JQuery :: Autocomplete - Using Select Event To Fill Hidden Field
Jul 15, 2010
I'm using jquery autocomplete to fill a textbox with some text but I need to get the ID of the item too. For this purpose I thought to use the on select event to fill an hidden field the problem is that the on select event is never fired.
This is my code
$(function() {
$('input#<%= tblNewInsert.FindControl("nazioni").ClientID %>').autocomplete({
source: function(request, response) {
url: "offerte.aspx/fillJson",
data: "{ 'descrizione': '" + request.term + "', 'tabella': 'nazioni', 'campo': 'paese' }",
dataType: "json",
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
select: function(event, ui) { alert("never fired"},
success: function(data) {
response($.map(data.d, function(item) {
return {
value: item.descrizione
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
minLength: 1
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Dec 1, 2010
Well, my problem is with the use of basic plugin for Jquery Autocoplete, I have not used any of the many that circulate on the Internet. I managed to do well the search and query the database, it returns me the names of the students, the problem comes when I assign the id of the selected name to a hidden field of the form to send via the id _get to another page editor.
To achieve this autocomplete (or autosuggest), I created 3 files. 2 to make the query and process, and the next file that contains the form and the Javascript code that should work.
Anyway, the point is that everything works fine except the assignment of the hidden field id on the form.
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Dec 18, 2009
I have the official qQuery autocomplete plugin ( from bassistance) working properly. Start typing a product name and it queries my php script and mysql to return a list of products.
However, when the user submits the form, I want a hidden form field that contains the row ID for that product in the database table. I would have thought that this is a very common need, but I did not see any of the examples in the doc or website.
Desired query:
Desired form for submission
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Jun 24, 2011
I have a PHP form which has an select field (i.e. drop-options) where the different options are populated from a MySQL database as follows:
<select size="1" id="category" name="category">
<option value="">Select from drop-list:</option>
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `DB1`
Now, the issue I have is that I also have another input field (possibly hidden) in this form which is called 'category_id', and what I want it to do is to automatically populate when the user selects the relevant 'category' from the select field above.
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Mar 11, 2005
I have a select form element structured like this:
<select name="buyer_id">
<option value="1">John Adams</option>
<option value="2">Bill Amos</option>
<option value="3">Fred Boon</option>
The name list is now getting huge and I would like to allow my admins to be able to type in the first few letters of a buyers name and have the select form "find" what the admin is entering. But I need the value of the buyer to be passed as the buyer's id for DB purposes.
I found a script on these forums that actually does what I want using a <select> field, but there is one little annoyance with it. Whenever a letter key is pressed, the <select> finds the first occurrence of the letter (as usual with a <select> field). It does come back immediately, but it doesn't look good when you are typing through the options and it keeps flashing from one to the other. Code:
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Mar 3, 2009
I'm trying to get Xin's Popup Calendar -- [url]-- to work with the following form:
I need the dates to fill the month select field, the year select field, and the date text field but I cannot understand how to do this, I'm very new at javascript.
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Aug 11, 2009
Does anyone have a library or patch to call a handler if a user leaves an autocomplete field without choosing one of the autocomplete options - i.e. they've entered free text. I'm working with an app that populates multiple fields from a single auto-complete value, and our latest requirement is to clear out a bunch of fields if the user's entered something manually - rejecting autocomplete suggestions. My initial attempts at hooking into onkeyfoo and onblur haven't lead anywhere productive, and I'm hoping someone else has managed to overcome the gnarly event and timing dependencies involved with onkeyfoo and blur being used for standard autocomplete behaviour.
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Mar 30, 2011
I saw this on a website, and I'm confused as to what the possible purpose could be for this.
<input id="myIDNAME" name="myIDNAME" type="hidden" value="0" />
<input id="myIDNAME" name="myIDNAME" type="checkbox" value="0" />
I thought repeating an ID would return an error.
