JQuery :: Ajax Loader To Appear In Between Page Loading
Aug 19, 2009
I'm creating a site using AJAX and I would like for an ajax loader to appear in between the page loadings.
$("#menu ul li").click(function(event) {
setTimeout("jQuery.fn.test("about");", 3000);
jQuery.fn.test = function(page) {
$("#content").load(page + ".html");
alert('good bye');
This works perfectly the first time - the ajax loader appears for about three seconds before disappearing and instead the page is displayed. But the second, third, fourth ... time, the ajax loader never shows up.
I am having a little problem trying to show a loader (An animated GIF) while some request to a database happens. I have a page where the user selects a YEAR and when they select it with AJAX I perform a request to a database to get all the values for that specific year.
The problem is that there is a lot of information (4000+ records) that I need to query and show in a table (Actually I didn't use a table I use DIVs that look like a table), and when the user selects the year the webpage freezes for about 5 seconds and then it loads all of the data.
Is there a way to sort of show an image loader gif while the data is being gotten? I tried putting the loader image in the DIV container while no year is selected and then once the request is done, I substitute the DIV container's contents (The image loader) for the data from the database.
Does anyone know how to add an ajax loader to the remember the milk validation example? So that while the backend is busy, it shows the gif, when it's finished, it hides the gif...
I'm working on a php/jQuery application, I want to display a loading image automatically every ajax request, without writing code for every ajax request. Is there anyway to do this.
$(document).ready(function() { $('#main-content a').live('click', function() { alert(this); $('#main-content').load(this); return false; });}); Why is the above code segment not loading the page? When I replace this by an url it works correctly. The alert gives a correct url.
I am loading content into a page using the following: $("#someDiv).load("/Some.action",{id: someId}); The document that results from Some.action contains javascript at the top. I want the javascript to be executed when the resulting content is fully ready/loaded. I attempted to use the document ready:
I can obviously load an aspx page into a div container thru .load jquery function. But, if the aspx page is already enginereed to work with aspnet ajax (scriptmanager,etc) , this is lost and the first postback cause all the page to reload. My question is, how can I import an aspx page into a div, maintaining its own ajax functions ? In case it's not possible, what's the best way to get same result?
Recently, I've tried to use FancyBox (a zooming lightbox script - affects every image link of a given parent id) on a page where contents are loaded dynamically with jquery.
I init fancybox at the loading of the needed section - then, I click on the image link, fancybox's darker overlay appears for a sec, but then the target image itself loads (as if no script would be there). As it seems, FB was initalized, but is somehow not working... js debug shows nothing wrong.
Since the whole page is loaded dynamically with jquery, I can't really separate the problem - the script is working good when it's in static context. Before, I used a quite similar script FancyZoom, that worked without problem...
I've uploaded a working template below, if someone could give it a quick peek: [url] (on the site click the green, then the purple rectangle. the init can be found in js/script.js, in InitThree function)
I have a page with some links and a div. When I click on one of those link I want it to load HTML into the empty div on that page. The HTML I want to load is on a different page (in the same dir). The different information that each link has to link has been divided into div on that source page.
I'm so far able to load the entire page in my div, but I just want the contents of one of the specific divs, depending on what link I click.
I got this far with the help from Google and a book but I'm stuck now.
This is the function I use to get the content.
Code: function sendRequest(scriptFile, targetElement) { target = targetElement; try{
sources.html is the source-page and details is the name from the target div where the content gets loaded into. Remember; this works but I want to specify divs instead of the entire page.
I have a parent page say index.html on which I have a div. Now, I want to load some content from the child page (external page) say inner.html into the div on parent page. As far as I have worked on it I found that I can do this via ajax using "obj.responseText" but I am not hitting the right point.
Upon reload, the values are serialized.. But when the page is done loading..the chosen values (checkbox) is not checked, I need it stay checked so I can add other values via checkbox to the url.
