Hide DIV Blur Document. Quick Add Like Google Calendar.
Aug 23, 2006
I'm trying to do something a Quick Add like Google Calendar.
I found http://developer.apple.com/internet/...les/popup.html, but that isn't exactly that I want.
I need some guides or examples for create Divs with DOM, Css... and Show/Hide with DOM too. Google Calendar have Quick Add div with an input into it. I want to do that.
I've created a form using datepicker to choose the birthdate, now I'm trying to control what's in my inputs, but I have issues when it comes to the input of my datepicker
When I have focus on my input I diplay a message to guide the user, when the event blur happens I check if the input contains a valide date and display an alert when it's wrong, but the blur is launched even when the user clicks on the calendar of datepicker, so the alert message is displayed which isn't supposed to happen
I'm looking for a way to wait for the user to select a date before executing the blur, or at the blur event check if the calendar is open or closed before doing any control
I am doing a simple example of autocomplete textbox.Well whenever I am typing anything in the textbox it shows me the existing options as we know the default functionality of autocomplete textbox. Now I need that when I select one of the options from the autocomplete list droping below the textbox the blur function should execute so that the focus should get away from the textbox. I have tried document.getElementById('text1').blur() but it is not working in chrome and safari.
I have a website at: [URL] The page works on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and IE-9. It sort-of works on IE-8, however, the problem is that on IE-8, there is about 2 seconds where everything is shown on top of everything else in a mess. This is bad.
The website is unusual in that it uses a menu to slide screens from right to left. This has implications. For instance, I need the menu to appear on all screens, so I use absolute positioning, and then use javascript to calculate the center position. The same goes for a logo image. And on top of that, some screens (which are really DIVs) have items positioned by absolute and relative positioning within them, and those positions are often calculated via javascript (and then set).
On IE-8, the result is not good. I think what is happening is that the browser first shows everything as it appears before javascript is run, and then slowly the javascript is run, which puts everything in the correct position. So initially, not only is everything in the wrong position, but different DIVs appear on top of each other.
I have a textarea and a DIV as code below. The way it supposes to work is when I focus on the textarea by clicking it, the DIV will show. Otherwise, it will be hidden. Then when I click the DIV, there will be an alert(). However, right now if I click on the DIV, it will trigger the blur() event first which calls to hide() the DIV. After that, the click event is not called at all. I need to be able to click on the DIV and the DIV is not hide() at all and show alert().
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http:// www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head>
how to hide all toolbars like yahoo,google etc onLoad. Actually window.open function cannot be taken into.I need the toolbars to be hidden in the beginning.
About 1 time in 10, I get an error during my $(document).ready callback because Google Maps' loader hasn't pulled in all of its JavaScript dependencies yet. Using Web Developer > View Source > View Generated Source, here's what the head of my document looks like when I get such an error. <head>
First, I'd like to hide the Google Player until an onclick event actually occurs.
Second, at the moment, there's only an onclick for the image maps over the tracks list, and no href, which means the cursor never changes to the finger cursor, letting folks know there's a link there.
Last, when you click on a link, I'd like to the page to move its focus back to the top of the page (not reload, obviously). Instead, it just stays where you are, and the user has to manually scroll to see the full album art graphic.
What I am trying to make this script do is a user adds in a ID and it will execute that the URL with the user input. So for the user puts in, 123 the excuted URL is http://XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.com?u=123
I have a complex website designed with Jquerry, javaScript and css. The index.html serves as a client ui for an open source poker game. Much of the css is contained in multiple and imported external css files. The javaScript code is also contained in an external file. The site is completely functional. What I am attempting to do is add a feature to the client that will, through a JavaScript function, dynamically change the visibility element of a class.
The classes in question represent the style of the hole cards that a player sees after his cards are dealt. By default they are visible and face up. I would like to change this default behaviour by first changing their visibility element default value to hidden (easy). Then I intend to create a div with onMouseOver and onMouseOut events that will invoke the JavaScript function which will toggle the visibility element value. This will in turn show and hide the hole cards (not easy). I have attempted to use document.getElementById() but without success. After much hacking, I have the feeling that this is not the proper way of directly changing the visibility element value of a class. Here is the relevant class info (how the cards are displayed in the browser) in the external css file
I am just wondering if dreamweaver still has a timeline or animations section. I was able to quickly do this with dreamweaver 2 or 3, not sure, and it was a bit like the flash timeline. Is there anything like this in 2004 MX?
if (document.getElementById('layer_s').style.visibility = "visible") { if (form.s_size.value == ""){ alert("You must enter a size for your product."); form.s_size.focus(); return (false); } }
When I submit my form, it keeps giving me an alert box. It works when the layer is visible, but when its hidden, it doesn't work. After the alert box pops up, the layer becomes visible because of the focus(). I'm trying to bypass that condition when the layer is hidden.
I'm having one of those moments right now. Can someone explain why the following alerts "undefined" instead of "George"? function test(){ this.worker='George'
I have an array that I want to loop through and display the values of the array on the page as it loops (so I guess there should be a slight delay before the next one appears over it).
However when submitting the form values in email, the value of the checkbox won't submit with the checkbox value being disabled (if I comment out that second line, it works). Of course, I don't want the value able to be unselected.
I'm trying to protect a form from being submitted by the website it resides on. I'm using the following code, but this just stops the form submitting if '@email.com' is in the form field. How can I say 'if this field contains @email.com then do not submit'?
Whilst we are at it, I also need to do the same with php if anyone also knows this?
I'm using quick search plugin (URL...) in filtering rows in a group of tables.The problem is that the old vesion of Quick search may act on multiple tables as long they have the same table_id while the new vesion acts on the first table only.
1-the number of tables is very large (in some pages may be 500 tables).
2-the action of Quick search is applied automaticaly as the user type any text in the input text box. so i don't know any way to make a loop to call the function once for each table.
[URL] I solved the menu situation. Now, when a window isn't fully maximized, the page scrolls both horizontally and vertically. When it goes vertically, the image gets off-track. I just need to remove the vertical scroll capability from this javascript file: [URL]
Basically, I have an element I want to hide before it is shown when a condition is met. For reference, it's checking whether a particular radio button is selected. if ($('[name="'+q1110.name+'"][value="'+q1110.value+'"]:not([checked])')) $('#_divhide').hide(1, function () { q1110.toggle = false; }); Right now, only in IE 6, it shows that element for a split second, then hides it. I don't want it shown at all unless the radio button is checked. As usual, I can't manipulate anything in HTML unless it's done through JS.
Also, the slideUp and slideDown functions don't work properly in IE 6. They do hide and show, but the animation isn't smooth. The element disappears and reappears without any animated effects. It's kind of a bummer since it works perfectly in FF 3.6.
The issue I'm having is that although the form is being processed OK with data being captured in the database, once the form is submitted, the above script just seems to stop the rest of the page from loading. This only happens on IE and it must be something to do with the success function but as I'm new to JavaScript I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
I have a page on a website I am creating that has both a lightbox rel link and a quick calculator to work out a size of a product.Here are the links to the java files I am using:
I'm not sure where I have translated this incorrectly. I have one google map embedded on my page which works fine. But I wanted to add a second one. I thought the easiest way to do this would be to have a second page which is called later on with all the details on it for the second map. However although I think (this I presume is where I went wrong) I have replicated the instructions correctly the place holder for the second map just remains blank.
This is the code for my called page with the instructions for the second map:
And this is the script of the main page, just in case I would be better off keeping them both in one place.
I've cut out the script that doesn't relate to this so I hope I haven't missed anything important.