I have a php page which displays records on the page. I have pagination in these pages which limits the output to a set amount of records per page. As i am designing a display only screen i want it to constantly loop through the links on the page after a set time. My code is:
<script type="text/javascript">
function delay(){
so now it opens screen.php then after 5 secs it goes to screen.php?page=1 (same page) then just keeps refreshing after 5 secs the same page. E.g if i had 10 links on the page i want it to go screen.php?page=2 then page=3 and so on until page=10 then it goes back to the first link i.e page=1 and continuously do this.
I am trying to run three continuous slideshows on the same page. The script I am currently using is written below. Can it be modified so I can run all three slides at once on the same page?
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var image1=new Image() image1.src="firstcar.gif" var image2=new Image() image2.src="secondcar" var image3=new Image() image3.src="thirdcar.gif" //--> </script> </head> <body> <img src="firstcar.gif" name="slide" width="100" height="56" /> <script> <!-- //variable that will increment through the images var step=1 function slideit(){ //if browser does not support the image object, exit. if (!document.images) return document.images.slide.src=eval("image"+step+".src") if (step<3) step++ else step=1 //call function "slideit()" every 2.5 seconds setTimeout("slideit()",2500) } slideit() //--> </script> </body> </html>
I am using li-scroller. As it is, it scrolls through the content, then doesn'tstart againat the beginning until the content has scrolled out of view. I would like it to close that gap, and never have a break in the scrolling content. Just loop through it continuously
I'm trying to put a Continuous Horizontal Image Scroller into a web site I'm doing. my computer crashed and I lost the script. I just want a group of photo's to continuously scroll (in a loop) along the top of the home page - no links or anything.I've also forgotten completely how I got it all up and working once I had the script.
As it is known from the title, I'm building a web page running continuous slideshow of images, like watching a video. I wrote the header part below:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var slideimages = new Array() function slideshowimages() {
Here, the biggest problem is, when the page is loaded there are still coming images saved from a capture device. So, my images from the captures device can not be loaded to my web page. I need to pass these images directly to the web page as real-time video taken directly to the web page.
I've been trying to create a continuous select, which means that by selecting an option from a select, another select will be filled with options that are relevant to the previous selection. And since I don't want the page to be refreshed, I'd like to use onchange. I've tried a lot of different stuff to do, but yet nothing works.
I have been building my own website using iWeb, however, iWeb does not supportcontinuous music that will keep playing as you browse through the website. Initially, I managed to solve this problem by adding a html snippet in iWeb. Before each page reloaded, there was a white flash, but for the most part, I was happy with the results and no matter which page I turned to on my website, the music played continuously without interruption. Then I decided to change my navigation bar on my website. iWeb's navigation bars are very basic and I wanted to change the static navigation bar to one that fades-in and fades-out when the cursor passes over each button. I managed to do this. This too required a html snippet on each one of my pages and extensive changes in my ftp sever files. The results are beautiful. Now I am having problems again.Now that I have my fading navigation bar up and running, I can not get continuous music to play using the same html snippet as I did before. Apparently, the flash-based navigation bar is inteferring with the continuous music html snippet. I don't know if there is an easy work around. My question to everyone here, is there a way I can bypass the iWeb route and add continuous music in my Cyberduck ftp server? [URL]
I found the following code on a web site. It displays text as if it were being typed but it only does it once. I have been trying to use various functions to make the effect continuous, i.e. make the header appear as typing text, clear the text, again make the header appear as typing text, clear the text, and so on. I wish this to continue for as long as the web page is open. But I just can't get it to work.
[code] <h2 id="fly">Header</h2> <script type="text/javascript"> //Use "$" for linebreak[code]....
I have a function to fetch remote content from other different domain into to the site. I need to stop the continuous execution of the script (say the script has gone to infinite loop). My below script stop the continuous request after 8 seconds on the same domain but it does not work for the cross-domain.
I've used JSON as AJAX are not supported on cross-domain architecture.code...
I am trying to make a basic fade animation for my website [URL] using JavaScript. This is my first website, and I know how to animate via After Effects, and how to export SWF files for the website. I want to use code that is a bit lighter and can load on more browsers; like iPad etc... The effect I want to use is on my site [URL] Here is my source code: Basically I just want to fade between two jpgs on a continuous loop.
So here's what I'm trying to do. Creat a continuous text fade-in / fade-out. Basically I'm going to have a banner at the top of a page that loops through text from a db. So, I get my data and create the divs and a csv that I pass to js as an array, all good, that works. This is what it would look like:
<div id="div_one"> Text 1...... </div> <div id="div_two"> Text 2...... </div> <div id="div_three"> Text 3...... </div> And then the js array is Array('div_1,'div_2','div_3') etc. Now, this is where I'm getting mixed up, I want to loop that array of div id's and fade them in / out one by one.
Here's what I've tried: loop_running = false; function start_loop(){ loop_running = true; }function end_loop(){ loop_running = false; }function loop(arr){ if(arr.length > 0){ for(i=0;i<arr.length;i++){ if(loop_running == false){ // set loop_running var to true start_loop(); // fade in div fadeIn(arr[i], 1000); // pause for 3 seconds then fade out var t = setTimeout("fadeOut('"+arr[i]+"'), 1000", 3000); // now set another timer to end the loop after 5 seconds var e = setTimeout("end_loop()", 5000); } // now check to see if we're at the end of our array, if we are we need to call this function again to repeate if(i == arr.length){ // repeat loop(arr); }}}}
But that just gets the first div and then stops after fading out.... I've tried other variations too but with no avail..... I need to be able to tell the for loop to take 5 seconds for every one, so as it's looping it'll get the first div (first one in the aray), fade it up over one second, pause for 3 seconds then fade out, then get the next index in the array and do it again until it gets to the end of the array then it'll repeat.