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Mar 31, 2010
I'm trying to pass the data a user types in the multisearch text box over to the listheader hidden field before the form is submitted. I need it to work in all browsers. The below code only works in IE (not FireFox) and it doesn't work if I hit the "Enter" button on my keyboard, only works when I actually click the "Submit" button:
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
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Feb 22, 2011
I used the "CreateBubblePopup", filling it with html directly in javascript. Until now, it was working fine. For some reasons, now I need to write this HTML inside the page (in a hidden div), and then load this html inside the bubble when it's created. Here is the code :
<a class="bubble" href="..." >
<img alt="Détail" src="plus.png" />
<div class="hidden">Here is the HTML that will be displayed in the bubble.</div>
It seams that my "popupHtml" variable is always null, no matter what the html in the hidden div is.
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Nov 1, 2010
Is it possible to trigger a change event on a select field when the selectedIndex or val is set with jQuery? I've tried it and it doesn't seem to work. I'm attempting to replace a select field with one of my own design. The issue is if i attached a change event to a select field, when the index is changed it needs to fire that event. Basically if a select field is replaced with my list and a seperate script is set on the select list, I need that seperate script to fire without knowing what it is.
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Jan 30, 2009
I'm using Jrn's autocomplete jQuery plugin and I'm having trouble changing the value of my hidden input.
The first part works fine - it searches the array and I can select any of the results. However, I'm trying to grab the "id" key value from the array and use it as the value of my hidden input.
Here's my test page.
(I'm using a "GET" form, so submit the form and you'll see that the "account" value submits as empty)
Here's my array:
And the part that (I believe) should be putting the value of #account into my hidden input:
Basically, select "Account Five" from the auto-complete, and it should change the value of my hidden input to "0005".
Seems like it should be a relatively simple solution, but I'm still fairly new to JS and jQuery.
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Dec 30, 2011
I'm have a Joomla component who use Jquery for several thing in his template. This component have a form where some field are displayed and I would like conditionnaly restrict the use of 2 fields. I have in fact a field "City" and a field "Zip code" and my goal is to disable one field if the other is filled. In practice that mean if a user start to type the name of a city, the zip field must be disabled for avoid to fill also this field. Same thing if the user start to type in the zip field...the field City must be disabled too..
I need to setup this because the search engine of my component can not retreive correctly data if both field are filled. This happen tipically if the the zip code don't match with the name of the city... I that case the component will display "no result found" and this is annoying. Any example of working code making possible to get this function? Unfortunately I'm not a coder and except html and a bit of css, I do not have enough knowledge..
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Sep 17, 2009
Not exactly sure this is the right forum to post this but just to give it a shot.I am relatively new to programmming...I am currently working on a web appliation using MySQL DB and use PHP/SQL.I have a web form i have created. What i want to achieve is that when a user fills in one of the fields...a text field, i want 8 other fields to be AUTO filled with different values related to the one the user filled in
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Jul 27, 2011
I'm pretty new to coding. I have a form with two radio buttons to choose from. I would like a custom javascript function (fillShowTypeCost) to automatically update a text field with the correct amount of money, based on which radio button is selected. I originally had this form done with checkboxes and it worked just fine. Since I switched to radios, I am completely lost. I have tried using an array search to determine which value is selected, but I must be doing something wrong, because it isn't working. My codes are below. (The PHP end of things are working great.)
//Radio Button 1:
<input name="showtype" type="radio" id="showtype" value="basic" <?PHP print $basic_status; ?> onclick="fillShowTypeCost(this.form)"> Basic Slideshow
//Radio Button 2:
<input name="showtype" type="radio" id="showtype" value="lovestory" <?PHP print $lovestory_status; ?> onclick="fillShowTypeCost(this.form)"> Love Story
//Text field to be auto-updated
<input name="showtype_cost" type="text" id="showtype_cost" value="<? echo $row_settings['showtype_cost']; ?>">
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Jul 25, 2002
I searched here and some other places on the net but cant find anything that suits my needs. I have a SELECT box with 3 values Code:
<form name="form1">
<select name="length">
<option name="length" value="none">--Select for All--</option>
<option name="length" value="5">--5 Days--</option>
<option name="length" value="7">--7 Days--</option>
<option name="length" value="10">--10 Days--</option>
OnChange, I want to invoke a function that auto populates the rest of the SELECT fields in the form. The select boxes will vary in quantity as the page is dynamic, but the values are always the same (like the code above).
