Fill Two Fields From One Select Field?

Jun 24, 2011

I have a PHP form which has an select field (i.e. drop-options) where the different options are populated from a MySQL database as follows:

<select size="1" id="category" name="category">
<option value="">Select from drop-list:</option>
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `DB1`


Now, the issue I have is that I also have another input field (possibly hidden) in this form which is called 'category_id', and what I want it to do is to automatically populate when the user selects the relevant 'category' from the select field above.

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JQuery :: Autocomplete - Using Select Event To Fill Hidden Field

Jul 15, 2010

I'm using jquery autocomplete to fill a textbox with some text but I need to get the ID of the item too. For this purpose I thought to use the on select event to fill an hidden field the problem is that the on select event is never fired.

This is my code
$(function() {
$('input#<%= tblNewInsert.FindControl("nazioni").ClientID %>').autocomplete({
source: function(request, response) {
url: "offerte.aspx/fillJson",
data: "{ 'descrizione': '" + request.term + "', 'tabella': 'nazioni', 'campo': 'paese' }",
dataType: "json",
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
select: function(event, ui) { alert("never fired"},
success: function(data) {
response($.map(data.d, function(item) {
return {
value: item.descrizione
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
minLength: 1

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Clickable Calendar - Xin's Popup - Dates To Fill The Month Select Field

Mar 3, 2009

I'm trying to get Xin's Popup Calendar -- [url]-- to work with the following form:

I need the dates to fill the month select field, the year select field, and the date text field but I cannot understand how to do this, I'm very new at javascript.

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How To Use A Field Value To Auto Fill Other Field Values

Sep 17, 2009

Not exactly sure this is the right forum to post this but just to give it a shot.I am relatively new to programmming...I am currently working on a web appliation using MySQL DB and use PHP/SQL.I have a web form i have created. What i want to achieve is that when a user fills in one of the fields...a text field, i want 8 other fields to be AUTO filled with different values related to the one the user filled in

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Trying To Do OnClick Auto Fill Fields

Jun 22, 2009

I've been searching for about an hour now trying to figure out how to do the following. I have a form I'm updating and I'm trying to create a checkbox or link that onclick/oncheck will update all fields in the form to the same value. I found the following code that does what I want EXCEPT I can't get it work with value[]. In the following code, MY form would have form fields like <input type="text" name=" shippingname []"> (note the []) because I'm looping thru multiple entries when I submit the form.

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SELECT OnChange Auto Fill Other SELECT Boxes

Jul 25, 2002

I searched here and some other places on the net but cant find anything that suits my needs. I have a SELECT box with 3 values Code:

<form name="form1">
<select name="length">
<option name="length" value="none">--Select for All--</option>
<option name="length" value="5">--5 Days--</option>
<option name="length" value="7">--7 Days--</option>
<option name="length" value="10">--10 Days--</option>

OnChange, I want to invoke a function that auto populates the rest of the SELECT fields in the form. The select boxes will vary in quantity as the page is dynamic, but the values are always the same (like the code above).

Does this make sense?

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Mysql Dropdown Fill Input Fields In Php

Apr 7, 2009

I have a mysql database (name) which helds 3 fields, id, naam, email. In php I've made the connection and create a selection menu and with javascript I was able to display, (when I selected for example "Bas" in the selection menu), bas his name into a first input text field. Now a couple of things I still want but can't seem to get it right.

First: I also want to display "bas" his email address in a second input text field. (the database contains more names, but this an example).

Second: The selection menu starts with the first name in the database, but can I make it for example "Select name" as beginning.


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Fill Input Fields Will Color When Disabled?

Feb 15, 2010

I want to fill input fields with the color grey when it's disabled. Attached find the script I'm using.

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Force Users To Fill Out Input Fields Before Clicking Submit?

Jun 14, 2011

I am setting up a form to enter a chat queue on my website for work. The form script comes from the company we are using to host the chat, but the problem is that customers don't have to fill out anything to enter the queue. I want the users to have to fill out 3 of the 5 fields before they are able to click the sumbit button. I've found a few scripts on the web that looked they like would work, but they were all for radio selections, and I don't have enough javascript knowledge to switch the correct parameters to work with input.

