Fading Images In And Out With A Loop - Out Of Memory
Mar 8, 2010
I'm designing a page to fade multiple images (three) in and out over a set period of time (one minute, say). The code I have works as follows:
I define an array and fill it with the div objects I want to fade in and out. I have some simple tags (2 for opaque, 1 for fading in, -1 for fading out, etc.) that I set to show the state of the object.
First I check if the object is opaque, and if so set it to fade along with a time;
Or if it's transparent I give it a 1 in 10 chance of fading in during this iteration. If it's currently fading in or out I check to make sure it's on track and change the opacity of the div accordingly.
Originally, I had the function call back to itself using setTimeout after the loop had gone through all the divs and changed their opacities appropriately. This caused an out of memory error (though, strangely, if I had any alerts in the function it didn't give me the error).
So the version below has the code in a while loop to let it run for 20 seconds - this gives me the "a script...run slowly, do you want to continue the script?" message.
So I have several questions:
1) First and foremost, why is my function causing out of memory/run slowly errors and what is the best way to fix that?
2) Is there a better way to code this effect (final result will be six lights fading in and out for a minute or so).
3)I'm not an experienced programmer, so any bad practices, ways to streamline, no no's, etc. that you see, please point out.
I've only posted the script here - the page simple consists of three divs (id's grad0, grad1, grad2) and a call to the function copied here.
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May 27, 2010
I am developing a simple image editor in an HTA (for a special use-case). Because it is an HTA, it runs in IE only (IE7 to be precise).
Everything is working great so far, however, because I am loading the same img src file over after every edit, I had to attach " + Math.random();" to the image src so that the updated image is displayed.
This has lead to some pretty severe memory issues, as each time I make an edit, it caches another image. Under normal operation, my app uses under 20MB with a single image loaded, however after every edit it adds about 3MB. After a few minutes of testing I have had it consuming over 200MB!
Is there another way to use the same file name, same image src, etc, but have the browser re-read the file before displaying it again rather than using a cached copy.
Alternately, is there a way to make the browser forget about the other copies it has in memory to keep memory usage under control.
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Feb 22, 2010
I've prepared the following page: [url]
But I would prefer the background images to fade in and out rather than change abruptly. I've spent hours searching for appropriate code, but have met a dead end so far.
Incidentally, I presume that the delay before the first background image appears is because of all the images pre-loading. Can anyone suggest a way to immediately display the first image?
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Oct 23, 2006
I want to fade about 5 images between each other in a loop, can I do this without Flash?
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Jan 21, 2010
Alrighty so here's what I have. Live example: [URL] It's a image slideshow that dynamically gets all the images (via php) in the current directory and puts them into the slideshow array. The array then randomly displays the images in the slideshow (via javascript). There are 5 images in the folder rotateimage which also has the php script getimages.php in it. Currently only the first image fades in however I want all the images to fade in as the first one does.
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Apr 7, 2010
When I am trying to fade images using either .fadeto or .fadeIn/Out, I get dead pixels. This happens on both IE7 and IE8. I tried looking around for a solution, but nothing works. Here is a link to an example: click here (Don't forget to use IE.
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Sep 12, 2009
I followed a tutorial in .net magazine (a UK web design mag) on how to fade images using jQuery. I have followed it and I can now fade images for my menu, problem is, I am not sure how to append the code to all my to fade images for non list items. For example, I have a call to action button (just a telephone number with a graphic, I have used css sprites to add a hover to the graphic, but would now like to fade it using jquery. Still not managed to get this working, here is what I for my menu, which fades the images perfectly.
<div id="navigation_primary">
<li class="home hover"><a href="home">Home</a></li>
<li class="services hover"><a href="services">Services</a></li>
<li class="work hover"><a href="work">Work</a></li>
<!--<li class="blog hover"><a href="blog">Blog</a></li>-->
<li class="contact hover"><a href="contact">Contact</a></li>
Here is my jQuery:
$(document).ready(function() {
function navigationPrimary() {
$('#navigation_primary li').removeClass('hover');
$('#navigation_primary li a')
.css({ opacity: 1.0 })
.mouseover(function() {
{ opacity: 0.0 }
, 300);
}) .....
