Capture HTML Contents From Another Website?

May 27, 2010

How can I use Javascript to access an external website (a href...) and capture the contents of a particular HTML tag. I thought ".innnerHTML" might do it but I've tried several configurations and can't seem to figure out how. I'm not even sure that it's possible.

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Possible To Capture Contents Of Iframe As Image Or Convert It Into A PDF File?

Aug 23, 2011

Not sure how stupid this requirement is, but I have a scenario, where I am rendering reports via iframe by providing a URLI am rendering reports through iframe by providing the application URL. Now the requirement is to generate a PDF file out of the iframe. I have to create a pdf file from the iframe src. I have no control over the application that is generating report in jsp.Is it possible to capture contents of iframe as image or convert it into a PDF file?

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JQuery :: Get A Web Contents From Other Website?

Feb 12, 2010

I have simple web contents in a page on one server, [URL] and want to plant that in a page on a second server, [URL]

This code doesn't work:


although it does work if I put test.shtml on the second server,, and refer to it relative to root.

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How To Hide Website Contents Using Java

Mar 29, 2010

This is my bit of code and I will try to explain what I want to achieve.

<table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="30"><font size="-2">Day</font></td>
<td width="50"><font size="-2">Period</font></td>
<td width="50"><font size="-2">Time</font></td>
<td width="50"><font size="-2">Total</font></td>
<td width="35"><font size="-2">Code</font></td>
<td><font size="-2">Note</font></td> .....

Basically this gives me a table with all the start and finish times for each day from Monday to Sunday. What I'm looking at is the ability to hide particular day using java if possible. I know you can use div's to do this and I've searched the forum for solution but it looks like my case is unusual. I want to use show/hide buttons to display certain day and hide rest of them. Is it possible to put the new code around the existing one?

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JQuery :: Vertical Scroller For Contents On Website

Jul 12, 2010

I am trying to introduce a vertical scroller to my site, I got the code from a tutorial and slightly tweaked the html to meet my needs but now the content doesn't scroll. None of this code has been altered!
<script type="text/javascript">
vertical: true,

This is the HTML and PHP part:
<div id="newsticker-demo">
<div class="newsticker-jcarousellite">
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM employers WHERE featured = 'Yes' AND image != '' ORDER BY rand()");
//$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM employers WHERE f_emp_active = 'Yes' and image !='' ORDER BY rand()");
echo '<div>';
while ($aqm=mysql_fetch_array($query)){
<div class="thumbnail">
<div align="center"><a href="company.php?companyname=<?php echo $string ?>">
<img src="<?=$fullurl?>/thumbnail.php?gd=2&src=employers/logo/big/<?=$aqm[image]?>&maxw=<?=$a18[width]?>" alt="<?=$aqm[companyname]?>" title="<?=$aqm[companyname]?>" class="noborder" /></a>
<div class="clear"></div>
echo '</div><div>';
} $i++;
} echo '</div>'; ?>

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Capture HTML Code To JPEG?

Dec 1, 2010

Is it possible to covert the html code(Online url) to JPEG using Javascript(File Reader Object)?

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.html() Garbles Div Information - If I Alert() The Div Contents With Html() It Seems To Get A Bit Garbled In The Process?

Dec 28, 2010

It appears that .html() is somehow messing up reading the contents of a div.Here is my php code which loads into the div.

$own_pre_selection .= "<input name='" . mysql_result($result,$i,"did") . "' value='" . mysql_result($result,$i,"did") . "' type='hidden'><span class='addremove' onclick="recordchecks('" . mysql_result($result,$i,"dname") . "','" . mysql_result($result,$i,"did") . "')";><u>Remove</u></span>  " . mysql_result($result,$i,"dname") . "<br>";

Here is what I see as source code after the page renders.

<input name='677' value='677' type='hidden'><span class='addremove' onclick="recordchecks('Heart Neoplasms','677')";><u>Remove</u></span>  Heart Neoplasms<br><input name='1298' value='1298' type='hidden'><span class='addremove' onclick="recordchecks('Heart Septal Defects; Atrial','1298')";><u>Remove</u></span>  Heart Septal Defects; Atrial<br></div>

When I test alert() the .html() contents it appears like this. It seems to screw up the quote escape and changes " to " ;="" after the recordchecks().[code]...

So even though the source code looks perfect, if I alert() the div contents with html() it seems to get a bit garbled in the process.

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JQuery :: Capture A Live Html Page?

Jan 15, 2010

I am new to jQuery. My background is C++ and C#. Once I have the html using selectors and filters is not hard to understand. My problem is understanding how to capture a live html page in jQuery and assign the page to an object which I can then use to extract information using basic selector and filter functions.

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Capture Parameter From Iframe To Main.html

Aug 28, 2010

I have the following HTML code in main.html:

<tr align="right">
<td width="50%">

I'd like capture with capture_profile() function in createproject.html a value into main.html page.