This is the script I am using;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<form name="channel00000" action="[URL]" method="post"> .....

I need the name, comment1, and comment4 sections to be filled out before the submit will go through. I don't care if the button is not available until they are filled or a popup that asks for them to be filled out, just so long as they can't enter chat without us knowing their name and whatnot. From what I understand, the bulk of the form script needs to stay the same so it directs to us and not another company.

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Enable Copy / Paste For Users To Fill Text Fields Automatically?

Jan 16, 2009

I have a form with 10 input text fields. In those fields the user has to put some values by typing them, but the user has those values in a excel file. Is any possibility to implement a copy/paste in order to help user complete all those fields automatically? What other choices do I have?

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Auto Fill Form Fields With Mysql Data For Selected Pull Down Option

Nov 28, 2004

I have some form fields that the user can either type in or he can check a checkbox so that MySQL data for an option selected from a dynamically generated (PHP/MySQL) select menu is filled in. How can this be implemented? I have the code for the select menu.

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Using Popup To Fill Input Field

Apr 14, 2008

I am looking for a way to use minimal javascript to open a popup window when the user clicks on an input field and allow them to choose one string inside the pop up window (like click on a radio button) and get the input box in the parent window filled with the value of the string. I know it's kinda standard, but I don't know much about using javascript ... so I dont know exactly what to search for ... I've seen hotmail allows you to populate your recipient input box using a popup ... I am looking to do something similar ...

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Auto Fill Text Field

Jul 21, 2003

I have an HTC (Thanks to Beetle) that auto fills a field as a user key strokes letters into a text box. Except for one thing everything works great. The one thing is if a use types somethin in that is found, accepts it (tabs out of the field) the goes back to the first letter and trys to change the case (upper to lower or vise versa) it gets an error "invalid argument". I cannot seem to figure out why it would error. Below I have all of the code HTML and HTC should be easy Code:

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Fill Field, If Checkbox Checked?

Aug 9, 2010

I have a form which has a checkbox option.Only - if the checkbox is checked, then the email field must also be filled in.Otherwise the form is handled as normal (this includes filling in the email even if the checkbox is not checked).(hope this makes sense)

<input type="text" name="email" value="">
<input type="checkbox" name="Inform" value="Tell me stuff">


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Create A Form That Expands Or Collapses With More Or Less Fields To Fill In When The User Selects Or Deselects A Check Box On It?

Apr 6, 2010

I need to create a form that expands or collapses with more or less fields to fill in when the user selects or deselects a check box on it. This form also needs to be secure. What is the best way to accomplish this?

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JQuery :: Disallow To Fill Field When Another Already Filled?

Dec 30, 2011

I'm have a Joomla component who use Jquery for several thing in his template. This component have a form where some field are displayed and I would like conditionnaly restrict the use of 2 fields. I have in fact a field "City" and a field "Zip code" and my goal is to disable one field if the other is filled. In practice that mean if a user start to type the name of a city, the zip field must be disabled for avoid to fill also this field. Same thing if the user start to type in the zip field...the field City must be disabled too..

I need to setup this because the search engine of my component can not retreive correctly data if both field are filled. This happen tipically if the the zip code don't match with the name of the city... I that case the component will display "no result found" and this is annoying. Any example of working code making possible to get this function? Unfortunately I'm not a coder and except html and a bit of css, I do not have enough knowledge..

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Pre-fill Automatically A Form Field With Part Of The URL

Aug 1, 2009

I am developing a site with Dreamweaver CS3 and have a little knowledge of HTML.

I need a solution for the following:

Visitors can come to my site through a referrer for ex: [url]

The referrers information (cesar017) should be prefilled automatically in a form field on another page than the index page. This means the visitor first can look around on the other pages of the site and then go to the page with the form.

I dont use a database at this moment, I only want a certain field automatically prefilled with the referrers info from the URL for ex : <input type= hidden -or text- name= partner id= partner value= ""/> In this case the field should have the value=cesar017

I understood this can be solved with Javascript or PHP and cookies, but I nearly dont know anything about this and Dreamweaver has not automated this function.

