As I use some external js library and code (swfobject, jquery, fancyzoom, ...) and that, having alot of file requested can slow down a site, I want to know if it is a good idea to merge all those js file into a big one, so it is loaded 1 time, then is in cache. I think it can be good for server request but, is there any bug possibilities to do this?
Im building a simple portfolio site for myself and I am trying to use the .hide() and .show() methods to hide and show the various sections and subsections. I have one file panels.js which is working fine on its own to hide and show the main sections. But a second file gallery.js, which is supposed to control the subsections, never gets read. I can see the contents of the file in firebug, but nothing inside gets executed. If I take the contents of gallery.js and try to place them into the panels.js file. the whole thing stops working. So Im assuming its something off with the scripts in gallery.js. Heres the site so far: [URL]
At this point I am only working on the "ARTWORK" section, so that is the only section that should be working, please don't bother clicking on the other sections. What should be happening is that all the entries that say "Image Title" with some lorem ipsum should all be hidden at first, and only the first sentence at the top should show, but at this point all of it just stacks up and none of it is hidden. heres the contents of gallery.js
//hide all the subsections and show the intro $(".current_panel .image_area").removeClass("current_area"); $(".current_panel .image_area").hide();
The application I'm debugging is throwing a very general jquery error (H is undefined) based on my obfuscated js file. There are jquery methods in this file. The file has been tested and is used successfully in other applications. I noticed the application that throws the error is loading two versions of jquery:
jquery-1.4.2.js and jquery-obf-1.4.2.cache.js
Typically our applications only load the obfuscated version of jquery. if loading 2 versions of JQuery into a page could cause the confliction I'm seeing?
I am familiar with the user built addEvent function used to load multiple functions in the window.onload property. However, I am curious as to the best way to do this across multiple JavaScript files. I thought I had seen somewhere code similar to the addEvent function was native to JavaScript now but I can't seem to find that anywhere.
Just to clarify, suppose I have 3 JavaScript files:
Code: function foo() { // do something here } fileB
note that it is not feasible to combine those functions into one file as they aren't always loaded together. What's the best way to load them all as a window.load?
unable to find through google or search here relevant answer to the question, so sorry if repetitiveI used this function provided by a member in this forum
I was on looking for some cool effects for my site, and when I tried to put two of them in a page together it would not work properly. I can get only one to work at a time. It seems that they somehow interfere with each other, but I don't know how. Now have a little experience with JavaScript and jquery, but nothing I tried would work. Here is what I have in my page header right now:
The first one is an accordion navigation panel and it comes with a JavaScript file to link to in the header. Other than that there is no more JavaScript involved with it. Here is the link to it: Accordion Navigation The other one is a image slide show that uses jquery. it has the jquery script, a script file of it own, and some JavaScript right in the page header. Here is the link to this one:
Does anybody knows a good jQuery multiple file uploader? The idea is when somebody click on the Upload link some kind of popup box needs to appear. Something like the media uploader in WordPress. The background of the website becomes grey, and only a upload box appear. It would be cool that only if you have selected one file, the next input for a new upload appear with a max of 9 uploads at a time ...
What is the correct way to work with multiple language JavaScript files? So how to use your PHP language variables in your JavaScript files? The way I do it now is create JavaScript files like 'script_js.php' like this:
I would like to use a compiler to minifier my JS code. The JS code is separated over multiple files. For example, I have a language file (lang object), init.js files, common function files, ... here and there I even use global variables. I would like to use a compiler which also renames variable names to reduce JS file size. However, when the variables are separated over multiple JS files, and you compile each JS file one by one, the same short variable names will be attached given errors in the whole application.
Is there a way I can use JavaScript to compile a list of checkboxes with the value of the url of the file I wish to upload from my computer.And then with that checklist PHP can grab the files from my computer and upload them to the server. Doesn't have the be checkboxes but basically a list of locations so the files can be uploaded one after another. Much like Facebook's ability to upload multiple files. I can't find out how to select multiple files, so I figured just compile a list.
I am looking to do some development in Javascript. I was wondering can you make use of multiple javascript files? In C++, java and C# you can have class files in multiple files. Can you do the same thing in javascript
this may be related to passing php variables to javascript,but say i have an ajax function ( call this file1.php)that calls a php file ( call this file2.php) that itself has ajax in file1.php, i collect information that i put into a querystring, passed to file2.php.file2.php can use the querystring info via $_GET['variable']but how do i tell file2.php to incorporate the variable into the querystring of its ajax calls to file3.php? currently i have this- it looks right for the most part but won't work.
I have a simple FLV player that I would like to use in an online video store. I would like it set up so that every time a user clicks on a video to preview, the video plays in the player that will be on the side. How can I set this up so that the player will play an opening video when one enters the site, and then whenever someone clicks a video, it will play in the same player without loading a new page. Can someone show me how to do this using Javascript?
I've been trying to create font tester for a small type foundry using sIFR. I've managed to get the basic input field working which then displays the users entered type using sIFR, but I've now hit a block trying to add a dropdown menu so the users can select a font they wish to test.
Does anyone know how to create a grid with grouping similar to itunes? I have searched the web and cannot find anything. I want to have a category and to the left and several topics to be grouped with that category. See image below.
I was interested by Paul Irish's presentationon best practices where he mentions building document fragments off-DOM:[URL]... (page 8) I was wondering about the possibility of having some kind of buffering capability in jQuery, eg:
var $buffer = $.buffer(); $bigGroupOfFrags.each(function(){ $buffer.add( $('body').append(this) ); // any DOM touches get buffered }); $.buffer().flush(); // write to DOM
I know you can manage this manually as Paul states in his pre and I havn't thought about the implications too deeply, but a nice abstracted way to do this would bereally helpful.I've noticed when using new CSS3 styling like dropshadows, DOM touching get's really expensive.
I have been working on a few budget scripts that I can access from the web in using HTML. My problem is that when variable values change I need to change these values in all of the HTML files on the server. I know that there is a way to declare global variables in a single file and use those values in another file but I have not been able to find any information that tells me exactly how to do this. I have tried to put it together on my own using what little informaiton I have been able to find but have not been able to get this to work. Is there a more detailed referance that I can find somewhere or does anyone know what steps I need to take to make this happen?
I'm trying to group some existing top-level functions inside a closure (to avoid polluting the global namespace) but I'm not quite getting it to work. First, all the JS works outside my anonymous function, but once I put it in the anonymous function I get an error of "crossfade is not defined". I'm not quite getting why the the setInterval/crossfade works outside the anonymous function but not inside. Anything inside start() should be able to see vars/functions outside start() and it should all be protected in the closure created by the top-level anonymous function? I'm not trying to access anything *within* crossfade(), I'm just trying to execute it.
Code: (function($) { //vars up here that internal functions can access //also using some jquery inside here, so using $ function crossfade() { //body here } //other functions function start() { //body here cInterval = setInterval('crossfade()', 5000); } })(jQuery);
In my quest to implement ajax for the first time i've hit a brick wall. i've been searching for hours for a solution but with no success. Here is the problem.
why is it not working? my PHP code is outputting the contents of the xml document.
I'm trying to make it so that on holidays, my page will say Happy"so and so..." at the top.I only started this 5 minutes ago so that's why it's so under developed. Here's what I have.I'm wanting to know if "today.getMonth.getDate" is valid or would I have to do something else.