Execute After XMLHttpRequest - Pull Contents From A Php Page
Feb 3, 2010
I got a javascript function to pull contents from a php page, let's call this page B to the actual page, let's call this page A.
As I know when a page gets loaded the javascript on that page won't execute, am I right?
Now I need the javascript code on that page B to get executed. Is that somehow possible?
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Feb 3, 2010
I got a javascript function to pull contents from a php page, let's call this page B to the actual page, let's call this page A.
As I know when a page gets loaded the javascript on that page won't execute, am I right?
Now I need the javascript code on that page B to get executed. Is that somehow possible?
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Mar 1, 2011
What I'm trying to do is execute a functions when the body loads. This function will make an XMLHttpRequest and then recals itself every 2 minutes for example. The good thing is it really recals itself every 2 minutes, but it doesn't make any changes. The XMLHttpRequest is a request to an XML file on the internet which changes often, and I want the data of it. When my function recals itself, it displays the data of the first call and never changes after that. So I guess it never makes a new XMLHttpRequest, or it doesn't update the returned data.
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Apr 27, 2011
I'm using AJAX to pull in a page into another page. The page I am pulling looks like so:
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#conditionslink').click(function () {
var content = $(this).parent().parent().parent();
And the second looks roughly the same with a different ID for the outer most div "module". I know my problem is related to the $('#conditionslink').click() and that its pulling the conditionslink of the first fragment and therefore causing that click event to fire twice. I suppose i'm looking for a way that i can be more specific about which conditionslink the script is talking to. Whether the answer is to put the script elsewhere or if i need script on my receiving page idk.
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Mar 17, 2011
Is there a way to pull a text off a certain div on a page, and put it into a javascript string? I'm certain that the field has a particular name and id that I can use, if need be.
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Jul 23, 2005
I am new to Javascript and I am having problems with loading a pull
down menu.
I get this error:
javax.servlet.ServletException: No data found
It will list the items just fine if I just list the items without
using the select & option tags. I would like to know why I am getting
an error with the following statement:
<select size="1" name="org">
<% while (rs.next()) { %>
<option value="<%=rs.getString("ORG_CODE")%>">
<% } %>
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Jul 31, 2008
Does anyone know if there are any ajax functions that would allow me to pull certain content from one page and display on another in a named <div>?
I currently have some code that pulls all the content and works very well. I am looking to enhance this to say only pull the first <div></div> content.
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Nov 25, 2009
I'm trying to find out how you would pull in specific elements from a HTML file using AJAX.
For example, my AJAX script takes in the URL of the HTML page I want to grab content from (this HTML page is on my server so there are no cross-platform security issues) and it pulls in the HTML document as a string of text rather than a XML/DOM document.
I want to be able to grab a DIV element with a specific ID and pull in all the content from that DIV element.
I know that JavaScript libraries have the ability to do this, but I'm not looking to use a library, I want to use my own Js code. For example this can be done using jQuery's load() method but again I'm looking to implement this with *home-grown* Js code and not have reliance on a Js library for this one aspect of my project.
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Mar 29, 2009
I am using Xmlhttprequest object and checking for the onreadystate event and calling a function(), this is called for every 1 sec using the setTimeout method, this works perfectly but using this does not allow to navigate to the next page by clicking the next button in the page.
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Aug 5, 2005
I'm making a somewhat unusual web page that will feature a showroom (this showroom will have images/video/qtvr/etc). If a pre-determined user comes to the page and views the showroom, I am essentially controlling it on my end by changing the database. The page needs to check the database every 2 seconds and refresh if the database value is different from what it currently is. The issue with using iframes or a meta refresh is that if a video is loaded, it will never play, because the page will always be refreshing.
So, that is where the XMLHttpRequest function comes in. I believe I have all of the basic code completed, but it of course does not work and I am probably missing something really simple or perhaps my approach is off. Code:
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Jan 28, 2010
I am currently learning AJAX, and I want to write an simple example program (it is only for practice, it has no real meaning).