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Jquery :: ()load Function Not Working - Change Contents Of A Div Named "sub2" With Contents Of "pets.html"

May 2, 2011

Im currently working on a project with jquery... the thing is.. i need to change the contents of a div named "sub2" with the contents of "pets.html"... i've read some tutorials and i thought the best way to do this is through the use of jquery...

Here's my code:

My image which is supposed to be clicked contains this:

The code is working ., but when i transfer my codes to netbeans with Tomcat running the code didnt work ...

Is there anyone here who knows what's wrong or what should i do with my code?

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JQuery :: Way To Capture/highlight Multiple Html Elements?

Oct 18, 2009

I'm writing a bookmarklet which allows you to select various elementsfrom a page and save them to your own personal blog (a bit likeffffound or the Wordpress PressIt feature)The user will select 3 parts from the page they want to save:1) Title (easy, just detect a click on an html element and make sureit's a span/p/h1/h2/h3 etc)2) Image (i've figured this out too)3) Body textI'm stuck with grabbing the body text - I think it should be selectedmanually, as it could consist of multiple p's and div's, or even tablerows, depending on how badly the source page has been coded.When the use has selected the text, it should be highlighted somehowen/browse_thread/thread/6dbbfd9cafd98cf6,I know that getSelection won't work, but I'm not sure what to doexactly.

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JQuery :: Capture Certain Text On The Html Page And Use It As A Variable By Right Click On It?

Mar 15, 2011

i am new to jQuery. is there any ways to capture certain text on the html page and use it as a variable by right click on it?

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Capture Input From A Form In The Run Time And Send Those Values As URL Parameters Using HTML POST

Mar 5, 2009

I need to capture input from a form in the run time and send those values as URL parameters using HTML POST.

I am using:

Here searchText and searchFilter are the input values. When I run the app, I don't see the values but I see "frm.searchText.value" and "frm.searchFilter.value" getting passed as parameters.

What is the right way to apply javascript here?

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Protecting Website Contents - "Anti Copy" Controls

Feb 4, 2011

How to make a website show the contents readable to the visitor, while the text is entirely protected, no downloads, no copy/pasted, no saving, ..?

All possible controls to take to protect the content.

It could be somewhat similar to Google Books and Scribd:

A combination of Javascript, PDF, images, Flash, ...

Is there any tool for this? Or just; how to make it ourself?

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XML: Get Xml To Display Contents In Html Page?

Jan 11, 2010

I can't seem to extract XML from an somepage.xml document and display it on a regular webpage. I have no way of reading its contents.

I read up on some microsoft way of doing it, but not sure that is gonna fly (need it for most browsers), so can this be done easily with json/ajax?

I have an xml file in normal format:



So, how do I get that data to manipulate and display in my html? I don't even know where to begin with json/ajx etc.. and how to call the xml file etc..

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JQuery :: Adding Html Contents Using .prepend() In IE 8

Jun 12, 2011

I use .prepend to add html contents in an existing html tag. When i view the source in IE i can't see the added content. I tried it with Chrome and it's working and see the contents immediately.

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JQuery :: Display The Contents Of The HTML File

Oct 17, 2009

I have used jquery to maek an ajax call to the servlet. the servlet is returning an HTML file, how can display the contents of the HTML file.

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JQuery :: Dynamically Add Divs To HTML Page And Get Its Contents?

May 12, 2010

There is a project called Seed which allows JavaScript programs to run on the Linux desktop. There is connected project called SeedKit which runs HTML files as a Graphical User Interface front end for JavaScript files run by Seed. It acts like a webpage which rather than linked to a web-server is linked to a JavaScript program with HTML events like buton clicks etc that drives JavaScript much in the same way as normal desktop Graphical toolkits do. I hope this page from my blog starts a bit.


Both projects are quite new so is very experimental. I am not involved in the development of any of the projects but I am trying to create a few examples to show how it works. My first example is to take the contents of the log folder /var/log, display it in the SeedKit HTML file and when a user clicks on it, it displays the contents of the log file.The way I am going about this is firstly to create a two column table in the HTML thus:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

The table on the HTML file is populated with the file names but I can't get the contents of the specific div I have clicked on. I tried $(this).text() but it displays all the text in the table.

