JQuery :: Connect The Image Cube Functionality To Divisions?
Apr 14, 2011I don't understand what should I do on the step 3 from Usage where it says
Connect the image cube functionality to your divisions
I don't understand what should I do on the step 3 from Usage where it says
Connect the image cube functionality to your divisions
I am using Image cube(URL...). But there are lags and image cube does not rotate smoothly but with some "jumps". Does anybody know how to escape that leaving alone those teeth on cube borders when it is rotating? Or it is javascript engine lags?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a question about this image cube [URL]. I would like to make it like this [URL]. How to make that thumbnail scroller with highlighting function and linked properly to the cube.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am using jquery in my current application to add min/max functionality, i.e, when the user close at maximize, table gets maximized, when clicked on minimize, table gets minimized. It works fine functionality wise, but, ideally, when maximized, max image should replace with min image and vice-versa, but images gets replaced only when clicked 2nd time around, for very first time, images don't get replaced, though the system works fine,
Here's how I am calling the function:
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="showinghide('contacting')"><img src="images/arrows/opened.gif" id="contactingarrow" class="myarrows"></a>
Here's the function:
function showinghide(oobj){
And the jquery code is:
function mycookies(myobbj) {
var mycookiesvar=myobbj+"cook";
} else if(jQuery.cookie(mycookiesvar)==myobbj+"show"){
}} else {
I have created a jquery cube that has rotating images within it, and I have defaulted the margin to display left. I am now attempting to place a few images to the right of the jquery cube, but no matter what I've tried I am not able to get the unassociated images to display to the right. Instead they are displayed below the bottom of the jquery cube.
I'm developping an ASP.net web page using JQuery Accordeon . the text inside the Accordeon changes so I'd like to create dynamic divisons that support those changes.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have image rollover code. And I want to add functionality, for ex-this scripts roll overs images (slides them). I would like let it stops when onmouseover event. Here is script
<title>HTML ders | 09.07.2010</title>
var sekil1=new Image();
var sekil2=new Image();
var sekil3=new Image();
var sekil4=new Image();
var sekil5=new Image();
<img name="az" src="bir.jpg" width="250" height="200">
var addim=1;
function slide(){
setTimeout("slide()", 2500);
} slide();
I have a working gallery with side buttons to scroll through the images. My only problem is that I want the first image that shows up to be the image with the highest [number].jpg value so that when I add a picture to the gallery, the gallery will start on that picture.HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-W3CDTD XHTML 1.0 TransitionalEN"
<html xmlns="http:www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
I'm writing an ECMAScript tokeniser and parser and trying to find out if I can eliminate the switching from tokenising "/" as start of regex or the division operator depending on the parser feedback - essentially, if I can make the tokeniser independent of the parser. (I have a gut feeling this needs too much special casing to be worth it). Code:
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am using a javascript to validate that all form fields are filled in here:[URL].. The form input fields in the top div can be validated no problem. However, when I add to the javascript, this section of code:
if (document.forms['secondform'].firstname.value=="") {
themessage = themessage + " - First Name
And so on for the next few input boxes, the javascript stops working entirely, passing the user onto the next page without actually validating the fields. I feel it is because I am not calling the input boxes correctly in the javascript, but I am unsure how to do it.
I was thinking that maybe because they are in a different division if I added that in there somewhere I could get it clear up, but no such luck yet.
In homePage(1 photo) and in Gallery(9 photos) at [URL]... I setup mouse rollover functionality > bigger photo...but bigger image appear below smaller...what to do appear next to smaller, so top side of both photos are on same line?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have set up a reverse proxy for a wordpress blog that is using the theme mystique. When I use IE to connect directly to the blog the theme works fine and loads ie7.css When I connect through the reverse proxy to the blog the theme does not load the ie7.css
From what I can work out it looks like the person who wrote it is using jquery to determine the browser type. Any ideas why jquery would fail when passed through a reverse proxy?
I'm looking for connecting to a internet timeserver with java or javascript. I want to have the hour that is sent by the time server no matter what time is showed by the local system.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI need to retrieve data from ms-accesses using html.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm a newbie to javascript programming and I'm seeking on a solution on how to connect to a tcp port using javascript. Basically, we have phone server that is constantly streaming XML data on port 1024 (serverIP:1024). I've ran a packet sniffer and was able to gather the elements and attributes for the XML data that the server is streaming. Now, I have a test XML parser which works with the XML document using the elements and attributes i've gathered from the packet sniffer. Is there a way for me to connect to the TCP port i've mentioned using javascript and incorporate it with the XML parser that I have. code...
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to connect to a sqlite database via javascript. And I do not mean the HTML 5 Web SQL Database, that is no problem. What I mean is a file-based SQLite database, which is in the same folder as the HTML page.Also, I can not use something like Google's API, only the javascript libraries I can then put in this folder.
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to connect with MYSQL database using javascript..
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am using this script to get the user image,name and email. now, how can I get those details and enter them into the database? I thought about Ajax to send a request like that: insertDB.php?image=abc&name=dan&email=dan@dan.com but its some kind of a security issue since bots could register to my website. (just send GET requests..).
I am trying to connect to my SQL Server database & I have the following codes which doesn't work, it only showed "Display up to here":
var cn = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection");
// the following info. is an example
var strConn = "Provider=sqloledb;SERVER=,1000;DATABASE=WebTable;UID=ABC;PWD=password";
var SQL = "Select * from GuestName Where ID = 3865989";
alert ("Display up to here");
rs.Open(SQL, cn);
I want to find out if it is possible to write code which will enable a web page connect to an access database or any database with javascript code.
View 5 Replies View Relatedis it possible to connect an html page to data base through javascript..?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am new to JavaScript,
I need a javascript/html code for connecting CouchDB database, reading the content from couchdb database and displaying in the browser window.
i am developing a website in html in which the contactus page i have to connect to ms access database i am not able to get it ,can any one tell me how to get that one.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am wanting to write some programs that connect in real time with a server. The problem is I do not have a server and really do not know a whole lot about servers. I do know the basics, it connects with sockets and uses a unique port but I do not know how to build one, So I turn here.
Is it possible to make a server using javascript? If not, then what language is used for servers? is it possible for JS to connect to a foriegn language server?
Anyone know where some good tuts are on this? I type in javascript server in yahoo and just get info on JSP and SSI's..
I wrote an application using jquery/sortables and ran into a problem that I just don't understand well enough to tackle and hoping a jquery expert can see the solution where I don't.
I have a db setup like so
My page is setup to display multiple 'sortable' lists that allow the user to re-position elements (divs) with the mouse. Each div contains the 'content' (Bananas, Apples, etc) for users to see and they're even editable-in-place which all functions great.
THE PROBLEM: Each list has a class of 'biglist' in which I use the connectWith to allow these elements to be dragged from say myList3 to myList7.
Visually this looks great on the page but there's no DB functionality behind it to "SAVE" the new position. The only save that works is the elements position in its CURRENT list.
All 'content' in the fifth list for example is being generated from a SELECT statement [WHERE boxid = 5].
Each list has a different php file to generate its content that is virtuallyidentical
The order of each element is saved via a simple method in sortable's update function
Sorting is done here:
This is done roughly 10 times because there are ten lists. So here's the big question:
How can I pass the list's number (or create an ID for each list) that'll save WHICH list the items been moved to so that it's saved. (IE how can I change boxid instead of just Order)
I am trying to use the Yahoo Ajax library. I have this code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/ajax/build/yahoo/yahoo.js"></script>