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Grab A Value Off Of A URL And Fill In A Input Field On The Page With That Value?

Feb 1, 2010

how can i grab a value off of a URL and fill in a input field on the page with that value? Say I have this url: [URL] how can i grab the value of var_email and pulse_daily and place it in a input field ?

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Fill Value Of Text Field Based On Dropdown?

Sep 25, 2010

What im trying to do is for each item selected from the drop down, display its value in a text box (GAC). I have attached a picture of the image to clarify.

The drop down items are populated from a database, and each item has an associated GAC value. The remaining inputs are user supplied and all the inputs including the drop down item and its value are is stored in a different table in the database.

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ExtJS: Fill A Field Form With A Grid

Jul 18, 2011

I'm starting with javascript and I have a doubt. I already have a grid with data and a form with 5 fields. One of these fields of the form I want to fill with data of the grid. This is what I have:


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Jquery :: Radio Button Auto-Fill Another Field

Jul 27, 2011

I'm pretty new to coding. I have a form with two radio buttons to choose from. I would like a custom javascript function (fillShowTypeCost) to automatically update a text field with the correct amount of money, based on which radio button is selected. I originally had this form done with checkboxes and it worked just fine. Since I switched to radios, I am completely lost. I have tried using an array search to determine which value is selected, but I must be doing something wrong, because it isn't working. My codes are below. (The PHP end of things are working great.)

//Radio Button 1:
<input name="showtype" type="radio" id="showtype" value="basic" <?PHP print $basic_status; ?> onclick="fillShowTypeCost(this.form)"> Basic Slideshow

//Radio Button 2:
<input name="showtype" type="radio" id="showtype" value="lovestory" <?PHP print $lovestory_status; ?> onclick="fillShowTypeCost(this.form)"> Love Story

//Text field to be auto-updated
<input name="showtype_cost" type="text" id="showtype_cost" value="<? echo $row_settings['showtype_cost']; ?>">

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Select Box Onclick Fill A Textbox?

Mar 30, 2010

I am trying to

1. display a select box

2. onclick (extract the value and the text from the clicked item) in the select box and fill 2 text boxes.

<script type="text/javascript">
function disp_text()


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Fill Select Menu - Works On IE6 Not NS6

Mar 6, 2002

I have this tiny little javascript:

function buildselect() {[0] = new Option('- - - Categories - - -', '');[1] = new Option('asd', &#391;');[2] = new Option('testing 2', &#392;');

which is in one frame and I call it from another frame to fill a select menu using:;

In IE6 this works fine, in NS6 nothing is displayed. What am I doing wrong?

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Fill A Text Box After Select One Item From It?

Aug 11, 2010

How can i fill a text box after select one item from a select box ? if i select below 4610R-04490101 the text box must have the 490 team value [code]...

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Pre-fill Automatically A Form Field With Part Of The URL - Site With Dreamweaver CS3

Aug 2, 2009

I am developing a site with Dreamweaver CS3 and have a little knowledge of HTML.

I need a solution for the following:

Visitors can come to my site through a referrer for ex: [url]

The referrers information (cesar017) should be prefilled automatically in a form field on another page than the index page. This means the visitor first can look around on the other pages of the site and then go to the page with the form.

I dont use a database at this moment, I only want a certain field automatically prefilled with the referrers info from the URL for ex : <input type= hidden -or text- name= partner id= partner value= ""/> In this case the field should have the value=cesar017

I understood this can be solved with Javascript or PHP and cookies, but I nearly dont know anything about this and Dreamweaver has not automated this function.

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Fill Textfield On Select From Drop Down List

Dec 24, 2010

I know very little javascript, I am more familiar with php. I am working with javascript code, php/mysql backend and smarty templates. I am trying to get the textfield box to update with a variable from the database based on the selection from the drop down field. My dynamic drop down selection works fine, it is pulling the data from the database (example:$item[i].PARTS_RATE_ID}) just fine. But I want the textfield ('parts_price['+iteration+']') to dynamically show the $item[i].PARTS_RATE_COST from the database (in the parts section), associated with the $item array from the "parts description".


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