Display A Table In A New Window In Script?
Nov 13, 2010
I need to display a table in a new window. when I click on a button, I got the values displayed in the same window but in a fresh page. I want the values in a new window instead of same window but in a fresh page. The below function gives the table for an array called num which is in the same htm file where are all the other functions are. As I need to use this num Array, I cannot write the code in a new file and call the url in the window.open method. Is there a way where I could write the code for the new window in the same htm file and just make the values display in a new window when I click the button. I tried window.open but that it not working. Could some one help me with this. code...
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May 30, 2007
I need to open a new window from an existing HTML page to a site in
which we do not want to show the address for. I have set the titlebar
to no but it will still place the title on the titlebar Here's my
function code:
function myOpen()
I am calling it by the following line:
<img src="art.gif" onclick="myOpen()">
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Dec 21, 2010
I am rather new to HTML and Javascripting and am currently developing an Intranet Webpage. On one of the pages, I am required to update the contents of the webpage using a .csv file which will be uploaded to the server on a daily basisI have learnt that it is possible to update the contents using "Tabular Data Control" to display the contents and update it regularly. I am also reuqired to change an images according to content in the table. However, I am only able to retrieve the first row the the table and therefore would like some assistance to help retrieve the subsequent rows. ere are my codes:
Codes for the .csv/.txt files
Item #1,Completed
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Feb 1, 2010
I have a table that is written from 'display' window to 'register' window. It is a CART TABLE. It is suposed to cut down on posts to the server and is written entirley with client side javascript. There should really be ony one post to the server when the clients' order is complete and the adjustable table is posted.The cart table in 'register' window has two viewable rows and has a scrollable window in the Y plane. One fixed Header and The getElementsbyClassName works with 'sumsubtotal()' but not with 'qtymultiply()' and this might be a result of refrencing the same class 'itemrow' twice even though I've declared them localy within seperate functions, my guess is that the getElementsByClassName is global and can only refrence the class 'itemrow' once?
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Jul 31, 2011
I'm trying to click on a link and via Ajax, get a table row to display updated data. I have it all working except it displays at the top of the table instead of inside the table at the desired row. For now, I'm just trying to add a simple table row using:
Here is my table code:
<span id="id_row3"></span>
So when I click on my link to execute the ajax code, I expect to see a table row inserted with the text "four" but "four" displays at the top of the web page, above the table itself. How can I get the new row to insert at the id_row3 tag?
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Nov 7, 2011
I have a listbox which has some items in it and a button. I select some items and click the button. They are displayed in a table. I want these items to be displayed in the table to be unique...i.e. if I reselect those same items they should not be displayed in the table and may be give some error message.
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Jul 23, 2005
I inatalled oracle. I need to display some of the
data from table. that table is from oracle.I want to know how to get
that data in to interface.
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Dec 20, 2011
I want to display my data in table format after extracting it from database. Is it possible to make a table dynamically according to number of rows in the database.
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Oct 16, 2011
I have generated a table of given dimensions (say 5x5) using JavaScript. Using Mouse events, I want to add a functionality which would display the position of the cell in that table whenever mouse pointer hovers over a particular cell.Here's what I have done.
<h1 align="center"><u>ITA Tutorial</u></h1>[code]...
I tried adding onMouseover event in the <TD> tag but somehow the whole table disappears when I do that.
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Jan 3, 2006
I have folloowing code. The problem is that there are possibly 300 rows. If I set 200 of the rows' style.display = 'none', will the user see weird thing like: they may see all 300 rows first then it suddenly reduced to 100 rows? I need to load all the rows first for some other reasons which probably doesn't appy here. I want the user to just see 100 rows right from the start.
var output = "<table id='myTable1'><tbody id='myTbody'>";
for (var j = 0; j < tableData.length; j++) {
output += "<tr class='tr" + (j%2) + "'>";
output += "<td class='col0'>" + tableData[j].alpha + "</td>";
output += "<td class='col1'>" + tableData[j].beta + "</td>";
output += "<td class='col2'>" + tableData[j].gamma + "</td>";
output += "<td class='col3'>" + tableData[j].delta + "</td>";
output += "<td class='col4'>" + tableData[j].epsilon + "</td></tr>";
output += "</tbody></table>";
document.getElementById("tableWrap").innerHTML = output;
// then in here I set 200 rows to style.displayer = 'none'
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Jul 5, 2007
I have a javascript/html/css issue that I'm trying to solve for about 3 days now, with no luck. I'm using javascript to toggle the visibility of a certain table. I set the table's display property to none (via js) in order to hide it and to block in order to show it. However, applying block in the display property of a table seems to be having trouble with firefox.
See below what display:block does to a table in firefox: This simple html code:
<table style="display:block" border="1" width="100%">
<tr><td width="100%">test</td></tr></table>
produces this result in firefox:
Notice how the td has the size of the content and does not stretch to the size of the table (although it has a width="100%")? In IE it works fine btw.