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Jun 15, 2009
For some reason the dropdown list in my menu becomes hidden underneath the jquery fading images. If i dont fade the image it displays fine. You can check out the issue here[URL].. When you rollover Javascript, the 2 items beneath it become blocked by the images which are fading in the right panel.
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Aug 5, 2010
I'm trying to make this script fade instead of slide while rotating through images.
* Easy Slider 1.7 - jQuery plugin
* written by Alen Grakalic
* http://cssglobe.com/post/4004/easy-slider-15-the-easiest-jquery-plugin-for-sliding
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May 18, 2010
I am very new to javascript and have only just started looking into it after working quite a bit in html, css and php.I have a working image banner on my webpage that switches between 1 of 2 images every 7 seconds. This all works fine but i now need to make the second image 'pcm2.jpg' a clickable link where as the first image 'pcm.jpg' which starts off the image rotation in the html page has no link. I have tried using 'document. rollbanner.href =' inside the function but that hasn't helped. Is that because the first image in the html page has no href value to begin with? If so how do i get around this as i dont want the first image to have a link, only the second one.
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May 25, 2010
I am working on a small gadget which downloads a series of images from the web and displays the images in a loop. However i am having trouble saving the xmlhttprequest to a file to use later in an array. I have read that it should be easy to save the .png using Scripting.filesystemobject but have been unable to find any information on how to do it.
Here is my code so far:
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Jul 27, 2011
Where's gone wrong that whenever an image fades out into 0, it reappears before another image comes out? I've wanted to make the image disappear shortly before a new image is loaded. I've worked on this and played around with the scripts, yet no finding...
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
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Mar 26, 2009
First the code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function TextScroll(scrollname, div_name, up_name, down_name, top_name){
When I use mouse wheel in Firefox to scroll contents of the DIV, memory usage in Firefox goes through the roof. Code above is a fully working page, if anyone would like to see what's up, just load it up, and start moving your mouse wheel in the area with text. You don't actually have to scroll the text, just moving the wheel back and forth in that DIV will do. Memory usage will start going up quite fast, and after you stop moving the wheel, it will finally come down a bit after a short while. I've highlighted in red the line where mousewheel event is registered for Firefox. I'm not sure if it's really a problem, but since Opera and IE don't have any strange memory usage, and Firefox does, maybe I did something wrong. In everyday use it shouldn't matter [don't expect to have kilometers of content to scroll], but anyway, it is a bit unsettling.
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Nov 25, 2006
I think to preload an image I should us something like:
img = new Image();
img.src = 'images/img.jpg'
Could someone tell me how to create a loop which would preload a list
of images? Something like:
ImagesFolder = '...'
ImagesNames = '...'
For i = 0 to ImagesNames.Count
img = new Image();
img.src = imagesFolder + imagesNames(i)
Is this a good approach? Could someone tell me the javascript code for this?
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Apr 17, 2007
Let's say I have a Javascript function that loops over and over. In
that function i have it alternating images on a button this way:
var myHTML = "<input type='button' style='background-image:
url(grnbutt.jpg);etc. etc.'>";
var outq = document.getElementById("qbutt");
outq.innerHTML = myHTML;
var myHTML = "<input type='button' style='background-image:
url(grnbuttdark.jpg);etc. etc.'>";
var outq = document.getElementById("qbutt");
outq.innerHTML = myHTML;
This works great using Firefox, and works with Internet Explorer also
EXCEPT if its set to "Check for newer versions of stored pages: Every
visit to the page". With that setting, IE will download those 2 images
from the server every single time through the loop. So then I tried
putting both images on the same jpg and then moving the image:
var elem = document.getElementById("grn");
elem.style.backgroundPosition = "-100px 0";
var elem = document.getElementById("grn");
elem.style.backgroundPosition = "center";
This also works, but also, constantly downloads new images when using
IE with the above setting. Microsoft calls this a "feature". They then
offer a fix for this "feature" that... doesn't work. Preloading
doesn't work. Loading the 2 images in a <divset to invisible doesn't
work. I've tried suggestions of creating php files that tell the
browser that the images don't expire for years. That didn't work for
me. Many people have also suggested that there is no way around it...
it can't be fixed until Microsoft fixes it.
So, is there any javascript way to loop 2 images on a button, without
Internet Explorer constantly downloading those 2 images over and over,
when its set to "Check for newer versions of stored pages: Every visit
to the page"?
