When Under Load, The Keyboard Onkeydown Event Seems To Not Trigger Correctly?
Nov 29, 2011
I am having a play around with javascript and the html5 canvas to evaluate the feasibility of using it for a few personal projects.I have tried using both setInterval or setTimeout to set up a very rough framerate for an animation.The framerate is fine when coupled with a simple delta timing to smooth out the changes however when running under a large load (large images) I cannot seem to capture keyboard events very easily.
If I wiggle around the mouse a bit, it makes the keyboard more responsive but is there any way to get the window to poll the inputs rather than wait for an event to fire?This is much worse on Linux but the issue is still around on Windows.
I've tried triggerHandler() and trigger() both, and the command runs fine if called from another event handler—the click event for that <a> works as desired.Console shows no errors, and as I said the other lines in (document).ready work fine, it's just this one thing that doesn't seem to run.
why would this command not process on (document).ready?
I have this onchange event that occurs after user selection of a dropdown menu. When a user makes a selection it queries the database and delivers some data.
The value of the dropdown is stored in a database, but the problem is when the page is refreshed the delivered data disapears, only reappearing if you change the dropdown.
How can I make the onchange event run when the page loads so that if there is already a selection, the database data will always be there, only to change if the user changes the selection?
Here is the JS: <script type="text/javascript"> function showCustomer(str) {var xmlhttp;
I bind a custom event on page A,then ajax load page B。In page Bthereis a <a> link which trigger the custom event.Problem is :the trigger function work when i place the trigger function in page A ,but not work in B by ajax load.
I have a form with many, many, many 'input type="text"' elements in it. I'd like to be able to dynamically add an 'onKeyDown' event listener. Here's what I've got, so far (I know it's wrong.)
Code: function addEventToElement(formName,tagName,typeName,eventName,eventAction) { thisForm = (typeof formName == 'string') ? document.getElementById(formName) : '' ; thisTag = (typeof tagName == 'string') ? tagName : '' ; thisType = (typeof typeName == 'string') ? typeName : '' ; thisEvent = (typeof eventName == 'string') ? eventName : '' ; thisAction = (typeof eventAction == 'string') ? eventAction : '' ; if(thisForm != "") { // If elements are in a form, make sure ONLY those elements are affected elem = new Array(); elem = thisForm.getElementsByTagName(thisTag); // array of all items of [tag] alert(elem.length); if(thisType != "") { for(j=0;j<elem.length;j++) { if(elem[j].type != thisType) { elem.splice(j,1); } // If a type is specified, remove tags that do not have a type attribute } } } else { // Otherwise, any/all elements in a document/body will be affected elem = new Array(); elem = document.getElementsByTagName(thisTag); // array of all items of [tag] if(thisType != "") { for(j=0;j<elem.length;j++) { if(elem[j].type != thisType) { elem.splice(j,1); } // If a type is specified, remove tags that do not have a type attribute } } } if((thisEvent != "") && (thisAction != "")) { for(i=0;i<elem.length;i++) { // All elements are picked - let's apply some attributes document.getElementById(elem[i].id).addEventListener(thisEvent,thisAction,false) } } }
HTML Code: addEventToElement('form_name','input','text','keydown','return numbersOnly(event,this);');
I have a javascript/MSHTML editor loaded in an IFrame call "msEditor1". It gets composed after the document loads through document.write commands from a JS function. I'm trying to set the editor so whenever a key is typed I capture the key event from the editor and then go from there.
I have a handle to the editor using either one of these:
I've been looking up lots of documentation and trying to work out a cross-platform method of capturing a keyboard event and working out which key was pressed. From what I can find, there doesn't appear to be any standardised keyboard event interface other than this DOM 3 Events W3C Working Group Note [1]. However, it is only a note and doesn't appear to be implemented in any browser. Is there another standard that I've missed?
The Gecko DOM Reference lists event.keyCode [2], but this doesn't appear to be implemented in Firefox 1.0.2, as e.keyCode in the following returns 0, regardless of the key pressed. Code:
How to handle "onMouseOver" event with keyboard. With JQuery, "onMouseOver" on a "plus symbol", small banner with some text content will be shown, it has been working with "Mouse(input device)", but same effect has been expecting from "keyborad" tab ordering on to that particular "plus symbol".
I am currently working on SAP Adobe Interactive forms. I want to know what are the events for Keyboard ENTER Button [i.e. when i press ENTER Button event should get called..]? Any sample code is available? I am going to call SAP Web Service through it
I have created a classic Snake game. When I run the game in a browser, it works fine. But when I run it as an IFRAME in another window, then it fails to get the keyboard events.