The program sends request to to PHP and gets response from it, then it should write the response using message box, all should happen on page load. I wrote the following code:
function init(){
myRequst = new XMLHttpRequest();
var url = "http://localhost/dummy.php";
I don't see any message box when the page loads. When using it after the page loaded with other events (not onLoad), it works and I see the message box with the response.
How can I get the data on page load using XMLHttpRequest?
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Dec 1, 2010
I have a bunch of dynamically created divs which I need to loop through and then display text inside which is obtained via AJAX.
<div class="appStatus" id="appStat_1>TEXT FROM PHP PAGE</div>
<div class="appStatus" id="appStat_2>TEXT FROM PHP PAGE</div>
<div class="appStatus" id="appStat_3>TEXT FROM PHP PAGE</div>
Basically, I want to loop through all divs where class = appStatus and on each iteration pull data from a PHP page (via AJAX) to display in the DIV. I need to send the value after the _ of the id (which I can obtain using substring) with the AJAX request in order to return the correct text.For some reason.I know that I need to do something with
$("div.appStatus").each(function() {
Just got myself lost in everything I tried.
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Aug 3, 2005
I am trying to use xmlhttprequest to make my aspx page more interactive.
its a page with a slideshow where the user can rate the pic, send a comment of this pics and other stuff...
when the user rate or comment a pic, the server side script works properly, but when im going to work with the response (xmlhttprequestObject.responseXML), it all screw up...
this is some part of my scripts: Code:
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Sep 19, 2010
I have created a page "photography.html". When opened a bunch of thumbnails are visible. When a thumbnail is clicked, various things happen: A window with a slideshow slides in and a bigger version of the clicked image is displayed in the slideshow. Now I would like to accomplish the following: When a certain link on another page is clicked, I want to open the page photography.html and open my slideshow as if a thumb would have been clicked there. Is this somehow possible? PS: I have to admit that I am quite a newbie with both javascript and jQuery and maybe thats way over my horizon. Still I am eager to learn.
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Dec 16, 2009
In Chrome, the login page on my schools educational online platform [URL] doesn't remember the login info. So i made a bookmark with this javascript injection, that fills in the info, and focusses on the 'aanmelden' button (='login' in dutch), so that i only have to press enter to continue. Here's the javascript injection:
javascript: document.getElementById('username').value='23889493984';document.getElementById('password').value='4 42384985';return false;document.getElementById('login').focus();
This works fine but i'd like to make it happen faster. I wish i could let the script be activated instantly when the page loads, so i only have to press enter, or if possible, let the script click the login button itself.
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Feb 16, 2010
First off; i was in two minds if this belonged in the .php forum or the javascript forum; i apologize if i chose the wrong one.
I have this .php code:
$query = "SELECT mail_id FROM ".TBL_MAIL." WHERE UserTo = '$session->username' and status = 'unread'";
$numUnreadMail = $database->query($query) or die(mysql_error());
I wondered how or if it is even possible to use javascript to execute the first .php code so that the user would know if he/she had a new message without refreshing the page?
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Apr 8, 2010
FF, Safari, Opera all execute this javascript code to refresh the page properly, but in IE version 8.0.6001.18904 the page doesn't seem to refresh on click of orange_refresh button. I have checked out a different version of IE8, don't recall exact version, but it did seem to work fine in that one, whatever version it was probably the latest now that I think of it. Check out code below any sug.'s could be helpful, though its probably a bug..
<a href="javascript:document.location.reload();"
onmouseover="window.status='Refresh'; return true"
onmouseout="window.status='Page Refreshed'"><img src="image/orange_refresh.png"
width="30" height="30" border="0" /></a>
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Sep 23, 2010
I have long html/CSS (no CMS or php, etc.) web pages. Some people run away when they see too much content on a page. So I hide the large lower section of the pages and have the user click anchor text to execute simple JS code to change the display from 'none' to 'block' or back to re-hide.
