Selections From Drop-Down Box Automaticly Create Multiple Tables?

Jul 10, 2009

Wonder if there is a way to have my Drop-Down box selections create individule single row/dual colume tables for each item that was selected from the drop-down box. An example would be:

1: I selected 3 items from my drop-down box at one time (my drop-down box allows multiple selections).

2: I click a button call "Create Template" and three new single row/dual colume tables are created with the names if the items.

Here is what I have so far, but need a little help. Notice I have added the three tables in to show how it should look but this is for information only as these should be created automaticaly.


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Mulitple Selections From A Drop Down...

Apr 28, 2004

We have a site we are working on in which we use drop downs for easy search functions. (We also have an advanced seach which use check boxes) But... the client has been asking us if we can make a muliple selection happen from this quick search. There are only like 20 options to choose from but a scrolling text box will look awfull there.. as the drop downs work nicely.

Has anyone ever seen a muliple selection drop down? Or something like it?

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Dependent Drop-down With Selections In An Array?

Sep 12, 2011

My current project is available for perusal in order to assist me at: [URL]As you can see, I make it so that once the product type is selected, you can then select a wattage. This dependent drop-down works, however I want it so that when I select a value in the left-hand side (wattage), then the one on the right will offer a pre-defined value that replaces the wattage I have.

For example, a GU-10 in 'Type of Lamp' offers a 50, 35 and 20 watt bulb in 'Current Lighting Products'. In 'Energy Efficient Products', it offers 5 and 3. I wish to make a statement somewhere so that if they select 50 on the left, it selects 5 on the right. If they select 35 on the left, it select 3 on the right.

I would also like it to do multiple offers, so that if they select say, a 35 of the MR-16, I want the right hand side to offer both 5 and 3. The only way I can think of doing this is via a lot of 'IF' statements.

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Generating A URL Based On Two Drop Down Box Selections?

Jul 18, 2009

I have a javascript function that will load a CSV file in to a grid:


function load(url){
<button onClick="load('URLTONEWFILE.CSV')">Load New File</button>

This works perfectly, however I need to take it a step further to load CSV files, based on user choices from two drop down boxes. Something like this:


<form name="myform"">
<select name="mycolour">


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Drop Down Menu Disable/enable Selections?

Apr 2, 2010

What I'm Looking to do is base certain options in a dropdown menu in a form off of the first selection, like this

Selection 1
Option 1


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Create Two Dropdownlists That Are Dependent In First Select Tag There Are 4 Selections

Apr 19, 2011

I have to create two dropdownlists that are dependent In my first select tag there are 4 selections ,,, year,quarter,month and week. and in second select it should automatically populate..If user select year from first select in second select values should be 1 to 365.. if quarter values in second select(dropdown) should be 1 to 4. if month 1 to 12 and if week is selected 1 to 7.


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Query :: Create A Table Based On Selections From A Php / Mysql?

Oct 7, 2011

Firstly this isnt a double post, I stupidly posted in the Java forum not the java script forum. Im trying to create a dynamic table based on the selections of multiple lists as per here Screen Shot

A user would select thier choices from the various lists and then add them to a table - this is where my question comes in. How do I achieve creating a table which will grow depending on how many additions a user adds?

Hope I make sense, Im trying to get my head around this.

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Ajax :: Multiple Selections To JS?

Apr 29, 2010

I'm sorry if this question has been answered before, but I'm a real noob trying to understand Ajax and JavaScript.

Therefore I need a (simple) explanation how to pass multiple selections from a list to my Ajax-script - if there are any simple solutions.

I'm not using any kind of framework - just plain Ajax/JS, PHP and of course HTML.

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Sum Of Multiple Dropdown Value Selections?

Feb 25, 2011

Not a seasonsed JS user; I would like to have a number of dropdown forms on a page and have JS sum the total value up as the user makes their way down the page and selects values. I've googled the daylights out of this and come up with a proof of concept below - if I could get it to work right, I would apply to a larger page. It will live on a Sharepoint server so I can't just use PHP to handle the summing.


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Coding HTML/JS Form With Multiple Selections?

