" onclick="enable()" value="Enable" /> <input type = "button" onclick="clear()" value = "Reset"> </form></table></body>
which isprobablyeasy to tell, but I was hoping someone would be able to answer my question regarding the jquery accordion content sliders or point me in the direction of one that fits my needs.I am wondering if there is an accordion plug in out there that will reveal content based on whether or not you've moused over an image or clicked on it. I've seen a few, but what I have yet to see is one where the button is in a separate div than the content holder.For example, you could have a rotating image you roll over with your mouse and 200 pixels to the right text suddenly appears to define the word image you just rolled over.
To have multiple linked sliders that all share a maximum value, for example, I would have 10 sliders, each set to 50, with a pool of 10 additional points to spend. If I assign all 10 points to 1 slider, the other 9 are locked out, or I could spend 1 point on each slider.
I am working on a project. I have to put up a tab panel of four option. And in each tab i have to put an image slider. I have used many plugins for this. Tried different plugin for different tab. Few times have problem with tab panel and few time compatibility with all browsers have been issue.
I have 3 sliders on my home page and I would like to make them start one after the other, so 1st would start immediately, then after a short delay the second one, and later the 3rd, so they don't make the transition at the same time. The slider I am using is Avia Slider [url]
Trying this code but they are still running synchronously:
Since I put a JavaScript slideshow on a webpage the onMouseOvers in the menu don't work anymore: [URL] Menu titles on the left should become red with a MouseOver. When I remove the Slideshow the onMouseOvers start work.
Having a problem on a clients website incorporating two js sliders in the same page. The scripts before editing were the TinySlider and TinyFader from [url]
The parsers in Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome cannot seem to differentiate between the two scripts, although I tried altering various defined names for script control it didn't make much difference.
The problems are the controls of the first slider operate the second and only the second slider works. Also, I'm getting validation errors (document type does not allow element "li" here; missing one of "ul", "ol" start-tag) where the showroom (second) script content lies. Not sure if this is related or not but either way if I try to fix it the only working slider is broken.
does anyone know a good online resource that shows you how to do image sliders on a web page? For example, I have a image and a arrow (image) above this and the position of the arrow is dependent on a value (which I have).
I have a Nivo slider on each page of a site. The first page I put it on works fine, any other slider will not work the area that should be the slider simply appears as a block of colour.I initially thought that changing the id's would make no difference as each slider is on a separate page but decided to give it a go anyway as I had no other idea as to what it might be causing the problem.So, I have tried renaming the id's of the subsequent sliders (i.e #slider2 etc) and changing the call to the function at the bottom of the page to match this for example;
and also adding these id's to the CSS to ensure the styles are applied to the new id's but nothing seems to work see here [URL] Ignore the rest of the pages I have not implemented the slider on these yet.
I'm trying to set up a page that has one big image slider that displays a set of images by default. Then underneath this there are links for more galleries, and when you click on them they load right there in the big image slider. I don't want these links to go to a new page. What I'm after is demonstrated at this URL: First Comes Love **|** Wedding Photography by Alison Bank
How do I set this up? I'm thinking I need some kind of preload images code?
I am considering using Nivo Slider, but open to suggestions. Also, I'm building my site in Wordpress if that has any impact.
It launches in IE and give the user instructions, then at the click of a button, launches my setup.exe. I want my webpage to launch setup.exe then go to another webpage on my CD, congratulations.html, which says "installation is complete etc". Here's what I am trying to do through JAvascript. It doesn't work. Should the first instruction be flushed in order for the 2nd one to work?
I want to use the values of text boxes on my HTML webpage to create a webpage URL (like below):
<script type="text/javascript">
My text boxes are as follows:
Now this all works and the result webpage URL prints to id='ID1', but the big question is how do I use this resulting URL in another Javascript section as the src="?
I am trying to display a webpage from another domain and tried to access its elements and I am facing issues with this.
I tried using "iframes" and am facing cross domain issues.
All that I want to do is, set and get the attributes of the elements of the webpage from the other domain (eg: set text field value, get dropdown box values, click button etc)
Is there a way to get this job done?
I thought of browser addons however it will be a browser specific solution.