Getting The Key Code From A Keyboard Event
Jul 23, 2005
I've been looking up lots of documentation and trying to work out a
cross-platform method of capturing a keyboard event and working out
which key was pressed. From what I can find, there doesn't appear to be
any standardised keyboard event interface other than this DOM 3 Events
W3C Working Group Note [1]. However, it is only a note and doesn't
appear to be implemented in any browser. Is there another standard that
I've missed?
The Gecko DOM Reference lists event.keyCode [2], but this doesn't appear
to be implemented in Firefox 1.0.2, as e.keyCode in the following
returns 0, regardless of the key pressed. Code:
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Sep 3, 2009
How to handle "onMouseOver" event with keyboard. With JQuery, "onMouseOver" on a "plus symbol", small banner with some text content will be shown, it has been working with "Mouse(input device)", but same effect has been expecting from "keyborad" tab ordering on to that particular "plus symbol".
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Jun 23, 2010
how you might use the onclick event to type a letter from the keyboard?
<img src="images/a.jpg" onclick="keyCode==96" />
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Feb 5, 2011
I am currently working on SAP Adobe Interactive forms. I want to know what are the events for Keyboard ENTER Button [i.e. when i press ENTER Button event should get called..]? Any sample code is available? I am going to call SAP Web Service through it
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Jul 13, 2009
I have created a classic Snake game. When I run the game in a browser, it works fine. But when I run it as an IFRAME in another window, then it fails to get the keyboard events.
Parent CODE:
how to capture Window Keyboard Event in the Child IFrame
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Nov 29, 2011
I am having a play around with javascript and the html5 canvas to evaluate the feasibility of using it for a few personal projects.I have tried using both setInterval or setTimeout to set up a very rough framerate for an animation.The framerate is fine when coupled with a simple delta timing to smooth out the changes however when running under a large load (large images) I cannot seem to capture keyboard events very easily.
If I wiggle around the mouse a bit, it makes the keyboard more responsive but is there any way to get the window to poll the inputs rather than wait for an event to fire?This is much worse on Linux but the issue is still around on Windows.
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Apr 6, 2011
I am trying to develop a Qwerty Shifter http:[url] handling keyboard events.I want to display a textbox and as user type any text it changes at once means as user types "a" it display "s" "b" changes "n"
for internet explorer I have script
function InputEventKeyPress(event){
window.event.keyCode = shifter (window.event.keyCode);[code].....
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Jan 19, 2009
Ive been working on a site with a dropdown menu. its styled with css and animated with java i would like to add support for keyboard navigation.
var DDSPEED = 5;
var DDTIMER = 5;
main function to handle the mouse events [code].....
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Feb 23, 2010
Does anyone know why these event codes run twice? E.g. I am using a cookie to keep track of [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [F] by incrementing a variable once everytime it is used. However the code for it runs twice and thus the variable is never odd as it always increments by two.It's the same for the other events, such as [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [S], it runs twice. This was not occuring when I first inserted the cookie code last week. I have read about "bubbling" but I cannot seem to stop the code running a second time.EDIT: Internet Explorer (6+) is only browser code needs to work in.
document.addEvent('keydown', function(event) {
var event = new Event(event);
if (event.key == 'f' && event.control && event.shift) {
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Jul 17, 2011
My name is juan and recently started html programming. I have a web page with a drop box with the name of states.
<option value="">Alabama</option>
<option value="">Alaska</option>
I can add a onclick="code here" to the tag so that when the drop box alabama is selected it triggers the onclick event. Im using Ibox in order to have a image of the state open.
<a href="images/large/image_1b.jpg" rel="ibox" title="alabama at 1024x450!"><img
src="images/small/image_1.jpg" alt=""/></a>
the above is a <a> link tag correct? How do I go bout adding the above code into the onclick event?
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Jan 31, 2011
DOM library and calendar code created by BetaWar
DOM = {
after: function(sibling, child){
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Jun 7, 2010
I'm writing a JavaScript Equation Editor / Whiteboard App, and i seem to be having a problem with one line of JavaScipt Code.... The Equation Editor is hosted live here:[URL] I have used the DOM Inspector (i'm using firefox) to look at the onMouseDown= event code, and it should work.... However, when i try to drag a Math Element Image to a different location (after it has been added to the page by clicking on the Math Element Keyboard), it does nothing. I looked on the Error Console, and there is nothing there.
I looked at the Node value in the DOM inspector, and it is as it should be. I have also tried changing and removing some double quotes and single quotes, as that has worked in the past on similar code snippets.
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Dec 2, 2010
I am doing a simple function to validate text fields(you can see the code below). Now, the alert box appears only once when I refresh the page, not when I click inside or outside the username box. #username is the id of a input text field. On a sidenote, how can I pass multiple parameters to the function(not a fixed number of params)? or should I just pass an array?
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Nov 16, 2010
I have a html cum javascript code.There is thumnail on the page .When somebody click the thumnail ,the full resolution of the same image would show and when click of full resolution the thumnail would show.It is going well with one thumanil of the page when there are 2 thumanil on the same page,clicking on first thumnail shows the full resolution of the same but the 2nd thumnail is also showing at the back of full resolution.It looks like full resolution image is transparent..
Here is the code ,you can try it by running at your own computer.
