JQuery :: Find Current Table ID In HTML / Where Have Multiple Tables
May 27, 2010
I have been using JQuery in the past 6 months and I really got in love with it!Finally,I've come to an issue that (probably) have better solution than the one Im trying to do with.I have multiple tables in a HTML [code]all of these tables are some kind of gridviews filled with data using JSon and JQuery.The problem is:Before filling with data, only this part in the DOM is created <table id="myTableId"> <tbody> !so, before going forward with filling the table with data and creating <tr>'s and <td>'s, I would like to find the current (not filled one) table ID.The algorithm would be:
1. <table id="mytableId"> is generated
2. right after #1, find table ID.
3. Depending of the table ID, generated data accordingly. (Continue with creating tr's and td's)
I have tried using closest('table'), also using find(), parent(), parents() and some other methods with which I've been working previously, but still no success.I can find the table by uing var tId = $(TABLE['id*='myTable']").attr('id');, but this finds all tables with 'myTable' and I want to find only the one that is created at that moment and waits for filling with data.
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Apr 29, 2009
<div><div>I'm using jQuery's tablesorter.js to create tables with sortable rows, as applied to tables with the ID "myTable."</div><div></div><div>I just wondered if there's a way to make it work with multiple tables on a single page. I created two tables and gave each of them the ID myTable, but only the first table worked. I can't remember if the specific ID is required for my Zebra widget (alternate row colors), too, or not, but I would guess it is.
<div></div><div>I posted my JS links below, to show you my setup. Thanks for any tips.</div><div></div><div>* * * * *</div><div></div><div><script src="<a
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Jan 25, 2011
The application I'm working on dynamically generates a HTML table like the one below. Having identified that I need to add an opening <tbody> before the first TR that contains the word "Diagnosis", opening + closing TBODY to all other TRs containing the word "Diagnosis" & Closing </TBODY> after the last closing TR?
<TR class=group>
<TH colSpan=7><SPAN>Diagnosis
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May 15, 2009
I am trying to use the plugin tablesorter that has a pager, for one table in a page it works fine, but when I put two tables, the pager links [next, previous,....] for the first table is moved under the
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Sep 16, 2011
I'm trying to add a certain number of row in one click via javascript. So far I could manage to add one row but is there a way to add multiple row in one click? Also can I add colspan to it?
Heres my code:
<title>Example of Problem</title>
<meta content="Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0" name="GENERATOR">
<meta content="C#" name="CODE_LANGUAGE">
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Aug 17, 2009
I have approximately a 400-500 row table (2 of them) each with 12 columns of formatted content such as currency, percentage, name.
I tried this with [url] but it can't seem to handle that much data.
Does anyone have a good plugin for large data on the page? (and no not interested in paginating it really)
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Aug 31, 2011
As you can see, the table on the right is not even with the table on the left. This code has worked in the past,
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function () {
var divArray = document.getElementById('tablecontent').offsetHeight;
var subtraction = divArray - 442;
var tablesidebar = document.getElementById('tablesideba');
tablesidebar.style.paddingBottom = subtraction + 'px';
But that only works for a static page. The problem is now, both tables, the one on the left, and the one on the right, are dynamic. Either could have different heights depending on what page you are visiting. Different pages also have more than one table, and the only way I could see this working is with a million if statements or each page, defining each table being used. Is there anyway to get these two tables evened out, no matter the content using JavaScript?
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Jul 25, 2009
In my last row (parent Table) with colspan(tr), I have another Table (without any.attributes) which was generated by GridView, Paging enabled and located in footer ..
How do I know if that Table exists in my last row(parent Table).. this code won't work ..
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Mar 8, 2011
I have list of links inside a DIV. I am trying to apply CSS to the current page linkbut it does not work.
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Feb 24, 2010
I've managed in the past to cobble together a few simple scripts.
I have an html page, with numerous tables in this format:
<table class="tableClass" id="tableID">
<col class="date" />
<col class="reference" />
<col class="amount" />
This (apparently) totals all 'amount' cells in the page, and writes it in *all* the 'total' cells - close, but obviously I'm not correctly specifying that each total should be displayed in its parent.
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May 13, 2009
I am using the excellent jquery.tablesorter successfully for a large number of 40-row tables that live together on one page. So far I'm very happy with the plugin. My users also need the ability to apply any column sort they invoke automatically to *all* tables on the pae. They do not wish to sort the tables individually. As recommended in another thread, I have been looking at sortStart and sortEnd, but have been pulling my hair out trying to get this working. My JS:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(document).ready(function() {
// extend the default setting to always sort on the first column
$.tablesorter.defaults.sortList = [[0,0]];
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Jan 31, 2011
I have a single-cell table with a bunch of items within divs like item 1 below. The values in the divs are categories.