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Feb 3, 2009
i am making a gallery and i was advised by philip m to preload my images before hand, so that the gallery runs smooth. i have done so but in a different way to what ive seen on some of the other posts on this forum and i was just wondering if this was practical javascript or am i over doing it.bascially, the images are external hrefs loaded into place holders.the external hrefs are stored as strings in an array.
so the loop runs for however many image hrefs are in the array.so the first iteration of the loop, an image is created and is given the href of whateever value the loop is of the array.then for each iteration of the loop, the var img, is overwritten with the next href in the array.so technically, iam not creating as many images as there are in the array, i am just creating 1 then overwriting it, but still loading the image data in to the browser cache.
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Jun 11, 2011
I am trying to do the following: I have written a simple programm that loops through an array of images when the user clicks a button. I have used a for loop to do this. The program works fine, however when I get to the end of the array, the condition created in the for loop is "true" therefore the button no longer changes the image. How do I start the loop again to create an infinite loop (i.e. every time the button is clicked, the image will change)?The script I have written is as follows:
var mySpheres=new Array("sphere.gif","sphere2.gif");
function changeSphere(){
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Jul 28, 2005
I want to create a javascript function which preloads a few images.
The function preloadImages should receive a variable which indicates the web site current culture.
If culture = "pt-PT" then should use arrayptPT
If culture = "en-GB" then should use arrayenGB
and so on...
Then all images of the array should be loaded using a For loop.
All the images in the array are in path: images/ culture value /.
So the ideal would be to have only the image filenames in the arrays.
Then the loop would go throught the right culture array and load all the images there from folder images/ culture value /...
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Jul 22, 2008
i have a requirement that i need to loop through a series of images(say 4 images) with an even inteval of time.I need the first image to come and after some 4 secnds the next image and then the next image.i used 'setTimeout and setInterval' both doesnt seems o be helping me out.pls find the code that i ve written below:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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Jun 1, 2010
As it is known from the title, I'm building a web page running continuous slideshow of images, like watching a video. I wrote the header part below:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var slideimages = new Array()
function slideshowimages()
Here, the biggest problem is, when the page is loaded there are still coming images saved from a capture device. So, my images from the captures device can not be loaded to my web page. I need to pass these images directly to the web page as real-time video taken directly to the web page.
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Sep 23, 2010
Is there javascript for a selection of images that loop, and have a start/stop facility?
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Jan 22, 2011
I have been looking at this code for two evenings now, and rewrote it 4 times already. It started out as jQuery code and now it's just concatenating strings together.
What I'm trying to do: Build a menu/outline using unordered lists from a multidimensional array.
What is happening: Inside the buildMenuHTML function, if I call buildMenuHTML, the for loop only happens once (i.e. only for 'i' having a value of '0'.) If I comment out the call to itself, it goes through the for loop all 3 times, but obviously the submenus are not created.
Here is the test object:
test = [
"name" : "Menu 1",
"url" : "menu1.html",
"submenu" : [
'Menu 2' and 'Menu 3' don't show up! I'm sure it's something small that I'm overlooking.
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Aug 4, 2011
I'm looking to send a loop variable (i) to a function inside the loop, but I can't seem to get it to use the value I want, it keeps making it a reference of i and therefore the function is always called using the last value of i rather than the one it was set with.
So if i have 5 Tabs then Tab 1, when clicked, should call DefaultTabClick(0) and so on rather than always using 4 for any of the tabs.
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Jan 27, 2007
I need help with this code. its a counter.
var count= 0
function onm() {
And in the body:
<body onload="onm()">
<input type="text" value="0" name="atextbox">
I get always an error: Out of memory
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May 2, 2006
I've been putting together a small pet project. Once it was finished i realised it had a gigantic memory leak inside of it. I tried to read up on the subject, but couldn't find the source of the problem via the articals.
This site is very simple, so I'd think idenifying (and hopefully fixing) the problem would be easy. Here is the relavent portions of JS (followed by links to the full page incase you need to see that): Code:
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Jul 29, 2011
I have the code below, how could it be modified to loop over and over and reload the xml file each time. Flow would be: load xml, run thruogh code to display each xml node one at a time, when reach last node, start all over, reloading xml file,
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