(BTW my research indicates that search engines do not know the difference between display='none' and normal content, or I would not be hiding content in the first place.)
Within this hidden content, I have anchor text to provide name handles
So users can click a link and go directly to that section. Within that link I include
So that works fine within a particular page. But when I want to link to an anchor on another page which is within this hidden content, the browser cannot display the anchor text because it is still hidden.
Is there a way to execute the JS code to change the DOM, changing the display to 'block' on the content of the new page?
I do not see how, because the new page isn't loaded yet, there is no DOM within the browser yet, so how can it be manipulated?
Of course if I was using php I could generate the code with the property set as desired. But for straight up html/CSS/JS pages is this possible?
I get the feeling I am missing something simple here, either a simple solution or the simple fact that this is just an inherent limitation of html.
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Jun 23, 2011
I have been trying to work my way around this issue for some time now. I am trying to stop a marquee from scrolling as soon as the page start to load not after. I have been using this to pause the marquee with JavaScript but the command does not execute but after the page loads; after all the html loads.
This is the JavaScript:
<script language="JavaScript">
With this code the marquee does stop but after the page loads completely so as the page loads the marquee start to scroll and then stops as soon as the page finishes loading but with the first image of the marquee have way out. I need to be able to load the marquee 100% stopped as the page loads so then I can use the buttons I placed to control the marquee.
My question is:
Is there ANY way to completely stop the marquee from scrolling as soon as the page loads??
how to scroll the marquee by click; meaning by every click of the mouse the marquee moves either left or right, would be even better. p.s: Noted that this code does NOT work in FF for some reason. The stop does not work and the buttons don't respond. why in FF they don't work but in GC and IE they do?
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Aug 22, 2002
I have a dynamic (PHP) external JavaScript file. I need to load that file every X seconds and execute its contents, given the the page is already 'Done' (fully downloaded).
How can this be done?
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Aug 11, 2010
i want to run a query when the web page is closed.i think i can do this using javascript. when the browser window is closed then a javascript function will execute and the query will execute.
i'm developing jsp application. if the user closes the web window then a query should be executed which will affect the feilds in MySql database.
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Jul 23, 2005
Opening IE displays the following code fine.
When I open a new window the code no longer works. All the HTML is
overwritten with the first document.write statement.
This code pulls XML from a web site then parses it into a dynamically
created table built with javascript. The write table is not working
correctly, other methods work fine. This code also locks up Fire Fox to
where it doesn't stop loading the page. Code:
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Mar 13, 2011
so im working on a piece of jquery/JS which executes (drops down a new div) when you click a link. I have the links setup as
<a href="#" id="d0">Execute 1</a>
<a href="#" id="d1">Execute 2</a>
<a href="#" id="d2">Execute 3</a>
And the jscript detects when d0, d1 or d2 is clicked and executes my script. It all works perfectly, however when you click on a link it will jump to the top of the page as a side effect of the a href="#" I assume?
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Aug 11, 2010
i want run a script where if a user closes browser window then it should execute some set of codes.
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Mar 1, 2011
I have a problem hiding elements after ajax respons.
I have a JQuery script:
$(function() {
$("ul.tabs li:first").addClass("active").show();
onClick event binded on <li> tag with live() works fine. But I need to hide some tags immediately after ajax call. The jquery script is included together with some HTML code in returned HTTPrespons content data. Is it possible to do this without setting css display:none property?
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Sep 1, 2010
Is there something in javascript to make sure that the page is completely loaded and the I execute a function in javascript. Because I have a web page that i have an image slider, so if I open this page in same page before (window.location="source") so the page is loading very fast, but if I use window.open, the page will open in a new window but very slow and the slide show begin but I see that the page is still loading the images, so as result no images is shown. I need to execute the function for the images slider after the page had completely loaded.
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