Does anyone know how to create a grid with grouping similar to itunes? I have searched the web and cannot find anything. I want to have a category and to the left and several topics to be grouped with that category. See image below.
I'm trying to tweak a small script to pull some data from an iTunes podcast formatted XML feed. Currently, it outputs a link to the most recent actual mp3 file with the episode title as the name (which is great), but I'd also like it to show a description of the episode under the link.Here's the code I have so far:
Code: jQuery( function($) {[code].....
How can I tweak my existing code to output the content of the first <itunes:subtitle> entry under the link it generates?
As I use some external js library and code (swfobject, jquery, fancyzoom, ...) and that, having alot of file requested can slow down a site, I want to know if it is a good idea to merge all those js file into a big one, so it is loaded 1 time, then is in cache. I think it can be good for server request but, is there any bug possibilities to do this?
I was interested by Paul Irish's presentationon best practices where he mentions building document fragments off-DOM:[URL]... (page 8) I was wondering about the possibility of having some kind of buffering capability in jQuery, eg:
var $buffer = $.buffer(); $bigGroupOfFrags.each(function(){ $buffer.add( $('body').append(this) ); // any DOM touches get buffered }); $.buffer().flush(); // write to DOM
I know you can manage this manually as Paul states in his pre and I havn't thought about the implications too deeply, but a nice abstracted way to do this would bereally helpful.I've noticed when using new CSS3 styling like dropshadows, DOM touching get's really expensive.
I'm trying to group some existing top-level functions inside a closure (to avoid polluting the global namespace) but I'm not quite getting it to work. First, all the JS works outside my anonymous function, but once I put it in the anonymous function I get an error of "crossfade is not defined". I'm not quite getting why the the setInterval/crossfade works outside the anonymous function but not inside. Anything inside start() should be able to see vars/functions outside start() and it should all be protected in the closure created by the top-level anonymous function? I'm not trying to access anything *within* crossfade(), I'm just trying to execute it.
Code: (function($) { //vars up here that internal functions can access //also using some jquery inside here, so using $ function crossfade() { //body here } //other functions function start() { //body here cInterval = setInterval('crossfade()', 5000); } })(jQuery);
I'm trying to make it so that on holidays, my page will say Happy"so and so..." at the top.I only started this 5 minutes ago so that's why it's so under developed. Here's what I have.I'm wanting to know if "today.getMonth.getDate" is valid or would I have to do something else.
I try to group several rows in a table into a div and show/hide them by click on a button somewhere with a javascript link. When clicked, the link will toggle the style of the div section's style between BLOCK and NONE.
This technique works on normal text fine, but it doesn't work on part of the table, is there a solution that I can achieve the goal of turning on/off several rows all together?
As you may have guessed contentLength is dynamic, coming from webservice. For this example its value is 7 but it can be 9 or 23 etc.. The idea is to group the <li> tags in six surrounded by numbered divs for each group, just like the previous example. How can I do it?
I have a form with multiple Divs containing radios, text etc. What I'm trying to do is write a function that will validate all radios only within a specified Div (in the code example below, Div4). I need to validate if all the radios in the div have "no" selected, or button[1]. If any have yes selected, then nothing happens. Only if all have No selected do I need something to happen.
Assigning radios to groups for validation is something I've done on a global (all of form) scale, but I can't figure how to be explicit to a div. The code below works, but only on individual radios, not groups. I've included a few buttons outside the div for effect. Oh, and the final product won't have alerts, it will be used to trigger a hidden div elsewhere in the form.
Every 2 to 3 days I check the ticket system to see how the development of the latest JQueryUI 1.9 is doing and how the JQuery is doing. After several weeks of this I have found way too many tickets about IE6 issues and I started to ask myself why does JQuery and actually, many other projects still try to solve problems for somethings that is beyond repair. With this am talking to the fact that:
I posted a while ago about the Truncate plugin not preserving html links in FF. I like the plugin, but it needs to present properly in FF. I couldn't figure it out and nobody responded. Is there any other plugins that provide similar funcationality?
I'm looking for a jQuery slideshow plugin that will be similar to this MooTools effect http:[url]...Doesn't need to have the play/pause controls but I really like the way how the images are zoomed/moved and couldn't find any plugin for jQuery that will do the same.
What's the best simple way to filter elements by their index similar to the nth-of-type equation an+b , regardless of parent and node type? Something like...
... to filter every third input element (3n) starting with the first one (+1).
I wonder if jquery or javascript has the function adding line breaks which can be similar to nl2br() in PHP? This is the info i want to grab from a database, PHP will add line breaks (<br/>) when it is passed into nl2br(),
which works once the page hasn't been loaded using.load $(".toggle_cat_container").hide(); How do I adapt it to work when the page is loaded with .load? I am familiar with needing to use .live on click functions.
i.e. $("a[id^='mydiv']").click(function(e) { needing to be changed to: $("a[id^='mydiv]").live('click', function(e) {
My problem is that $(".toggle_cat_container").hide(); would trigger when the document was ready but when its loaded it won't trigger. What adaptation do I need? I suspect something similar to the below - just not getting it right $(".toggle_cat_container").live('onLoad', function(e) {
I 'm using Ajax to build pages with xml files. In my page, I want to have 2 doms for the same xml file : one for the initials datas, ant another which will be modified by the web page. When the user validate the page, the second dom is is copied into the first.
In my page, I have javascript code that modify nodes of the xmlDoc1, but the xmlDoc2 is modified also, but I don't want this dom to be modified! What is the problem with my code?
I have a 'confirm' form that hides a table when a certain field contains a null value.I actually need 3 fields to be null in order for the table not to show rather than part of the working code.
Code: if (document.getElementById('FIELDNAME').value=='') { document.getElementById('ID_OF_TABLE').style.display='none'; }
How or what do i do to allow for 3 (or multiple) fields?This is doing my Head in.I know getElementById is most likely not the way to go as it only allows for one.