Cloning Table Row - Add A Field If The User Wants To Add Another Field
Jul 12, 2010
I got this code off of this site but when I tried to integrate it in my code it didnt work
Then I am trying to clone this:
I am trying to add a field if the user wants to add another field.
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Oct 26, 2009
I'm writing a dynamic form that allows users to add fields. Thesefields are contained in a table.I have this function to clone the rows (my table has an ID of
function addEventType()
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Sep 1, 2011
I'm now working on kind of invoice form which in it the user can add as much input field as he wants.
The problem is that after adding a new input field - the content in the other fields is deleted.
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Jun 16, 2010
i would like to add a onfocus alert pop up when a user tabs into a certain field
so say if i had
<td align=center><input maxlength=1 size=1 id="end" class="notnumber" name="18n_">
when the user tabs in to the textfield an alert pops up displaying a informaiton messaage
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Mar 20, 2011
I'm trying to change what the user types in a text field if they hit a certain key combination. For example, "cx".
This code checks for the letter "x" to be pressed, then checks to see if the second to last letter is the letter "c". If it is, then it deletes the letter "x" and replaces the "c" with the letter "ĉ".
// This code checks for a certain keypress combo. For example cx, Cx, gx, Gx, etc...
// The hard to type esperanto characters we aim to insert.
var esperanto_c = "ĉ";
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May 21, 2010
I'm new to jquery so I'm having a bit of an issue cloning a table row and having all of the id's change correctly. I'm able to clone a row with no problem and change the id of the tr after clicking a button by doing this:
var newId = document.getElementById("id").value; // This works because I am using a hidden input for my id $(id).clone().attr("id", "row" + newId).insertAfter("#div_id");// This changes the id of row The problem I am having is when I want to change the other id's inside of the tr. After insertAfter() I'll do the following: .find("span").text("Item" + newId).find("#Item_A" + oldId).attr("id", "Item_A" + newId);
The first .find will change the text with no problem, its when I get to Item_A that it will keep the old id instead of incrementing to the new id. Yes, I am declaring oldId as a variable and assigning it as newId - 1. Any ideas on how to make sure all id's are incremented properly?
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Sep 6, 2009
I've the following html:
And javascript:
javascript Code:
So what I need to do is to simply clone the row, substitute new values from an array and insert it after the last existing row (if array's size more then 1). But this doesn't work! Where is an error?
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Mar 16, 2011
I have a form with a tick at the end of each formfield [code]...
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Jul 4, 2010
I have table where is one row(lets called it row template().I try to add new row ito the table by cloning template row.Here is my test table:
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Sep 15, 2010
I have a form that has multiple text fields but what I'm needing to do is when a dollar amount is added to text field 1 I need to set the opposite amt in text field 2 and then NOT allow the user to make any changes to text field 2 but making it unavailable for change.
Also here is my function:
$(function() {
$("#ARTransferForm\:fromAccountAmt").blur(function() {
var fromAccountAmount = $("#ARTransferForm\:fromAccountAmt").val();
alert("fromAccountAmount " + fromAccountAmount);
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Oct 21, 2010
In a registration form middleName field is optional. When the users enters his/her middleName, then it should validate that field. I have used the following code to achieve the above scenario, but it is not working.
$("#middleName").rules("add", {checkName: true, required: false, messages: {checkName: "Please enter a valid middle name"} });
function(value, element) {
var regExp = new RegExp(/^[a-zA-Z0-9s|,|.|-|']+$/);
return regExp.test(value);
"Please enter a valid name."
How to achieve the above scenario.
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Jun 17, 2010
I have a small piece of code (taken largely from W3 Schools)that checks that there is a decimal point entered in a form field, but what I really need is to check that the number entered ends in 2 decimal places.
10 is Invalid
10.00 is Valid
My current code is below. Can someone explain what I need to do to ensure that the user enters a number including two trailing decimal places please?
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Oct 14, 2010
I'm having trouble detecting if there is value in a field when the page loads and manipulating the fields label class accordingly. Below is my code. I'm using it to display the field label inline with the field, and when the user starts typing, the label is hidden. The problem I'm having is, since this is for a login screen, if the user has typed in an incorrect password, the username still remains entered when the page reloads and I see my label stacked underneath.
How can I detect if that field has a value and apply a class to the label to hide it? I don't have to have to specify each field by their ID, because I'd like to use this all over (member profile management area).