I have two questions: 1) When you check my page you can see the slideshow not being aligned in the center at all but being left-aligned. Is there a way to nicely center the photos in the frame instead of them being left-aligned? Is this css related (I have set the containing div of my slideshow to float:left)? 2) I have the script from here. How can I create another slideshow with different pictures? Is this the instance they are talking about - but how can I enter different URL's?
I've used the jQuery Timers plugin [URL] to animate through my client's "five steps" on this page: [URL] but is there a way to get it to continuously loop through the animation? The documentation page [URL] doesn't seem to cover anything like that.
I looked everywhere for a image slider with continuous warp horizontal scrolling. I seen many sites in the past that kept scrolling client logos etc... like that. The ones I found mostly continue scrolling once all set of images disappear e.g.if there are three image,they scroll and disappear and then they start from the beginning.What I'm looking for is image 1, image 2, image 3, image 1... I hope I'm explaining myself well.Initially I was looking for joomla component/plugin, but i decided if I went for jQuery it'll broaden my choices.
I'm using jMyCarousel [URL] for a 100% width horizontal infinite thumbnail scroller, but can't figure out how to add one last piece of functionality. Here is the feature in its current stage of development: [URL]. I've got the hover-to-pause part working (clunkily in terms of backend but it works), but now I need the house image to start centered on the page and pause there for two seconds, and then automatically slide with easing effects to center the next image for two seconds, and so on, rather than have one long continuous scroll. I'm very new to JQuery and if this project wasn't deadlining in a few days, I'd totally study a JQuery slider to see how they do the thing I need and try to adapt it for this carousel, but I'm afraid it's out of my league right now.
make a scroller that could scroll continuously/constant both forward and backward (from left to right and right to left).
The instance shouldn't scroll unless holding down a link (arrows left&right) outside the scroller. (using onmousedown and stop onmouseup) and it would be great if it's not possible to scroll past the last and first item. (i don't want any empty space) But I guess I could do that with offset and exclude (:
I don't have any code for you, but if you want me to try some more first, I'll do that and send you if I got anything good out of it!
(I also tried the HoverScroll plugin, but since the arrows is implemented in the jquery/js-code I wasn't abled to tweak it as I wanted. That plugin is possibly the nearest already made scroller I've so far seen. However I want the buttons to be outside the scrollerarea, and I also want to be able to change the styling on the whole thing. and I want it to use onmousedown and onmouseup instead of onmouseover.)
I've tried with scrollable and ScrollTo/SerialScroll, but I'm not a code wizard so how to do this.. ;O These plugins seems really great, and I have used them in other projects, so I'm a bit familiar with how they work.
My client wants a ticker, only with client logos. I've found several scripts which are cool, though no one is precisely what I'm after. Company logos vary in their proportions. I'd like ideally a script able to continuously horizontally animate images of the same height, but with variable widths. Found plenty of scripts moving same width images left/right, or using a carrier (table/div/layer) to contain a set of variable width images - the latter leads to blank moments my client doesn't like while the carrier is repositioned.
I'm very intrigued as to why this doesn't seem to have been done and wonder if there's a reason. Is the computation needed in passing widths in a variable to a move function too much for the client-side? I don't want to waste my time wading into repurposing a script for this if it's not viable as I can't pass that cost on to the client, you see. I'd rather bail and do it using Flash.
I am new to jquery, and love it so far, but I am more of a designer, not a developer. I am learning jquery to enhance my sites, and I am having a problem figuring out buttons.
I have them working in firefox and safari, but in IE links do not work.
Basically, when you click a link a function is called with a parameter based on the particular link you run. Then the code runs through an xml file, and if the parent of the nodes I've cyling through has a value equal to the parameter past to the function, that node is used to create a new link with window.open function attached to it.It all works, or seems to, and when I alert what is being built, it looks right to me, yet the links don't work.I've attached a copy of one of the alerts of one of the links as it's built.
Hopefully I 'm missing something silly, but I can't find an easy way to loop all list items in a simple <ol>. I was hoping a for loop as shown below would be enough, however clicking "alert all" in the following example gives me all but the first <li> element. The alertfirst() function finds the first <li> with no problem. There are multiple lists on the page, so getElementsByTagName('li') is probably not the most elegant solution. Btw. my Mozilla crashed when I tried this code, but this is for IE only.
<script type="text/javascript"> function alertfirst() { var ol=document.getElementsByTagName('ol')[0]; alert( ol.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue ); } function alertall() { var ol=document.getElementsByTagName('ol')[0]; for( var i=ol.firstChild; i=i.nextSibling; i!==null) { alert( i.firstChild.nodeValue ); } } </script> <ol> <li>first</li> <li>second</li> <li>third</li> </ol> <a href="" onclick="alertfirst();return false">alert first</a> <a href="" onclick="alertall();return false">alert all</a>