JQuery :: Calculate Function Never Completes After Removing Row In Table

Jun 28, 2010

I have a table with a number of rows in it each with a delete link which calls $("#" + id).remove(); of course passing in the right table row id each time. I also have a row at the bottom that has divs with totals of columns in each row. After I add a row to the table I call a function that goes through each table row, gets the values that I need and keeps a running total. I finally update the divs in the last row with these totals. However, when I do the row.remove() and then call my calculate function it never completes.

In my debugging it looks like the tblWorksheet table that I'm trying to get to, to get it's rows, is no longer recognized. So I'm wondering if instead of removing the row by the id if I need to call the remove function on the table to tell it to remove the row. If so I'm not sure of the syntax to do that. The following doesn't work.
$("#tblWorksheet").remove("#" + id)
If that's not the case, why I couldn't get to my table after removing the row?

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JQuery :: Remove A Table Row And Also Pass A Parameter To The Function Removing Tr?

May 26, 2010

i wish to remove a table row on click i do know that it can be done using the following code

'#myTable tr'


what if i also wanted to pass a certain value as a parameter to this function. basically what i wanna do is, i have a 'x' on each row so when a user clicks it i want the row to delete and at the same time wish to use ajax and delete thatrow from the database as well.

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JQuery :: Removing Table,tr,td Wihout No Removing Contents?

Jun 5, 2010

i have situation that i need to remove table that is automaticly generated, but i also need to not remove contents of table.

<table class="mytable" width="100">


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JQuery :: Hide An Element After Function Completes?

Aug 16, 2009

I have a hidden spinner div. When my jquery function is called -- I show the spinner. But, how do hide I the spinner div after the ajax request has completed?

$(function() {
$(".pagination a").live("click", function() {
var loader = $('#loader')
loader.show() // <-- hidden loader div


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How To Make Sure A Function Completes Before Continuing Execution.

Jul 20, 2011

I have a function that I'm trying to modify. It adds an element to the page. The problem is, I require that ClickGeocode() finishes executing before the rest of the code in the function completes. Currently that is not the case..

Event.add(window, 'load', function()
Event.add('addressSearch', 'click', function()


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Call Function After Iframe Source Completes Loading

Mar 8, 2009

I want to do exactly as mentioned on the title. You can consider this like surfing pages in traffic exchangers or PTCs. The functionality is exactly like those, though it is not for those.

This is what I have now.

Code HTML4Strict:

Currently, it shows "Page has been loaded" before even showing the "Please wait" part.

Secondly I changed the function to the following

Then it said info is null....

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JQuery :: Removing Table Rows Except The First One?

Aug 19, 2009

confirm the syntax of what I am doingI have a table with id="tbl", it has 4 rows. I need to remove allrows except the first one.It has "tbody".Is this the way to do it$("#tbl > tbody > tr:gt(0)").remove();If this is the way to do it, it is not working

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Removing HTML Elements - Table Row From A Table

Nov 12, 2009

I have written some JavaScript that I can use to remove a table row from a table. If I have the table:


I also have JavaScript that will add a row to the same table. I've found that if I add a bunch of rows, when I delete one, there is a small amount of whitespace added between the permanent row and the others. It seems like while the row is removed, some remnants of it remain. Is there a way to get rid of it completely?

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JQuery :: Adding And Removing Rows From Table

Oct 16, 2010

I'm building an application where the user can add Questions. For each Question they can add x answers or remove them (see screenshot). I can add questions and add/remove answers, For each question that is added I update the 'gameQuestions' variable with 1; The same goes for answers that I add: for each added answer I update the 'counter' variable with 1. When I remove an answer, the app. doesn't know how many answers each question has, it simply decreases the "counter" variable. So when I remove the 2nd question, it doesn't know how many answers that 2nd question has! How can I store the number of answers per question and how do I remove them correctly?