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Oct 27, 2010
I'm using Google Maps to calculate distance between cities. I need to use that distance value for some basic calculations. Distance has to be in "Angloamerican" format (1,234.00) but in metric system. So, Google Maps answer for Madrid - Berlin query will be one of these two:
a) <span jscontent="distance['text']" jsdisplay="distance" jstcache="7">2.320,1 km</span>
b) <span jscontent="distance.text" jstcache="23">2.320,1 km</span>
notice the differences in span "classes" (jstcache is 7 or 23) and lack of any "id" or "name" attributes.
What I want to accomplish is:
1) Convert these Google Maps distance values to "Angloamerican" format (2,320 km) or (even better) format without thousands separator which would only use dots as decimal separator (2320.1 km)
2) Use that filtered value to populate a text field called distance
Populate hidden form element value with the value of a text field on form submit (jQuery)
It helped me a bit with the auto-populate part, but I can't make it work in combination with this Google Maps code. Here is my current code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function submitMyForm(){
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Feb 3, 2009
The following form validation script works, currently if one of the five fields are completed, a message appears the remaining field(s) must be completed etc. Although the information the user has inputted in the first field is cleared. How can this information be available, if there is one problem in the form it doesn't make sense that the user must re-input all the information again. I look forward to hearing your response,
function validate_form ( )
valid = true;
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Oct 3, 2009
I'm a little curious with regards to alerting a user to invalid data in a form field through inline alerts, rather than alert boxes and without a page load.In otherwords, if someone types in invalid data into a form field, before they hit the submit button, I'd like to use javascript the insert some red text on the side saying "this is invalid".I'm concerned that people with visual disabilities wont notice it due to their screen readers.I.e. if the screen doesn't re-load, will the screen read read the nexly inserted text or will it not do anything until a new page loads?
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May 13, 2010
I am trying to make some dynamic effect to a HTML page using JQuery.<br/> 1.<br/> When the user clicks a Radio field, the field will be highlighted.<br/> 2.<br/> When the user clicks the Radio 'Man', <br/>a Input text box will be provided immeditely just below it.
Here is my simple HTML page, but I don't know how to do with the JQuery part:
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Feb 9, 2011
that a javascript which is validating a phone number accepts only digits but if the text field is left empty it should accept the entry as an empty entry...
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Aug 7, 2009
I want to create a javascript function where I have a dropdown list and onChage I want to update a txt field with the current date in the dd/mm/yyyy format.
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Jan 25, 2010
I am currently using this function to clone rows in my table when a user clicks 'add row'
The problem is, obviously, cloning the row also clones any of the data that the user may have already entered. I need to just clone the elements of the row, not the user entered data. Is there a way to remove all data from a row before it is cloned?
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Sep 2, 2009
I have a php page that has a button on it when clicked shows a div (previously hidden) in the middle of the page this div contains a table with rows.Each row has an image acting as a button and a series of fields that are populated from a database.One of the fields is a quantity box I want to be able to change the value in this box and click on the submit img and have it submit this info (including the altered quantity) back to the php page or to the submit function so that I can then access the values.
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Jun 16, 2010
I currently have a table where the current cell (cursor hover) is highlighted along with the top cell in that column and first cell in row.I want to assign the values in these cells to input text fields. The first column cell is identified by Col1Cell[0] where Cell is the top table data cell of the current column.I can access the value of the cell by Col1Cell[0].innerHTML But when I try to assign this value to a text field nothing happens.I have document.getElementById("tableID").fieldID.value = Col1Cell[0].innerHTML
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Jul 23, 2005
Is there any way to make a SELECT field in HTML as a read only field?
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Nov 19, 2010
I have a credit card field that is only mandatory if they select a credit card as a payment type.
If they select Gift Certificate, then I set the card to not be mandatory:
validationRules.rules.CardNumber.required = false;
however the validation still fails on the creditcard field. If I enter this in to Firefox's console:
it returns false.
To make matters more confusing, this validation only fails on my form when I am passing a particular parameter in the URL string. I've scoured my code and cannot figure out why that parameter would have any impact whatsoever on this matter.
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Nov 18, 2009
I have a text field, call it income, that when the input is > 0 I need to dynamically show the next text box, and if it is blank hide the next text box. I would like to use onBlur but can't seem to get it to work.
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Aug 17, 2010
my javascript code is only validating one field at a time (as in it validates on field then submits the form, instead of going through the entire thing and then returning it as true and submitting it...) I'm not sure what to do to be honest, I've looked up google to no real avail.. my variables are declared in a seperate file to the actual even handlers and I have heaps of comments through out it, so please don't judge lol i'm still learning Quote:
//Event Registrations (Variable Declarations) found in validation_chkr.js
//Validate Entire Form using validate_join()
function validate_join()
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