Following that (item 2 below), I have several single-row, two-column tables where the first column represents a Name (the item I want highlighted) and the second column is one or more of the category items (subset of item 1).
<div class="view-display-id-attachment_1">
This doesn't work and I'm hoping to generalize it but I'm not sure if .field-item-* will work.
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Mar 29, 2010
Is there any way to apply background-color alternatively for series of tables like applying for the table rows ?
Please suggest me on how to do this ?
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Apr 22, 2010
I have a table within a table, that is to say the table is embedded in a <tr> tag in another table and would like to extract row and cell data to make an ajax call. The table in question has several input fields and a submit button on each row. While I can find the table where the submit came from and can get the data from the <td> elements which contain data i.e.<? echo AsOfDate; ?>, I can't find the correct syntax to retrieve the data from the input fields in that same row. Can someone give me the correct syntax to retrieve the input data?
var AssetTbl = document.getElementsByTagName('table');
for (i =0; i< AssetTbl.length; i++)
if (AssetTbl[i].id == "tblAssetHx")
RowID =AssetTbl[i].rows[1].cells[0].childNodes[0].data;
if (RowID == ID)
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Jul 16, 2009
I need to get all the TABLE HTML code within the <body> tag for a content-generating application. I'm trying to use the html() method, but it only gets the inner HTML. I also tried clone(), but does the same thing. Or maybe I'm using it wrong.
Here's an example to clarify what I wanted to do:
jQuery Code
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Jul 10, 2009
I have look some of the examples of deleting tables and or rows with Java. The only problem is that all examples I have seen talke about one table and one or more buttons. What I needs to do is have 4 single row / dual columns tables each having a button of their own for deleting this table. Here is what I got but it just doesnt work for me as each table has a seperate Table ID.
<script language=javascript>
function removeRow(src)
var oRow = src.parentElement.parentElement;
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Jun 17, 2010
In the main table there are two sub tables are there.when user click addRow button main row and also subrow should be created.i have written the code but when i click addrow alignment is missing and apart from that mainrow and subrow is not displaying properly.
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Jun 21, 2010
Say that you have a table with id Testresults. Now you also would like to show diffrent parts of that table inside diffrent divs that also contain a table.
for example
<div id="OK testcases">
<table id="oktestdiv">
<tr id="row1" class="ok"><td>ok</td></tr>
I naturally don't want to write the code for the table at multiple places of the page. Notice also that my site only contains of one site, containing many divs.
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Jan 5, 2007
i am using two tables. one for the header, one for the body content. has anyone done table sorting in this situation?
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Oct 31, 2006
there are a lot of different scripts out there to sort a table with multiple
columns. However, I want to do something specific.
I have a table that is "spread" accross multiple pages. Usually, when a user
wants to change the page, what you do is compute indexes in the server and
return the modified list. But that's not what I want to do, I want to be
able to navigate through the pages AND be able to sort the columns within
the client screen.
Does anyone know of a good example of something like that ? I know it can be
done, I would have to write the entire data in the client side, and then
manipulate it with indexes and sorts. I am very much able to write such
data, but should "delete" and "add" new table Elements (in a way that is
browser compatible) or show/hide <TRelements, maybe overwrite these table
I was wondering if this is somehow trivial so you can suggest a coding
strategy or if anyone knows a good page that displays this possibility.
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May 17, 2010
I'm using quick search plugin (URL...) in filtering rows in a group of tables.The problem is that the old vesion of Quick search may act on multiple tables as long they have the same table_id while the new vesion acts on the first table only.
1-the number of tables is very large (in some pages may be 500 tables).
2-the action of Quick search is applied automaticaly as the user type any text in the input text box. so i don't know any way to make a loop to call the function once for each table.
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Jun 29, 2010
I'm trying to pull data from multiple database tables and output them into a table which I've done fine, but I'm having trouble trying to filter the rows by specific values like colour and size selected from select boxes without reloading the page.
After more than a day of looking though I have made no progress, If this was to be done with just PHP and MySQL reloading the page I'd have no problem but having problems with the AJAX side.
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May 29, 2009
I want to change the content of <TD> tag of a HTML table sorted by alphabets(A-Z) in a different HTML table using javascript?
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Mar 29, 2009
How to find a form element from any tag(element) which are under that form ? code...
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Jul 10, 2009
Wonder if there is a way to have my Drop-Down box selections create individule single row/dual colume tables for each item that was selected from the drop-down box. An example would be:
1: I selected 3 items from my drop-down box at one time (my drop-down box allows multiple selections).
2: I click a button call "Create Template" and three new single row/dual colume tables are created with the names if the items.
Here is what I have so far, but need a little help. Notice I have added the three tables in to show how it should look but this is for information only as these should be created automaticaly.
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Nov 24, 2009
I have populated data in html table. Now I have to retrieve the value from this table, row-wise. How can i do this.
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