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How To Change Contents Of Form Without Refreshing HTML Page

Jan 27, 2011

How do you update the contents of a form from a click of a button? I can poplate the contents of a table that is inside a form on the initial creation of the page

<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">
<p align="center">
List of Dying Patients
</p> <br><br>
<table border="1" align="center">
<td>Last Name</td>
<td>First Name</td>
<td>Middle Initial</td>
<td>Date of Birth</td>
<td>SS Number</td>
<td>Marital Status</td>

and this is the contents of the function populatePatientList();
for (var x=0;x<mainArr.length;x++) {
document.write("<tr>" +
"<td>" + mainArr[x][0] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + mainArr[x][1] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + mainArr[x][2] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + mainArr[x][3] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + mainArr[x][4] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + mainArr[x][5] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + mainArr[x][6] + "</td>" +

After this the table will have all the contents of the array. How do I reinvoke the form to have the updated version of the array shown on the table without refreshing the whole page? The page cannot be refreshed because the data is just in an array and when I do refresh the page the contents of the array gets back to its default. Is it even possible to refresh just a part of a page, in my case a table after a button click or are there other button events I can try to play with?

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Run - Website For Different Browsers - Using HTML - CSS ?

Aug 6, 2010

I am developing a website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Actually, I used Javascript a lot in that website and I am developing it in Internet Explorer Environment but I want to display it on the Firefox or Google Chrome but the problem is some of javascript codes do not work in these browsers. So what Should I do?

I think I need to define the javascript for the different browsers, so how can I do that?

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Ajax :: Possible To Download HTML Text From Other Website?

Aug 31, 2010

I'm a AJAX newbie, I was wondering if I can use the .responseText method, to load the text from other website? For example, how can I download the data from "[URL]" and display the data in my own way? It seems that the .responseText/.responseXML does not work here...

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Translate Home Videos To HTML Script To Embed In Website?

Jun 25, 2009

I have alot of home videos I want to put on my website, and it seems that the easiest way to do it would be to embed it onto my website using HTML script. Problem is, I have no clue how to convert in into HTML scrip

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In HTML Website Connectivity To MS Access Database That Is Hosted On NIC Server

Sep 9, 2011

Html website what is the code in javascript to connect to a MS Access database that is hosted on NIC Server.If not so possible in javascript then any other option what can added in HTML website

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Analyze The Contents Of A Textbox And Replace The Contents With The Appropriate Date?

Jul 15, 2009

I'm looking for javascript to analyze the contents of a textbox and replace the contents with the appropriate date. To make that a little clearer, if the user types 'tomorrow' then when they tab/move onto the next text box the 'tomorrow' text should be replaced with the date for tomorrow in the format dd/mm/yyyy, if the user enters '1 week' then the text should be replaced with the date in one week in the format dd/mm/yyyy etc.

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HTML Document Outline "Table Of Contents" Generator

May 4, 2010

I have this script that will read all the headers (h1-h6) in your HTML document and also HTML comment tags which are specially recognized, and it will create an HTML document "table of contents" (or outline) and insert it as a DIV within the document. This is for people with ESPECIALLY LONG HTML makes sense for this purpose.

The script is attached to this post in a zip. The zip archive has four JS files. 'htmlTOCgenerator.js' has all the meat of getting the nodes and generating the DOM nodes for the ToC. The other three have 'support' functions and are included. The 'colorContrasting.js' file is actually supposed to compute 'complementary' colors from random color generation. Why? Refresh the document each time, and the ToC has a different foreground (text) and background color, that's why. Breaks up the monotony. A large comment block inside 'htmlTOCgenerator.js' tells the document maker how to set up the HTML document for making this work.

In a first version, this script inserted the ToC ('table of contents') at the top of the document where the HTML comment tag "<!-- putTOChere -->" was placed/found.

Then I decided it was better to place the ToC DIV element to the left of the text, in a fixed block (does not scroll with text). The ToC DIV contents themselves are scrollable in case the contents would go beneath the bottom of the client window height--can't have that.

Click here to see an example of how it works:

I am having problems with it though.

1. The scrollbar on the ToC block always shows, even if the contents don't fill up the block. The CSS is set for 'overflow-y:scroll' but that does not mean the scrollbar does not show if there is no overflow. It would be nice to control that. Still have not figured it out.

For an example of not enough headers to fill out the height-specified (by necessity) fixed DIV block, see this page.

2. In my documents, the main body of text is all wrapped in a DIV with its right- and left-margins set to 'auto', so that when user widens or narrows the client window, the text is always centered. I need to stop the main body text from running behind the TOC during a narrowing of the client window. I thought setting the right margin of the ToC DIV should stop that. Anyway, that is a CSS styling problem, I suppose, although the CSS must be set through script (I do through script since the instructions don't require the document maker to set up CSS: too many instructions become annoying for anyone wanting utility in the script). And if you think frames are answer, that complicates matters and I believe it gets away from the eventuality when frames are deprecated.

3. I also want criticism on how to make this presentation/structuring/interaction of the ToC block better or workable.

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Files In Website Are Constantly Getting Injected With Malicious Codes Which Redirects Website?

Jan 28, 2010

The javascripts files in my website are constantly getting injected with malicious codes which redirects my website

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