I am trying to set a function to be called on the change event of some textboxes with the classes "vii_year1", "vii_year2", "vii_year3", and "vii_year4".
Here is the code:
function() {
for (var i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
var year = i + '';
Considering the following list how do I get a reference to the ul just below the li with id products? nextSibling gives me a reference to the #text# node inside the li tag?
I need to change the value of the input box coming from a query result. M_ACCOUNT_NAME=rsQuery("ACCOUNTNAME") Here's where I am having problems: $(document).ready(function() { $('input:text[name=txtAcctName]').val(M_ACCOUNT_NAME); }); The input box does not display the content of the M_ACCOUNT_NAME. I alreadytested M_ACCOUNT_NAME with simple response.write and it has content. I also tested that I am accessing the right element by substituting val(M_ACCOUNT_NAME) with val('HELLO'). HELLO is displaying correctly.
$(function(){ $('input').bind('keypress',null,b).bind('change',null,a); }); function a(){
this script bind both keypress and change of the text box to functions b and a. at keypress event handler if user type a char on input box the value of input box change to x and the user char discarded. In this case we expected to run the onchange (change) event because the textbox value is changed BUT this doesn't happen.
I've been ask to produce a new upload form that can allow multiple files to be uploaded with each article i was thinking of adding an upload form field than when text is added to the text field an extra file name description and upload text box would appear on the page via javascript.
So the more files that add to the form the more dynamically produced form text boxes are added, i have been looking to find if this could be done or what way is better, if anyone could help with telling where to look or how to dynamically produce more text areas. Or could you let me know another solutions to this.
I have seen it work on my mobile when added new contacts, you type in mobile number and then the home text box appears below it, then you type in home number and then the work text box appears. etc..
The code below allows the user to hover over 1 object and it not only replaces the object but also shows an additional object between the buttons.It works great in Firefox, but does not in Internet Explorer.
standard mouseover commands are used in index.php <CODE> <a href="http://www.tiimes.ucar.edu/beachon/" onMouseOver="imgOn('img1')" onMouseOut="imgOff('img1')">
JSON.parse: unexpected end of dataat line var data = JSON.parse(json);Is the syntax correct?the code used is:For the code below i am getting this error :
I'm using jquery-1.3.2.min.js and everything works perfectly in browsers other than Explorer... It's not liking this part:
this.appendChild(E) function(){return this.domManip(arguments,true,function(E){if(this.nodeType==1){this.appendChild(E)}})} ... } I get this error:Unexpected call to method or property access. jquery-1.3.2.min.js, line 12 character 2305
I am experiencing unexpected behavior using $(document).ready() on a page where I inject jQuery after the page has loaded and then attach listeners to the ready event. The ready() event is never called using Firefox and Safari however it is called using IE. Is this a jQuery bug? Is it working as designed?
I have a series of checkboxes on a page and the goal is to run an ajax post each time one of the checkboxes is checked. When the page loads, the first time I click each of the checkboxes everything goes as planned. After I receive the response from my ajax php function and all related events fire, I click the checkbox again and nothing happens. The event listener seems to have stopped functioning.
I've been stuck on this for a few hours today, and I can't seem to figure out how to correctly accomplish my task.Objective: Dynamically change the value of a <input type="checkbox" />, thus causing the .change( ) event to be fired, from an outside element, with the checkbox being hidden.So, my code eventually gets to this point:
I know in JavaScript you are able to write functions that you can just call at a later time. I'm working on a jQuery UI slider, and I wrote a function for the animation that happens when you start sliding. I would also like this same function to fire for the "change" event, but I can't seem to get it to work.
Here is the shortened code sample: $(function(){ var posterO = $(".poster-slider") .slider({ slide: function(event, ui){ //This is the function I would like to reuse at "change", below poster.css(...); posterLi.css( ... ); ptCopy.css( ... ); sliderValue = ui.value; }, //change:, animate:true }); //When "#abundant-trees" link is clicked, the slider handle changes, firing the "change" event, but the "slide" function is not called. $("#poster-switcher a[href=#abundant-trees]").click(function(link){ posterO.slider("value", 100); link.preventDefault(); //Stop browser from following the link that was clicked on. })}); I would like to apply the "slide" function to the "change" event without having to duplicate all the code.
I would like to change the webpage when someone changes the select input and then clicks Go.Unfortunately I've not been able to with jQuery, here's what I have now, but I would like to use jQuery.
I'm currently having a problem with getting a change event to fire when changing the values of a select box. I've put together the sample code below to show what I mean.
I'm putting together a site for a pal's band. I've got a sliding div that slides up when a link (with text) is clicked and back down when the link is clicked using:
and some corresponding CSS. What I'd like to do is make the link that triggers the event to change text whenever the div is visible and change back when it returns to hidden (like "show div" / "hide div").
I've noticed that the change event isn't being fired for me on form elements when the changes are made pragmatically (eg, using the attr() method). For instance, a checkbox's change event fires if I click it, but not if I use .attr('checked', false);
I'm using jQuery 1.4.2 and Firefox 3.6.6. I did notice that the native event handler (as in, adding an onClick attribute to the element manually) doesn't work either, so evidently this is NOT a bug in jQuery.
I just wonder if anyone knows a way around it. I'm particularly interested in catching the change event from form elements after clearing the form.
In IE only, the change event on a select does not seem to fire if the change is made by typing on the keyboard instead of clicking with the mouse. However, when the focus leaves the field, the event fires.
I'm trying to change a word in an animated collapsible div script from Dynamic Drive. When clicking "Hide" I want the word to change to "Show". I have part of the script, but it's not working correctly - it just removes "Hide" when clicking on it. See the example here.
The code so far is this:animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "divobj.id" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state if ($('#'+divobj.id+'-toggle').length==1){ //if toggle link has id 'divid-toggle' defined if (state=="block") $('#'+divobj.id+'-toggle').prepend('<span class="prefix">Hide </span>') else $('#'+divobj.id+'-toggle').find('span.prefix').remove() }} I'm totally new to jQuery.
I have a two level dependent select function, when level 1 changed, level 2 will change content with level 1, level 2 only change when level 1 "changed", if I use javascript to change the level1 value, level 2 won't change,for exaplme:
the level 1 select will change to the option which value is 3, but it won't trigger the change event, therefore level 2 does not change anything, how to change level 1 by and trigger change event.
<select id="aSelect"> <option value="0">a first option</option> <option value="1">a second option</option> <option value="2">a third option</option> <option value="3">a fourth option</option> </select>
but this doesn't work in IE. i've also tried to wire these up manually: document.body.onchange = function (e) { alert('foo); }; and document.onchange, but those don't work either. what's the story here (other than the fact that IE is sucking balls)?
I want a effect like,when I mouse hover on a image,the position below would diaplay a tooltip box:
The fact is that:when the mouse mouseover the img,the <div class="tooltip"> would appear,but when the mouse mouseout the img ,the tooltip disappeared,however I have already write the: