Image Slideshow With Fading Images

Jan 21, 2010

Alrighty so here's what I have. Live example: [URL] It's a image slideshow that dynamically gets all the images (via php) in the current directory and puts them into the slideshow array. The array then randomly displays the images in the slideshow (via javascript). There are 5 images in the folder rotateimage which also has the php script getimages.php in it. Currently only the first image fades in however I want all the images to fade in as the first one does.


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Jquery :: Fading Text And Image In Slideshow At The Same Time

Mar 26, 2010

I am trying to have text that is placed over an image cross fade into another image with text placed over it. I am using jquery and the images are cross fading perfectly. The text isn't working so well and in Firefox it seems to be very choppy and even sometimes the text just disappears and then there is a blank slide without any text or the text is showing up on the wrong image. Here is the code I have so far:

HTML Code:
<div id="slides">
<div class="slide">
<img src="_images/placeholder3.jpg" width="695" height="195" alt="A Passion for Service" />
<div class="slideText">
<h1>And A Different Heading</h1>
<p>With the appropriate solution for each client, we provide biomedical engineering and information technology services to suit your needs.</p>

I am new to jquery and am going through the Sitepoint book "JQuery: Novice to Ninja. I am using the crossfade code from the book and I tried to apply it to the text as well.

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Working JS Fading Image Banner / How To Make Images Linked

May 18, 2010

I am very new to javascript and have only just started looking into it after working quite a bit in html, css and php.I have a working image banner on my webpage that switches between 1 of 2 images every 7 seconds. This all works fine but i now need to make the second image 'pcm2.jpg' a clickable link where as the first image 'pcm.jpg' which starts off the image rotation in the html page has no link. I have tried using 'document. rollbanner.href =' inside the function but that hasn't helped. Is that because the first image in the html page has no href value to begin with? If so how do i get around this as i dont want the first image to have a link, only the second one.

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JQuery :: Fading Slideshow Flicker On Mouseover

Jul 31, 2010

I've adapted code from theslideSwitch.js tutorialby Jon Raasch, which is basically a fading slideshow. The script promotes the 'active' slide to a higher z-index and animates the opacity for a fading effect. It's working fine with a pause added to stop the slideshow temporarily on mouseover. The issue I'm having is I'm trying to stop the script from queuing up when repeatedly mousing over/off the slideshow. When this happens it flickers and goes berserk. I've experimented withstop(true,true)in various locationsbut haven't got it working properly. Where to insert this in the following code?

Code is below...
// slideshow function
function slideSwitch() {
var $active = $('#hp-featured');
if ( $active.length == 0 ) $active = $('#hp-featured div:last');
var $next = $ ? $
: $('#hp-featured div:first');
$next.css({opacity: 0.0})
.animate({opacity: 1.0}, 1000, function() {
$active.removeClass('active last-active');
var playSlideshow = setInterval( "slideSwitch()", 5000 );
// pauses the slideshow on mouseover, then plays again on mouseout
$(function() {
$('#hp-featured div').hover(function() {
}, function() {
playSlideshow = setInterval( "slideSwitch()", 5000 );

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JQuery :: Fading Slideshow With Number And Previous Next?

Jul 17, 2010

I am a newbie in jquery and I really need to know this script. What I need is something like the tour header of [URL]... The one with fading slideshow and with number and next, previous arrow. I'm looking thru the net but I guess I'm not really pointing myself to the right way.

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Jquery :: Simple Fading Slideshow Hogging Cpu?

Mar 3, 2010

've got a fairly simple slideshow object which takes an array of images and rotates through them, with a fade between each picture. But it seems to use a fair amount of cpu, especially on IE, a little less so on firefox. Any ideas on how to optimise this? I'm concerned that the way the object refers to itself may not be the most efficient.

function picSlideShow(elementID, picArray)
var self=this; = elementID;
this.picArray = picArray;


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Script That Gives A Neat Effect On The Navigation And Want To Include A Simple Fading Slideshow On The Same Page?

Jan 11, 2011

I have a JQuery script that gives a neat effect on the navigation and want to include a simple fading slideshow on the same page.Any script I have tried for the slideshow either uses JQuery or Mootools and it conflicts with the navigation script.Can anyone recommend a smooth fading slideshow that wouldn't conflict or suggest how I can get around this. I read a bit about 'no conflict' but don't understand how to implement it.

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Fading Background Images ?

Feb 22, 2010

I've prepared the following page: [url]

But I would prefer the background images to fade in and out rather than change abruptly. I've spent hours searching for appropriate code, but have met a dead end so far.

Incidentally, I presume that the delay before the first background image appears is because of all the images pre-loading. Can anyone suggest a way to immediately display the first image?

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Fading Images Without Flash

Oct 23, 2006

I want to fade about 5 images between each other in a loop, can I do this without Flash?

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Fading Images In And Out With A Loop - Out Of Memory

Mar 8, 2010

I'm designing a page to fade multiple images (three) in and out over a set period of time (one minute, say). The code I have works as follows:

I define an array and fill it with the div objects I want to fade in and out. I have some simple tags (2 for opaque, 1 for fading in, -1 for fading out, etc.) that I set to show the state of the object.

First I check if the object is opaque, and if so set it to fade along with a time;

Or if it's transparent I give it a 1 in 10 chance of fading in during this iteration. If it's currently fading in or out I check to make sure it's on track and change the opacity of the div accordingly.

Originally, I had the function call back to itself using setTimeout after the loop had gone through all the divs and changed their opacities appropriately. This caused an out of memory error (though, strangely, if I had any alerts in the function it didn't give me the error).

So the version below has the code in a while loop to let it run for 20 seconds - this gives me the "a slowly, do you want to continue the script?" message.

So I have several questions:

1) First and foremost, why is my function causing out of memory/run slowly errors and what is the best way to fix that?

2) Is there a better way to code this effect (final result will be six lights fading in and out for a minute or so).

3)I'm not an experienced programmer, so any bad practices, ways to streamline, no no's, etc. that you see, please point out.

I've only posted the script here - the page simple consists of three divs (id's grad0, grad1, grad2) and a call to the function copied here.

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JQuery :: Cycle Plugin -- Slideshow With Images Of Different Widths - How Can I Center The Images In Containing Div?

Jul 6, 2010

I have to do a slideshow with images of different widths... am using cycle plugin, which I like very much... I have a little test slideshow here, http:[url]'s not centering imgs in containing div (I made div width of widest image.. this will work for my situation, in which imgs will be hard-coded..)if you inspect img element in firebug (#slideshow img), it shows that the plugin adds a style of position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px .to the img; why does the plugin do this.. how can I center the images in containing div...

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JQuery :: Slideshow - Cycle - Images Shrink From The Normal Size To Small Tiny Images

Dec 10, 2010

Iīve just launch my website-portfolio, well itīs not yet the final version but it is almost and despite I am satisfied with the final result Iīve detected a really strange bug that only happens sometimes. The thing is when the first introduction Slide appears (the one with the hand-made drawings), sometimes the images shrink from the normal size to small tiny images. This doesnīt happen always and if you refresh the page it disappears.

Follow the link to the page were the bug happens - [url]. I'm using jquery cycle plugin, check it out.

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JQuery :: IE Dead Pixels When Fading Images

Apr 7, 2010

When I am trying to fade images using either .fadeto or .fadeIn/Out, I get dead pixels. This happens on both IE7 and IE8. I tried looking around for a solution, but nothing works. Here is a link to an example: click here (Don't forget to use IE.

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Jquery :: Fading Images For Non List Items?

Sep 12, 2009

I followed a tutorial in .net magazine (a UK web design mag) on how to fade images using jQuery. I have followed it and I can now fade images for my menu, problem is, I am not sure how to append the code to all my to fade images for non list items. For example, I have a call to action button (just a telephone number with a graphic, I have used css sprites to add a hover to the graphic, but would now like to fade it using jquery. Still not managed to get this working, here is what I for my menu, which fades the images perfectly.

<div id="navigation_primary">
<li class="home hover"><a href="home">Home</a></li>
<li class="services hover"><a href="services">Services</a></li>
<li class="work hover"><a href="work">Work</a></li>
<!--<li class="blog hover"><a href="blog">Blog</a></li>-->
<li class="contact hover"><a href="contact">Contact</a></li>

Here is my jQuery:
$(document).ready(function() {

function navigationPrimary() {
$('#navigation_primary li').removeClass('hover');
$('#navigation_primary li a')
.css({ opacity: 1.0 })
.mouseover(function() {
{ opacity: 0.0 }
, 300);
}) .....

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JQuery :: Drop Down Menu Becomes Hidden Of Fading Images?

Jun 15, 2009

For some reason the dropdown list in my menu becomes hidden underneath the jquery fading images. If i dont fade the image it displays fine. You can check out the issue here[URL].. When you rollover Javascript, the 2 items beneath it become blocked by the images which are fading in the right panel.

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JQuery :: Fading Images Instead Of Slide On EasySlider Plugin

Aug 5, 2010

I'm trying to make this script fade instead of slide while rotating through images.

* Easy Slider 1.7 - jQuery plugin
* written by Alen Grakalic


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JS: Fading Images Into Images

Jul 27, 2011

Where's gone wrong that whenever an image fades out into 0, it reappears before another image comes out? I've wanted to make the image disappear shortly before a new image is loaded. I've worked on this and played around with the scripts, yet no finding...

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>

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JQuery :: Add Text Slideshow To Image Slideshow?

Jun 1, 2011

i have a small image slideshow i want add a text slideshow to image slideshow. how is it?

my code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"/>


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Fading DIV Background Image?

Feb 4, 2010

How am I able to have a gallery of images fading in and out as the background of a DIV? It's currently just a static background using CSS.You can view the HTML page in question here:

The DIV container is the one with the ID of #MainContent

#MainContent {
width: 980px;
height: 550px;[code].....

It probably couldn't be done using CSS be how could I achieve this with Javascript?

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Fading Div Background To New Image?

Dec 8, 2010

im working on a photography website and the middle section i have set as an image that i want to rotate... and i decided to make my own rotating image because the best it looked was when the image was set to a div. i already have the switching of the div background working but i was wondering if there is anyway to fade in/out the background to a new image?

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JQuery :: Best Practice For Fading-in An Image ?

Apr 14, 2010

I have a photo blog [url] and want to create an effect that fades-in the displayed picture when the page is loaded.

An important requirement for me would be that the page also has to work without Javascript.

Currently I am using the following small plugin:

It is called directly beneath the <img> element:

This way it works fine with the current versions of Firefox and IE. I did not test other browsers or versions yet. I tried to call it in $(document).ready but then IE might display the picture shortly before it is hidden and faded-in.

Since I am not 100% happy with having the code in the middle of the HTML and with depending on the timing of execution to avoid flickering I wanted to ask for other solution or best practices to achieve what I would like to do.

One solution that came to my mind is to do create the image in JScript and only fade it in after it is loaded. To work without Javascript I could still put the <img> element where it was but within a <noscript> element. But not sure how well the <noscript> is supported by older or exotic browsers.

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JQuery :: Image Fading With Thumbnails?

Sep 29, 2010

I was viisitingand saw the images fade on the home page. It uses jquery and I was needing some assistance getting this working on my web site. Where would I locate any "how to" documentation?

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Back And Next Button Below A Fading Image

Nov 24, 2005

I would like to know what code I need to add to the Javascript below so that the images displayed will show a "<back and next button>" under each image, like on: Code:

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Image Fading, Random Start?

May 22, 2010

I'm using this tutorial to create a simple list of images that fade between each other.I can get it working fine following the instructions.However, i wonder if any genius's on here can tweak it so when the page loads it randomly picked image from the group and then carries on with its fades?Basically the image will be on a home page so each time you visit i want it to be a random image from the group and then fade through the rest..

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JQuery :: Fading In/out Text In Relation To An Image?

Aug 18, 2010

I'm currently working on this page. The problem I have is when you hover over each image it fade's into color, I also want the text below to go from one color to another. Also, I want the image to fade in/out if you hover over the text below the image.

I used this tutorial and I'm using the two image technique which has the following jquery:

// wrap as a jQuery plugin and pass jQuery in to our anoymous function
(function ($) {
$.fn.cross = function (options) {


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Document.body Background Image Fading?

Nov 6, 2010

I have a code which allows a set few images to be used in a slide-show type style for switching the documents background image which displays a set few images which are declared in an object array.

Basicly I have it all working perfectly with a "Timer" object value so you can set your own display length per picture but what I can't seem to do is make a cross-browser image fade transaction which works for background images, Here is the code

* *
* ORIGIN Background Image SlideShow *


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