Here's my code so far:
var gameQuestions = 1;
var counter = 1;
// Add a New Question...
$(".addQuestion").click(function() {
var question = "<table id='questionSet"+gameQuestions+"' class='form-table' style='background-color:#cccccc; width=100%;'>"; .....

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JQuery :: Removing All Rows From Table Body?

Aug 28, 2011

I have a simple html table, which I'm trying to remove the rows from in the table body using jquery. The table structure is as follows:
<table id = "table_of_items">
<td> some title </td>
<td> some title 2</td>
<td> some content 1 </td>
<td> some content 2 </td>

I've tried the following but it doesn't seem to work...
$("#table_of_items tbody tr").remove();

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JQuery :: Dynamic Table Creation - Add Cell Var On Removing TD

Jul 20, 2010

I'm dynamically creating a table. I create the <tr>s with five <td>s. I then remove the third <td> and would like to add the cell variable where I removed the td. The creation of the table works, the removal of the td works, now how do I add the cell var where I removed the td? Example here: [URL]

Code JavaScript:
function CreateTable() {
var array = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "one", "one", "three", "seven"];
var listItems = "";
var tbody = $('.tbody');
var cell = $('<td>', {
className: 'open',
html: 'Open'
$.each(array, function(index, val) {
var row = jQuery('<tr></tr>')
.append('<td>' + index + ' - ' + val + '</td><td> open </td><td> open </td><td> open </td><td> open </td>');
$('td:eq(2)', row).css('background-color', '#eee');
$('td:eq(2)', row).remove();
row = row.add(cell);

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JQuery :: Adding And Removing Data (into/from) Table By Checkbox Values?

Nov 25, 2011

how I can use Jquery to append and remove data into a table by checking and unchecking html checkboxes?(Or any plugin for this?) I would like to generate an online order invoice from the following checkboxes:



I find these two example on the net but (The first example looks too similar to what I would like to do but with a table) but Icouldn'tfigure out how to modify them? [URL]

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Inserting And Removing Rows In A Table?

Feb 20, 2010

I have a table which contains a link to add rows in each row after the header. This link, when clicked, adds a row beneath the row which contained the clicked link. This part works perfectly.

However the added rows each have a link to remove themselves from the table, and this is the part which isn't working properly. What's supposed to happen is that you click on a link, and then the row which contains the link you just clicked on is deleted.

What's actually happening is when the "remove" links are clicked, first the row 2 rows above it is removed, then the row directly above it, then the correct row (itself) is deleted.


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Removing Attributes In Table Cells?

Jul 7, 2011

I'm trying to remove onchange events from <td> attributes but I can't get it working. I have tried many ways of doing this but this is the way that made most sense to me and still didn't work.This function adds a new row to the table "searchTableResults" and I'm trying to make it remove the onchange attributes on all cells from the previous row. This is sort of the same effect when adding records in Access (a row is added every time you add data in a cell in the last row)

function addSearchRow() {
var mydiv = document.getElementById('searchTableResults').getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0];
var newRow = document.createElement('tr');


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Removing Space In Page Between Table?

Jul 1, 2009

I have done some work using javascript and css and html. Let me explain whole work: there are two select box one is for adults and other is for childs. I have done all rows are by default are invisbile when we select 2value from adults its will show two rows for adults and maximum we can select 6 adults so i have write 6 rows are invisble for adults and if we slect 2 from childs then it will show 2 rows for childs. By default it will be already invisible. But now problem is that i want to remove this space between child row and adults rows which i have done invisible.


But problem is that i want to remove this space from between child and adults ,and childs and other code . Because for adults max value we can select 6 and for child also we can select max 6 so these other 4 rows for adults and childs are invisible in code.

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JQuery :: Get A Trigger After .each Completes?

Jan 19, 2010

I'm using .each and .delay to have a background color crawl down some list items, as below. But I can't figure how to then trigger a change, such as another background color, after all the .each iterations are complete. Everything I do with the returned object happens immediately.