I have a select drop down that triggers a change event to update my database. I am new at programming, so hopefully I am overlooking something obvious. My Jquery code actually works as desired to update the database, but when I try to add a overlayed "loading, please wait" message to the user, I can't get it to turn off and the page freezes. debugging the javascript in Firebug, It seems this code returns a 404 status, so it makes sense to me that my overlay will not turn off, but seems strange that the code updates the database as desired. what is wrong with this code? How can I get the overlay to turn off?
I have a site that is very jQuery and image heavy. The main sections of the site link to sections that are built with several Tabs, and as it loads, you briefly see all the content load and then it is hidden by the Tabs code.
The plan is to have a full window DIV that sits above all the content with a loading icon that plays until the entire page loads, and then it fades down.
After some hair pulling and research I have code in place that does exactly as I ask, however it does not seem to work in IE6+7. It works in all other browsers.
Im trying to add some simple display features to a web application and am running into some unexpected IE8 behavior. Basically, the app runs some database retrieval from the server using Ajax techniques, and during that time (say, 30 seconds), I want to just give the user a clue as to whats going on. It could be as simple as a wait cursor. More interesting, I prefer to unhide a div with an animated loading icon, then hide it again when loading is complete.
I have a lot of javascript functions that request information from an iframe hidden on the page. I see other sites do this, but their browser does not do the loading action (like the processing circle in Firefox). When I do it on my site, each browser shows the loading icon, as if a page was loading. Is it possible to not have this?
That is a sample link. Go down right side of page where you see three buttons: Trailers Featurettes Clips.Those return iframe information to work.
i want to make a iframe page that loading a page from other site. I have try "jQuery iFrame Sizing" to set auto height in iframe... but it is failed.
This is my code : ------------- on Head <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/iframe.js"></script> on Body
You need the link to be out side the div you are loading your content into. As the line "$('#wrapper_of_subpages').load(this.href + " #wrapper_of_subpages");" in your code don't copy the event with the link you need some other way to keep your link event.
I am working on a page which uses a JQuery AJAX to call another php page that displays a list of random items and reloads every 2 seconds. The below code works in Chrome and FF but only once in IE,
I've used the ajax function to load in data like "click the submit button, ajax executes output.php and throws in back into a div tag in theform.php."
But what if I have a multiple dropdown menus that submit the form and need to be reloaded depending on the previous dropdown menu's value? How would I set up the ajax so those are loaded without a refresh?
I loaded the jquery ajax file in Div id:main_content, but in another div id:List <a> tag is not working. Both Div i loaded the the content as ul,li format.
I use tabs, loading content by ajax. When I click on a tab, on first load, any access to objects like: $("#my_input_text").val('my value') Works fine, but if a click on another tab, and click again to theprevioustab, the same code don't update the input text.I think that is because the document has 2 inputs with the same id after second refresh.
To prove this, I did, on javascript console of firebug: document.getElementById('my_input_text').id = "bad_my_input_text"; and$("#my_input_text").val('my value') works again. Exist some way, when click on a new tab, before load a content, clean all data from previous tab?
Using jQuery's plugin GalleryView http:spaceforaname.com/galleryview. I am able to get the gallery to load on a page refresh with $(document).ready(function(){
I even tried that with the jQuery livequery plugin, which creates an infinite loop. I tried searching google for a solution, and only found one thread after extensive searching of people having the same issue of getting this plugin to work with ajax, but there was no solution. this is the thread
I've got image files named 0-0, 0-1, 0-2 and so on up to a certain point, and I want to load each file until it can't find another, hence the jquery ajax error. At the moment, this works in firefox only.
Code: for (var i = 0; i < _images.length; i++) { var ready = 1; var count = 0; var arr = [];
I have a huge java script function which creates a div with a label Loading... for all ajax request. The script creates a div and appends to body , so the loading.. div appears on the top and it does not float when I scroll my page down. I want to use jquery to make the div float and show along with scroll.
Here is the code I use to create loading...div if (!document.getElementById('busy-symbol')) { busySymbol = document.createElement('div'); busySymbol.id = 'busy-symbol'; var busyLabel = document.createElement('div'); busyLabel.innerHTML = 'Loading ...'; busySymbol.appendChild(busyLabel); document.body.appendChild(busySymbol); Is there any simple jquery function I can call and it takes care of my div to float.