Parent CODE:
<html> <head> </head>
how to capture Window Keyboard Event in the Child IFrame
I am trying to develop a Qwerty Shifter http:[url]....by handling keyboard events.I want to display a textbox and as user type any text it changes at once means as user types "a" it display "s" "b" changes "n"
Is there anyway to trigger an onChange event without actually clicking etc.
I want to trigger it from a method. It sounds silly but I'm taking some code over from another developer and if I could do this it would save me days of re-writing!!!
Been trying to work through a simple drag and drop interface using either IMG, SPAN or DIV tags. That way I can define blocks of text and/or graphics as draggable and be able to drop them on a similar (img, div, span, etc.) target, preferably an image.
I can highlight text from an "<input type=text>" field and reach a target to trigger an event (e.g. alert();), but can't get the same response when the dragged item is a block of text or an graphic and drop it on either of the same targets. Code:
I am using Lightbox+ and overall it's very good for my needs. However it has a small problem. If you goto [URL] and click on the image "Sample 2" then use the next arrow to go to "Sample 3" you have to hover off the image and then back on to get the previous and zoom icons to show again. I have been able to make the bug occur every time in both Firefox 3.6 and IE6. I am guessing the mouseover event isn't triggering correctly due to the image object moving underneath the mouse pointer but I just can't fix it.
I've been working on this site for learning purposes for awhile now and recently added pagination so its easier to look through submitted articles and pictures for the site. I got the pagination working originally with jquery so no page refresh needed to be done.Then I tried to use a nicer pagination look thru css as suggested by this wonderful site... nice looking css paginationI altered my javascript scripts to reflect the changes for which #div > a to intercept the click commands so ajax can be ran but it seems to not be doing so. In other words the ajax is not being ran and the whole page is being updated. Also it seems to traverse both the articles and picture sections when I try to use the pagination links for the articles.If you use firebug you can see all the source however ill submit the javascript to make it easier Functon to Show out Busy Div
function showBusy(){ $('#ajax-content').block({ message: '<h1>Processing</h1>',
I have been having trouble getting the load event to trigger. My code was working ok then it stopped working. I removed everything, then I just got down to the most simple example and it still doesnt work. Example code is posted here, I can't get the load event to trigger. I think this code should absolutly work, but i cant get it to work. Can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
I have an embedded video set in an iFrame (the page is called on.php). When someone clicks the stop video button, the iframe is re-directed to off.php, and the video is replaced with a play video button -- which when clicked takes them back to the video (on.php).
What I want to do is install a cookie that will permanently 'remember' which page the user has selected (on.php or off.php)... and then from that point forward will always load the appropriate page.
I've seen all sorts of tutorials about setting cookies and stuff, but nothing that would clue me in on how to accomplish what I'm trying to do specifically.
I'm using the code from the Fancy Form Design book, but i'm having trouble getting the code to make the slideDown and slideUp work in IE. In Chrome it's perfect, in FF it's ok but there's some kind of artifact on the bottom of the code? If you click 'send me post' it doesn't work in IE 8 (or IE 7 compat). Code below.
Have a select drop down with an ID country. This function works fine when the user selects the country from the drop down however I cant seem to get it to Trigger on load. I am using Jquery 1.32 if this is useful?
$("#country").bind("load change", function () { var val = $(this).val(); switch(val){ case 'USA': $(".stateinput").hide(); $(".territorydropdown").hide(); $(".statedropdown").show(); $(".stateinput input").attr({name: 'countystate_hidden', id: 'countystate_hidden'}); .....
How does one trigger an event programmatically? I'm interested in how to do this in both the "Level 0" event model as well as in the DOM Level 2 event model.
Is it possible to trigger the certain event from JS function? I have an image with on click event handler assigned. Now if like to trigger this event for this image from some other function.
I have a disabled field which can be changed by using search help showing the select option. After the user selects his wish, the disabled field contains his selection. I need to trigger an event automatically right after the disabled field is changed. This function triggers the event I need:
and it will be hidden, so I want to have a clickable image that will trigger the click event so that a dialog is prompted. Can some one please help me figure out how to do this? Lol, this is as far as I've gotten..
Is there a way to trigger an event when an object (div or img) became visible in the user brower? (ie: the user needs to scroll down to see the div in his browser, then making it visible trigger an event that load the picture inside)