May 20, 2011

I need help setting up a form, I want to do some pretty neat things: It will say: What countries do you want to visit? [FIELD] Part 1: I want that when a user starts typing into the field, it will suggest under things that match what you have typed so far, sort of like facebook search does. So I would need a list of recognized country names. Now for example imagine I was using this, and I typed in M, it would list under a max of 5 valid entries begining with M, if I typed in Me, it would list the ones begining with Me, if I typed in Mex, it would show Mexico. Now the user would have to click this drop down suggestion to choose it.Part2: I want once a user clicks on a suggestion, it will "pop under" the input box or somewhere, with a "x" beside it to remove it. The user can now type in another country, and when it is clicked it too appears as a sort of "icon" under the input box or somewhere, with an "x" beside it. Clicking the x removes the country from the current list of countries. Once he is done, he goes on to other fields and the selected countries remain visible. Once a user submits the form, I want to get only the countries that were visible to him.

**An alternative idea, if this one is too complicated, would be to have a drop list with all countries in it, and once a person clicks one, it will remain and a "+" sign will appear under it. When pressed, another dropdown menu will appear so the person can choose another country from the second drop down, etc. OFC all selected countries can have an X to remove them. Idk how to do this either. how to do something like this, where do you recommend I start? Any ideas? I tried searching but I'm not sure what to call this so I couldn't find anything in the search.

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Limit Number Of Selections In Multiple Select List Box

Jul 20, 2005

I'd like to limit the number of selections a user can make in a
multiple select listbox. I have a note on the interface to say that
only x no. of items should be selected and I check the number server
side but I'd like to implement some javascript to do the same on the
client side. Ideally I'd like the javascript to work in IE5+ and

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JQuery :: Select List With Multiple Selections Hack

Jul 6, 2009

When using a select combo box that has multiple selections enabled, my server was not seeing it as an array. It was only seeing it as a single variable value. All I did to correct this was add [] and the end of the name attribute.
[code]<select name="categories[]" id="categories" multiple="multiple"
Now my LAMP server sees this variable as an array in the $_REQUEST

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How To Use To Create Changing Tables

Feb 23, 2011

i have images of business cards and i want to create a table to populate for each card. i created an array for the business cards to switch out of a table when i click on a radio button. can i just create a function table() then write ocument.getElementById("cardTable').style.?("<table border = '1' />") and so on to make a table.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>


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Get Mouse Hover Effect Work On Tables Create By Twiki?

Jul 14, 2011

I am having a problem of getting mouseover event work on a webpage which is pre-populated by a third party tool twiki. The html code is something like this:

HTML Code:
<table cellspacing="0" id="table1" cellpadding="0" class="twikiTable" rules="rows" border="1">
<tr class="twikiTableOdd twikiTableRowdataBgSorted0 twikiTableRowdataBg0">

On the condition of knowing what the table name (always going to be table1) will be, can I write some javascripts to make the mouse hover effect work.

Here is the code I use but I can't get it work somehow.


HTML Code:
<!-- highlight --> <style type="text/css">
tr:hover, tr.highlight { background-color: #aaa; }


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JQuery :: Tablesorter With Multiple Tables?

May 15, 2009

I am trying to use the plugin tablesorter that has a pager, for one table in a page it works fine, but when I put two tables, the pager links [next, previous,....] for the first table is moved under the


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Deleting Multiple Tables With Different Buttons?

Jul 10, 2009

I have look some of the examples of deleting tables and or rows with Java. The only problem is that all examples I have seen talke about one table and one or more buttons. What I needs to do is have 4 single row / dual columns tables each having a button of their own for deleting this table. Here is what I got but it just doesnt work for me as each table has a seperate Table ID.

<script language=javascript>
function removeRow(src)
var oRow = src.parentElement.parentElement;


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How To Addrow After SubRow When Have Multiple Tables

Jun 17, 2010

In the main table there are two sub tables are there.when user click addRow button main row and also subrow should be created.i have written the code but when i click addrow alignment is missing and apart from that mainrow and subrow is not displaying properly.



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Avoid Having Multiple Tables Containing The Same Data?

Jun 21, 2010

Say that you have a table with id Testresults. Now you also would like to show diffrent parts of that table inside diffrent divs that also contain a table.

for example

<div id="OK testcases">
<table id="oktestdiv">
<tr id="row1" class="ok"><td>ok</td></tr>


I naturally don't want to write the code for the table at multiple places of the page. Notice also that my site only contains of one site, containing many divs.

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JQuery :: Create 2 Loops, The Inner One I Had Working As Below, Until Tried To Add The Outer Loop Which Iterates Through The Tables?

