JQuery :: Display Only One Paragrah In A List?
Feb 1, 2011
I have a list of products on an ecommerce site and when the add to basket button is clicked I have managed to change the background colour of the div for just that product in the list using:-
$('.listing-price-holder').click(function () {
What I would also like to do is display text saying 'Added to Basket' with a darker background colour behind the text. I have used the p element and using CSS hidden the p element. When I use Jquery to show the p element it shows the p element for every product in the list not just the one selected.
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May 10, 2010
I'm a newbie. I have just working with jQuery for 2 hours. For example I have a drop down list like this:
If I select Fruit, another drop down list appers and give me some selections:
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Jul 3, 2009
i am trying to use jquery UI sortable on my webpage to displaytoolbars. what i want is, let people sort these toolbars in the waythey like. i have named toolbars with id "1","2","3","4", and i savedsorted order to database via toArray method. i was wondering how icould display these toolbars with new order when people browser mysite next time, is there any method that supports it?
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Apr 14, 2011
I have a table with checkboxes (with short text). Each checkbox needs more information for the user if they want it (either hover or click the text -- haven't decide which or both?). However, I don't want to download all the extra text if they don't need it. So, How might I go about detecting the hover or click and then asking the server for some more HTML that I could then display until the user mouses-out?
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Mar 29, 2010
I would like to display only a certain amount of list items on a page.
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Sep 6, 2011
I am trying to use jquery, json, ajax to display data in a list.
The js:
The div to hold the returned data:
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Nov 24, 2010
I am able to display the validation error messages at top of with wrapper: "li" like the following screen: But when I enter a valid email into E-mail field, the list item bullet not display (hide) properly in the error container, please see the screen below: Is this a bug or did I missed some settings in my source code? Attached here is the sample code that demo the problem (after extract the compress file, please open sample-code/demo/demo.html).
Size : 32.36 KB
Download : 345
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Nov 6, 2011
I'm working on a site where we display two lists of boats, sail or power via the organic tabs plugin. Now, our client wants us to show one list type by default depending on the class of the body tag - for example, if the user was on a sailing boat page, the body would have a class of 'sailPage' and therefore the list that would be shown by default would be the 'sail list' - and vice versa for the power (although be default this one shows first anyways as it is the first 'panel' in the HTML') In my admittedly rather clumsy way, I've written the following jQuery function which does seem to work (well, the first half) - however when the user clicks back on to the 'power' tab whilst on page with a class of 'sail', the power list doesn't display. There also seems to be a problem in IE7 where the content of the lists will not display until you select the other tab first, and then select the second tab again?
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Feb 23, 2009
I've managed to fill a select elements option with a javascript array. Now I want it to display what the user selected in an alert window when he/she hits submit. code...
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Mar 23, 2007
I have a <select style="" name="" size="2">
<option value="1">Name 1</option>
<option value="1">Name2</option>
It will popup and display as a drop down list with "gray'ed" vertical
scrollbar. So how can I make it like a panel without the vertical
scrollbar at the right side?
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Mar 12, 2009
The page should include two selection list, The first selection list should contain 8 regions of the world. The second selection list should remain empty until a user selects a region. The second selection list should display only five countries per region.
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Mar 15, 2007
I've got a select list which lets you select from a list of directories. Currently it is completely normal, just lists each directory, and its subdirectories all in the same way. I'd like to have a list that lets you see all the top level directories, and click little pluses next to them to see their subdirectories, then click the minus to hide the subdirectories, etc....But inside an html select list or something similar.
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Apr 7, 2011
I'm having a problem using javascript with a form. I'm using javascript to determine whether or not a person has selected "yes" or "no" from the select list. If "yes" is selected, the form is supposed to slide down and reveal two more fields. If "no" is selected, the form is supposed to slide back up hiding those two fields again.
When "yes" is selected, the form displays the two new fields properly. In Safari, it does the slideDown animation, yet in Firefox, the new form fields just suddenly display. If I select "no" again, nothing happens. The slideUp animation doesn't play. So currently I am having to use $("#parent1").hide(); to get the "no" to trigger.
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Jun 4, 2009
I've got a couple of problems that I cannot figure out how to do.
1. I'm trying to create a list where clickable items are visible on a page and then when clicked they expand to read a text file and stay expanded until I click them again to collapse. I've got this partially working except when I click on the item now(machine1 for example), the item I clicked on is replaced by html/txt file(machine1_output.html). Then the links are not available unless I hit the back button in the browser. Instead I want them both displayed and I want to be able to see all the items in the list and have the items expanded too. The reason for this is I want to be able to click all the links, have them display what's in the html/text file and be able to do a CTRL+F to search for an item. Is this possible?
