Softscroll: Find A Quick Fix To Remove Vertical Scrolling?
Feb 2, 2010
[URL] I solved the menu situation. Now, when a window isn't fully maximized, the page scrolls both horizontally and vertically. When it goes vertically, the image gets off-track. I just need to remove the vertical scroll capability from this javascript file: [URL]
I am wondering if someone know of a free cross-browsers vertical scrolling script that:
- is cross cross-browsers
- will call the scrolling content from an external html page or from a url page
- will also has an option to pause when each heading on the content page reach the top or bottom of defined scrolling window, depending on the predefined direction the scroll is scrolling.
I've implemented many galleries using Cycle, bxSlider, Carousel, etc., but this is the first time I've been asked for the same functionality with vertically-scrolling thumbs. Has anyone seen anything that would fit the bill?
I'm looking for a script which will scroll the thumbs, and show the large version of the current thumb automatically. Clicking on a different thumb will override, and clicking on the arrows will scroll the thumbs, and possibly change the large image shown.
I don't have much by way of spec., so I'm assuming a lot about the way it should function, however I haven't found anything remotely close.
I have created the following page [URL] where I have a number of main links and then sublinks for these. At the moment when a main link is clicked the content scrolls vertically and when a sublink is clicked eg Blue Inner Link 1 the content slides horizontally. how can I update the script so that when I click a main link the content scrolls horizontally and when I click a sublink the content scrolls vertically?
A little difficult to explain, but here goes:I've combined a couple different jquery scrollable functions to a webpage that I'm creating. URL...for my horizontal scrolling.The problem with the vertical scrolling function is that it relies on the mousewheel and mouse clicks for scrolling and I don't feel it's immediately apparent that the text scrolls. But I really like the effect, so I've added arrows and tried to get the functionality from the vertical scrolling example, but it's not working, except for the down arrow in the content in the very last tab. When you click on an arrow, it currently takes you to the previous or next horizontal section.
I know the answer is in there somewhere, but I'm not sure where to look for it. Here's the javascript file that controls the functionality:URL...
I have a page that loops through a db and places stories inside divs. I need to hide the first and second instances of those divs. Hiding the first one isn't a problem using display="none". The problem I'm having is how do I find and hide the second instance?
What I am trying to make this script do is a user adds in a ID and it will execute that the URL with the user input. So for the user puts in, 123 the excuted URL is
I am just wondering if dreamweaver still has a timeline or animations section. I was able to quickly do this with dreamweaver 2 or 3, not sure, and it was a bit like the flash timeline. Is there anything like this in 2004 MX?
if (document.getElementById('layer_s').style.visibility = "visible") { if (form.s_size.value == ""){ alert("You must enter a size for your product."); form.s_size.focus(); return (false); } }
When I submit my form, it keeps giving me an alert box. It works when the layer is visible, but when its hidden, it doesn't work. After the alert box pops up, the layer becomes visible because of the focus(). I'm trying to bypass that condition when the layer is hidden.
I'm having one of those moments right now. Can someone explain why the following alerts "undefined" instead of "George"? function test(){ this.worker='George'
I have an array that I want to loop through and display the values of the array on the page as it loops (so I guess there should be a slight delay before the next one appears over it).
However when submitting the form values in email, the value of the checkbox won't submit with the checkbox value being disabled (if I comment out that second line, it works). Of course, I don't want the value able to be unselected.
I'm trying to protect a form from being submitted by the website it resides on. I'm using the following code, but this just stops the form submitting if '' is in the form field. How can I say 'if this field contains then do not submit'?
Whilst we are at it, I also need to do the same with php if anyone also knows this?
I'm using quick search plugin (URL...) in filtering rows in a group of tables.The problem is that the old vesion of Quick search may act on multiple tables as long they have the same table_id while the new vesion acts on the first table only.
1-the number of tables is very large (in some pages may be 500 tables).
2-the action of Quick search is applied automaticaly as the user type any text in the input text box. so i don't know any way to make a loop to call the function once for each table.
jQuery - Scrolling browser Window. I have two demos of scrolling page content with jQuery.
This one - [url] is scrolling the contents inside a container and it works as I wanted on Mac/PC
I need the same effect as above but I need to scroll the whole browser window.
I have a demo here - [url]
Problem here is on the Mac the transition are jumpy and it seems to flash the first yellow div before sliding up or down. Testing on a PC it will slide down but won't slide up. How can I get the whole browser window to slide up and down with a smooth transition.
I'm trying to do something a Quick Add like Google Calendar.
I found, but that isn't exactly that I want.
I need some guides or examples for create Divs with DOM, Css... and Show/Hide with DOM too. Google Calendar have Quick Add div with an input into it. I want to do that.
I have a website at: [URL] The page works on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and IE-9. It sort-of works on IE-8, however, the problem is that on IE-8, there is about 2 seconds where everything is shown on top of everything else in a mess. This is bad.
The website is unusual in that it uses a menu to slide screens from right to left. This has implications. For instance, I need the menu to appear on all screens, so I use absolute positioning, and then use javascript to calculate the center position. The same goes for a logo image. And on top of that, some screens (which are really DIVs) have items positioned by absolute and relative positioning within them, and those positions are often calculated via javascript (and then set).
On IE-8, the result is not good. I think what is happening is that the browser first shows everything as it appears before javascript is run, and then slowly the javascript is run, which puts everything in the correct position. So initially, not only is everything in the wrong position, but different DIVs appear on top of each other.
The issue I'm having is that although the form is being processed OK with data being captured in the database, once the form is submitted, the above script just seems to stop the rest of the page from loading. This only happens on IE and it must be something to do with the success function but as I'm new to JavaScript I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
I have a page on a website I am creating that has both a lightbox rel link and a quick calculator to work out a size of a product.Here are the links to the java files I am using:
im searching for a plugin/code example for text scrolling. I got some text in a <div> if text is longer than for example 300px it gets cut and is scrolling from start to end, stops for a second and then scrolls back, stops and all over, and if its not long enough than 300px then just displays normaly. Something similar to the Song name scrolling inin anyMP3 player.