Does this make sense?
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Mar 15, 2011
I'm using a jquery autocomplete (plugin v 1.1) in an older application. It works fine. I'm now writing a new one and I'm using the jquery ui 1.4.4 version of autocomplete. In the 1.1 version, if I typedizzaand the only match in the resulting list waspizza, thenpizzawould be highlighted and clickingenterwould select pizza. The newer version will not do this.Pizzawill show up alone in the list but I still have to arrow down, or click it to select it. Is this a lost feature or is there a property that activates'auto-select'?
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Mar 16, 2011
I have autocomplete showing up where I type into the textbox but when I try to select one with my mouse or keyboard it does not fill in the textbox with the option selected. Code is below.
script type="text/javascript">
function() {[code]....
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Jan 11, 2010
I have been using the jquery autocomplete plug-in for some time now and find it very useful. Lately I have come across the following problem in one of my JSP pages. The autocomplete suggestions are displayed and formatted properly. But when I select the one that I want, the result briefly appears in the input field and disappears. Simultaneously, the entered result automatically triggers another jquery search. The contents of my JSP page is given below. The same jquery code works perfectly well with other JSPs.
<%@ include file="../common/include.jsp" %>
var cols = []; // column mappings : 0=Last name, 1=First Name,
2=Title, 3 = Employee ID
function { .....
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Aug 22, 2009
I have a autocomplete box using this plugin[URL]... Returns results no problem. I can't get my head round how to add an event when a selection is made. Basically when someone selects one of the autocomplete options I want to redirect to a specific page (index.php?cms&p=tpl&s=edit&tplid='id of selected option')
hope this makes sense, guessing its really simple and I have just been trying to over complicate things.
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Apr 28, 2010
I have the following question: What event could be or is triggered when someone fills in a inputfield using the autosuggest that is build in in browsers? Like for example my email that always comes back on email input fields. I have tried the change and keyup event but they don't work. What event could be or is triggered when someone fills in a inputfield using the autosuggest that is build in by browsers.
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Aug 24, 2009
In my application,there are several autocomplte field is available.When I type "pank" and then it list out the several matching in the autocomplete field and select one and then hit the enter then it submitted the entire form, which will cause the error message. Because there are several more mandatory field are there, which i need to fill up.I was trying to restrict in this way, but i believe this is the wrong way.
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Apr 14, 2008
I am looking for a way to use minimal javascript to open a popup window when the user clicks on an input field and allow them to choose one string inside the pop up window (like click on a radio button) and get the input box in the parent window filled with the value of the string. I know it's kinda standard, but I don't know much about using javascript ... so I dont know exactly what to search for ... I've seen hotmail allows you to populate your recipient input box using a popup ... I am looking to do something similar ...
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Jul 21, 2003
I have an HTC (Thanks to Beetle) that auto fills a field as a user key strokes letters into a text box. Except for one thing everything works great. The one thing is if a use types somethin in that is found, accepts it (tabs out of the field) the goes back to the first letter and trys to change the case (upper to lower or vise versa) it gets an error "invalid argument". I cannot seem to figure out why it would error. Below I have all of the code HTML and HTC should be easy Code:
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Aug 9, 2010
I have a form which has a checkbox option.Only - if the checkbox is checked, then the email field must also be filled in.Otherwise the form is handled as normal (this includes filling in the email even if the checkbox is not checked).(hope this makes sense)
<input type="text" name="email" value="">
<input type="checkbox" name="Inform" value="Tell me stuff">
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Oct 5, 2009
how to use the autocomplete jQuery plugin best to my needs. I'm looking to replace a select box with the Autocomplete plugin, but not quite sure how to accomplish this. In my select box, I have the option that is displayed is not the same as the data that is submitted.
ex: <option value="123">This is Displayed </option> However, with the autocomplete, since it is using a textbox, the values that are displayed, are submitted. Do I have to hack around using hidden fields to accomplish this type of behaviour?
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