2. When I add a third item(machine3 below) to my list none of the items are clickable. code...
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Mar 16, 2009
I want to calculate student fees payment on my php page, but my coding here its not working. One more thing is when selected item click and its can display value of the item in other textbox(ex: if course Diploma Multimedia is selected, then the course fee is 19000 is display on txtCourseFee).I'm using java script for the calculation and save into mysql database. The code is here :
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function CalculateFee (form)
var coursefee;
var payamaount = form.txtpayamount.value; (user input)
var balfee;
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Feb 6, 2005
I have a javascript code to save form data in XML format. In this, user can provide a filename in which data will be saved.
Now there is a button "Load" which should display the list of files saved by that user and then user can open any file from that list.
I would like to know how to find out how many files have been saved by user and display a list using javascript.
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Jun 29, 2011
I have a <'div'> element, containing a <'ul'> with four <'li'> elements. What I need to do is set the <'li'> to display in horizontal orientation, and within the <'div'>. When I apply the JTouch
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Feb 13, 2009
Is is possible to make an ordered list with an onclick display prompt show the number item of the list? What I mean is like, say I have 29 items, but I click on item 15, is possible to make the prompt show the number 15, or the correct number for any item I pick?
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Aug 15, 2006
i have a dropdown list where a user can select, 'Yes','No', and 'Other'. What i need to have happen, is that if a user selects other, i need a textfield to appear so the user can enter a custom variable. does anyone have code for this?? Code:
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Aug 28, 2011
I'm attempting to display a list of email addresses from a text file (one address per line) in measured increments, such as one email address per second. sorry, I don't know where to begin on this.Basically I want to use this to "simulate" the appearance of being able to view the real-time send to a series of email addresses. I'm using the PHP mail() funtion to send to the looped list of email addresses, pulled from a text file.It would be great to view the actual realtime send to each address as it occurs in the mail loop, but this simulation will suffice.
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Jan 28, 2011
Can someone tell me the code to display dropdown box showing a default value as selected which can vary as per the user�s condition using script..i,e by enclosing in document.write..
Now i need to print a for loop counter variable's value as the default selected option if a condition satisfies as shown below..code...
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Jun 9, 2009
I have a page that displays a list of people playing in a tournament. I need to be able to generate a Leaderboard based on which players are manually selected by the admin. Next to each person there is a drop-down list. An admin can go in and select a "slot" that a player should be in on the leader board from 1 to 8, or leave it blank if none. What I need to figure out how to do is the following, when a change event happens on a drop-down list, and say the value 5 is selected, I need to check to make sure that 5 is not already selected in one of the other players drop-down lists, in other words, that the 5th leaderboard slot is not already full. if it is, display an error message and make them change that one first. how to do that with jQuery? I'm thinking it will have something to do with the each() function, but not sure exactly how the logic should work.
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Oct 8, 2010
i have a menu and i would like to change the color of the Categories which have subcategories only. In my example the basic categories are: News , Announcements , Contact and Career. Only Announcements and Career categories have subcategories. So i would like those two to turn green. The fact is that the list items include a href ,so i don't know how to access those "a href" combined with "this".
<ul id="my_menu">
<li id="id0"><a href="#" style="text-decoration:none">News</a></li>
<li id="id1"><a href="#" style="text-decoration:none">Announcements</a>
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Jun 2, 2010
I have been trying to make an expand/collapse (essentially accordion) list. So far, everything works and looks fine in Firefox, Safari, and Chrome, but in IE8, the page height is static when it loads, with a page height being as if all headers in the list were expanded. The expand/collapse functionality works,but as you can imagine, there is this big gap of space after the list.
The html markup uses <h2> tags for the always-visible header portion and a <div> for the expanding/collapsing content. The <div> content contains form elements and everything is enclosed in a form tag.Anyways, here is the jQuery code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('<img src="plus.png" class="icon" />').prependTo('.header');
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Jul 19, 2010
I'm working on a project that requires dynamic manipulation of an ordered list -- adding and removing elements in response to the user pressing buttons. I've run in to some odd behavior. Here's my code:
<ol id="track-list">
<li>Static Content Here</li>
<input type="button" id="add-track" value="Add Track" />
var listEl = $("<li>Dynamic Content Here</li>");
Looks pretty straightforward, problem is when I add the new list element it does not prepend it with any number (being part of an ordered list). Now if I remove the hide and fadeIn lines (just append it), it inserts it correctly with a number before it, but I want this to look pretty being jQuery and all...
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Aug 14, 2009
I have a MySQL table with 90 columns and I want the users to be able to select any columns they concern and output the result accordingly. In the front-end, I can use a group of checkbox which looks very ugly and I can not setup the orders for selected columns. Is there a plug-in or some examples in jQuery, that I can make 2 parallel boxes (i.e. an original-box and a selected-box). the original- box lists all of the column names at the beginning and there is a way to move items between two boxes. And the order of items in the selected-box can be adjusted. the items in the selected-box will be used to build into an array in my backend code.
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