HTML Code:
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Oct 13, 2010
I have some half-working script I'm playing with that I half-understand (this is the real problem) which I'm having troube debugging because it always does work when I refresh.So whenever I step through my functions with Firebug everything does what I expect it to do: but if then I re-invoke my onchange event, not every step is taken and it's hard to see why because I can't "see" what it's doing after the page has loaded and the script run at least once.This is for hide-and-show in a form and all the other versions I see online are even less understandable than what I've got so far. So I figure I'd better debug the one I have.Anyone know how to re-watch a script onevent?
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Aug 13, 2009
New to jQuery, I did many searches before posting. This is happening in both IE6 and Firefox 3.0.13. I've gotten the following script to work under strange circumstances (explained below
first snippet).
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Jan 11, 2011
It's pretty common to assign a click even to a <div> (or other tag), such as:
// JQuery
Of course this event won't be accessible from the keyboard, which might be nice. Now if it where an <a> tag, you can do this:
The click event will fire if you click the <a>, OR if you tab to it with your keyboard and hit Enter.My question is: is there a way to make elements other than <a> tags accessible in this way? I recently discovered if you define a tabindex on your div, such as <div tabindex="0">test</div>, you can tab to that div, but click events don't seem to fire if you use your keyboard. Are <a> tags the only tags that can work in this way?
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Nov 27, 2011
This might be more easily explained just by showing you the code. Basically, this is a function within a large class dealing with moving table rows around, and works in Chrome but no where else. Chrome understands "event.clientY" in this context while other browsers throw "event is undefined". Y is a correctly set global indicating the clientY of where the original click occurred.
set_bgcolor = function (t, r) {
var tr, i;
var currentY = pointer.y = event.clientY;
tr = tables[t].rows[r];
So, I'm just trying to get event.clientY to work for all browsers in this case, where an event handler might not easily be passed to the function.
I'm using third-party code to move rows of a table around. [URL]
It's a large piece of drag and drop code, but I'm trying to edit it so that at a point near the code's completion, it says whether the initial mouse click was above or below where the cursor has been dragged to. "Why" is a long story, but suffice it to say that there are functional differences when dragging the row up rather than down (up puts it above the hovered over row, while below puts in under that row), and I want to place a border line in there so that users know exactly where the row is going.
So you probably don't have to look at the whole code (which I can provide if you'd like), but my basic question is, how do I get the function to know where the current mouse pointer is this many levels deep in code. I could try to pass the event through all the layers, but I'm not good enough at javascript to make that work, and I'm not sure it would. Isn't the event the keypress (and not the current position?).
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Aug 13, 2009
I have a page with a form, that represent questions and the corresponding answers.I defined the minimum questions, answers, and their maximum.So I added a link in the form to add question (along with the minimum amount of answers), and a link per question to add an answer in it.the "click" event for my links is like:
the code look more like JS, but basically it.adds the html code in the corresponding divs.The problem is the following: if I add a question, it also add a link to add answers to this question, but this link does not fire the event.Did I miss something to add to make it work?I mean the link in html page is exactly the same, I even tried not
changing the part with the int, it still doesn't work.
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Aug 14, 2011
I'mtryingto put the right code in place to stop event bubbling on my menu script. I have a the following code for the mouseenter event. I can't find where's appropraite to put stopPropagation()
menu_trigger is an array which is cycled through to put the mouseenter event onto the right <th> tags menu_objects is an array linking to the menu which should be shown.
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Aug 30, 2009
I have this script:
PHP Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function move_nav_2(){
alert("im ok!");
But cant work on IE neither Chrome.
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Aug 15, 2000
Does anyone know how to make a text-inputfield automatically fucused, so when you enter a page you can just start typing without moving the mouse and clicking on the textfield??
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May 15, 2010
I am trying to get this code to work in IE. It works on Firefox, but not on IE. Basically it blocks out scrolling the page down with space button, and registers up and down keys to run some code. The entire case statement including event registering and my code works completely fine in FF but it just won't work in IE (meaning that I can scroll down with space, and up and down with the up and down keys respectively).
By the way I put this function in the HEAD section.
window.onkeydown = function(event)
// No space scrolling!
switch (event.keyCode)
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Oct 23, 2011
So, this code does what it's supposed to do (check an array for dis-allowed input and supply the appropriate keyboard for touchscreen users) but I was worried that maybe this wasn't the most succinct logic...
for(var i in Setup.DisAllowed){
Keeping in mind the Setup.DisAllowed array and APP.Module method are fixed in stone, would anyone recommend a better way to use the array to select the necessary keyboard?
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Jun 29, 2010
Now, I have a script that has auto complete thing with the help of Javascript and DOM and AJAX, and I follow this tutorial [URL]
Well everything working great, but, I want 1 thing. When the Suggestion box is visible, and has all the options, and If I mouse over them, it will show the hover effect. I want to achieve the same with keyboard. Like if I press down for the first time, the first option will be selected, and then if i press down again, it will select (hover) the next and so on, and similar is the case with up arrow key. Now, when i press enter, the selected option should go to the text box as if I click on a item.
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Oct 1, 2009
How to use the shortcut keys in jvascript? Any illustration with an example? Such as suppose on clicking the Ctrl+alt key, I want to display a prompt dialog box........How to do this?
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