If I change my js code to apply "table" to the display property of the table in order to show it, it doesn't show up at all in IE!
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Jul 13, 2010
I'm going to have a webpage which will contain a number of tables. Some of these tables will have a number of rows where they have been set to not show by setting "display:none". Each of these tables will have a button beside it which when clicked will result in the 'hidden' rows appearing (or disappearing).I'm very much a beginner when it comes to javascript but can easily handle the above if it was just a single table row whose appearance was being toggled but it's likely to be any number of rows. I was wondering whether I should assign all the hidden rows with a particular class and in addition assign each actual table with hidden rows a unique id. Would that then allow me to pass both table id and row class to a javascript function which would then toggle the display of the rows. At this point I'm out of my depth
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Nov 17, 2010
This code is able to display a table and show me state, County, Genus and GenusCount and also it shows when I select option as All for Counties in my drop down. it can based on which it can change my table and give me State, all the Counties, its Genus, GenusCount but when I select a particular County and then select for genus in my drop down menu. It is not working correctly. This is my code.http://paste.flingbits.com/m58f9160Example: If I select `Tennessee->Anderson->All` it should display in tables
|State |County |Genus |
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Oct 15, 2009
Unfortunately I'm still coding working on the registration page, once this is down the rest should hopefully be a breeze.
Anyway, I've looked around in different places for this and it all points back to the following code pretty much:
for(var i = 0; i < document.primaryClass.length; i++)
What I want it to do is that after a radio button is checked, it displays a corresponding table row.
Edit: primaryClass is the name of the radio buttons.
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Aug 9, 2002
Using javascript how do I remove all the data within a particular table row and store it in an array. Then if the user wants it back I append the information to the same table again from the array.
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May 10, 2011
I'm using php to write nested div's to a page. The div's display depending on a condition
then display using block, inline-block, table, inline-table, and still the inner element div or table will not display.
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Jul 7, 2009
I am having a problem with a select that is showing thru an opaque div. See attached image(sorry, but this is an internal client app and I cannot show more). The blue horizontal line on top is the edge of DIV that I am displaying containing the text you see. The DIV has a FILTER with opacity of 100. The little select box with a number is part of the HTML page that is below the DIV. This is the little select that the DISPLAY:TABLE element uses to implement page breaks.The second attached file has a screen shot from IE developer of the DIV that forms the modal dialog which should be on top of the select.
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Mar 8, 2010
<script type="text/javascript" src="../gears_init.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="sample.js"></script>
var db;
how to create a table in javascript to display entered textbox values
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Mar 2, 2011
I try to write a script that can read a csv file and then display it on the browser in table form by using HTML and save the file as .jsp. But , I couldnt read the data from the file. Anyone can help ??
Below here is my codes ..
// Create some variables
var datafile = "student.csv";
var fso, fin, fout;
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Aug 2, 2010
I have a button in my html form that will process some functions when user clicks on the button. The problem is after processing the functions, the result is not displayed in the form where I want it to be displayed. I want to ask whether we can create table in the function and display the result in the table row/column but in the same form. Is this possible to be done? And how to do this?
In this form cpiM, the input button will call function showIndex.
<td><input type="button" value="Enter" onclick="showIndex(document.cpiM.currFrom.options.selectedIndex, document.cpiM.currTo.options.selectedIndex, document.cpiM.base.options.selectedIndex, document.cpiM.country.options.selectedIndex)">
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Oct 16, 2010
I have triple drop down menu. I want to display the contents of the table based on the third menu selection. The code is in the link [URL]
I know I need to include a onchange function to <select name="genus"> but as you can see I have a <div> already for it. I am confused how to create the function to display the table and also the how to include another div tag.
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Jun 12, 2011
What I want to do basically is to replicate functionaly from jquery forum. While browising forum list you may notice that small menu popup on right side. I want to do something similiar on my forums, and siplay some small menu for each thread and post. Now what I need is way to do it in table cell.
$(document).ready(function () {
$(function () {
$('.thread-name').mouseenter(function () {
I come up with this. But is cealry not working, as it display all menus for every cell, which is not what I want.
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Mar 18, 2010
I am using the jQuery dialog window. Inside the modal window it is displayed a table. When I display the table in a standard HTML page everything works well but, when I display the table inside the dialog, special characters does not appear correctly (I mean the characters ‡·¡¨ " and so on).
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Nov 15, 2006
Is there a way to display the file selection window for a file input field via JavaScript? My goal is to emulate the behavior seen in Yahoo! Mail BETA. When adding an attachment, it displays a file selection window when you click a custom button/icon. I saw an example of using CSS to actually position the browse button behind an image. I am hoping that isn't the only option.
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Jun 5, 2011
I'm a newbie when it comes to PHP & JQuery. I have a small issue and was wondering if someone could help me out.
I have a PHP page which takes in the 'source' and 'destination' from the user and results the distance in a new window.
I just want the distance displayed within the same window. I have absolutely NO clue how to use Jquery or what the syntax is.[code]...
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