<script type="text/javascript">
var saveObj;
jQuery(function(){ [code]....

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Removing A Table Row, Storing It In An Array, Display It Later

Aug 9, 2002

Using javascript how do I remove all the data within a particular table row and store it in an array. Then if the user wants it back I append the information to the same table again from the array.

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JQuery :: Removing Elements - Function To Wait Until The Animation

Jun 1, 2009

I have a scenario where the user can click a delete button to remove a dynamic element from the page. Whent he button is clicked I want the element to slide up and then be removed from the DOM. I can't make this work however. I can either slide it up or remove it. how to force the remove function to wait until the animation
is complete?

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JQuery :: [validate] Page Disappear When Validation Completes?

May 12, 2009

'm new with JQuery and more especially withthe validation plugin. and implementedthe validation plugin for the newsletter formIf you look at the bottom right corner, you can try to enter a datainto the input field.... but as soon as you type one character afterthe "." (that follows the domain) the whole page disappear...I can't understand what's happening

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Call A Function And Pass A That Particular Table Row As A Table Row Object To A Function?

Oct 22, 2010

On the click of a table row I want to call a function and pass a that particular table row as a table row object to a function. I was wondering how I would do that? And also if I could grab the number of that table row as well.

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Function To Dynamically Calculate?

Jul 7, 2010

writing a function that will dynamically calculate filed values.I have a PHP-generated form which may have a varying number of fields. I need to:

1. calculate the line total for each row -- unitprice * units = linetotal

2. calculate total of all linetotals.

I have named my fields as follows:

unitprice[1], unitprice[2]... , units[1], units[2], ...

I have the following calculate function:

function calculateOld() {
// get both values
unitprice = document.forms["invoice"].unitprice.value;[code].....

This does calculate what I need but only if I have up to two rows. I need to make the function dynamically count how many rows there are, and calculate the linetotal for each row. And here's where my limited JS knowledge brings me to a halt.I have been thinking about what this new and dynamic function should look like, but that's the best I could produce...

function calculate() {
var unitprice[i]= document.forms["invoice"].unitprice[i].value;
var units[i]= document.forms["invoice"].units[i].value;[code]....

how things are done, don't just give me the code.

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Getting Function To Calculate A Total

Oct 15, 2010

I can get the number of contributers to add up but not the total amount of dollars they contributed. I am not sure if my function is wrong or if I am just confused with what variable to output for the dollar amount total.


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Debug The Calculate Function?

Dec 2, 2007

debugging the calculate function

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


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Get Everything To Fade In After Loader Completes?

Apr 17, 2011

http:[url].....If you're on fast internet, you might not even see it, but I don't know how they do two things upon entrance.

1.) Allow the content to load (and function as a preloader)

2.) Get everything to fade in after loader completes. Is it just a div overlapping everything where opacity turns from 1 to 0 or what?

I know this loader must be javascript, but this is all I can find when viewing the source, so I don't know if there is php involved but I'm guessing there is.

<div id="csd3-jscheck">
<h1>Color Scheme Designer 3</h1>
<div id="csd3-load">[code].....

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Pause While Scriptaculous Effect Completes?

Sep 7, 2006

Is it possible to pause the script in a way, until a scriptaculous effect complets? At the moment, the effects are half way through scrolling/fading, while the script continues.

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Unable To Execute Function Designed To Calculate The Average Of Numbers Inputted?

Oct 4, 2010

I've been messing with this code for about a couple of hours, and I did everything down to the wire..yet still I am unable to get it to work. When I input the numbers, and click off to the side nothing appears down at the final textarea of the form which is suppose to show the average.I've tried just about everything, sadly all I have to go by is other example codes, and the very intricate instructions which states I must pass the values to the calcAvg() to the second function of performCalc(), which I did, and then I assigned the var calcResult another value. From there I did the return..and after that I'm rather loss as to what to do next to get this code to work, any tips?

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


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