Apr 8, 2011

Having a tough time integrating the 2. Trying to create 2 loops, the inner one I had working as below, until I tried to add the outer loop which iterates through the tables

<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
var i=0;


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Sortable Tables With Multiple Pages Navigation

Oct 31, 2006

there are a lot of different scripts out there to sort a table with multiple
columns. However, I want to do something specific.

I have a table that is "spread" accross multiple pages. Usually, when a user
wants to change the page, what you do is compute indexes in the server and
return the modified list. But that's not what I want to do, I want to be
able to navigate through the pages AND be able to sort the columns within
the client screen.

Does anyone know of a good example of something like that ? I know it can be
done, I would have to write the entire data in the client side, and then
manipulate it with indexes and sorts. I am very much able to write such
data, but should "delete" and "add" new table Elements (in a way that is
browser compatible) or show/hide <TRelements, maybe overwrite these table

I was wondering if this is somehow trivial so you can suggest a coding
strategy or if anyone knows a good page that displays this possibility.

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Quick Search Action On Multiple Tables

May 17, 2010

I'm using quick search plugin (URL...) in filtering rows in a group of tables.The problem is that the old vesion of Quick search may act on multiple tables as long they have the same table_id while the new vesion acts on the first table only.

1-the number of tables is very large (in some pages may be 500 tables).

2-the action of Quick search is applied automaticaly as the user type any text in the input text box. so i don't know any way to make a loop to call the function once for each table.

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Pull Data From Multiple Database Tables?

Jun 29, 2010

I'm trying to pull data from multiple database tables and output them into a table which I've done fine, but I'm having trouble trying to filter the rows by specific values like colour and size selected from select boxes without reloading the page.

After more than a day of looking though I have made no progress, If this was to be done with just PHP and MySQL reloading the page I'd have no problem but having problems with the AJAX side.

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JQuery :: Calculating Column Totals In Multiple Tables

Feb 24, 2010

I've managed in the past to cobble together a few simple scripts.

I have an html page, with numerous tables in this format:

<table class="tableClass" id="tableID">
<col class="date" />
<col class="reference" />
<col class="amount" />


This (apparently) totals all 'amount' cells in the page, and writes it in *all* the 'total' cells - close, but obviously I'm not correctly specifying that each total should be displayed in its parent.

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JQuery :: Applying Table Row Sorter To Multiple Tables?

Apr 29, 2009

<div><div>I'm using jQuery's tablesorter.js to create tables with sortable rows, as applied to tables with the ID "myTable."</div><div></div><div>I just wondered if there's a way to make it work with multiple tables on a single page. I created two tables and gave each of them the ID myTable, but only the first table worked. I can't remember if the specific ID is required for my Zebra widget (alternate row colors), too, or not, but I would guess it is.

<div></div><div>I posted my JS links below, to show you my setup. Thanks for any tips.</div><div></div><div>* * * * *</div><div></div><div><script src="<a


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JQuery :: Find Current Table ID In HTML / Where Have Multiple Tables

May 27, 2010

I have been using JQuery in the past 6 months and I really got in love with it!Finally,I've come to an issue that (probably) have better solution than the one Im trying to do with.I have multiple tables in a HTML [code]all of these tables are some kind of gridviews filled with data using JSon and JQuery.The problem is:Before filling with data, only this part in the DOM is created <table id="myTableId"> <tbody> !so, before going forward with filling the table with data and creating <tr>'s and <td>'s, I would like to find the current (not filled one) table ID.The algorithm would be:

1. <table id="mytableId"> is generated
2. right after #1, find table ID.
3. Depending of the table ID, generated data accordingly. (Continue with creating tr's and td's)

I have tried using closest('table'), also using find(), parent(), parents() and some other methods with which I've been working previously, but still no success.I can find the table by uing var tId = $(TABLE['id*='myTable']").attr('id');, but this finds all tables with 'myTable' and I want to find only the one that is created at that moment and waits for filling with data.

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JQuery :: (tablesorter) Globally Sort Multiple Tables On A Page?

May 13, 2009

I am using the excellent jquery.tablesorter successfully for a large number of 40-row tables that live together on one page. So far I'm very happy with the plugin. My users also need the ability to apply any column sort they invoke automatically to *all* tables on the pae. They do not wish to sort the tables individually. As recommended in another thread, I have been looking at sortStart and sortEnd, but have been pulling my hair out trying to get this working. My JS:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(document).ready(function() {
// extend the default setting to always sort on the first column
$.tablesorter.defaults.sortList = [[0,0]];


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